Hers, Untamed

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Hers, Untamed Page 2

by Anna Adler

  Alyssa longed to fondle her pet some more, but she couldn’t risk having him wake up and grab her. Instead, she rose, exited the cage, and closed the door. It locked automatically and the only way to unlock it was her fingerprint on the keypad.

  The Interstellar facility pet display rooms were made out of unbreakable glass. Alyssa’s cage was less high-tech: it had metal bars. Still, it ought to be good enough. She had given her pet a mattress, a blanket and pillows, all in stylish black, anthracite, and dark purple. She wanted his cage to look as masculine as him. He might use furniture or other objects to harm her or himself, so they were out of the question for now. The cage connected to a small toilet around the corner, providing the means with which to relieve himself, but everything else would have to happen through her. The more he had to rely on her, the faster he would accept her as his owner. And the sooner he accepted her, the more liberties she could grant him.

  She strapped the control band to her wrist and activated it. Then all she could do was pace the room and wait.

  Finally, he stirred. Her heart beating faster, Alyssa pushed a large floor pillow closer to the cage and sat down on it. She watched, mesmerized, as he groaned, swallowed, and rubbed his eyes before sitting up and taking in his environment. His gaze landed on Alyssa, his pale eyes narrowing dangerously. A shiver went through her, but she gave him a brave smile.

  “Hello. My name is Alyssa. I’m your new owner.”

  Her pet made a scornful sound and dropped back down. Apparently this was not what he wanted to hear upon waking.

  “Of course, you’ll address me as ‘Mistress’ if you wish to talk to me,” she went on pleasantly. “And your name is Jax.”

  Alyssa had thought long and hard on what to name her pet. It had kept her up half the night. Finally she had decided on Jax. It sounded fittingly manly and dashing.

  “I know this is all new for you…they didn’t finish your training, so you don’t know what’s expected of you. That’s all right. I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

  She waited to see what effect this had. She had to find out how much he understood. If he didn’t speak proper English, she would have to be patient with him, until he picked it up. Jax remained motionless for half a minute. Then he sat up again and faced her. He scraped his fingers through his hair and gave her a bold look from head to toe. Pets weren’t usually allowed such rude behavior, but a thrill of pleasure went through Alyssa. This was good. She wanted him to take note of her, not ignore her.

  “You’re my pet, Jax. Your job is to obey me. But don’t worry; I’m a responsible pet owner, and I’m going to take extremely good care of you.”

  Jax scoffed and shook his head, as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Alyssa grinned at him. “You understand what I’m saying, don’t you? That’s good. Interstellar Pet Training couldn’t verify your language skills, but it seems you speak English. I think you and I are going to get along just fine.”

  Jax barked a laugh. “Where,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly, “in the hell am I?”

  Alyssa’s heart skipped. He sounded just as sexy as she’d hoped. She tilted her head. “This is my apartment. You were moved here about an hour ago.”

  “No, I mean…planet, city, time, date. What the fuck is going on?”

  “Oh.” Didn’t they tell him? “You’re on Silenia. This is the capital…Sky Dome One. Today is January 13th Earth Standard, and it’s 8:30 in the morning.”

  “Silenia? Where the hell is that? What the fuck is going on?”

  “We’re going to have to clean up your language, Jax.”

  He fixed a menacing glare on her. “My name is not Jax.”

  Alyssa was prepared for his rebellion. She met his glare and said, “It is now.”

  Jax pushed himself to his feet. “All right, cutie, I’ve had enough. I’m getting the hell out of here now. Open this fucking cage.”

  Alyssa rose as well. “No. You’re staying right where you are.”

  Jax clasped the bars and snarled at her. “Open it! Or else…”

  Alyssa backed away from the cage. She could see what was going on; it was useless to argue with him. He would continue his demand to be released, and her refusal would only frustrate him more. He would work himself into a rage. She should give her pet some alone time, let him adjust to his new circumstances.

  “I’m going out,” she told him with a reassuring smile. “I have some business to take care of. In the meantime, you should make yourself at home. Don’t hesitate to test the bars—they’ll hold. We’ll talk more when I get back.”

