Eminent Love

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Eminent Love Page 20

by Leddy Harper

  Layne’s gasp was loud, louder than the water shooting from the sprinklers. She tipped her chin up and let the water fall on her, the smile never washing away. “What is this for?” It was a little hard to hear her over the slapping of water on the leaves above us, but I understood her every word, almost as if they echoed around me.

  “You said you wanted to dance in the rain. So I made it rain.”

  Her chin dipped and I could’ve sworn I heard her sniffle, but before I could ask her about it, she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her cheek against my chest. We swayed back and forth while music filtered from my car. The volume was low, but it was enough for us.

  “You did this all for me?” She pulled her head away and stared into my eyes.

  “Almost everything I do is for you, Yen.”

  “Almost everything?” Her grin widened as her head tilted to the side.

  “Yeah…the rest I do for us.”

  “How did I get so lucky?”

  I lowered my head to hers and said, “I ask myself that same question every day.”

  One song ended and another came on. I had no idea who it was or what the title was, but she’d told me one day it reminded her of us. I held her closer and peered into her eyes as we danced to our song. I couldn’t pay attention to the words or the rhythm, because I’d been hypnotized by Layne’s stare. Even though it was dark where we stood, the tree blocking the moonlight from reaching us, I still found myself sucked into her eyes, pulled into her by her arms around my neck.

  After one more song, I noticed her shiver, and decided to get her out of the water. I walked her to the car, despite her protests, and opened the rear door. She stopped and waited for me to answer her silent question as I held the door open for her to get in.

  “We’re under a tree in the rain. It’s nighttime. No one is around. If you think I’m not going to take the opportunity to have sex with you, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  She turned around in a complete circle, frantically eyeing everything in sight, and then she jumped into the car. I followed her and closed the door, trapping us in the car with our music playing through the speakers.

  I turned to her and closed the gap, causing her to lean against the other door. I set my hand on her knee, trailed my fingers up her thighs, and searched beneath her skirt. The higher I went, the deeper her breath hitched, and then she released it in a moan. I took my time, heightening her senses, enjoying every moment of it.

  “Now I understand the wardrobe.” Her sultry whisper ran through me and settled in my groin until my dick hardened. She spread her legs wider, offering herself to me, silently pleading for more.

  As soon as I touched her heat, I knew how ready she was. There was no mistaking it as I moved through her folds, spreading her excitement to the spot where she ached for me most. The moment I reached her clit, her head crashed against the window and her lips hummed with a moan. Her hips rotated into my hand. She arched, and the movement, along with the sounds she made, turned my hard dick into a raging erection. But I wanted her to enjoy this. I didn’t want to rush it. I continued stroking her, taking my time bringing her to orgasm.

  Her body shuddered as her release rolled through her. And in an instant, she was up and climbing into my lap. The position was awkward. My knees hit the front seat and left me very little room to move. Her knees were blocked by the same obstruction, and prevented us from getting close enough. Although, it didn’t stop our frantic hands from roaming or our lips from exploring.

  “Hold on, Layne. Let’s move around. Maybe if you faced forward, it’ll be easier.”

  I lifted her off me, turned her around, and then settled her on my lap again. This time, her back faced me, her neck exposed to my lips and tongue. Except, as she arched, it forced her pelvis further away from mine. With a grunt of frustration, she leaned forward and held onto the headrest in front of her, opening herself for me. It wasn’t the way I would’ve liked to be with her, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me.

  Layne apparently felt differently. She twisted around and took a deep breath. “This isn’t going to work, is it Creed?”

  “It will. People have sex in cars all the time. We’ll figure it out.”

  She giggled, and it silenced my determination. “We don’t have to do this.”

  “No. You want to have sex in a car…so I’m going to give it to you.”

  Despite my hold on her, she slid off my lap and settled beside me. A grin remained plastered on her face, but her expression had softened with something akin to sympathy. “It wasn’t so much about being in a car as it was the spontaneity of it.”

  My chest swelled with excitement as I flung the door open. I climbed out and scanned the area once more, reassuring myself we were alone in the park and no one else had joined us. Then I helped her out of the car before closing the door behind her.

  “What are you doing?” She barely got her question out when I grabbed her by the thighs and lifted her up. Her eyes widened in understanding when I pressed her against the side of the car and thrust my center against hers.

  “I’m giving you spontaneous.” I covered her mouth with mine and then reached between us to line us up so I could enter her.

  Her head fell to the top of the car as soon as I slid deep inside her. Each time I rolled my hips, moving within her, it elicited a pant or whimper from her while she kept her eyes closed, the water falling through the trees and landing on her face.

  “I can’t touch you this way, Layne. I have to hold you up, so I’m going to need you to do it for me.”

  She lifted her head and blinked a few times. Hesitancy flashed in her eyes.

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I can’t do it for you.”

  While keeping one hand on my chest, she moved the other to the space between her legs where we were connected. Her hand slipped beneath the fabric of her skirt, and I groaned in protest. It immediately caused her to stop.

