First Time Tales - Farmboy

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First Time Tales - Farmboy Page 8

by Jean-Luc Cheri

  “I think I might know someone you might like.”

  “Oh really? Is he cute?”

  “The girls seem to like him.”

  “Is he strong? I want to feel owned when he holds me.”

  “Grew up working on a farm. He can handle himself.”

  “He’s not dumb, is he? I hear those farm boys aren’t the sharpest pitchforks in the barn.”

  “He’s been accepted to college.”

  “Then I only have one more question.”

  “What’s that?”

  I slid closer to him, resting my hand on his thigh and pressing my breast against his bicep. “Does he like to have his cock sucked? Because I couldn’t be with any man who didn’t like that.”

  He grinned. “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask him.”


  “I was talking about my cousin Robbie. He sounds perfect for you. He should be at the Longhorn tonight.”

  I gave him a mock offended look and swatted his arm. “Don’t even think about it. You’re not foisting me off on your cousin, so you can play milk the cow with some country hoochie.”

  He laughed hard. “That’s udderly ridiculous.”

  I giggled. “Did you just say udderly?”

  “I cud-not help myself.”

  Laughing, I held up my hand. “Ok, ok, I surrender. No more farmboy humor, please.”

  “You started it.”

  “And I deeply regret doing so.”

  He laughed again and rested his hand on my knee. I laced my fingers into his and leaned my head on his shoulder, settling in for the long ride.

  Chapter 20

  The place was bigger than I thought it would be, with a large red neon sign on the roof that spelled out LONGHORN within a giant pair of steer horns. When Jamie and I entered, we had to show ID, and since we were under 21 our hands were stamped with red X’s, which meant we wouldn’t be sold alcohol.

  Loud country music blared through the place, and a large dance floor was filled with guys and girls doing all kinds of dances I’d never seen before. I was glad I had my hat, since everyone had one on and I would have felt weird being the only one who didn’t.

  Jamie took hold of my hand and led me to the back, where several small tables were open. We sat at one of them, and just let the place sink in for a moment. The walls were filled with all kinds of weird stuff, from animal heads, to car bumpers, and movie posters. A bar lined the far wall, with a mirror behind it, which made the room seem even bigger than it was. In one corner, someone was riding a mechanical bull, and I grinned as he got tossed off.

  “What do you think?” Jamie said, speaking over the music.

  I nodded. “Not too bad.”

  “You want something to drink?”

  “Ok. A Diet Coke will be fine.”

  “Be right back,” he said, and I watched him walk away. Damn, that ass was sweet.

  I took the opportunity to check out the competition. Most of the girls had lots of hair, and were showing plenty of skin. There must have been a sale going on somewhere nearby on low cut blouses and pushup bras. And some of the girls who walked by my table smelled like they had bathed in perfume.

  There were a few cute guys too, but nothing close to Jamie. Most seemed older, but there were a few around my age, and even some who looked even younger. I saw one of these younger guys, who looked no older than fifteen, dancing with a woman who looked to be in her thirties. It kinda grossed me out, so I scanned the room for something else to look at.

  I had my head turned, when someone sat down across from me. Thinking it was Jamie, I smiled and turned, saying, “I’ve been missing y–”

  I stopped when I found myself staring into an incredible pair of green eyes. Whoa. I finally found someone who could give Jamie a run for his money. This guy was tall and built, with long, dark hair that hung down past his shoulders. The smile he gave me let me know he was ready for some mischief.

  “Hey, sexy,” he said, his voice smooth as butter, “you here by yourself?”

  “No. He’s at the bar getting us drinks.”

  “Mind if I keep you company til he comes back?”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “Come on, I just want to talk.”

  “I’d rather you left.”

  “That’s cold, sexy.”

  “Sorry, but I came with him, and I’m going home with him.”

  “This must be a special guy.”

  “He is.” I began to look around, wondering what was taking Jamie so long.

  The stranger turned and followed my gaze. “Maybe he isn’t coming back. Maybe he found someone else.”

  I glared at him. “And maybe he’s not like you, hitting on anything with tits.”

  He leaned back and smiled. “Whoa, I’m getting a distinct negative vibe from you.”

  “You sound like a perceptive guy.”

  He chuckled. “What’s your name, sexy?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Come on, just telling me your name won’t mean anything.”

  “Please leave.” I had a sudden fear that Jamie was going to come back, see this guy sitting here, and start a fight. I pictured myself trying to explain to Lauren how I had gotten Jamie thrown in jail.

  “I bet I can guess it.”

  “Just go. Please?”

  “Tell you what. If I guess your name wrong, I’ll leave you alone and not bother you anymore.”

  “Why don’t you just skip the guess and leave me alone?”

  “But if I guess it right, I get a kiss.”

  “Get lost.” I was becoming frantic now. Jamie had to be back any second, and this was going to be trouble.

  “Is it a deal?”


  “Then I’m going to sit here and wait for your boyfriend to show up. Who knows, maybe he really isn’t coming back?”

  I took a deep breath. Ok, I needed to get rid of this asshole, and quick. “Fine, make your guess.”

  He grinned and leaned in, studying my face. “Hmm, let me see.”

