The Legend of Alexandros: Belen

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The Legend of Alexandros: Belen Page 6

by Mr. A. C. Hernandez

  The forest was filled with silence as Alexandros and Princess Elora listened to Alistair’s story; the sound of the flowing stream echoed in the air. Alexandros brushed the hair away from his face and let go of Alistair. The one thing now was to keep Alistair alive; he may be the key to stopping Barbarious. Alexandros helped Princess Elora up, then pulled Alistair to his feet.

  “Well, Alistair, you are coming with us. You will help me get vengeance for my family. You know Barbarious better than anyone, and only you can help us get close enough to him.”

  With not much of a choice Alistair agreed to go along with Alexandros. Leading the way out of the forest back toward Ezdacir, the centaur village, Alexandros traveled with Elora and Alistair, who remained barefoot and wearing a ragged old grey cloak.

  “Just wait until Tobias and Raphael see that the annoying merchant who has been living in their forest is the Great Alistair,” said Alexandros.

  Far across the lands in the now dark kingdom of Siruac in the highest tower of the kingdom, where King Vincent once ruled, sat Barbarious. Dark forces had overrun the beautiful kingdom; its once surrounding green forest lay barren, unearthly and haunted. Dark clouds floated over the castle; its once flowing river drained into mud and ooze. In the castle’s halls walked goblins and other dark minions such as zombies—the resurrected souls of those who once lived in the castle and now functioned as slaves for the wizardwho reanimates them; they only understood simple commands and can only be killed when the wizard who brought them back from death is killed himself. The castle halls were dark and hollow, layered with a thin hazy mist.

  In King Vincent’s throne room sat the new ruler of Siruac. The throne room was located in the center tower of the kingdom and was incredibly large and round, a thin green mist floated through the throne room. The throne room was empty, with little light, but had a large window door that reached high into a ceiling that led to the balcony, which looked over the kingdom. Barbarious’ throne was made of the bones of warriors and mythical creatures thought to be myth; the arms of the throne chair were the skulls of Unicorns. Barbarious sat and stared around the room with his dark hollow eyes; his long stringy white hair falling straight down his face, and with his bony hand he held his mystical staff.

  Barbarious sat unmoving, when a knock on the huge massive wooden door echoed through the room. With a wave of his hand, the door swung open and banged against the wall with a loud thud. The hobgoblin Zuers entered.

  Zuers was Barbarious’ right-hand apprentice; he had served Barbarious for about two hundred years. Zuers stood about seven to eight feet tall and was built like a stone fortress. His greenish grey skin was covered with tiny rough hair; his teeth were razor sharp and yellow. A long black braid went down his back, and his left eye was missing. Many years ago it had been gouged out by an elf warrior during battle. He wore silver plated armor made for him by Barbarious. Zuers walked into the throne room with a powerful stride, and the weight of silver body armor caused a click-clack noise. He knelt down on one knee as he approached the throne.

  “My lord…the traitor is dead. Your spell worked better than the foolish goblins anticipated. Our use for them grows less and less as our plan spans out,” Zuers said, his ghoulish voice deep and raspy.

  “Very well, Zuers…I shall call on you when I need you.” Barbarious replied with a voice so deep and dark it made the Goblins quiver in fear.

  As Zuers turned to leave, Barbarious stopped him.” Barbarious said with a horrendous evil smile. “I have been thinking…I feel it is time I visit the centaurs…”

  Alistair hopped along trying to keep up as he spoke to Princess Elora, telling her his most fond memories. Elora listened as she found the tales most fascinating. Alistair told the tale of how he stopped a vast army from taking over the kingdom of Siruac and the one where he stopped a giant sea creature from destroying an entire village. Alistair told her the best of the best and appreciated her joy.

  They traveled down the road at a quick pace, but Alexandros’ was unable to focus. He thought of Princess Elora romantically, and his feelings frightened him. He could not love her the way he wanted to or the way she deserved. His desired revenge, but his heart wanted to love Elora.

