Little Bird (The Tangled Series)

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Little Bird (The Tangled Series) Page 22

by Gaines, Liza

  A moment later, his hands were at her breasts and she felt her nipples pull as he attached something heavy to her piercings. She pushed her breasts forward, but he was gone and only the persistent tug of the weight on her piercings remained. She moaned and writhed, testing the rope over her head, the perpetual ache in her nipples driving her mad.

  Behind her again, Lee’s hands ran along her sides and over her hips. She felt his lips nuzzle her ear before he whispered, “Last night when you called me Master, you thought you were so clever and funny. But that’s what you’re going to call me when we’re here and if you use my name, you’ll be punished.”

  Savannah cried out loudly as she felt a sharp crack against her ass. It wasn’t his hand, and it felt different, sharper than his belt had. Maybe the crop again, but she couldn’t be certain through the muffling effect of her skirt. Still, whatever it was it had left her bottom stinging. The rush of wet arousal between her legs didn’t even surprise her anymore. She’d gotten used to the fact that this turned her on, even if she didn’t really understand why.

  He laughed quietly, and then she felt a pull on the rope over her head. He was pulling her up on her tiptoes. Lee secured the rope to something, leaving her arms stretched over her head, her breasts heaving as she tried to maintain her balance. Behind her, his hands moved over her body, his lips and rough beard on her back. When his hands settled at her hips he pulled her against him. Through their clothes, his hard-on pressed against her bottom.

  “Little Bird, can you hear me?” Lee’s voice was hoarse against her ear and she nodded her head. “Say it. I need to know you’re listening.”

  She gasped, panting for breath. “Yes, Master. I hear you.”

  He smiled as his lips pressed against her neck. “That’s good, sweetheart. Now listen very carefully. If you get in trouble all you have to do is say red and it will all stop. Do you understand?” She nodded again and he said, “What’s the word, Savannah. What can you say to make it all stop?”

  She sighed, trembling against him, laughing a little at the absurdity of the situation. “Red, Master.”

  “Good girl.” He stroked her hip as he continued, “If something is wrong, if you need to stop for any reason, you use that word and it will all be over immediately and I promise I won’t be angry or upset with you. But if you ever use that word and you don’t mean it, if you ever use it as a joke, I’ll beat you until you beg me to stop and then I’ll beat you some more. Your safety is very important to me and it’s critical we both take that word very seriously so we can be confident we won’t have an accident. Do you understand?”

  Savannah felt giddy, every nerve on fire, her muscles quivering from the way the rope above her head stretched and pulled her body. For a brief moment she thought about pointing out the incongruity of his threat to beat her if she didn’t take her own safety seriously enough, but she decided he probably wouldn’t appreciate the humor in that so she simply said, “Yes, Master.”

  “That’s my girl. You’re doing a great job, sweetheart.”

  Savannah’s heart swelled with pleasure. She knew he was pleased with her and she felt surprisingly happy and proud.

  As they stood there together Savannah lost track of time and it didn’t even matter. All she was aware of anymore was her own aching body, Lee’s chest at her back, and his hands on her breasts, her hips, her stomach. He touched her everywhere and she reveled in it.

  “You should see all the people looking at you, Little Bird. You’ve drawn quite a crowd, hanging here showing your tits off for all the world to see.” Lee’s voice was gruff at her ear as his hands continued to stroke and caress her body.

  Savannah made a distressed sound, but her body gave her away, her ass bucking back against Lee.

  Lee chuckled against her ear, amused by her response. “I like letting them all look at you. Letting them admire how beautiful you are and how sexy you look right now. I like knowing my sweet Little Bird will probably be starring in quite a few fantasies later tonight. Of course, they’ll get them all wrong because they don’t know the noises you make or the way you move or the way you react to a man’s touch but they’ll be thinking about you anyway. They’ll jerk themselves off thinking of you, thinking of my woman. Maybe it’s just my ego, maybe I just like to brag, but I like knowing these other men want what belongs to me.”

