Hers, Untamed

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Hers, Untamed Page 15

by Anna Adler

  “Just out of curiosity,” Jax said. “What would have happened if a man bought me? Would I be some guy’s sex toy now?”

  “Depends,” Alyssa replied. “The majority of Silenians are heterosexual, but even heterosexuals experiment with the same sex and different types of ménages. We’re open-minded here. However, non-consensual sex is forbidden, even with pets. Regardless if a man or a woman bought you, they must make sure you’re attracted to them before having sex with you. If a male owner failed to get you interested, he’d have to either keep you as a regular pet or sell you to someone else. Usually the pet’s sexual orientation is determined during the training so the pet can be sold to an ideal owner. In your case, that didn’t happen because I bought you untrained.”

  “So what would you have done if I turned out to be gay?”

  “Ah…” Alyssa chewed on her lip. “I probably would have kept you anyway. I just wouldn’t have slept with you. You’re so good-looking and so much fun to be around you’d make a great companion, even without the sex.”

  “That’s what you say,” he said smugly. “I bet you would’ve been all over me anyway.”

  “I know how to exercise self-control,” Alyssa protested.

  Jax grinned at her. “You have the self-control of a weathervane.”

  “And you find it flattering,” she shot back.

  Most Silenians were already at work, so the Silverhall station only saw few people catching their trains, which pleased Alyssa. During rush hour, space in the trains was hard to come by, and Jax wouldn’t like squeezing in with the locals. A handful of people stood on the platform as Alyssa and Jax descended the escalator.

  “Where are all the other pets?” Jax wondered, perhaps noticing he was the only one wearing a leash.

  “At home. The owners leave their pets behind when they go to work. They return during lunch hours to feed them and walk them, and then go back to work.”

  Jax frowned. “What do you mean ‘walk’ them?”

  Alyssa shrugged. “Simply walk them. Pet owners take walks with their pets, usually around lunch and dinner hours. At night they might go clubbing. The purpose is to show the pet to society. The owner receives a lot of admiration.”

  Alyssa thought longingly about how much admiration she would receive every day for the rest of her life, going on walks with Jax.

  Well, it’s not too late yet. Just keep him happy.

  Jax gave a snort. “On Earth walking a pet means something different.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “Taking your pet dog for a walk means you want it to do its business next to a fire hydrant.”

  “What? Really?” Alyssa laughed. “You better not do anything with fire hydrants. People would be shocked. If you need to go, tell me, and I’ll take you to a public restroom.”

  A train arrived on the platform and halted smoothly. Magtrains moved almost soundlessly because they never touched the ground. A magnetic field kept them afloat above the rails. The doors slid open and Alyssa and Jax entered. Alyssa guided her pet to a walled-off compartment with the sign “commuters with companion”.

  “Are we segregated or what?” Jax snorted. “Don’t tell me some of you are allergic to pets. Why the hell do pet owners have to sit isolated from the others?”

  Alyssa chuckled. “Isolated? You don’t understand. These are the better seats. Pet owners travel first class. Sit next to me.”

  They sat down. Being the only ones in the pet section, Alyssa was able to talk freely. “We’re taking this train to the Central Station, three stops away. At Central, we switch to a train that goes to the spaceport. This is the easy part. All you have to do is follow me.”

  “Seems like a piece of cake so far,” Jax said.

  “The spaceport itself is a bit trickier. It’s not just a spaceport. It’s also a shopping district, a spa, a sports arena, and a popular meeting place…more people means tighter security. But it’s good we’re doing this today; you’ll know what to expect tomorrow.”

  Jax shrugged. “All I care about is where the cameras are and how I can disable them.”

  Five minutes later, the train arrived at Central Station. Alyssa led Jax off the train and across the platform to the next. She was beginning to relax and enjoy herself. Jax behaved well and seemed to be in a good mood. He walked right behind her shoulder like he was supposed to, and, being nearly a head taller than Alyssa, gave the flattering impression of a bodyguard. Alyssa noticed people’s heads turning as they walked past. She smiled, lifted her chin, and held on to Jax’s leash with more confidence. How delightful it was to have an imposing creature like him following her around.

