Little Bird (The Tangled Series)

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Little Bird (The Tangled Series) Page 9

by Gaines, Liza

  Lee moved closer, careful to keep his arms hanging loose at his sides so she wouldn’t think for even one second he was going to hit her back. But he invaded her space, towering over and glaring down at her, intimidating her with the force of his presence. “Don’t you ever lay your fucking hands on me like that again, bitch. I’ve never hit a woman in anger in my life and I’m not about to start now, but believe me when I tell you I can find far more creative ways to make you sorry for thinking you can slap me around. You’d be wise to think hard before you raise your hand to a man twice your size. They aren’t all going to be as goddamn patient as I am and someday you might get a fuck of a lot more than you bargained for, sweetheart.”

  “Bitch? You just called me a fucking bitch? You motherfucker!” Her hand flew up again but this time he was ready for her, his hand snaking out and grabbing her wrist before she could hit him. Savannah evidently wasn’t in the mood for taking advice from him.

  “You don’t want to hit me again, Savannah.” Lee tightened his grip on her wrist, but his voice softened as he added, “What the hell do you want from me? Why are we both still standing here having this argument? Just go next door, go to bed, cool the hell off, and we can talk about it more in the morning if you want.”

  Savannah tried to pull her arm away from him but he held fast so she continued with a huff. “I told you what I want. I want to fuck. And I’m not going to be here in the morning to continue this discussion with you.”

  “You want to fuck? You want one more for the road, baby, is that it?” Lee hauled her against his chest, his voice dripping with condescension.

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you, Levon. All you need to know is I want to fuck. You going to nut up and do it or keep standing there making excuses?”

  Holy. Fuck. The woman had lost her damn mind.

  “Fine, that’s what you want, we’ll fuck.” Lee let go of her wrist, both hands dropping to her ass and holding her hard against him as he warned, “You need to know, this isn’t going to be like before, sweetheart. Not even a little bit. You get what I’m telling you?”

  Savannah nodded, her body melting against his.

  Lee shook his head with a low growl and set her away from him, annoyed by the way she’d immediately gone soft against him. “Don’t just stand there and nod. Use your fucking words, baby. You want this, you tell me you get what I’m saying.”

  “Yeah, I get what you’re fucking saying. Now shut the fuck up and do it.” Savannah stepped close again, pulling his shirt free from the top of his jeans.

  “No.” Lee shoved her hands away. “I told you, this isn’t like before. You don’t fucking touch me unless I goddamn tell you to do it.” He turned Savannah in his arms and pushed her toward the bed. “On your hands and knees.”

  Watching in his peripheral vision as she climbed up on his bed, Lee retrieved a condom from the box in his bedside table and then moved to stand behind her at the edge. Reaching under her, he unbuttoned her shorts and hooked his fingers under the edge of her panties, yanking both pieces of clothing down around her knees in one movement. His breath caught at the sight of her pussy, wet and swollen with arousal. The temptation to lean forward and taste her was almost unbearable but now was not the time. He took a deep breath, opening his pants and rolling on the condom. Reaching over her back, he grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back as he pushed inside her with one swift stroke. Lee didn’t pause or give her any time to collect herself, instead he immediately drew back and thrust in again.

  “Is this what you need, Savannah? You need to be fucked hard and angry?” He fucked into her furiously, his voice a deep growl.

  “Fuck off. I don’t want to hear your bullshit. I just want your cock.”

  Lee laughed, a rough, angry sound. The tone of Savannah’s voice was the oddest mix of anger and lust he’d ever heard, and fuck if he didn’t love it. He didn’t much love her actual words though. He didn’t know if he believed her or not and he wasn’t clear headed enough at the moment to really think about it. But true or not it cut, and that pissed him off. “Sorry, sweetheart, that’s the deal. You’ve got my cock but you’ll listen to what I have to say, too.”

  “Bite me, asshole.”

