Little Bird (The Tangled Series)

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Little Bird (The Tangled Series) Page 7

by Gaines, Liza

  Lee stared at the photographs, wondering what he should do next. His first instinct was to take them with him and show them to Savannah and Mike, but Cara wanted them kept safe. Taking them back to his house, which had already been searched once, probably wasn’t the best idea. Pulling out his cell phone, Lee used it to take pictures of the photographs before returning them to the safe deposit box and leaving.

  Back in his Jeep, Lee was pulling out of the parking lot and turning for home when he changed his mind, deciding to run a few other errands before heading back. It was a pretty decent excuse to avoid Savannah just a while longer. The one thought that had been nagging at the back of his mind all day was how much he wanted to get back so he could see her again and he had pretty mixed feelings about that.

  Fucking her this morning had surely been a mistake. A goddamn amazing mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. Aside from the information he’d gleaned about Cara’s situation from his visit to her apartment, the trip also served to remind him he wasn’t meant for a woman like Savannah. As much as he’d enjoyed the sex he didn’t want to hurt her, and Mike was right, that was exactly what would happen. Lee wasn’t looking for a relationship and Savannah had relationship written all over her. He should have stuck with his initial plan, which had been not to lay a finger on her unless she asked. Oh, sure, she asked him to fuck her this morning and she’d meant it, too, but she’d have never done it if he hadn’t bullied her into it. When she realized he wasn’t interested in settling down again, he was pretty sure she’d be wishing she could take it all back and he felt pretty miserable about that. He’d been very careful to avoid emotional entanglements at all cost and he’d fucked that up today.

  He should tell her it had been a mistake. He could explain it had nothing to do with her. It was just a bad idea since they were supposed to be working together. Even that would hurt her feelings, he figured, but it was better to deal with it now and hurt her feelings a little bit than let it drag on and have the whole thing blow up in his face in epic proportions. That was the best way to clean up this little mess and, yet, he knew himself, he knew he wouldn’t do it.

  He’d fuck her again because he didn’t have the self-control to stop himself, even if it was the right thing to do. He wasn’t even going to try and lie to himself about that. Hell, he was hard just thinking about getting home and seeing her again, which was straight up stupid. If he wanted to get laid it would take him less than ten minutes, on a good day less than five, to scroll through his contact list and find a ready and willing partner. So why the hell was it she was all he could think about?

  Lee shook his head, trying to push thoughts of Savannah away, as he pulled into the post office. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted her and he poured all his concentration into making it fucking stop. It was wasted effort. Every second he wasn’t actively focusing his thoughts on something else she’d slip right back in again, taunting him with the memory of the way she’d felt and the sounds she’d made when they fucked.

  Savannah sat at the kitchen table, Cara’s credit report spread out in front of her. She’d raided Lee’s refrigerator before returning to the rental and was drinking a beer as she tried to concentrate on the papers in front of her.

  It was almost five thirty and Lee had been gone most of the day. She still hadn’t heard from him and she was starting to worry. What if he’d interrupted the thugs at Cara’s apartment and he was in trouble? And she didn’t even know where Cara’s apartment was so there wasn’t much she could do.

  Savannah leaned back in her chair and sighed. She’d been reviewing the things Mike had sent her and so far wasn’t having much luck. Cara’s bank statements showed nothing of interest. Her paycheck had been automatically deposited the previous Friday, but there had been no other deposits or withdrawals since. Over the last several months, there were several large withdrawals of five hundred dollars or more, the last one about two weeks ago, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. From the looks of things Cara made pretty good money, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she spent lots of cash on a fancier-than-average lifestyle.

  There were three credit card statements, two of which were last used on Sunday. But the third account, which had only been opened the previous month, had been used yesterday right here in DC. The charges themselves didn’t reveal much. It had been used once Monday at a coffee shop in Chinatown, and it had been used yesterday at a department store in Columbia Heights. Cara was still in the area. Unless her card had been stolen, but that didn’t seem likely. A thief would have run up more than four dollars and eighty-five cents on a cup of coffee and seventy-three dollars and nineteen cents at a store. No, it had to be Cara. So that meant she was also probably safe and in hiding on her own. Or at least, she had been as recently as yesterday.

  The credit report wasn’t helpful either. Cara had excellent credit, carried no balances on her credit cards, and paid them off on time every month.

  Savannah heard a scratch at the back door and went to look. When she swung the door open, Toby stood on the porch looking up at her, wagging his tail. Laughing, she opened the screen door. The dog came in and went straight to the living room, jumping on the couch and curling up on one end. She was pretty sure Lee didn’t let him up on the furniture but he was cute and she didn’t have the heart to make him get down.

  Returning to her seat at the table, her mind wandered back to the events of that morning, her skin warming as she thought about it. Raising her hand to her neck, her fingers trailed over the tender bruise where he’d sucked and bitten her. She smiled as she remembered the way he had completely possessed her body. That was the hottest sex she’d ever had and she was thrown off balance by the way it had affected her. She laughed, shaking her head, when she remembered what she’d thought that morning in the shower. Of course, she hadn’t known then how incredible the sex would be, but she’d been more than a little naïve to think she could sleep with him once and get him out of her system. The reality was fucking him had the exact opposite effect. She could barely concentrate on her work she was so distracted by thoughts of him.