  For miles they traveled, passing the centaur village on their way to the marshlands. Alexandros noticed an odd-looking tree that stood alone on a small hilltop; the tree was as high as the sky. Its branches were long and spread apart and look as if they belonged to a sea serpent. The peculiar tree led the three straight to the marshlands where Tobias, Raphael, and the rest of the group awaited Alexandros’ arrival.

  The marshlands were separated from a small pond by a short stone bridge. Once across the bridge, they stood on a small piece of land and had to continue the rest of the journey through a knee-deep swamp. The area was not as they expected, the entire areawas surrounded with lovely green trees. Exotic plants grew from the swamp, and the only thing that had a foul smell was Alistair. While crossing through the swamp Princess Elora held tightly onto Alexandros’ muscular arm. From her knees down the swamp soaked her beautiful red dress, but did not mind so long as Alexandros was there.

  Deep in the marsh forest, Alexandros spotted a cavern connected to a mountain that stood as high as the marshland sky, and standing outside the cavern was none other than the dwarf Bixbin.

  “Well, friends,” Bixbin greeted them. “You have finally returned…and you brought along a dirty old man?”

  “This dirty old man is…” answered Alexandros. “Well, Bixbin, just take

  me to Tobias.”

  Together they entered the cavern, where deep inside the enormous mountain cavern safely rested the centaur people of Ezdacir.

  “What on earth is he doing here?” Tobias cried. “This is a sacred cavern for centaurs and for those who are welcomed, and since this old merchant is neither, I would highly suggest he leave before we make him leave.”

  “Why can we not all be kind to one other…?” Winston sighed to himself as he flopped down in a corner.

  “The merchant cannot at all stay here,” said Tobias. “Not for one more second, Alexandros.”

  “You do not understand, Tobias…” Alexandros said calmly.

  “Then please help me to, Alexandros.”

  Alexandros looked down to the ground, took in a deep breath, and slowly looked back to Tobias. “This is…the wizard Alistair…”



  Tobias stood in complete shock as he stared down at the skinny, shaking merchant; the very merchant who had been hounding and annoying the centaur nation for several months. Alistair looked at the centaur villagers—he saw all the angry eyes on him…shame grew on his face he had become a person that no one wanted around. The great wizard knew he must redeem himself, and now was a great time to begin. The mountain cavern was enormous and in it were thousands of centaurs. They rustled around trying as hard as possible to make themselves at home. The multitude of centaurs made the enormous cavern feel more cramped than necessary.

  Tobias whispered to Alexandros, “May I speak with you for a moment, Belen?”

  “Certainly,” Alexandros whispered back.

  The two walked to a corner of the cavern, and before Tobias could even utter a few words, Alexandros began to speak.

  “Tobias, I know how much you hate Alistair, but this wizard saved my life, and yes he has been somewhat of a bother to you. But with all respect to you, sir, I really do not care. This dirty old wizard may be able to help us put an end to Barbarious and the goblins once and for all.”

  “Well, Belen, you are beginning to sound more like your father every time we speak…fine, this old merchant may also seek sanctuary here, but if he…”

  Suddenly, the cavern began to feel icy cold; the feeling of death and sorrow filled the air as it flooded with thin, green hazy mist. Bixbin moved inward and drew his giant hammer as if preparing for battle. The centaurs grew fearful having not a clue what was happening. Alexandros
urged them outside to safety. As some Centaurs left the cavern, the hazy mist gathered in the center of the cavern. The mist twisted and turned until the outline of a person formed. Tobias ordered for all to halt, and as Alistair moved behind Alexandros, weary as to what was happening, Barbarious appeared from the mist.

  He stood very still as he looked around at everyone, he held his silver mystical staff and slowly waved it around, shining a small light upon everyone. The mere presence sent chills down the spines of the centaur warriors. Barbarious said nothing as he simply stared, with his sunken hollow eyes; his messy grey hair covered most of his face, which made him look more frightening. All eyes were kept on Barbarious. Winston crouched down glaring at the dark wizard with his purple eyes. Raphael stepped gracefully out of the crowd.

