Little Bird (The Tangled Series)

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Little Bird (The Tangled Series) Page 18

by Gaines, Liza

  “Did you?” Jesus, word travels fast. Lee hadn’t seen anyone he knew from The Vault last night but he could have easily missed someone in the crush of bodies.

  “I did. And I heard the girl was a delicious little sub, crying and begging while you spanked her. I guess you took her to Tangled just to keep her away from me, huh?”

  “Uh, no. She’s not your type. She’s new.” Todd was a fairly extreme Dom and generally had little patience for inexperienced subs.

  “So it was you.”

  Lee rolled his eyes. “Yeah, so who’s your source?”

  “My sister. I had breakfast with her this morning and she was telling me about this new couple at Tangled last night. She said when the Dom turned the girl over his knee and spanked her she kept crying out his name. Levon. Not exactly a common name so I figured it had to be you.”

  Lee furrowed his brow, trying to concentrate on his driving. “Who’s your sister?”

  “Her name’s Mindy. She’s been seeing Geoff, the owner over at Tangled, for about a year now.”

  “Shit, that was your sister?”

  Todd snorted with amusement. “Yup. She said Geoff made her offer herself to you but you weren’t interested. That threw me off a little because the Lee I know doesn’t turn down a pretty girl offering herself up, no strings attached. I’m going to be offended if my sister’s not pretty enough for you, man.”

  “No worries there, Todd. She’s a beautiful woman. Really, it’s kind of hard to believe a pretty girl like that has an ugly old bastard like you for a brother.”

  “So, what is it then? This new girl got you wrapped around the axle?”

  That question hit a little close to home and Lee paused for a minute, considering his answer. Well, hell, he might as well be honest about it.

  “A little bit, yeah.”

  Todd whistled and laughed. “So what’s the story? Who is she? I just saw you last week and you never said a word about her. In fact, you fucked Jen senseless so this seems kind of sudden.” Jen was one of Todd’s three submissives, a brat who was always trying to top from the bottom, perfect for letting out a little pent up aggression.

  “It’s kind of a long story. I’ll tell you over a beer sometime but sudden is definitely one word for it. Fucking insane would be another. But her name’s Savannah and she’s…shit, I don’t even know what to say about her but I think I’m fucked.”

  “You said she’s new to the scene?”

  “Yeah, until last night she’d never been to a place like that and had no idea I was into it. I mean, I’d been a little rough with her before, but I don’t think she’s experienced enough to put that all together.”

  “How’d she take it?”

  “Like a duck to water. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about it yet, and I was easy on her, but she enjoyed herself. We’ll see what she has to say when she wakes up.”

  “So, what’s the big deal then?”

  “I love her.” Lee gritted his teeth, steeling himself for the ribbing he was sure he was about to receive.

  “Uh-oh. I better sell my stock in Trojan before the market figures out you’re settling down.”

  “Ha, very funny, asshole. It hasn’t gone quite that far yet. Although I’ll be honest, it’s a fucking struggle every goddamn time to make myself do the right thing.”

  “As long as you’re both clean it doesn’t matter much.”

  “Oh, we’re both clean but she’s also not on birth control so it definitely matters. But here’s the fucked up part. I don’t even care. I’d knock her up in a fucking New York minute if she’d let me.”

  Todd coughed, obviously trying to hide a laugh. “Does she know that?”

  “Fuck no. How exactly is a conversation like that supposed to go anyway? ‘Hey, baby, just thought you should know I jack off in the shower thinking about getting you pregnant.’ Yeah, that’s real fucking smooth.” Lee knew he sounded pissy and irritable, which he was, but Todd could take it.

  Mike was one of his oldest friends but this wasn’t the kind of thing he could talk to Mike about, even if Savannah hadn’t been the woman involved. Mike was a good guy and a good friend but anything kinkier than oral sex made him freak the hell out. Todd on the other hand, being a pervert himself, was the one Lee could rely on to help him get his head straight when it came to sex and women.

  “Shit, she’s flipped all your switches, hasn’t she?” Todd laughed openly now, not even trying to hide it and Lee glared at the phone.

