by Chris Moon
So there I was, standing in the broadcast booth of one of the largest FM stations in the country, both DJs incapacitated from emotion, and my recently deceased grandfather is attempting to talk to me on the air.
“Grandpa, is that you?” I asked.
He immediately replied, “Yes, I need to talk to you.”
Sheepishly I said, “Um, this isn’t the best time. Can we please do this later?”
In typical fashion he replied, “I suppose!” The producer signaled they had to go to commercial and that my segment was over. I wrapped up the session and was extremely happy to leave the station that day. Looking back, it was an opportunity for thousands of people to experience something that many wouldn’t have thought possible. I’m a big believer in synchronicity, and this was a great example.
I’ve been extremely fortunate to connect my living clients with their deceased loved ones, spirit guides, and angels. I once had a female client tell me after a particularly animated private session with her father that, “I have literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in therapy over the years attempting to have closure with my dead father. After paying you $120 and twenty minutes of your time, I’m completely at peace.” That was an amazing compliment.
I’ve also experienced quite a few things I wasn’t expecting. I did a Moon Family Psychic Experience at the Inner Space in Atlanta, Georgia, several years ago when the unexpected happened. We finished our presentation and my mother had completed tarot card and psychic readings for the attendees. I turned on the Ghost Box and started taking questions from the audience as always. We had some great connections in the front row and things moved along quickly. When I pointed to the first woman in the second row, she wanted to communicate with her father, but a woman’s voice came through the speaker instead, demanding to speak to her. The woman in the audience became extremely irritated and said she knew exactly who the woman was and she wanted no part in talking to her. The spirit continued to force her way through the speaker and demanded she speak to this woman. The woman in the audience became enraged and left immediately after the gallery was done. She popped her head back in as we were cleaning up and said, “That was my evil stepmother who was coming through your machine. I want no part of talking to her. Why wouldn’t my father come through and talk to me?”
I didn’t really know what to say, as this was the first time something like this had happened, so I replied, “She must’ve had a message for you.”
The woman replied, “Well, this is just ridiculous!”
I was a little shaken by the exchange and wondered why the Technician would allow the spirit to come through and annoy this poor woman. I shrugged it off and moved on. The next day when we returned to the shop to do a long day of private readings. I immediately noticed the woman from the night before standing in the lobby. The owner of Inner Space pulled me quickly aside and said, “She booked a private reading with you. Are you okay with that?”
I ended up doing the private reading for the woman and, while her guard was up at the beginning of the session, she soon listened to the message her deceased stepmother was trying to relay. The stepmother apologized for acting the way she did in life and told the woman she loved her very much and that she loved her father even more. The spirit told the woman that she was with her father and that he wanted to speak to her. When her father came through, he and his daughter had an extremely emotional exchange. The woman cried what appeared to be tears of happiness. By the time I turned off the machine, she seemed to have a definite sense of peace.
Afterward, she told me she was glad she was able to resolve things with her stepmother and now had a better understanding of why she acted the way she did in life. She said if she hadn’t returned for the session, she never would have had closure with her stepmother and probably wouldn’t have attempted to communicate with her father again. Once again, I was glad I stuck to my guns and relayed the messages exactly as I heard them.
I’ve had so many incredible and emotional experiences conducting private and gallery Ghost Box sessions that there is no way I could share them all here, but I do want to touch on some that stand out to me.
As I mentioned, I’ve been blessed to be able to lecture, read, and conduct ghost hunts for college students on campuses throughout the United States for the past ten years. Whether it be spring, fall, or winter events, my mother and I have a busy college touring schedule. It’s interesting to me that the ghost hunts on campuses seem to follow a particular pattern. Usually students go into it with the hopes to be scared, and while that does happen, what intrigues me is when they’re able to experience the Ghost Box for the first time. Sure, it’s cool and spooky to communicate with the spirits that remain on the campus and the students love. But the coolest thing for me is to see the reaction when a loved one in spirit comes through the speaker of the machine. It’s so amazing and emotional for them that their entire demeanor typically changes. Not only does their body language change, but in most cases the vibe of the entire group of students is transformed as well. What starts out as an amped-up audience—oohing, ahhing, and laughing, ready to be frightened and freaked out—morphs into a connected group of concerned and empathetic individuals. As each student connects with their loved one, hands are placed on one another’s shoulders and many hugs are shared. By the end of the night, many students come up to me with tears in their eyes, hugging and thanking me for coming to their school and connecting them with the spirit of someone they thought they’d never communicate with again. It truly is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received.