  “I see other people with pets,” Jax observed. “Don’t they have to work?”

  “Sure. Everybody works. These people might be on vacation like I am, or they might be working a different shift.”

  A stylish woman in murderously high heels walked past in quick, determined strides with an enormous Wolfman loping beside her on all fours. “Oh wow,” she exclaimed and winked at Alyssa. “Yours is good-looking.”

  “Thanks,” Alyssa called back. “Yours is marvelous, too.”

  A dark-haired man without a pet stopped next to them, eyeing Jax. His face was lit with calculative admiration; he might as well have been wrapping a measuring tape around Jax’s bicep. “Impressive,” he said to Alyssa. “Say, I have a female human-Lizardian hybrid at home. She wants to have a baby, and I promised to find a mate for her. Could I borrow your pet for the purpose?”

  Jax’s nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. Alyssa quickly stepped between him and the man. “I’m afraid not,” she said. “My pet is very particular about his mates.”

  The train arrived, and Alyssa stepped in. The other passengers made way for her and Jax, several of them voicing compliments on Jax’s size and good looks.

  “I’ve never seen that kind of hybrid before. Where did you get him?”

  “I love those eyes; so unusual!”

  “Incredible muscles. Are you in the Wrestling Tournament?”

  A few tried to touch Jax. He wore a T-shirt, and people were fascinated by his scaly arms. Alyssa quickly told them off.

  “Please don’t touch him. He’s still in training and he’s a little jumpy.”

  She received understanding nods and more compliments for possessing such a handsome creature.

  “Mom, I want a pet like that,” a girl, perhaps ten years old, said to her mother.

  “Not until you’re a grown-up,” the mother said. “He’s too big for you. Now don’t point, it’s impolite.”

  Jax rolled his eyes, looking sickened. He rubbed under his collar as if it chafed. The first class pet owners’ compartment was also full. Alyssa and Jax sat across from a distinguished elderly man in an expensive suit, flanked by two identical Crasnian males. The owner was focused on reading a digital newspaper while his muscular Crasnians sat still like statues, staring in front of them. Jax glared at them, apparently trying to get them to react somehow, ignoring Alyssa nudging at him with her elbow, trying to get him to lower his gaze. Alyssa sighed with relief when the magtrain reached the spaceport and everyone got off.

  “You’re doing great,” she muttered under her breath. “We’re at the spaceport now. Let’s go look around.”

  They followed the crowd two levels up to an enormous shopping and restaurant complex full of people and their pets. Alyssa strolled to a coffee shop and bought them two large cups of spiced coffee to go. She told Jax to carry the cups and led him toward the entrances to the launch pads.

  “We’ll sit over there in that quiet corner,” she said. “There’s the entrance to the staff passage we looked at in the 3D blueprint.”

  “I see it. We can observe the entrance from here. Good.”

  They sat facing each other over a little table, Jax with his eyes on the door they meant to slip through to the industrial launch site.

  “I see one camera on the outside, but it’s stationary,” he said over t
he rim of his cup as he sipped his coffee. “Easy to slip past.”

  “Two cameras,” Alyssa corrected him, nodding discreetly in the direction she was facing. “There’s one two floors up, pointing down here.”

  Jax glanced over his shoulder. “Good point. We might have to scramble that one.”

  “How do you intend to do that?”

  “Leave it to me. Now, this is about the time of tomorrow’s shuttle launch. I want to sit here and observe the door about half an hour, count how many staff members come and go in that time.”

  Alyssa smiled. “Drink your coffee slowly then.”

  She was having a good time. She felt like a secret agent, keeping up the appearance of a pet owner while plotting to help her pet escape. Maybe her life lacked excitement. She had everything she could possibly want. She had a great job, a fancy apartment, good friends, and plenty of money to spend on amusement. But apparently it wasn’t enough.

  I’m spoiled. I’m dreadfully spoiled. And greedy.

  She could have chosen an expensively trained and tame creature to be her companion, but no. She had to complicate her life by purchasing the most troublesome pet she could find. Now she had embarked on a dark, illegal adventure with the said pet, and she was having fun.