  “If you insist.” Lee bent over her, pushing her shirt up and biting her back, just below her shoulder blade. Savannah screamed in response but her hips pushed back against him with increased fervor. He released his teeth with a growl. “Fuck, Savannah, if you wanted it rough and nasty, all you had to do was ask.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Oh, I got my one way ticket there long before I ever met you.” He should have known fighting with her would be just as impassioned as their fucking. She didn’t do anything half way. Well, he didn’t either. “What I should do is spank your ass for acting like a goddamn spoiled brat with this little temper tantrum.”

  “You wouldn’t fucking dare.” Savannah hissed through gritted teeth, her head hanging between her shoulders.

  “You sure about that?” Lee punctuated his question with a smack on her ass and Savannah shrieked, loud and indignant, as her head flew up.

  “You bastard! What happened to not hitting a woman in anger?” Savannah was panting hard, glaring over her shoulder at him.

  Lee fisted his hand in her hair, turning her head forward as he growled, “I want to see your eyes I’ll ask for them.” Savannah let out an outraged gasp that turned into a long shuddering moan when he smacked her bottom again. “This is not fucking hitting a woman in anger.” Lee smacked her ass again, this time a little harder. “What this is, is spanking a spoiled rotten little girl having a fucking conniption fit because she’s not getting her way. Who the hell do you think you’re kidding anyway? You don’t think I know you like it? You’re squeezing me like a goddamn vise.”

  Lee spanked her several more times, fucking into her hard and fast as he did it. Savannah radiated anger, he could feel it rolling off of her in great waves and crackling like static electricity between them. She didn’t want to like what he was doing, but her body responded to him anyway and she was mad. Mad at him, mad at herself. Mad at the whole fucking world for all he knew.

  “Don’t you ever storm away from me in a huff like that again unless you mean it. You’re a grown fucking woman and I’ll take you at your word, I’m not going to chase you down and beg you to come back. You want to go, go. You want to stay, stay. But don’t play these little games.” Lee smacked her ass again, his fingers digging into her after the impact.

  “You’re the one who told me to go.” Savannah’s voice was shrill, catching on her breath with his every thrust.

  “Hell yes, I told you to go and I’d do it again. What the hell did you think would happen when you told me you’d regret fucking me? Certainly that wasn’t intended to be a compliment!”

  “You were being an overbearing bastard.”

  Lee pushed her shoulder down, shoving her head to the mattress and leaning over her back. That change in position, her ass cradled against his pelvis, had him clenching his jaw to keep from coming.

  “I’m an overbearing bastard because I don’t want you to fuck anyone else?” Lee shook his head, trying to shake away the haze of impending orgasm.

  “No, you’re an overbearing bastard because you acted like an arrogant prick about it.” Savannah was bucking her hips, meeting his every thrust. Lee was using her hard and rough. Not like he had before, when it was mostly about overwhelming need and lust. No, this was animalistic and feral and she wasn’t just taking it, she was meeting him and giving it back. Savannah was the perfect match for him and now everything was all fucked up.

  “I’m not going to beg.” Lee grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up on her knees until her back arched against his chest. She cried out with pleasure, his cock sliding over just the right spot with every driving thrust. He pressed his mouth to her ear, growling at her, “If you want someone who’s going to grovel and beg for your affection you
’re looking in the wrong place.”

  Savannah’s hips jerked, and Lee released her hair, wrapping his arm around her, his forearm between her breasts and his hand splayed over her collarbone, the fabric of her shirt bunching under his arm. Lee closed his eyes and buried himself deep, holding his breath as she came, her body quivering in his arms. It took every bit of concentration he had to hold back his own orgasm.

  When she was finished he leaned forward until she lay flat on his bed. Releasing her he stood up and stepped away, removing the condom and tossing it in the trash. When he turned back she’d rolled over, watching him through lidded eyes.

  “You didn’t…”

  “Nope. But you got what you wanted.” Lee interrupted her with a shake of his head, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He was surprised by the sound of her voice just then. She’d sounded tentative, strained. Maybe even a little frightened. But the anger was gone, or at least had ebbed considerably.