One instance on a college campus stands out above the rest. I was invited to speak at a Christian University in Lincoln, Nebraska. I really enjoy speaking at all types of schools, but from time to time, strict religious schools can be a challenge. I did my presentation for a large group of students who were extremely receptive and intrigued by my evidence and stories. When it came time to take students on the ghost hunt, there were a large number of volunteers. I’m only allowed to take forty students due to safety reasons. I had nearly double that amount on this investigation so I made an exception. We ended up going into a building I soon realized was some sort of dorm. This is not the type of building I like to be in for fear that students may want to move out after they find out there are ghosts in their campus home, but the administration gave me permission.
I turned on the device and started asking questions about which spirits were there with us. A few spirits claiming to be associated with the school came through. They gave their names and the students asked them why they were there, when and how they died, and so on. I was relaying information as fast as I possibly could, but things became a bit jumbled. Chaos is nothing new in these situations and my mother, who was there with me, tried to calm things down.
As I continued, a voice I hadn’t heard in quite some time came through the speakers. I immediately knew who it was, but was afraid to relay it to the group of students for fear they would think I was crazier than they already thought. The students asked him all of the same questions and he claimed to have been a student who died there after drinking too much beer and falling out of the window. He made some jokes and everyone laughed. Someone asked what his name was and he replied, “Gus the drunk.” The students laughed in unison.
I played along with him for a few minutes and then said, “Okay, what is your real name?”
There was the customary pause before he announced in full British swagger, “It’s me, John Lennon!” A nervous laughter filled the crowd and then a murmur of students questioning and talking to one another. He chuckled a bit and then his voice began to fade away.
Suddenly, a young girl’s voice came through the speaker and called out a name. The crowd fell silent. A young female student slowly walked from the back of the crowd toward the front. As she walked toward us, she said in a shaky voice, “What did that say?”
My mother and I repeated the nam
e we heard. “That’s my name!” she said. “I don’t even believe in this stuff. I thought this was a joke.”
I motioned her toward us and said, “I think there’s somebody who wants to talk to you.” The student stood over the device and spoke down toward it.
She asked, “Who is this?” Two distinct female children’s voices came through and identified themselves. The student broke into nearly inconsolable crying. When she pulled herself together, she had a conversation with them that was heart-wrenching. It was a personal conversation I think only she could understand.
One message that everyone heard in the room through the speaker was, “Tell Mom it wasn’t her fault. We’re not mad at her.” Again, the young woman broke into tears.
She then asked, “Are you mad at me? Do you forgive me?”
One of the girls said, “We were never mad at you.” After this extremely emotional exchange, we shut down the session, and the young woman voluntarily told us what had happened. She said that some time earlier, she had an argument with her two little sisters and essentially told them she hated both of them. Shortly after, the two little girls got into the family van with their mother. Tragically, they got into a car accident. Both of the children were killed but the mother survived. The mother was heartbroken and felt responsible since she had been driving that day and their sister, the student who stood in front of us, was left with the terrible guilt of the last words she spoke to her little sisters. She was shaken by the communication we just had, but told us her sisters had come through to let her know that the accident wasn’t her mother’s fault and they didn’t blame her. The spirits also reassured the student they knew she loved them very much.
The entire group of students was completely stunned into silence. The emotion of that moment was overwhelming for everyone present, including my mother and me. After we ended the session, we went with the girl and one of her close friends to a private conference room. I turned on the device and she was able to converse with her sisters for more than an hour. The little girls’ spirits passed on messages to several members of the family. The student told us she was going to a family wedding the next day and she was thrilled she could pass along these messages to several of her family members. My mom and I both hugged her several times and told her how grateful we were to be a part of her reconnecting with her sisters. She thanked us repeatedly even as she walked away.
Of course, the topic of our conversation later that night was about this amazing communication we’ve been involved with. One of us turned on the television in the background and as we were talking, our attention turned to a story that popped up. It turns out it was John Lennon’s birthday that day! We both looked at each other and laughed. Once again, John was a messenger and he lightened the mood before bringing in spirits who needed to relay an important message.
A week or so later, I started to receive thank-you notes from the student’s family for the messages the girls relayed. They said the experience gave them all great comfort and peace, especially their mother. My mom and I felt blessed to be a part of this amazing situation.
When people think about the Ghost Box, the first thought that comes to mind is communication with the dead—however, this isn’t always the case. Probably one of my most unique cases involved a favor I did for a friend. I was shopping at the mall one day when I received a call from someone I hadn’t spoken to in a while. He was panicked and begging for my help. Once I calmed him down, I asked him to tell me in detail what was happening. He told me his younger brother was missing and no one could figure out where he was. He asked me to use the Ghost Box in an attempt to find out what might have happened to him, providing any possible clues.
