Montana, Joe, 131
Montemurro, Enzo, 12–14
Montreal Alouettes, 57
mood changes, 54, 60, 61, 77, 88, 92, 189, 215, 227, 238, 270, 277
Morris Water Maze, 168–69
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 102–8
MRI (magnetic resonance imagining) scans, 142, 150, 151–52, 200, 208
Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times (Hauser), 200–201
multiple sclerosis, 97
multitasking, 100, 103, 174
Namath, Joe, 120, 131
National Athletic Trainers’ Association, 261
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 29–30, 47–48, 51, 56, 259, 262
National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), 262
National Football League (NFL), xiii, 3, 7, 17–24, 25, 34, 39, 40–49, 53, 56, 122–24, 212–44, 245–58, 261–65, 270–71, 273–75
antitrust exemption of, 252–53
average career length in, 236
commissioners of, 236, 237, 244, 248, 252–58, 268
concussion culture of, 245–54
88 Plan adopted by, 237, 244
at House Judiciary Committee hearings, 252–53, 255, 257
informational pamphlet distributed by, 250, 256
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee of, 46, 47, 216, 246, 247, 251, 255, 263–65
new concussion policies of, 248–49, 251, 253–57, 261–62, 263–65, 268–70, 274
objections to new policies of, 254, 268–70
Omalu defamed by, 216, 219, 227, 234
outside research funded by, 255
pension plans of, 215, 235, 236
player education efforts of, 256–58, 264
public service announcement aired by, 255–56
research studies considered by, 246–48, 251–52, 255, 274
and retirees’ health benefits, 215–16, 236–37, 243–44, 275
salaries in, 235, 236
Super Bowl games of, 17–19, 21–22, 41, 120, 123, 129, 130, 132, 133, 212, 237, 238, 244, 249–50, 254, 270, 275
team physicians of, 245–46, 248, 251, 254, 260, 264–65
2007 concussion summit meeting convened by, 245–50
2010 season of, 256, 264–65, 268–70
warning posters produced by, 256, 264
“whistleblower” hotline instituted by, 248–49
see also chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), football-induced; football, professional
National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), 236, 237, 238, 255
new concussion policies disliked by, 268–69
National Hockey League (NHL), 52–56, 129, 248, 262–63, 271–72
nausea, 2, 13, 23, 40, 54, 60–61, 108–14, 136, 277
neck, pinched nerve in, 37
neprilysin, 176
neurodegenerative disease, xiii, 175–77
frontotemporal dementia, 238
see also Alzheimer’s disease; chronic traumatic encephalopathy, football-induced; dementia pugilistica; Parkinson’s disease
neurologists, 13, 21, 28, 46, 54, 55, 61–62, 78, 95, 96–97, 98, 100, 112, 113, 115, 122, 147, 181–82, 184, 187, 189, 190, 199, 200–201, 202, 204–5, 207, 208, 241–42, 247, 249, 254, 274
neuropsychology, 5–7, 61–67, 87–88, 98, 102, 120–21, 151, 228
tests in, 25–26, 30, 61, 88, 91–92, 113, 122–27, 129, 182, 190, 199, 200, 248, 259, 260–61
neurosurgery, 13, 14, 46, 246, 254
hippocampus destroyed by, 152–56
lobotomies, 152
Neurosurgery, 46, 216, 219
Newark City Hospital, 185–86
New Brunswick, N.J., 3–9
New England Journal of Medicine, 116–17, 118
New England Patriots, 229, 249
New Jersey, College of, 59–62
New York, N.Y., 102–8, 146, 147, 185–89, 204–6, 208, 251
New York Academy of Medicine, 185–89
New York Giants, 45, 274
New York Islanders, 55
New York Jets, 19–20, 45–46
New York Rangers, 55
New York State Athletic Commission, 198, 204–6, 208, 210
New York Times, 226, 243, 251, 252, 269
Noll, Chuck, 122–24, 130
North Carolina, University of, 25, 246, 259–60
Norton, Ken, 198