  Savannah groaned and shook her head in frustration. She’d behaved like an idiot this morning, having sex twice with a man who was not only off limits but, if Mike was to be believed, was also bad news. And now, instead of being regretful and ashamed about the whole thing, all she could think about was throwing herself into Lee’s arms and doing it again as soon as he got back.

  A little more than twenty-four hours ago she’d thought Lee was an abrasive jerk. Hell, she’d still thought that when she found him in her living room this morning. But something had changed and she didn’t think it was just because of the sex. There was something about him she couldn’t quite put her finger on but whatever it was, it felt right. She hadn’t felt this giddy about a guy in a long time. She believed Mike when he said Lee was a womanizer and she didn’t think for a minute that was going to change just because of her, but unfortunately that wasn’t enough to make her want to stay away. The odds were really good that she was going to get hurt, but she knew she’d stick around for the amazing sex anyway. Clearly she was a glutton for punishment.

  She couldn’t believe she’d lain on the floor in front of him, letting him watch her masturbate while he was on the phone. She’d never done anything like that before but the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, he’d made her feel like the sexiest woman alive and that did a lot for her confidence.

  She wondered what it would be like to make love to him. This morning had been amazing, the best sex she’d ever had, but she was willing to bet making love with a man like Lee would be even better. She closed her eyes, imagining what it would be like to have him kiss her tenderly, his hands on her body, soft and caressing as he moved inside her. They’d be stretched out on his bed together, his weight on top of her, pressing her into the mattress. Lee seemed to like talking dirty to her, she wondered if he’d talk when he made love, too. Maybe he’d say she was
beautiful. Or tell her how much he wanted her and needed her. Well no, Lee would probably never say that, but still, a girl could dream.

  Savannah jumped when her cell phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. Picking it up, she glanced at the caller ID. Her cheeks flushed and her stomach did a somersault. It was Lee.


  “Hey, Little Bird. I’m back and I’m starving. I’m going to eat in about an hour if you want to come over.”

  “Sure, I’ll be over in just a bit. I have one thing I need to finish up first.”

  “Okay, great. Any luck today?”

  “A little but not much. You?”

  “Yeah, a little. I’ll tell you about it when you get here. Oh, hey, have you seen Toby this afternoon? I left him out while I was gone and he seems to have run off again.”

  “He came to visit me for a while. I’ll bring him back with me.”

  She could hear Lee laughing on the other end of the phone. Even his laugh was enough to give her goose bumps. “Okay, I’ll see you in a few. The back door is unlocked, let yourself in.”

  Chapter Six

  When Savannah and Toby came through the back door Lee was standing at the counter drinking a beer and sorting through his mail. He looked up and smiled at her. “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.”

  “No problem.” Savannah crossed the room to his fridge, helping herself to a bottle of beer.

  She hadn’t heard him move but when she closed the refrigerator door and turned around Lee was right in front of her. One hand found her hip, pulling her roughly against him, as he took the bottle from her hand and set it on the table.

  “I’ve been thinking about fucking you again all goddamn day.”

  “Me, too.” Savannah blushed. She felt silly admitting that she’d been fantasizing about him, but it came surprisingly easy despite her embarrassment. Maybe it was because it was great sex, but she thought it had more to do with him. He was so plain and upfront about his desire to fuck her. Probably he was that way with every woman. He didn’t seem to be the sort who was ever bashful. But no one had ever been that unrestrained with her before, that open and forthright about sex, and she liked it.

  “Get those shorts off.” Lee grinned at her, his hands working his belt as he backed her toward the refrigerator. He had a head start because as long as he herded her backward she couldn’t take her shorts off without tripping. By the time her back came up against the refrigerator Lee already had his cock out and was putting on the condom he’d pulled from his pocket. She’d just unfastened her shorts, a little slow and awkward with nervous energy, when Lee growled, a low feral sound, and yanked her shorts over her hips. She was kicking out of them when Lee grabbed her around the waist, picking her up.

  Savannah started to protest, to tell him to put her down so she could take her panties off, but before she could say anything Lee pushed one hand between them, shoving her panties to the side and thrusting into her.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. Couldn’t wait for you to get those off.”

  Savannah laughed, a throaty, joyous sound, clinging to him with her arms and legs while he held her firmly against him, both hands on her ass. She loved that he wanted her that much. That he was unwilling to wait the extra few seconds it would have taken her to get her panties off.

  Lee carried her to the table, setting her on its edge and leaning her back until she rested on her elbows. Looming over her, with both hands on the table, Lee drew back and plunged into her. Savannah gasped, unwrapping her legs from his hips and spreading them wide.

  Lee smiled and raised a brow curiously. “Is this what you were thinking about this afternoon?”

  “Not exactly. Not on the kitchen table, anyway.” Savannah was breathless, finding it difficult to carry on a conversation, but she liked that he was a talker during sex. It made her feel more connected. This morning, when he’d been calling her all sorts of filthy names, she’d liked that, too, even if it had initially shocked her. But this was different; it was playful and flirty and made her feel giddy.