  Then she grabbed her things and exited the apartment. Jax’s roaring and cursing followed her all the way into the elevator. Alyssa made a mental note to notify the neighbors that she was training a new pet and to apologize for the noise.

  Chapter 3

  In the elevator, Alyssa called Lucia and told her that her pet was a dream come true.

  “He’s talking to me! We had a conversation.”

  “Wow, what did he say?”

  “Cursed a lot and demanded I let him go.”

  Lucia made an excited squeal. “I want to come and see him!”

  “Not yet. I need a few days alone with him first.”

  Alyssa understood, of course, why Jax had spoken to her. Three weeks with Interstellar hadn’t persuaded him to talk, but most likely being overpowered had put him in defensive mode. Now, alone with her, he sensed a weakness. He probably figured he could intimidate her into letting him go. But Alyssa knew what he was about and wasn’t going to let him order her around. Jax would learn her orders were the only ones that mattered now.

  She indulged herself with a long shopping tour. She bought spice-scented bath foams that she thought her pet would like, and leashes of different lengths. Interstellar had provided her with Jax’s measurements, so she bought clothes for him…simple, masculine pants and shirts in dark colors that would show his muscular frame to an advantage. She lunched with a work colleague before heading back to her apartment.

  Her heart beat faster the closer she got to home. In the end she had to resist the urge to run. Jax had been alone for several hours now, and she couldn’t wait to get back to him. Many pet owners had cameras installed in their apartments and a constant live video stream of their pets showing on their wristband or phone. Alyssa had decided against it. Of course it would be wonderful to know what her pet was doing at all times, but she knew it would all too easily lead to addiction. Several of her colleagues did nothing but check on their pets all the time, hoping to catch them masturbating. Alyssa rather endured the suspense. Besides, psychologically it was better for the pet to be allowed privacy.

  Silence greeted her when she entered. Alyssa dropped her load of shopping bags on the table and advanced into the apartment, curious. Jax was securely in his cage, although he had thrown his bedding around. He had gutted a pillow, its white feather filling covering the floor among the torn remains of his shirt. He lay topless on the mattress, arms folded behind his head. Sweat still glistened on his skin from his efforts. His gaze followed Alyssa, but he remained motionless.

  “Hello there,” Alyssa said. She was suddenly hot and breathless, looking at him, his bare torso so deliciously on display. He was so wild and vicious, so full of passion. She’d never encountered anyone like him. She wondered if she wanted to tame him, after all.

  Trying to recover from her momentary confusion, Alyssa continued, “Are you hungry? I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet today.”

  Jax didn’t reply. His unnerving eyes remained on her, and Alyssa moved to the kitchen to hide her jitters.

  I mustn’t show weakness…

  On a normal day, she would order food, or bring some with her from the city when she came home from work. She didn’t like cooking, but now she felt compelled. This meant something to her: it was the first meal she would serve her pet. Alyssa bought the ingredients yesterday evening and she proceeded to prepare them. She took her time, measuring
everything with precision and paying attention to cooking times. Considering her limited skills in this field, she was proud of the end result. The heap of brown mash on the plate didn’t look spectacular, but it smelled appetizing enough. She hoped Jax would like it. Alyssa didn’t harbor any illusions, though. Jax was more likely to fling the plate at her than eat what she offered. Nonetheless, she wanted to go through the trouble for his sake. He was her most prized possession.

  She carried the food into the living room and placed the plate in the small opening of the cage. After also slipping a bottle of water between the bars, she withdrew, and watched with hopeful curiosity.

  Reason told her Jax would either ignore the food or throw it at her—it was the expected rebellious reaction. She tensed when he rose and approached the bars to inspect her offering. He grabbed the bottle of water, unscrewed the cork and drank half of it in one go.

  Good. That means I don’t have to worry about him getting dehydrated.

  He put the bottle away and took the plate. He scowled at her. “What, am I supposed to just eat it like this? Don’t you people have forks around here?”