  A passenger shuttle launched with a thunderous boom, temporarily drowning out all other sound. When the noise of the shuttle faded, Alyssa detected two security guards headed toward them, a man and a woman. She thought about warning Jax, but realized the guards would notice it. She kept sipping her coffee in a relaxed manner even though on the inside she went on high alert. A second later, Jax noticed the approaching guards. He put his cup down on the table, as if readying himself for trouble.

  Stay still, Alyssa wanted to hiss at him, but could only give him a pleading look.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” the male security guard said in a serious tone. His name tag identified him as Mr. Rivers. His partner was Ms. Kowalski. “May I ask what you’re doing here?”

  “I’m on a walk with my pet, of course,” Alyssa replied innocently. She knew their presence in the spaceport was nothing out of the ordinary. “Why?”

  “The security AI picked up your companion,” the man said. “He’s a potential danger.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “According to the records, he hasn’t cleared the POT yet, and he caused an incident in Silverhall just a week ago.”

  “Oh that?” Alyssa said, waving a hand. “That was nothing.”

  Rivers studied the data on his wristband. “I have the record right here. Your pet tried to run away from you.”

  Alyssa frowned in annoyance. “He didn’t try to run away. He simply got a little overexcited and wanted to stretch his legs. He was going to come right back to me. The security in Silverhall overreacted. If you read the records carefully, you’ll see that I filed a complaint.”

  “Yes…your overruled complaint is mentioned here. Nonetheless, your pet is rather fresh and unstable. You should take your walks closer to home.”

  Alyssa wasn’t happy with what this implied. They wouldn’t be able move around freely if the spaceport AI considered Jax a threat and sent security guards after him.

  She heaved a sigh and put down her coffee cup. “Jax.” She clicked her fingers and pointed to the floor next to her chair.

  She hoped he got her meaning. She needed to make a point to the spaceport security. Her heart jumped with delight when he moved out of his chair and took a knee next to hers.

  Bravo, Jax!

  But she kept her face composed and her eyes on Rivers. “My pet is completely under control,” she told the guards while absentmindedly stroking Jax’s hair. “I happen to be an excellent pet trainer. Jax here will pass his POT as soon as I have the presence of mind to sign him up for a test.”

  “I would like to take your word for it, ma’am, but—”

  “I don’t want my walks interrupted by false security alerts. It’s embarrassing. I want you to fix your AI. My pet is perfectly harmless.”

  “Well, I’m afraid the only way we can help each other is if you let us test him.”

  Security officials had the power to conduct a basic POT under special circumstances. A chill touched Alyssa’s spine. “What, right now?”

  “Yes, right now.” A look of determination came over the man’s face. Alyssa suspected he was the dutiful type who followed orders to the letter.

  “Now is a little inconvenient…” she ventured.

  She wanted the guards to leave so she could take Jax aside and regroup, but Rivers said, “I’m sorry for the inconvenience ma’am, but safety of the citizens takes priority. The test won’t take long. You said your pet would pass it any given day.”

  Alyssa’s throat felt dry. The test could be the end of them. Neither Jax nor she knew what exactly it entailed. On the other hand, this was the only way to loosen the security around Jax—if he was smart enough to play along. And backing away from the guards might not be possible; they already appeared suspicious.

  “We only ask ten minutes of your time,” Kowalski said. “Are you not feeling confident, after all?”

  “Of course I’m confident,” Alyssa replied. “Jax will pass your test just fine.” She felt Jax shift under her hand, but she could do nothing to help him. He had to look like a trained pet who wasn’t affected by anything. “But my coffee will turn cold.”

  “Very good, ma’am. We’re sorry for your coffee.”

  Trust me, Jax. This is important.

  She stood up, and Jax rose on cue, standing behind her right shoulder. Alyssa handed his leash to Rivers, who appeared to be the senior officer.

  “I want to watch, of course.”

  “Not a problem. This way.”

  Jax followed Rivers, and Alyssa silently drew a deep breath. Jax needed to be completely obedient now. He was a clever pet; surely he could pull this off. If he suspected Alyssa was doing this to humiliate him, though… Alyssa prayed that he trusted her enough.