  “You are not welcomed here, wizard,” he said.

  Barbarious turned his head eerily slow. Once his eyes were set on Raphael, Barbarious’ haunting gaze filled the centaur prince’s body as Barbarious cursed him with the Curse of a Thousand Deaths; a curse so horrible and painful it was said to be a myth for centuries. Raphael’s body locked up, and he collapsed to the ground as the pain of the curse sent deadly shock waves through his body.

  Tobias launched himself toward Raphael as he lay convulsing in pain. Barbarious quickly turned his head to Tobias and froze him in the center of the cavern. The dark wizard slowly raised his hand, levitating the centaur king into the air. As Tobias floated helplessly, the green mist began to swirl around him and started to turn from green to an eerie grey then to black, and with the naked eye it seemed as if the mist had what looked to be filled with haunting demons, crawling and slithering up all around him as if reaching to rip his soul from his body. The phantom demons hissed, snarled, and clawed at his flesh until the mist finally consumed Tobias and drained the life right out of him. His body sank into itself and began to become brittle until all that was left were skeletal bones, which fell hard to the ground. Those who looked on were paralyzed with fear and despair—they knew Barbarious would kill them all.

  “Barbarious, stop this at once!” cried Princess Elora.

  Barbarious glared at her with his hollow eyes.

  “My dear Elora, you have survived? How shocking, since you could barely think without the help of others in the castle. But I must make my message at clear as possible.”

  Barbarious lifted his death-like hand toward the Princess Elora; he made a snapping fist and broke her legs. The Princess’ screams pierced the ears of all as she began to fall. But before she hit the ground, Alexandros hurled forward and caught her, placing her gentling on the cavern floor. Pure anger in his eyes, Alexandros leaped toward Barbarious with a powerful thundering kick to the chest that sent the dark wizard crashing to the ground. Barbarious smashed to the ground, then looked up, he then rose to his feet in a ghostly manner with one hand holding his chest—no man had ever been able to hurt or physically touch Barbarious for nearly two hundred years. As Barbarious began to raise his other hand, Alexandros snarled at the dark wizard and with his sword Alexandros hacked off the hand of the Dark Wizard. An unholy scream escaped the mouth of Barbarious as black ooze spilled out of his wound.

  Barbarious used every curse spell he had known on Alexandros but none seemed to even harm the young warrior. Raged filled the wizard as he stood in the center of the cavern howling in an unholy manner. Suddenly Alistair stepped forward channeling all the magics within himself, the ground around him lit up with a golden light the seemed to be abosorbed through his feet traveling up his body and escaping through his hands. He blasted the dark wizard with more power than Barbarious ever thought possible, sending the evil wizard back to wherever he came from.

  Winston slowly made his way to Elora and gently picked her up.

  “My friend, the danger is over. I shall remove you from here,” Winston whispered to Elora as tears fell from his purple eyes. Elora wrapped her arms around his neck, and Winston cradled her in his arms as they left the cavern.

  Alexandros, Bixbin, and Alistair gently lifted Ralphael out of the cavern. While outside everyone stood in despair. The centaur king was dead, their prince was cursed, and Barbarious was still alive. Bixbin stood next to Raphael he whispered to him “centaur prince we will find a way to fix you…” But the words at this point did not go through to Raphael; all he felt was the pain of the curse.

  Alexandros stared at the great wizard as a bright light began to transform Alistair from the old haggard merchant to the wizard he truly was. Alistair’s hair changed from messy grey to a straight golden blonde; his eyes turned bright green. He was lean and almost as tall as Alexandros himself; his skin was fair, and he was incredibly handsome.

  “My boy, you must have a million and one questions for me at this moment,” Alistair said in a mystical tone. “But at this time we must help the centaur prince. This curse is meant to drive the poor centaur crazy, and in some point in time…it will kill him. His only cure lives with the elves across the sea.”

  Alexandros closed his eyes and gently rubbed his forehead. “Very well, my friend…let us visit the elves.”