  Alyssa made a regretful face. “I can’t give you utensils. Safety reasons.”

  Jax scoffed and sat down with his plate. Without further ado, he began to eat, shoveling the food into his mouth with his right hand. Alyssa let out a breath, a wonderful, warm feeling spreading inside her. He was eating! Her pet was eating the food she made him! She felt immense affection for him and she was suddenly happier than she remembered being for a long time. She could have just sat there all afternoon, watching him.

  Of course, Alyssa knew Jax was not doing this in order to make her happy. He had not given up his resistance. He wanted to eat and drink in order to keep his strength so he was ready to strike when he detected an opportunity. His intelligence worried her a little. It meant she had to remain on her guard and make sure she was always one-step ahead of him. But she was also tremendously pleased. He was not quiet or unresponsive. After three weeks with Interstellar, he was still unbroken, and Alyssa loved that he looked at her and communicated with her. What a magnificent companion he would become!

  Jax emptied his plate, after which he proceeded to lick and suck his fingers clean. A flush of heat went through Alyssa, centering in her belly, making it tighten. There was something erotic about the sight. She wanted to lick his fingers, too.

  Finished with his meal, Jax wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and fixed his gaze on Alyssa. “So how much money do I have to offer you to get the fuck out of here?”

  Ah, here we go again…the next attempt.

  Alyssa kept her expression calm. “I’m not interested in money, Jax. You’re mine. Nothing’s going to change that.”

  “You don’t own me.”

  She remained unfazed. “I purchased you legally.”

  “Legally?” Jax burst out, motioning at his cage. “There’s nothing legal about this!”

  “I have the documents to prove it. According to Silenian law—”

  “Yeah, yeah…you’re all insane on this goddamn rock.” Jax rubbed his eyes. “So what the hell do you want from me, anyway?”

  Alyssa wasn’t sure if she understood the question. Wasn’t it obvious what pets were for?

  “It’s the muscle, isn’t it?” he went on. “You want to put me in a fighting pit? To fight some space monster for your amusement?”

  “No!” Alyssa cried out. “I would never do such a thing.”

  “What then?”

  “Well, of course there are pet sports events and the Pet-o-lympics…running, swimming, jumping, wrestling, and so on…they’re popular entertainment on Silenia. But it’s strictly non-violent. If you’re interested in competing, I can of course sign you up and train you. It’d be wonderful. But that’s not the reason I bought you.”

  “So why the fuck am I here?”

  “We’re really going to have to work on your language, Jax.”

  “My name is not Jax.”

  Alyssa only looked at him sternly.

  He sighed. “Whatever. Just tell me.”

  “I simply wanted a pet as a companion. Someone to spend time with. And…”

  She paused, realizing she probably shouldn’t confess just yet that she intended to have sex with him. He wasn’t ready for it. It would take a long time before she could trust him with intimacy. A pity, really, because she already desired him so badly. It would be hard for her to wait, but it was better to keep this from him for now.

  But Jax caught on quick. “And?” he demanded.

  Heat rose in her cheeks. “Nothing.”

  He glared at her for a second, the answer dawning on him. “Oh, for fuck’s sake…I’m supposed to be your sex slave or something?”

  “You’re not a slave,” Alyssa protested.

  Jax sprang on his feet. “What’s the difference, you crazy woman? You keep me in a cage, you claim to have bought me, I’m wearing a fucking collar, and I’m supposed to fuck on command? What the hell do you call it then?”

  “You are my pet, Jax,” Alyssa stressed, also standing up. “You’re a valued possession and you’re my companion. I know you haven’t been trained, so you haven’t accepted your position yet.”

  “No one in their right mind would accept this!”

  “I’m not going to argue with you, Jax,” Alyssa said in a severe tone. Her pet was getting a little too arrogant, and she decided it was time to take control of the situation. “I have work to do. I’ll see you again later.”