  “Yeah, and that particular switch is one I didn’t even know I had. But fuck if I don’t want to get her pregnant so every other fucking asshole that looks at her will know she’s mine.”

  “Maybe she’s the one.”

  “That’s pretty funny coming from a guy who has three ‘the ones’.” Lee rolled his eyes and snorted.

  “Hey, we’ve all got our own flavor of kink. I keep three because it strokes my alpha ego and you want to impregnate one just to stroke yours. It’s all just different sides of the same coin. I can’t wait to see what’s got you all screwed up like this, though. She’s got to be one hot piece of ass. When do I get to fuck the little vixen?”

  “Yeah, try never. Her cunt is mine.” Lee was surprised by the ferocity of his own voice. They’d shared women more than once and it had never been an issue but this was different. Savannah was different.

  “Shit, you’ve really got it bad, brother. That’s all right, though, you know I’m a big fan of ass fucking. You go right ahead and keep her cunt all to yourself.”

  “She’s never taken it in the ass before.” Lee smiled to himself, wondering what Savannah would think if she could hear this conversation. It seemed pretty likely she’d be more than a little pissed. Actually, pissed was probably a huge understatement given the range of topics, all concerning her, they’d already covered.

  “That’s perfect! That monster cock of yours is too big for a first timer. I’ll break her in for you.”

  “Maybe I’ll let her decide whose dick she wants in her ass the first time. I’ll bet you fifty bucks she picks mine.” Lee would have bet a million dollars. He was that sure Savannah wouldn’t want anyone but him. But he might as well let Todd feel like he had a chance.

  “That’s a bet but no colluding with her in advance. You can’t tell her about it and order her to pick you or anything.”

  “Todd, if she even knew about the bet she’d probably try to castrate me with her bare hands.”

  “Oh, she sounds like fun.” Todd laughed hard on the other end of the phone.

  “Anyway, things are a little nuts over here at the moment. But I’ll bring her up to The Vault once it settles down a little.”

  Lee hung up the phone, thoughtful as he threaded the Jeep through the rush hour traffic. He’d been counting on Todd to give him a verbal shake down and help snap him out of the crazy thoughts he’d been having. Unfortunately, that wasn’t at all what he’d gotten. Todd’s talk about ‘the one’ had him thinking thoughts he really shouldn’t be thinking.

  Savannah awoke to find herself alone in her apartment. Panic gnawed at her stomach. Where was Lee? Rolling over to look at the clock she sighed with relief. He’d left her a note propped on her bedside table.


  Gone to run some errands. Took your keys and locked the door. Be back soon.


  Savannah briefly wondered how long he’d been gone, but with a stretch and a content sigh she decided it didn’t matter and cuddled back into her blankets.

  Last night had been bizarre, from getting spanked with a belt and actually liking it, to meeting Lee’s ex-wife while giving him a blowjob. But the really shocking part had been when he said he loved her. Well, that and when he called her his girlfriend and bought Joni’s painting. It had been a very eventful evening. But the love part, that was the really fucking big part. It was the last thing she’d expected, and, if she were totally honest, she wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about it.
br />   Savannah was pretty sure she loved him, too, but she’d never really felt this way before and it overwhelmed her. Could she really be in love with him after such a short time? Maybe it was just lust and her hormones getting the better of her. But even if it was real, what were they supposed to do now? Her life, her job, and her friends were all in the city. She’d enjoyed the few days she’d spent at his farm but she’d be bored if she lived there. And Lee didn’t seem inclined to move back to the city. She should be happy to know he loved her—and she was—but everything was still so complicated.

  Savannah was still lying in bed thinking about it when she heard a knock at her door a moment before Lee let himself in. He wore a pair of faded jeans with a black T-shirt and was carrying a backpack and a gym bag. He smiled when he saw she was awake.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  Savannah smiled and stretched beneath the covers. “Good morning. Where have you been off to?”

  He dropped the bags inside the door and came to sit on the edge of her bed, his hand on the curve of her hip. “I went home to get some clothes and a few other things. Frank’s going to watch Toby for me until Sunday. I figured we might as well stay at your place for the weekend if we were going to be at the club every night. And I swapped the Shelby out for the Jeep.”