  The waves crashed hard against the massive old wooden cargo ship. The sky was grey, and the air was damp. It had been raining for about two days, which was how long Alexandros, Alistair, the Princess Elora, Bixbin, Winston, and Raphael had been trapped aboard the huge ship called The Voyager.

  The Voyager was a somewhat respected cargo ship, since these ships always seemed to misplace or lose the things they had to transport. The ship was built of strong wood and was quite large; it had four cargo cabins, three of which were filled with the fine oils they were required to transport, and the fourth was occupied by Alexandros and the others. There were about twenty crewmembers who were no older than twenty-five. The oldest human on board must have been the captain of the Voyager who was thirty-eight.

  Down in their cargo cabin room, Raphael, who was in agonizing pain from the curse, left no other choice for Alistair but to cast a spell to put the centaur into a state of suspended animation. Evedsatu, forest of the elves, was where they were headed in search for Raphael’s cure.

  At the stern of the ship, Alexandros stood alone as he gazed down at the waving blue water. His shirt had been somewhat torn, so to keep from the cold he wrapped himself in an old grey cloak he had found when they first boarded. After the confrontation with Barbarious, Alexandros felt surges of energy flowing through his body, and with it brought a great deal of concern…what was happening to him? Why all of a sudden now? Two questions to add on to the hundreds more he already had. The ship rocked, but Alexandros himself never moved. He just gazed at the sea as if it held the answers to his questions.

  Down in the cargo area were Bixbin, Elora, Raphael, and Alistair. Bixbin stood guard over Elora and Raphael, and Winston soared high over the ship. It had been years since he had flown so freely; not since he was a hatchling was he able to just soar without worry, and it made him feel somewhat guilty, for his friends were in such pain. He glided silently through the air thinking of them.

  Alistair made his way up to the deck to speak with Alexandros. For several minutes the two stood in silence and watched the waves smash against the ship.

  “Do you think it is safe for your Dragon to fly over the ship like this?” Alistair asked softly.

  “Winston will be fine. Besides he has more than earned this.”

  “Understandable. How are you holding up, Belen?”

  “Well, I have been better. What is happening to me, Alistair?”

  “Nothing for you to be alarmed about, it is just a tiny spell.”

  Alexandros tilted his head in confusion.

  “When I found you,” Alistair continued, “after you slayed those goblins, I cast a most powerful protection spell over you; it protects you from harmful spells, but may make you connected to the magical world somewhat. You need not worry, Belen. It is most safe. For som
e reason you seemed as if trouble would be lurking after you.”

  “Well, it seems you were right, and I must say thank you…once more. Now I want you to explain this, your transformation.”

  Without hesitation Alistair answered as if he had been waiting for the question all along. “After I went into hiding, I wanted to lose myself to the world and to myself, so I allowed my body to age until I was that old messy merchant. Not until I saw Barbarious again was I tempted use my powers, for so long I felt as if I did not deserve them. I let many people down. Now I know that running away was my greatest failure, and by stopping Barbarious and regaining my staff I will make up for all my mistakes.”

  “If you allowed yourself to age, why is Barbarious so haggard looking?”

  “Barbarious was once a most handsome man as well, but the forces he summons and powers he uses consumes him and stole away his humanity and left behind what you see, a shell of his former self and no magic in this world will be able to conceal it.”

  The ship rocked hard from side to side. In the distance, a storm had formed. Little rain began to fall, and the captain ordered everyone inside the ship. Alexandros called out to Winston.

  “My friend, it is time to enter.”

  Winston replied with a smile. “In a moment human friend. I am enjoying myself.”

  Alexandros said to Alistair, “I wish he would not call me that. I do have a name.”

  Alexandros then traveled with Alistair down to where his companions rested. They entered a medium-sized square room that was full of crates and other junk. Resting on the crates were Raphael and Elora; both in deep sleep. Alistair had cast a spell so that they would sleep the entire way to Evedsatu. Alexandros walked to the corner where Elora soundly slept. He gently brushed away the hair from her face.


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