  The guards led Alyssa and Jax to a security area. Kowalski showed Alyssa to an adjacent room with a view of the interrogation room Rivers took Jax into. Alyssa tried to swallow her anxiety. She’d hoped she could remain in the same room with Jax, preferably so she could maintain eye contact with him. But no; everyone knew that being isolated from the owner made it harder for the pet. Alyssa had to act calm and confident, although she was anything but. This hadn’t been part of her plans.

  Rivers led Jax to the center of the ominously empty room with bleak, gray walls. He pointed at Jax to face the mirror behind which Alyssa and Kowalski stood. Jax faced them, his expression stony neutral. Alyssa knew she was under indirect scrutiny from the female guard, and struggled to appear relaxed.

  Rivers let Jax’s leash drop to the ground. He circled Jax a few times, without hurry. “What’s your name?” he asked him.

  “Jax,” Jax replied.

  “No. What’s your real name?”

  The classic trick question. Alyssa knew this, like all Silenians. Untrained pets gave their former name, whereas true pets answered only to the name their owner had given them. Alyssa expected Jax to fail here, but he replied, “My real name is Jax.”

  Clever pet!

  “Kneel, Jax.”

  Jax sank to his knees without hesitation.

  That’s right, Alyssa praised him in her mind. Just do what he says without batting an eye and you’re good.

  Obedience was one thing, but pets had to obey without any display of anger or reluctance. Jax might fail the test just by giving Rivers one wrong look.

  The guard circled Jax again and came to a halt in front of him. “Stand up.”

  Jax obeyed.

  “Remove your clothes.”

  Alyssa broke into a cold sweat. Jax began to undress. Once he had shed his clothes, he stood motionless again.

  “Hands behind your back. Legs shoulder width apart.”

  Jax shifted into the correct position. Rivers stepped close to Jax and put
a hand on his shoulder. Alyssa ceased to breathe. She remembered Jax’s threat of breaking the hand of anyone who touched him.

  Oh no. Please stay still. Please…

  Jax didn’t budge. The guard began to slide his hand over Jax’s arm, then his chest, then his back. Alyssa bit her lip.

  “Everything all right, ma’am?” Kowalski asked her.

  “Yes,” Alyssa replied, her voice hoarse. “I enjoy seeing him naked. Gets to me every time. He’s quite a sight, isn’t he?”

  “That he is,” the woman agreed with a smile in her voice.

  Jax remained still as a statue while Rivers ran his hand over his body. He grabbed Jax’s wrist and lifted his arm then made him put it back down. It seemed pointless, but the purpose was to test whether the pet let a stranger touch him everywhere. Then the guard’s hand went lower and he cupped Jax’s testicles in his hand. Alyssa scarcely dared to watch.

  It’s nothing sexual, Jax. It’s a simple test. Don’t move.

  She only dared to breathe again once Rivers had taken his hands off Jax and stepped back.

  “What’s your purpose in life, Jax?”

  Jax blinked and hesitated. “I serve,” he said.

  Alyssa cringed. He should have said, “I am a pet.” Any Silenian knew this, but she couldn’t expect him to guess everything correctly.

  “What do you mean, you serve?” Rivers demanded.

  “I serve,” Jax repeated. “I make Alyssa happy.”

  Rivers stared at him. “Alyssa? Don’t you mean ‘Mistress’?”

  Alyssa wanted to bite her fist. She sensed Kowalski frowning beside her and the temperature in the room seemed to drop. Why had she been so stupidly lenient with Jax? She should have taught him to address her properly; this was lesson number one in every single training guide. Pets did not address their owners by name.

  Jax’s countenance faltered for a second; perhaps he realized the gravity of his error. Alyssa wanted to interrupt the test and explain this somehow, but then Jax said, “Yes. Alyssa is my Mistress. She doesn’t mind that I call her Alyssa. She laughs and calls me naughty. Naughty Jax.”

  Oh, good. Alyssa sighed with relief. Play dumb. Good idea.

  She fixed her anxious gaze on Rivers to see if he bought it.


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