Norway, 207
Nowinski, Chris, 220–29, 255
book published by, 224, 226
brains for autopsy obtained by, 225–28, 232–33, 234
concussion history of, 221–23, 225
as football player, 220–21
media appearances of, 227, 232, 243, 250–51
post-concussion syndrome of, 220, 223, 225
professional wrestling career of, 220, 221–23
Ochs, Mark, 134–35
Oklahoma City bombing, 118–19
Olympic Games, 201–2
Omalu, Bennet, 212–29, 233–34
brain autopsies performed by, 213–19, 220, 225, 226, 227–28, 234, 246, 258
NFL’s defamation of, 216, 219, 227, 234
Nowinski’s partnership with, 120–29, 234
published case studies of, 216–19, 224
Sports Legacy Institute cofounded by, 228–29, 234
organizational skills, impaired, 77, 87, 88–90, 100, 112, 114
oxygenation, 173–74
Pacheco, Ferdie, 197–99
paranoia, 213, 217, 224, 225, 227, 239, 242–43
Paris, France, 148–52
Musée Dupuytren, 151
Parkinson’s disease, 185, 199–202, 208
brain changes in, 200–201
pugilistic, 201, 202, 204
substantia nigra in, 192, 200–201
symptoms of, 181–82, 186–88, 199–200, 201, 202
Patterson, Floyd, 209–11
Patterson, Gary, 262
Pellman, Elliot, 45–46, 216, 247, 255
Pender, Paul, 230–31
Penfield, Wilder, 154
Pennsylvania, University of, 159–65, 172, 175–77, 258
Center for Brain Injury and Repair of, 161
Pep, Willie, 195
Perfetto, Eleanor, 235–44
personality changes, 60, 61, 77, 84–85, 102, 277
in football-induced CTE, 213, 215, 217, 224, 225, 227, 230, 232, 238, 239, 242–43
frontal lobe damage in, 145–48, 152
in lobotomies, 152
PET (positron emission tomography) scans, 172–73, 174
Philadelphia Eagles, 220, 224, 264–65
Philadelphia Flyers, 55–56
physical therapy, 75–76, 86, 137–38
Physician and Sports Medicine, 15
Pittman, Kwana, 225–26
Pittsburgh, Pa., 120–41
Allegheny County coroner’s office in, 212–20
Allegheny General Hospital of, 128
South Side Works steel mill, 130
Pittsburgh, University of, 173–74, 214–15
Center for Sports Medicine of, 120–27, 129–33, 135–41
Medical Center of, 134–35
Pittsburgh Penguins, 271
Pittsburgh Steelers, 25, 120, 122–24, 128–33, 212–19, 227–28, 234, 240, 246, 254, 268, 271
Pop Warner football, 12, 48–49
post-concussion syndrome, 17–31, 36–67, 107, 267–68
diffuse axonal injury in, 164–65
in football, 1–9, 17–24, 25, 36–51, 220–29, 245, 273–75
in ice hockey, 53–56
medical research on, 25–26
in women’s basketball, 27–31
in women’s soccer, 58–67
posterior parietal cortex, 173–74
posters, NFL warning, 256, 264
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 108–14, 117–19, 170
Povlishock, John, 157–59, 162
Presley, Elvis, 217
Princeton University, 50–51, 221
rocedural memory, 155
Professional Boxing Safety Act (1996), 208
proteases, 172
Psychological Medicine, 192
pugilistic parkinsonism, 201, 202, 204
“Punch Drunk” (Martland), 185–89, 190
punch-drunk syndrome, see dementia pugilistica
Purdue University, 259–60
Quarry, Arwanda, 180, 184
Quarry, Bobby, 204
Quarry, Jack, 180, 182, 202–3, 204
Quarry, Jerry, 178–85, 199, 202, 203, 204, 210
boxing career of, 178–81, 182, 183, 184
death of, 184–85
dementia pugilistica of, 183–85
neurological testing of, 181–82, 184, 207
regression of, 184
Quarry, Jimmy, 183, 203
Quarry, Mike, 203–4
Quinn, Anthony, 195
radioactive glucose, 172
Radke, Brian, 68–85
bomb blast wounding of, 69–71, 74–75, 76–77, 81
cognitive therapy of, 80, 82–83
at 86th Combat Army Support Hospital, 71–72
frontal lobe damage of, 73–74
at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, 72–73
memory loss of, 75, 76, 77–83
personality change of, 84–85