  Savannah sat up, a hand on his shoulder. “Levon, I…”

  “Don’t, Savannah.” He shrugged her hand off and turned to look at her. It frightened him how badly she’d gotten to him, how much he wanted her. Despite all his tough talk he had nearly gone after her. Hell, he probably would have gone after her if she hadn’t come back so quickly. In that stream of conscious rant of hers as she’d stormed out of his bedroom she’d said she was falling for him and that had been what really got to him. It was exactly what he’d been worried about since the beginning, and instead of making him feel guilty or pissed off, that revelation had made him want to chase after her and drag her back to his bed like a fucking caveman. But if she was falling for him, if it was more than just sex, why was she so pissed off that he wanted this to be a monogamous thing? The idea that he, of all people, wanted this to be exclusive was laughable and now she was the one pitching a fit about it?

  “Would you stop fucking interrupting me and let me talk?” Savannah’s eyes sparked, a quick flare of temper, as she slid off the bed and pulled up her shorts, buttoning them before turning to face him again. “I don’t regret you and I won’t. I was just angry. You’d hurt my feelings and I guess I just, fuck, never mind. I’m going to pack my stuff and have one of my friends come out and pick me up. I’m sure you and Mike can handle this without me.”

  Lee grabbed her wrist, pulling her to stand between his knees, his eyes holding hers. “It was my fault. I had made certain assumptions that obviously I had no right to make. I’m sorry for that and I’m sorry I acted like a jerk. It’s getting late tonight. You don’t need to call one of your friends and drag them out here at this hour. I’ll take you back in the morning.”

  “What kind of assumptions?” Savannah’s eyes were narrowed, her brows furrowed as she stared at him.

  “It doesn’t matter.” The damage was done and there wasn’t much point in talking about it. Lee was more than a little raw from some of the things she’d said and she was going back to the city. Why drag this out any longer than necessary? They were both mad and hurt and would never see each other again.

  “You wouldn’t let me get away with such a lame ass answer, would you?”

  “No.” Lee did laugh then because she was right.

  “Well then, let’s hear it.” Savannah crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

  “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that.” Lee looked up at her, wishing he could pull her into his lap and hold her. “I didn’t want this to be just sex and I assumed you felt that way, too. I’m not going to lie, that is exactly what I wanted at first, but now, Savannah, the thought of you with someone else makes me want to strangle someone. I’ve spent the better part of the last two days trying to convince myself that fucking you was a really bad idea because you’d just wind up getting hurt. But now you’re the one who’s all upset by the suggestion of monogamy, which is fucking baffling since you said yourself you didn’t want to see anyone else. Anyway, I think it’s clear we have different expectations.”

  What pissed Lee off most about this situation was that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted a woman the way he wanted Savannah. He’d fucked more than his fair share of women but none of them since the divorce had made him think about dating, or monogamy, or relationships and he deliberately avoided women who might be after more than sex. But when Savannah sat at his table talking to him while he made dinner it had felt so natural, so right. It had nothing to do with sex either. He just liked having her there, talking with her, and taking care of her by cooking for her. Inexplicably, he’d found himself thinking how nice it would be if that were part of their daily routine. Now the only woman who’d made him have those thoughts didn’t want him. Lee wasn’t a religious man but he thought if God did exist this must be some kind of cosmic practical joke.

  “Is that what you think? Really?” Savannah grinned at him, which sort of pissed him off but there was nothing to be gained by bringing that up.

  “I have no idea what you want, Savannah. I thought I did, but I really don’t, except I guess that you’re mostly just interested in my dick.” He hadn’t meant to say that but he was so bewildered by this entire argument and that comment from her had been the one that stung the most. Well, maybe not more than the one about regret but it was close.

  Savannah climbed into his lap, straddling him. Lee stared at her dumbly as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her body to his. His hands went to her hips and he tried to push her away but she held fast, her arms around his neck.

  “Savannah, what are you…”

  “Shut up, Levon.”

  She started rocking in his lap, rubbing against his still exposed cock. Even through her clothes he could feel how warm she was and his cock, still hard and aching, jerked against her. Evidently his dick didn’t care that he was still pissed off and confused.