  “Hurry up and guess, so you can leave.”

  “You’re definitely not a Suzie. Most Suzies I know have huge breasts. Not that yours aren’t real nice.”

  “Just guess.”

  “And you’re not a Marcie. Every Marcie I’ve ever met was dumb. And you look pretty smart to me.”

  “Come on.”

  He rubbed his chin. “I bet you’re one of those K girls. You know, like Karen, or Kimmy.”

  I pushed down the panic. “Is that your guess?”

  “No. I’m still thinking. What could it be? Kelly? No. Kendra? No. Katie? No, that’s not it.”

  My heart was beating fast. Shit! “Just guess.”

  He pointed his finger at me. “I got it. I know what it is. Damn, what’s her name?”

  “Who’s name?”

  “You know, that chick from those Twilight movies. I think that’s your name.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you do. You know, the one who’s in love with a vampire? What’s her name?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Stewart! That’s her last name. Now, what was her first?” He tapped his chin and stared at the ceiling.

  This was turning into a nightmare.

  He pointed at me again. “Kristen! That’s her name! That’s my guess.”

  I stared at him in shock. How was this possible?

  He smiled. “Am I right?”

  I had no choice but to lie. “No, you’re wrong. Go away.”

  “Damn,” he said, and shook his head. “I can’t believe it.”

  “You can’t believe what?”

  “That my own cousin would lie to me.”


  He looked over my shoulder. “Jamie, I thought you said her name was Kristen?”

  I spun in my chair and looked up. Jamie was standing there grinning at me. “Hey ba
by, I’d like you to meet my cousin Robbie.”

  I looked back across the table to see Robbie wearing a wide grin.

  I shook my head. “You assholes.”

  They both cracked up, and I couldn’t hold back my own smile.

  Robbie held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Kristen.”

  I placed my hand in his. “You too, Robbie.”

  As he shook my hand, he said, “You’ve got a special one here, Cuz. She didn’t budge one inch. I haven’t been shot down that badly since I asked the senior head cheerleader to the prom.” He then gave me a wink and added, “Of course, I was only in sixth grade at the time.”

  Jamie set our drinks down, pulled an empty chair from a table beside us, and sat next to me, still grinning.

  I smiled back. “What would you have done if I let him stay?”

  He took a sip of his Coke. “If you had done that, then I’ve totally misjudged you this past week. And I didn’t think I had.”

  I smiled. “That’s sweet. And for the record, you haven’t.”

  Jamie turned to his cousin. “Where’s Suzie?”

  “She should be here any minute.”

  “Suzie?” I said, looking at Robbie with a raised eyebrow.

  He grinned at me and held his hands cupped in front of his chest. “Yeah, Suzie.”

  I just laughed and shook my head.

  Chapter 21

  Sure enough, when Suzie showed up a few minutes later, she lived up to her billing. Her breasts were huge, and although I was happy with mine, I felt dwarfed in comparison. She seemed like a real sweet girl, and I got the feeling that Robbie really cared for her.

  “You feel like dancing?” Jamie asked.

  “I’d love to.”

  He looked at his cousin expectantly, but Robbie waved him off. “Maybe later.”

  Jamie stood and took my hand, then led me to the dance floor. For a farm boy, he moved very well, and I found myself watching his body, feeling that fluttering sensation in my stomach. Since I’d had years of dance growing up, I was able to find my rhythm, despite not knowing any country dances.

  The song stopped, and a new one began. As the singer joined in, I looked at Jamie with a puzzled expression.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Why do I know this song? I don’t know any country songs.”

  He grinned wide and began singing along with the song. “I danced with my baby in the clear moonlight, and she felt alright, yeah she felt alright.”

  I grinned back as I realized what it was. It was the song he’d been singing in the barn when we’d first met. I began dancing with him as he continued to sing.

  “And when we were alone I held her tight, and she felt alright, yeah she felt alright.”

  We smiled at each other, realizing the lyrics were very close to what we went through the past week.

  “She shared her love all through the night, and she felt alright, yeah she felt alright.”

  I danced to the song, feeling the music flowing through me. Jamie’s hands moved to my hips, guiding my motions, and I knew then that I couldn’t wait any longer to make love to him. It was going to happen tonight, when we got home.

  When the song finished, I felt flushed, and was glad a slow one was next. I stepped close to him, and felt his arms slide around me, and we began to move to the slow rhythm. I laid my head on his chest, and felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

  Halfway through, I pulled his head down to me. He thought I wanted to kiss, but instead I moved my lips to his ear.

  “I want to make love to you tonight, when we get home.”

  He lifted his head and stared down at me. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Completely.”

  He smiled, and leaned down again, and this time we did kiss. It lasted until the end of the song.

  After it was over, we decided to head back to the table. He said he would get us fresh drinks and be right over. When I got back, Robbie was sitting alone.

  “Where’s Suzie?” I asked, taking my seat.

  “Ladies room. She pees a lot.” He said it matter of factly, adding a little nod.

  “How are you and Jamie related?”

  “His dad and my dad are brothers.”

  I looked at him. “Now that you say it, I can see the resemblance.”