  “For the love of all things holy, Layne…if you’re going to touch yourself, can you please move the skirt out of the way?”

  She complied and pulled it up before moving her fingers to her clit once more. The sight propelled me to thrust faster, harder. I could barely contain myself. Watching Layne touch herself—please herself—was nearly enough to make me explode. Her walls began to tighten around me, clenching me as she neared the edge.

  She bucked into me at the same time her spine arched off the car. She fisted my shirt and rode out her orgasm, her pleasure etched in her face. That’s all it took for me to let go. I leaned in closer to her, burying my face in the crook of her neck, and spilled myself inside her, not stopping until every ounce had been squeezed from me.

  I rested against her and desperately fought to catch my breath. Layne wrapped her arms around my neck and held me to her. The warmth of her breath coated my skin, and then the water from above cooled me off.

  “We’re definitely going to have to do that again,” she whispered and giggled.

  “Be prepared, Layne…there’s a good chance I’ll find other excuses to make you touch yourself. Damn, that was hot.”

  She laughed, louder this time, and wiped the water away from her face. “How will we explain to your parents about being wet?”

  I pulled away and smiled. “Easy. We got rained on.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  The huge “Welcome to California” sign shone like a beacon in the night, illuminated by the headlights. My eyes burned and my ass had become numb miles ago. Knowing it wasn’t possible to keep driving without putting myself or someone else at risk, I made the decision to stop for night.

  Tomorrow I’d have a three-hour drive ahead of me. Three hours until we were within the same city limits. I yearned to say the words to her that had weighed me down for so long, to hold her in my arms. I wasn’t even sure she’d let me get that close, but I refused to concede the war before I lost the battle.

  Trying to quiet the incessant thou
ghts running through my head, I stood under the spray of a hot shower, willing the water to wash the heaviness away. I’d stood in there for so long the water began to run cool, so I shut off the tap and reached for a towel.

  Instead of being able to close my eyes and sleep, I ended up staring at the ceiling, wondering what the next day would bring…and I couldn’t help but be reminded of the first night we met. More than an hour had passed since I laid my head on the pillow and sleep was proving to be an allusive mistress. Before I could talk myself out of it, I reached for my phone and dialed Drea’s number.

  “So you should be here around ten?”

  “I believe so. But can you tell me where I can stop and get flowers for her? I want to do that before I get there. I didn’t want to buy them too early and chance them wilting in the car.”

  “Don’t get her flowers, Creed. Trust me.”

  “Well, I want to get her something. I want to show her—”

  “You drove across the damn country. I think that shows her enough. Trust me, don’t get her flowers. Don’t get her anything. Just get here and pray she doesn’t hate us both.” She took a breath and I could hear rustling in the background.

  “Are you in bed?”

  She was quiet for a moment, and I worried I’d freaked her out. “Yes, Creed. It’s after ten. Where else would I be?”

  I thought it odd to be talking to Drea on the phone while we were both in bed. Layne and I used to do this very thing when we first started dating, during the rare nights she wasn’t at my place. I waited for the wave of regret to wash over me, leave me feeling as if it meant I was somehow cheating on Layne, but it never came. In fact, a wave of relief washed over me instead. A sense of comfort calmed me.

  “I can’t sleep,” I admitted, giving in to the idea of talking to Drea.

  “Me either.” She must’ve rolled to her side, because when she spoke again, her words were slightly muffled. “Just hurry up and get here, please. I can’t take this stress much longer. I hate keeping things from Layne.”

  “Do you think she’ll forgive me?”

  Her voice grew even softer as she said, “She already has.”


  I sat at the desk in my room, waiting for Layne to come home. She had an interview today, and I couldn’t wait to hear how it went. But that wasn’t the only reason I found myself impatient for her return.

  We’d both graduated. I had my law degree and Layne received a degree in business management to add to her degree in marketing. It was time for the next chapter of our lives. And the black box on the desk in front of me was the very first symbol of our future. My hands shook, yet my entire being was calm. Not one ounce of nervousness ran through me. Adrenaline, yes. But not worry or apprehension. There was no doubt to be had when it came to a forever with her.

  The front door closed, catching my attention. I grabbed the box and shoved it into my pocket before she could see it. I knew she had probably been expecting it, considering we’d talked about it so many times, but I still wanted to surprise her. See the awe on her face when I got down on one knee. Feel the tremble in her hand as I placed the ring on her finger. And then kiss away the tears on her face. Letting her know it was coming would’ve stripped me of that experience. It would only happen once in my lifetime, so I wanted to make it count.

  Layne came into the room and immediately went to the edge of the bed to sit and remove her shoes. I moved to her side and interrupted her by taking hold of her face and kissing her. We were both breathless by the time I backed away.

  “How’d the interview go?”

  She continued to remove the strap on her shoes, taking more time with the buckle than usual, and answered with her head bowed. “Really good, actually. After meeting with Human Resources, they asked me to wait and speak with the Director of Marketing. I guess they were impressed with me.” Her eyes met mine, and the pride I saw in them nearly blinded me.