  “It’s true. I do like your cock, a lot.”

  Lee squeezed her hips, stilling her movement as he ground out, “Great, thanks.”

  “You’re a fucking idiot, Levon.” Savannah laughed and put her hand on his cheek, her fingers tenderly stroking his face where she had slapped him. “I also happen to like you, but I sure wasn’t going to tell you that. Not when I thought you just wanted me for sex. You hurt my feelings and it pissed me off that you were so brutish about the whole thing. I mean, did it ever occur to you to say, ‘Hey, Savannah, I’d really like it if you didn’t see anyone else?’ I guarantee you that would have gone over a hell of a lot better.”

  “What difference does it make? Either way you know what I want.”

  Savannah snorted and rolled her eyes. “The difference is, one is demanding and rude and the other is asking like a civilized and polite human being.”

  Lee rolled over, pinning her beneath him on the bed. “I’m a demanding sort of guy.”

  “That’s fine but don’t be surprised when I get mad every damn time you try to boss me around.”

  Lee quirked a brow at her, his mood suddenly lighter. “But you haven’t gotten mad every time I boss you around.”

  Savannah blushed and laughed. “Well, no. It is ridiculously hot when you do it in the sack but that’s different. When we’re not fucking, could you just try to be a little more considerate? Please?”

  “I’ll try.” Lee laughed and bent his head to kiss her, his tongue tangling with hers as he marveled at what a curious evening this had turned out to be.


  “What, sweetheart?”

  They’d been lying on his bed making out like a couple of teenagers, kissing and touching, talking and holding one another. They’d both been a little pensive and hesitant at first, still stinging from their quarrel, but they’d slowly relaxed and fallen back into their comfortable rhythm with each other.

  Except for Lee’s pants still hanging open, loose about his hips, they were both still fully clothed and Savannah thought it was probably time they do something about that.

  “You know, we’ve had sex four times and I s
till haven’t seen you totally naked.”

  “Three times. The angry sex doesn’t count. Nobody gets naked for angry sex. Well, I guess unless they’re already naked.” Lee chuckled and rolled on his back, pulling her on top of him. “Everybody gets naked for make-up sex though.”

  “Is that what this is? Make-up sex?” Savannah straddled him and pulled her shirt over her head before grabbing his collar and tugging until he sat up.

  “Uh-huh.” Lee helped her pull his shirt over his head and then reached behind her, unfastening her bra and pushing it off her shoulders. He dipped his head, flicking his tongue against her nipple as he wrapped his arms around her and rolled over again, letting his weight press her into the mattress.

  “Oh, this is nice.” Savannah moaned helplessly as he rocked against her, teasing her. She started to squirm, trying to get her shorts off.

  “This time, I’m going to take my time with you.” He rolled off of her and grinned when she tried to pull him back.

  Getting out of bed, Lee stripped off his pants and boxer briefs, Savannah’s breath catching as she watched him. He was absolutely beautiful: lean and lanky, fit and strong, his muscles rippling as he moved. He was thirty-seven years old and had a body better than most men her age.

  Savannah closed her eyes as he got back on the bed, kneeling between her knees to finish undressing her, his hands skimming her legs as he pulled her shorts and panties off. Her skin burned everywhere he touched, every nerve in her body singing with need.

  When she opened her eyes he was still kneeling there, looking down at her, his eyes devouring her. Savannah hooked her leg around his hip and pulled him down on top of her. If he’d been expecting it, it never would have worked but she’d taken him by surprise and he came down on her with a startled grunt. Lee closed his eyes, his jaw clenching as he let out a low agonized groan, his naked cock sliding between her legs and along the outside of her pussy.

  “Fucking Hell.”

  She hadn’t meant for him to land just there when she’d pulled him down on top of her, it had startled her, too, the way their bodies had inadvertently aligned so perfectly. But she loved his response, so powerful and hungry, and she loved that she had the power to provoke that kind of reaction.


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