  He nodded. “We got that a lot when we were younger.”

  “I really like him.”

  He nodded again. “I can tell. He likes you too.”

  “Yeah, I know.”


  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, he’s finally found someone he wants to be with.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Up until now, he’s shot down every girl who’s tried to get with him.”

  I gave him a puzzled look. “Wait, girls have tried to be with him?”

  He returned my confused look. “Yeah. Have you looked at him?”

  I smiled. “Of course, but I just thought his mother kept him on the farm, away from that kind of thing.”

  He nodded. “She tries, but he’s been here several times since he tuned eighteen. He’s had plenty of girls come at him, one better looking than the next. All of them, shot down in flames.”

  “But what about the woman he got in a fight over? He didn’t refuse her.”

  “He told you about that, huh? Yeah, that was a weird one. I couldn’t figure it out myself, why he went outside with her. That asshole husband was lucky I wasn’t out there, because my ass kicking wouldn’t have ended where Jamie’s did.”

  “Why me, then?”

  He shrugged. “I guess you’re the one he’s been waiting for.” He grinned and added, “Please tell me you’re going to introduce him to the mystery that is woman.”

  I smiled. “We’re working on it.”

  He raised his hands. “Hallelujah!”

  Jamie arrived and set the drinks on the table. “Getting some religion, cousin?”

  “Yes!” Robbie said, keeping his hands up. “I believe a miracle is about to happen. Thank you Jesus!”

  I grinned.

  Chapter 22

  Suzie came back, and we all talked for a while. I decided I needed to pee, and headed for the girl’s room. Despite having just gone, Suzie said she’d join me.

  I finished up while she was still in the stall, and told her I’d meet her back at the table. I pushed open the bathroom door and headed through the crowd. I hadn’t gotten ten feet before someone stepped in front of me.

  I looked up at the biggest man I had ever seen. He was six-six, easy, with all kinds of muscles and a bald head. He was covered with tattoos, and one of them was of a coiled snake on the side of his neck. He was standing right in front of me, grinning.

  “Excuse me,” I said, and stepped sideways to go around him. He moved with me, blocking my path.

  “Hey sexy,” he said, “you wanna dance?”

  “No thank you.” I tried to move the other way, but once again he stepped in front of me.

  “Let me past, please.” My heart rate was picking up.

  He laughed. “Come on, sexy. Just one dance. I saw you dancing slow with Jamie. You can dance with me like that.”

  I sighed in relief. So that’s what this was. One of Jamie’s relatives screwing with me again.

  I smiled. “Ok, who are you? Jamie’s uncle?”

  The man grinned wide. “That’s right, I’m his favorite Uncle Clyde.”

  “Nice to meet you, Uncle Clyde, but you can’t fool me twice. I’m in on the joke. Let me go back to my table now.”

  “Not until we dance. It’s only fair.”

  “What do you mean, fair?”

  “Jamie danced with my woman, so I should get to dance with his.”

  Alarm bells went off in my head, and I backed up a step. “I know who you are. Just stay away from me.”

  He held his arms out wide, and they seemed to cover the whole room. “Don’t be like that. Just one d
ance. And maybe a little kiss.”

  Just then, Suzie came out of the bathroom. Her eyes opened wide when she saw what was going on. “Holy shit,” she muttered, and ran off towards our table.

  “No, Suzie!” I yelled after her, as I saw what was about to happen play out in my mind. But it was too late, she was gone, and I knew it was just a matter of time before Jamie would show up. I had to get away from this guy, and get Jamie out of here.

  I pointed to my left. “Hey, there’s Jamie now.”

  Uncle Clyde turned in that direction, and I darted to the right. And I almost made it. But I felt his strong hand grab me by the elbow.

  I was lifted off my feet and violently pushed against the wall. Before I realized what was happening, his body was pressed against mine and he was kissing me. I almost gagged as I felt his tongue squirming into my mouth. His breath tasted like stale beer and cigarettes, and I tried to scream. His hand clamped on my breast and squeezed it painfully.

  I was about to scream again, but suddenly he wasn’t there. He was pressing up against me one moment, and gone the next. Instead, Jamie was standing there, asking me if I was alright.

  I looked to my left, and saw the bald guy lying on the floor, looking dazed. I realized what had happened. Jamie must have run into him at full speed, knocking him to the floor.

  “Kristen,” he said, looking into my eyes. “Are you hurt?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  His hand moved to my hip, and he gently pushed me behind him. Then he turned to face the man on the floor, and I saw the muscles on his shoulders bunching.

  I reached out and grabbed his arm. “No, Jamie. Let’s just go.”

  He shook me off. Baldy was getting up.

  I finally noticed that Robbie was right behind me. I turned to him. “Please, talk to Jamie. Convince him we should go.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t do that.”

  Suddenly, someone else joined our little group, and Uncle Clyde moved down to the second biggest man I had ever seen.

  This guy was at least seven feet tall – a mountain of blackness – looking like he ate steroids for snacks. Even his smoothly shaven black head seemed like it had muscles on it. He was wearing a two-sizes too small T-shirt that had ‘LONGHORN’ printed across the front.


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