physical therapy of, 75–76
regression of, 81–82
return promised by, 74
at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 73–83
Radke, Nema, 84–85
Radke, Nova, 71–85
Ramsey, JonBenét, 217
RAND Corporation, 117–19
regression, 81–82, 184
rehabilitation, 91, 92–93, 98, 99–100, 101, 102, 103, 108, 113–14, 133, 137–38
brain retraining in, 267–68
cognitive therapy in, 80, 82–83, 99
medications in, 137, 138
physical therapy in, 86, 137–38
speech therapy, 77
Relkin, Norman, 205–6
Requiem for a Heavyweight, 195, 196
return-to-play decisions, xi, 25–26, 36–37, 54, 60–63, 64, 65–66, 129, 255–56
average recovery time and, 166–67
in college football, 13–14, 46, 54, 255, 262
concussion-safety laws and, 257
guidelines for, 15–16, 26, 31, 34, 46, 51, 55, 58, 122–23, 167, 257, 261, 262–63
in high school football, 12–17, 31, 32, 34, 46, 122–23, 127, 255, 260–61
in ice hockey, 55, 262–63
in professional football, 42, 44–46, 122–23, 128, 132–33, 246, 248–49, 254, 255, 264–65, 268
in soccer, 60–63, 64, 261
Rhazes, 11
Rhoden, William, 269
Richards, Nelson, 208
Rideout, Billy, 16
Roberts, Anthony Herber, 190–91
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, 5–7, 61
Robinson, Jeremiah, 68–69
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 193–95, 199, 206–7, 231
Roethlisberger, Ben, 120, 127, 129, 130, 131–33, 134, 254
Roosevelt, Theodore, 50–51
Rosenbloom, Slapsie Maxie, 192–93
Royal College of Physicians, 190–91
Runyon, Damon, 192, 193
Rutgers University, 3–9, 61, 65–66, 267–68
Ruth, Babe, 186
Saddler, Sandy, 195
Sanchez, Gabriel, 16
Sánchez, Linda, 252, 255
San Diego Chargers, 239
San Francisco 49ers, 20–24
Saunders, Richard, 13–14
Schultz, Brandon, 16–17, 31–32, 33
Schwarz, Alan, 243, 251
Scotland, 157, 175–76
Scoville, William, 152
Seattle, Wash., 32–35, 256–57
Seattle Seahawks, 34
second-impact syndrome, 14–17, 165, 172
death from, 15, 16, 245, 251, 253
permanent brain damage from, 16–17, 31–35
rarity of, 16, 17, 245
“seeing stars,” 11, 109, 117, 277
seizures, 17, 224, 277
absence, 62
epileptic, 146, 152–56
impact, 6
Sementilli, Mark, 87–88, 90, 91–93
Senate, U.S., 257
septum, hole in, 182, 184, 192, 200
Shavers, Earnie, 198
Shore, Eddie, 52
Showalter, Dave, 1–9, 11, 267–68, 271
Simon and Garfunkel, 208
sleep disturbances, 4, 65, 97, 110, 111, 201, 232, 278
slowed mental processing, 77, 106–7, 122, 136–37, 139, 171, 186, 189, 277
slowed movement, 181, 187, 199, 200, 201, 202
smell, sense of, 152, 278
Smith, Douglas H., 159, 160–65, 163, 172, 175–77
soccer, 27, 31, 56–67, 250, 256
college, 58–62
headers in, 58–59, 60, 63
in Nigeria, 219
participation rates in, 58
return-to-play decisions in, 60–63, 64, 261
women’s, 58–67
youth league, 63–65, 67
sound sensitivity, 60, 103, 274, 277
Spear, Colonel, 72, 74
special education classes, 103–7, 167
speech, 148–52
speech problems, 17, 31, 34–35, 77, 105, 112, 114, 277
in dementia puglistica, 181, 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 195, 199–201
speech therapy, 77
spinal cord injuries, 161
Spinks, Leon, 199
Sporting News, 274
Sports Illustrated, 181–82
Sports Legacy Institute, 228–29, 234
sportswriters, 269–70
Stanford University, 27–29, 30
steeplechase jockeys, 247
Steinberg, Leigh, 18–24
Jerry Maguire inspired by, 43–44
Stern, Robert, 228
strokes, 149–50, 161
Strzelczyk, Justin, 227, 234, 246
substance abuse, 107–8, 118
substantia nigra, 192, 200–201
suicide, 83–84, 118
and football-induced CTE, 217, 218–19, 220, 224–25, 228, 232, 258, 270, 274