  She stuck her bottom lip out, pouting. “But I like the Shelby.”

  Lee laughed, squeezing her hip. “Well, then get a better apartment with secure indoor parking. And, while you’re at it, a bigger bed.” He rolled his shoulders and winced. “The two of us crammed into this little twin isn’t going to cut it for long.”

  Savannah rolled her eyes before looking at his bags on the floor. “I don’t suppose you have any coffee hidden in those bags?”

  Lee shook his head, bending over to unlace his boots. “No. But, on the bright side, also no rabid raccoons.”

  She playfully smacked his shoulder. “Very funny.”

  Kicking his boots off he offered, “How about I take you out for coffee in a little bit? I was going to take you shopping this afternoon anyway.”

  Savannah shook her head, frowning petulantly. “I want coffee now.”

  Lee laughed and stood up, turning to look at her. He grinned wickedly. “Yeah, well, I’ve already had coffee and I want you now.”

  Savannah squeezed her thighs together and shivered while watching him pull his shirt over his head. Better not to let him know how easily he got to her, so she said sarcastically, “Well, as long as you get what you want.”

  Dropping his shirt to the floor, Lee unbuckled his belt, pulling it off and then folding it double, snapping it against the palm of his hand. He looked at her with a raised brow. “I thought we settled that last night at the club.”

  Savannah gasped and threw a pillow at his head, but he laughed and easily batted it away with one arm before taking off the rest of his clothes. Standing naked at the edge of her bed, he reached down and pulled the blankets off of her. She lay on her side and he put one hand on her hip, gently pressing her onto her stomach.

  “You bruised, Little Bird.” Lee whistled as he gave her bottom a playful swat with his open palm.

  Looking over her shoulder at him, she snorted. “Of course I did. You beat me with a belt.”

  “I beat you? You were awfully wet and eager for someone being beaten.” He gave her bottom another smack before adding, “Roll over.”

  As Savannah rolled onto her back, she gave him a wry smile. “Don’t forget frustrated. Wet, eager, and frustrated. That didn’t end the way I expected.”

  “We were both frustrated by that. Trust me.” Lee got into bed with her, rolling on top of her. “But we’re going to fix that right now.”

  He kissed her neck, her hard nipples rubbing against his chest and his erection lying against her thigh. Savannah sighed and squirmed beneath him, a teasing smile curving her full lips. “Well, I suppose if I can’t have coffee, this is the next best thing.”

  Lee growled, biting her neck. “At least I know where I rate.”

  Savannah panted, reveling in his touch. Lee trailed kisses on her chest, his hands cupping her breasts, and she gasped, arching her back when he flicked his tongue against her nipple. With the ring between his teeth, he pulled and she nearly came unglued. Crying out loudly, she raised her hips against him. He looked up at her, watching her, his teeth still gently tugging on the ring. The growing wetness between her thighs made her keenly aware of just how much she wanted him. “Fuck me, Levon. Please. Fuck me…I need you right fucking now.”

  Lee laughed, letting her nipple slip from his mouth. “No.”

  “I hate you.” She groaned, glaring at him as he pinned her to the bed with his weight.

  “No you don’t.” Lee moved down her body, raining soft kisses on her stomach and hips, his coarse whiskers tickling her. “You love me.”

  Savannah wanted to tell him she didn’t love him. Not because it was true, but because he was so arrogant and smug. She had never said she loved him. How could he be so certain of her feelings? She wanted to see his reaction to her denial but before she could say anything, he moved off of her, pushing her legs apart with his knee.

  Lee’s voice was gruff as he knelt between her thighs, his gaze sweeping her body. “Have I told you how beautiful you are, sweetheart?”

  Savannah lifted her head, giving him a shy smile. “I don’t think so.”

  “Well you are. Beautiful when you laugh, when you smile. Beautiful when you come for me. Beautiful now, laying there waiting for me to touch you.”

  “Thank you, Levon.” She spoke on a breathless sigh, her cheeks flushed. “Now fuck me.”