  With that, she exited the room. Alyssa had studied every pet training guide she could get her hands on. She knew being left alone was a more effective punishment than pain. Locked in a cage with nothing to do, the pet would quickly become bored and crave company—any company. Jax had already spent three weeks in captivity, so Alyssa’s company must have been a welcome change for him, even if he hated her. He would learn that when he pleased her, she would reward him. Simple behavioral psychology.

  Alyssa spent three hours doing long overdue paperwork at home. She also put the new items she had bought for Jax in their proper places. But after three hours, she longed to see him again and she couldn’t help but go back to him.

  Jax was sitting on his mattress, leaning back against the wall, his expression dark. His eyes fixated on her, following her movements the way a predator might observe the movements of his prey. A thrill went through Alyssa, and her breath quickened.

  She paused in front of his cage. She was eager to take the next step in his training, but she needed him to cooperate. If he was in a foul mood, she would have to leave him alone again.

  “Confined in this small space is bad for you in the long run,” she told him gently. “I want to offer you a chance to stretch your legs. Are you interested?”

  Jax gave her a long, unreadable look. Then he pushed himself up. “Yeah, I’m interested.”

  Alyssa smiled warmly at him.

  My clever pet! He sees a chance to explore the environment…to look for a way to escape.

  She entered a few commands on her wristband, and Jax’s collar activated with a blip. “Now, pay attention, Jax. I would never hurt you. I would never hit you. But I have to protect myself, and that’s why you’re wearing that collar. When you’re out of the cage, you only move when I tell you to move, and only in the direction I indicate. The collar will zap you if you don’t obey, or if you come too close to me.”

  Jax scoffed. “Figures.”

  But his expression had switched from brooding to alert; he clearly wanted to be out of the cage. Alyssa was delighted that he was playing along.

  “Step back,” she said, and he obeyed. She unlocked the cage door with her fingerprint and retreated to let Jax out. She needed to stay about two meters away from him. His collar kept tabs of his distance to her, and would punish him if he came too close.

  Jax stepped out of the cage. He stood still for a second, as if assessing the situation, considering. Then, he lunged at her
. Alyssa jumped back, but Jax had already dropped to the floor with an agonized scream, clutching his neck. Alyssa retreated to a safe distance.

  “Stay still!” she cried out. “Don’t move and it’ll stop.”

  Jax froze. He gasped for breath as the pain eased then bounced back on his feet. He charged at her again, only to come to a standstill when the pain hit him. His body arched back as if hit by lightning and his knees gave in. His face twisted in agony and turned red, but he only let out a strangled growl. He crawled toward her, gritting his teeth, his pale eyes blazing.

  “Stop it,” Alyssa snapped, but he kept coming at her, dragging himself ever slower the closer he got. “It won’t work; you’re only hurting yourself.”

  Alyssa heard the faint sizzle of the collar as its punishment intensified. She felt bad for her pet, but she didn’t move away. He had to learn his lesson. Jax reached out to grab her, snarling, the tendons on his neck standing out. A scream tore from his throat. Then he dropped face down to the floor and didn’t move.


  Alyssa jabbed at her wristband, deactivating the collar, and knelt at his side. She turned him over and took his face in her hands.

  “Jax, you’re crazy. Please be okay…”

  She felt for his pulse and found it rapid but strong. He was breathing. He seemed to be fine. She realized that he might come to any second. Regretfully, she let go of him and retreated to a safe distance. A tap on her wristband reactivated the collar.

  A minute later, Jax coughed and stirred. He rubbed his neck, wincing, and sat up.

  “Don’t do that again,” Alyssa scolded him. “I don’t want to watch you suffer.”

  He snorted. “Just testing your little traps.”

  Alyssa’s mouth opened and closed again. He was tougher than she had guessed. Pushing the uneasy thought aside, she straightened up.

  “Well, if you’re done testing…”

  Jax grinned—a flash of white teeth. “Yeah, I’m done testing,” the grin seemed to say, “for now.” He rose to his feet without effort, his muscles rippling.

  Alyssa swallowed. She pointed to the adjoining hallway. “Walk that way. Slowly. I’ll walk behind you.”


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