Sullivan, John L., 49
Super Bowl games, 17–19, 21–22, 41, 120, 123, 129, 130, 132, 133, 212, 237, 238, 244, 249–50, 254, 270, 275
Swann, Lynn, 129
Sweden, 207
Tagliabue, Paul, 236, 237
Tampa Bay Bucaneers, 250
taste, sense of, 2, 4, 5–6, 278
tau tangles, 177, 192, 214
in football-induced CTE, 214–15, 217, 230, 233, 250
team physicians, 11, 12–16, 17, 25, 26, 29–30, 33–34, 44, 45–46, 47, 56, 57, 61, 65, 166, 218, 228, 261, 262
of NFL, 234, 245–46, 248, 251, 254, 260, 264–65
Texas, University of, 29–30
Texas Christian University (TCU), 262
Texas Longhorns, 30
Thomas, Owen, 258
Thompson, Tom, 93
Time, 271
TNT, 40
Tomlin, Mike, 254
Toon, Al, 19–20, 22, 40, 46
traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), 6–7, 12, 157–77, 202, 259, 263, 273
Alzheimer’s disease linked to, 175–77, 223, 228
apoE 4 gene and, 205
chronic concussive, 213
enriched environment and, 167, 168–69
lifelong degenerative process triggered by, 175–77
“mild,” 11, 164, 263
multidisciplinary research on, 161
neurophysiology of, see diffuse axonal injury
potential treatments of, 158–59, 163–64
tau tangles in, 177
see also brain damage
traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), severe, 61, 68–94, 101, 115, 133, 158, 164, 165–66
acute, 206–7, 208
from bomb blast, xiii, 68–85;
see also Radke, Brian
from car wrecks, xiii, 15, 68, 85–94
closed-head, 156
without head impact, 134–41, 160
traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), undocumented, 11, 66, 95–119, 218, 222–23, 249, 254, 258, 259–61
ABC News special on, 116
from car accidents, 94, 95–101, 127–28
in children, 102–8, 258–60
downward spiral following, 95–101, 102–3, 104–5
in homeless people, 108
long-term consequences of, 115, 118
in military, 108–19
PTSD vs., 108–14, 117–19
RAND Corporation study on, 117–19
tremors, 181, 187, 190, 192, 199, 200
Tunney, Gene, 188–89
Tyson, Mike, 204
Unitas, Johnny, 131
unsteady gait, 181, 182, 187–88, 190, 193, 195
Upshaw, Gene, 255
Urlacher, Brian, 269
USA Football, 258, 262
USA Hockey, 262
U.S. Steel, 130
VanDerveer, Tara, 27–28
vertigo, 4, 19, 187, 190
Veterans Affairs Department, U.S., 116
Viano, David, 255
Vietnam War, 179, 248
Virginia, University of, 123
Virginia Commonwealth University, 157–59
Virginia Tech, 260
visual disturbances, 2, 31, 60, 134, 174, 221–22, 274, 277
von Bülow, Sunny, 217
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 116
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 73–83, 115
Ward, Hines, 254
Warner, Kurt, 254
Warner, Pop, 12, 48–49
Washington, D.C., 73–83, 95–101, 115
Washington, University of, 34
Washington Post, 248
Washington State, 32–35, 256–57, 261
concussion-safety law of, 35, 257
Waters, Andre, 220, 224–26, 246
Waters, Maxine, 252–53
Webster, Mike, 212–16, 217, 218, 219, 220, 224, 225, 227, 232, 234, 246
NFL disability benefits sought by, 215–16, 236–37
symptoms of, 212–13, 215
Wecht, Cyril, 217–18
Wenzel, Ralph, 234, 235–44
symptoms of, 239–43
Wesley, Ed, 262
West Virginia University, 234
whales, 161
whiplash injury, 96, 134
Whitehead, James, 263
Williams, Edward, 144
Wilson, Brad, 269–70
Wittenberg University, 39
Women’s National Basketball Association, (WNBA), 30–31
women’s sports, 27–31, 56, 58–67
concussion rates of, 27, 64–65
Woodruff, Bob, 112–13, 116
working memory, 155–56
World Boxing Hall of Fame, 184
World Medical Association, 207
World Wrestling Entertainment, 221, 228
wrestling, professional, 220, 221–23, 228, 233
x-rays, 134, 148
The Concussion Crisis Page 40