  Lee laughed again and she could feel his breath on the inside of her thigh as he murmured, “Always so impatient. You’re going to have to wait though, honey, because I’m going to eat you first. I’ve wanted to taste you since, well, since the first time I laid eyes on you and I’m not going to wait another goddamn minute.”

  A rush of anticipation quickened her breath when he leaned into her and slowly licked up one side of her pussy and then down the other. Aching for more, she pushed her hips forward, one hand on the back of Lee’s head, pulling him toward her. He grabbed her wrist, pushing it away as he lifted his head to look at her.

  “I’m running this show, not you, Savannah.” Lee sat up on his knees again and nudged her hip. “Get up.”


  Lee didn’t answer, instead arching a brow at her and waiting. Savannah rolled out of bed and stood at the edge, her hands on her hips as she gave him an impatient look. Lee lay down on his back, stretching himself out on her small bed, and it took her breath away to see him there, in her apartment, among all her things, his head on her pillow. He was so handsome and he looked good there, even if her bed was ridiculously small for a big guy like him.

  When his right hand went to his cock, and he slowly stroked himself, Savannah had to resist the urge to leap on top of him and impale herself on him. She was busy thinking about how much she wanted him inside of her when he spoke, his voice startling her.

  “I asked you to sit on my face the other night and instead you got us all sidetracked talking about our respective pasts. And that’s all right, it was a conversation we needed to have and I’m glad we did. But now you’re going to sit on my face and let me suck and lick and bite and taste you for as long as my heart desires.”

  Savannah blushed hotly, a quiet moan escaping her lips as she crawled on the bed and positioned herself over him. When she straddled his shoulders, he smacked her ass and she gasped, looking down at him with anticipation. She ached to feel his mouth on her.

  “Lean forward and grab the headboard.” Lee’s voice was gruff, his eyes on her breasts as she tilted forward, clutching the bed with both hands. “If you let go, I’ll stop and spank you.”

  Savannah moaned, watching him. He lay beneath her with one hand on her ass and stroking himself with the other. She’d thought with her on top she’d hav
e more freedom, but his directive about not letting go of the headboard disabused her of that notion. He’d chosen this position intentionally to keep her hands from grabbing at him and she was pretty sure he’d have some devious way of keeping her from grinding herself against his mouth, too, if he didn’t want her to do it.

  Lee’s hand on her hip applied gentle pressure, pulling her down on his mouth. For the barest of seconds, he hesitated and the sensation of his warm breath on her sensitive skin made Savannah quiver. When she felt his tongue slip inside her folds, slowly licking her, she cried out, her arms shaking as she supported herself on the headboard. His beard chafed against her in the most erotic way, just as she’d fantasized the first night she met him.

  Lee teased her, his tongue trailing along her outer folds, and Savannah begged him to give her more. She knew he was laughing when she felt his mouth vibrate against her just a second before his tongue flicked over her clit. Savannah’s hips jerked but he pulled away, looking up at her with an amused smile.

  “What, my little tease doesn’t like being teased?”

  Savannah whimpered in response and Lee sucked her clit between his lips. She mewled, unable to stop herself from rocking against his mouth, desperate for more. When he released her clit she groaned with frustration but a second later Lee plunged his tongue into her, fucking her with his mouth. Savannah arched her back, her knuckles white as she grasped the headboard. He hadn’t been bragging the other night when he said he was good at licking pussy. He was a fucking expert and even though he’d only just begun she was already on the verge of orgasm.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to come.”

  Lee pulled away abruptly, turning his face to the side, nipping the inside of her thigh. “Yes, you are, but not yet.”

  Lee waited several seconds, his tongue tracing the sensitive flesh on her thigh, and the orgasm slipped away from her. Savannah shuddered with a wave of disappointment that was quickly forgotten when she felt his mouth on her again. Lee licked and sucked her clit, occasionally tugging the piercing between his teeth. She moved against his mouth with abandon, making loud, needy noises as his chin pressed against her entrance, his mouth ravaging her clit. She could feel her climax building again, her pussy aching, and her entire body trembling. At the last possible moment Lee stopped again, denying her the orgasm she desperately needed.


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