Dina and I hurried back to the office and turned on the device. I asked for my Spirit Technician to come through and provide any information they possibly could on where my friend’s brother might be, whether it be here or in the next world. When we asked for him by name, there was some confusion—he was not easy to reach. After a few minutes of intense effort, we heard a distant and strained voice come through the speaker of the machine. My friend’s brother was extremely confused and my hope quickly faded away. He sounded like a spirit trapped in the earthbound realm and my goal rapidly changed from hoping to find him to doing everything I could to get him to go to the light. We talked to him for several minutes, but it was obvious he was extremely confused, as most earthbound spirits are. We encouraged him to move through the light and told him he would find peace there. At one point it sounded like he had made the decision to cross over, but we couldn’t be sure.
The minute I turned off the machine, I realized I had to make a terrible call to my friend to let him know we communicated with his brother’s spirit and that he was no longer with us. The phone call was extremely emotional and I felt horrible having to deliver that type of news, but there seemed to be a sense of relief for my friend. I wasn’t sure I would ever emotionally recover from having to deliver that message. Eventually life and work took over my thoughts, but there is rarely a day I don’t think about my friend and his poor brother.
Several weeks later I was hard at work in the Haunted Times Magazine office editing stories for the next issue when I received another phone call. Once again it was my friend on the phone, but this time his mood was exuberant and it was hard to slow him down enough for him to deliver the news. It turned out his brother had been in an abusive relationship and when he was reported missing, the apartment was found empty. While the police searched for him, they didn’t think to search the grounds around his apartment complex. They found him behind the apartments near a stream. He was still alive, though not conscious. It seems he had been beaten and left there for several days. By the time they got him to the hospital, he was in a deep coma and they weren’t sure if he would pull out of it. He was listed as a John Doe, as he had no identification on him at the time he was found. Miraculously, he woke up and soon asked for someone to contact his family and let them know where he was.
When my friend visited him in the hospital, his brother said that while he was in a coma he heard a voice telling him he would be okay and to go through the light. He said he had a vision of a man with long blond hair speaking to him and encouraging him to “go home.” He heeded the advice and moved through the light and that’s when he woke up. My friend was completely stunned by this news, realizing I had reached out to his brother and that I was the person he saw and heard while in his coma.
I was completely blown away by this conversation. I knew I had the ability to speak to spirits that are deceased, but I had no idea I could communicate with a spirit still in human form. This was a gigantic revelation for me. My friend didn’t tell his brother about me, or that he had asked me to reach out to him. He thought it would be best left unsaid.
A year or so later, we held one of our Ghost Hunter University events at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My friend called and signed up for the event. We didn’t think much of it other than it would be good to see him again. When the guests began to arrive at the prison, we saw our friend walking toward us with a tall, slender young man. My friend walked up and hugged both Dina and I before introducing his brother. His brother shook my hand and it seemed like a very ordinary meeting.
We conducted the event that night and after we wrapped up, I was surprised when our friend pulled me aside and said, “He told me that you are the man that he saw during the coma, the one who helped him.” It was then that my friend told his brother about his request for us to use the Ghost Box to find him.
I looked at his brother who was staring at me. A slight knowing grin came over his face as he walked toward me. He grabbed me and gave me one of the tightest hugs I’ve ever experienced in my life. Quietly in my ear he said a simple, “Thank you.” My heart was full and my head felt very light. The gravity of the situation became all too real. He released me, turned his back, and walked away. That was the last time I ever
saw him. From that moment on, I realized I would always learn from this amazing machine. To this day, I don’t believe we’ve begun to scratch the surface of what the Ghost Box is capable of.
What a long strange trip it’s been. I’ve been extremely fortunate to investigate active locations worldwide. Though I’ve been a believer, researcher, and experiencer of the reality of an extraordinary afterlife for many years, I was not by any means someone who (initially, at least) thought Frank Sumption’s creation was anything more than a broken radio. That disbelief lasted for an entire year after being given one of Frank’s original Ghost Box devices to test in the field.
It was only after I actually tested the Ghost Box, first in my office and then at the Sallie House, that I realized it truly worked—and that the possibilities for using the Ghost Box were endless: connect with loved ones in spirit, communicate with historical figures from any era, and even pick up messages from diverse astral beings, from angels to ETs. Another possibility is helping the police solve crimes with the Ghost Box. My team and I are still in the process of working on a double homicide case that happened in 1970. Rumor has it the information we’ve provided to local law enforcement was the reason the case was reopened several years ago as an active cold case file. (My mom and I plan to write a full account of this tragic crime and what we found out using the Ghost Box in a future book.)
Frank Sumption and I worked together for many years attempting to improve the Ghost Box technology. We didn’t always get along and we butted heads on more than one occasion, but in the end we remained colleagues and friends. We experienced the sudden popularity of the Ghost Box and also dealt with those who attempted to destroy the research and messages it provided.