  “Tell me then. After dinner I’ll make it come true for you, if I can.” Lee paused for a second, giving her a lopsided smile before adding, “I mean, if you fantasized about fucking on the pitcher’s mound at National’s Park that might take a little more planning, but I’ll do my best.”

  Savannah grinned, reaching to bite his chin. “No, no. You’re definitely way more creative than I am. My silly little fantasies would probably bore you.”

  Lee grunted, driving into her harder, his voice thick and deep. “Doubtful, sweetheart. As long as it involves my dick in your cunt it couldn’t possibly be boring.”

  Savannah shivered, biting her lip. Not only did Lee know exactly the right way to touch her but he knew exactly the right things to say, too. He wasn’t romantic in the flowery poetic sense of the word. But Lee was straightforward and honest, simple and unapologetic about his desire, and that was something Savannah could appreciate. She didn’t always trust men who were overtly romantic; she’d been burned once by a jerk hiding behind pretty words and once had been more than enough. Lee’s candid and direct approach, although sometimes crude, was refreshing and put her at ease. She’d probably still get hurt in the end, but at least Lee had been upfront about what he wanted from her instead of trying to trick her with insincere romance. Still, as comfortable as she felt with him, she wasn’t about to tell him she’d imagined making love to him. No way in hell she was going to admit that.

  “Still don’t want to tell me, huh? Want to know what I was thinking about?” Lee’s voice was hoarse and choked. Savannah nodded and he leaned closer, brushing his lips over hers, his pelvis grinding against her clit. “I’d planned to lay you out on my bed. Take my time with you. Kiss and lick and taste every inch of your body. I was so fucking hard thinking about licking your pussy ’til you came all over my face. I’m still going to do all that a little later but the minute you walked in, I just had to get inside you.”

  Savannah panted, her chest heaving as she stared at him. “I’m not complaining.”

  “Now it’s your turn. You know you want to tell me.” Lee cajoled, a devilish grin curving his mouth.

  She liked hearing what he’d been thinking about, but that wasn’t enough to persuade her to share her private fantasies. Telling him she’d thought about making love to him was putting way too much on the line. Savannah shook her head, and Lee cocked a brow at her, his eyes narrowed.

  “I’ll get it out of you eventually, you know, but I’ll let it go for now because I need to fucking come.”

  “Fuck, yes.” The words came out on a lusty moan and Savannah quivered with anticipation, her pussy gripping him tight as he slid into her.

  Lee thrust harder, the table sliding several inches across the tile floor. He laughed raggedly, grabbing the edge of the table and adjusting his position again. “Christ, woman, you make me feel like a goddamn animal. All I can think about is fucking you. Lie back. Wrap your legs around me again.”

  Savannah lay on the table, her legs around his hips, the table rocking beneath her. Lee leaned over, biting her breast through her shirt, one hand on her hip and the other in her hair. She could feel her orgasm building, knew it would come at any moment, knew even before it came it would be devastatingly powerful.

  Savannah screamed his name again and again, her body quaking with pleasure as her climax washed over her, wave after endless wave, until she thought she might die before it was over.

  “Fucking hell, how do you do that?”

  Through the haze of her own ecstasy she looked at him with confusion, not understanding what he meant. Before she could form the words to ask, he let out a low groan, his pelvis grinding against her. His cock jerked, his body shuddering, as he came.

  “How do I do what?” Savannah sat at the table drinking her beer and leafing through a catalog that had come in his mail while Lee finished getting dinner ready.

  “What?” He looked over his shou
lder from where he stood at the counter.

  “Right before you…uh…you know. You asked how I do that. I was just asking what ‘that’ was.” Savannah blushed furiously, her nose buried in the catalog. She didn’t dare look at him for fear she’d die of embarrassment, but her curiosity overrode her shyness and she had to ask.

  “Oh, that. I’ll tell you later. If we talk about it now I’m going to have to get inside you again and I’m really fucking hungry.”

  Savannah laughed; his crude honesty was amusing and flattering. “When is dinner ready? Do you want to call Mike now?”

  “Sure. Ring him up and put him on speaker.” Lee crossed the room and got plates and silverware for them.

  Savannah took a deep breath, trying to get her head in order, before laying her phone on the table and pressing “send.”


  “Hey, Mike. We’re reporting back, Boss.” She tried to sound like her normal self, despite the fact that watching Lee move around the kitchen, getting the food ready and setting the table, was enough to make her wet and needy. Apparently all he had to do was breathe and she’d get horny.

  “Great. What have you got?”

  Lee carried the food to the table and Savannah nodded at him, indicating he should go first.

  As he sat down, Lee leaned over the table to get closer to the phone and Savannah blushed, quickly looking away, reminded of how he’d leaned over her just a few minutes ago. It took all of her concentration to listen to what he was saying as Lee told them about the journal.

  When Lee finished, Mike grunted through the phone. “Makes sense. God only knows why, but she still trusts you and figures you can handle yourself. Maybe by sending them after you they’ll leave her parents and other more vulnerable people alone. What else?”


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