  “Of course they’d be impressed. I told you they’d love you. So…did they hire you?”

  “They made me an offer, yes.”

  I jumped off the bed and took her hand. “We should go out for dinner to celebrate.”

  “Wait.” She held out her hand, pausing my excitement. “I haven’t accepted yet.”

  “Why not? You don’t want the job?”

  “I want this job more than I’ve wanted any other.” She fidgeted with her fingers until I sat back down next to her, waiting her out. “But the position they offered me is at their headquarters—in California.”

  My shoulders slumped, and a sudden pang of sympathy ran through me. I knew how excited she was about this job, and hated the prospect of her being disappointed after looking forward to it so much. “I’m sorry, Layne. Don’t let it get to you. You just started looking. I’m sure it won’t take long at all before people start knocking down your door.”

  “I didn’t tell them no,” she was quick to say, catching my attention.

  I waited for her to explain more, but she didn’t. “Can you do it from home…on the computer?” My heart raced as I waited for her reply.

  She didn’t speak, only shook her head, and then my stomach bottomed out.

  “So you’re thinking about moving? To California?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about it. It’s an amazing opportunity. One I’ll probably never get again—or at least not anytime soon.” Her voice held an air of confidence, but her eyes were clouded with uncertainty.

  “What about my job, Layne?”

  “You can be an attorney anywhere. You graduated from Duke—a top-tier law school—just about any firm will want you.” The way she said it was meant to convince me, not her. She already seemed convinced of what she was saying.

  “I went to school here…which means I focused on North Carolina’s state laws. Not California’s. I can’t take their state bar and pass. I don’t know the information. I know it here, which means I can only practice here.”

  She grabbed my hands and leaned closer to me as she spoke in a low, confident tone. “I looked into it, Creed. You don’t have to go back to school. There are these programs you can take to learn laws of other states.”

  “The exam is in less than two months. There’s no way I’d be able to make that date.”

  “Then take the next one.”

  My lungs deflated as reality set in. She didn’t want to talk to me about it; she wanted to talk me into it. And the more she argued her point, the more it became clear her mind had already been made up before walking through the front door.

  I pulled my hands from her hold and slowly moved off the bed. Every movement felt long and drug out as the weight of the situation came crashing down on me. “The next one isn’t until February. You expect me to be out of a job for almost a year? No one will hire me without any experience in their state.”

  “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

  “Why?” My patience had vanished, and I was left with utter disbelief, which came out cloaked in anger. “Why, Layne? We’ve worked so hard to get to this point. To get through school so we can start our lives together. Why are you wanting to throw that away now?”

  She stood up, but didn’t make a move toward me, only stood next to the bed with wide eyes. Her breasts heaved with each short and shallow breath she took as she stared at me. Finally, she dropped her gaze and shook her head. “I’m not throwing anything away. I want you to come with me. I want us both to go. Live out our lives together…doing something we both want.”

  “It makes no sense. You can get a job anywhere.”

  “So can you!”

  “No I can’t, Layne. Not without taking more courses and passing a litany of exams. I just finished doing that. I have my degree and I’m about to take the bar. Why in the hell would I walk away when I’m so damn close to having everything I’ve busted my ass for?”

  “I’ve told you how I don’t want to be here forever. Why are you so surprised?”

  I shook my head, trying to remember
a time she’d been so literal about her desire to leave the area. “Yeah, you said someday. Not as soon as we graduated. And you only said leave town…not leave the state. Not go thousands of miles away.”

  “I said if I had a reason. I was just offered one today.” Her arguments were low and full of compassion. However, they were still arguments against me. Against us.

  I held my arms out wide next to me. “And I’m not a good enough reason to stay? You had to go look for reasons to leave?”

  “I didn’t go looking for it. I swear, Creed. I went to interview for a local job, and they offered the other one to me.”

  “Then tell them you’ll take the local position.”

  She shook her head and turned her gaze to my feet. “It’s already filled.”

  I gripped my hair in my fists and tugged. As my arms fell back to my sides, my sights back on Layne, I barely recognized the person in front of me.

  “So if I go…you won’t go with me?” Her bottom lip trembled and her blue eyes turned to glass.

  “Don’t do this,” I begged in a whisper, desperately staring into her eyes. “Please, Layne…don’t do this. Don’t make me the bad guy. Don’t put this all on me.” I took a step closer, just one. “We’re here. Our family is here. Your doctors are here.”

  She nodded just as the first tear slipped down her cheek. “Yes…because I’ve always lived here, Creed. I don’t want to die here, too. I’ve survived cancer twice. I don’t want to be stuck in the same place after being given not just one but two new chances at life.”

  My pain quickly morphed into anger. “So you feel stuck here with me?”

  “No,” she rushed out, quickly closing the space between us and holding onto me with her fingers curled into my chest. “I’m not saying that at all. Just that I’m stuck here. I don’t want to spend forever in the same place. I want to live, Creed. I want to move forward…not remain stagnant. I don’t want the monotonous routine I’ve had for most of my life.”


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