  Savannah moaned huskily, pushing back against him. She smiled when Lee’s lips brushed across her temple, a tender reassuring gesture.

  “She is a lovely little thing.”

  Savannah started, surprised by the interruption of a strange voice. She had to bite back an amused giggle at the irritated grunt that came from Lee.

  “Thank you.” Lee sounded pissy and annoyed and she could just imagine the look on his face. He was probably glaring at the intruder, his lips pressed together in an angry frown, his nostrils flaring a little as he tried to remain polite. She could feel his body behind her vibrating with tension.

  Savannah’s stomach fluttered with affectionate warmth. She liked that despite his irritation Lee had thanked the intruder, as if a compliment to her were a compliment to him. Well, she supposed that was exactly how Lee thought of it since he was so possessive.

  The man laughed and she could feel his breath against her skin. He was standing so close. No wonder Lee was pissy.

  “There are so many endless possibilities, the things a man could do with a girl like that. I wonder if you’d loan her to me for an hour or two so I could try a few of them.”

  The man had barely finished talking when Lee spoke, his tone biting and aggressive. “No.”

  Savannah felt a new rush of confidence and contentment when she heard Lee’s answer. She’d known he would say no, of course, but it was the way he’d said it, so fiercely protective, that made her so happy. It didn’t matter how close the man stood or what he said. She knew Lee would keep her safe.

  Lee watched with narrowed eyes as Senator Charlie Hartwell stood before Savannah, devouring her with his eyes.

  “I understand your hesitation. She is delightful and I would be reluctant to share her if she were mine. But I can assure you she would come to no harm in my care.”

  Well, this was a development Lee hadn’t expected. He’d thought they’d play a little to pass the time and now they’d caught the attention of the Senator. Fucking fantastic. He scanned the room around them looking for George and Harry but he didn’t see them anywhere. He did notice Cara and Paul were both nearby and poor Paul’s face was filled with anxiety.

  Turning back to the Senator, Lee gave him a hard stare and simply repeated his one word answer. “No.”

  “You young bucks, so possessive and unwilling to share the best toys.” Hartwell rocked back on his heels, chuckling with amusement.

  “It’s been awhile since I’ve been called a young buck.” Lee smirked as he slid one arm around Savannah’s waist, pulling her protectively to his chest. “But anyway, I missed kindergarten that day.”

  The Senator guffawed, genuinely amused by Lee’s quip. “Perhaps a trade then? I have several lady friends here at the club who would be more than happy to entertain you for a few minutes while I introduced myself to her. You could have any of them, all of them, in exchange for giving me a few minutes alone with the girl.”

  Lee laughed, an arrogant smile curving his lips. “I could have any of them, all of them, in exchange for nothing if I wanted them. You may have trouble finding women but I don’t.”

  Lee glanced down when Savannah snorted angrily. She scowled intently under the blindfold and chewed her bottom lip. He almost laughed; she looked so pissed off.

  “I’m sure you don’t. Although it seems she’s not fond of being reminded she’s just one in what I’m sure is a long list of many.” Hartwell chuckled and paused for a moment, thoughtful. “I know you think I’m rude for pressing the issue when you’ve already made your feelings quite clear but you see, I’m not used to being told no and I don’t particularly like

  “I can appreciate that. I don’t take that word well either. But I don’t particularly care. This sweet cock sucking mouth is mine.” Lee’s fingers brushed over her lips, and as he continued, he touched each part of her body as he described it. “These nimble little fingers are mine. These perfect tits are mine. This gorgeous flat stomach is mine. These strong shapely legs which squeeze me so tight when she wraps them around my waist, those are mine, too. This delicious round ass is mine. And this here, between her legs, that’s most definitely mine. Every inch of her belongs to me and I’m not sharing so much as her elbow with you.”

  Savannah moaned and arched to press against his hand each time he touched her. The quip about her elbow evidently amused her because she giggled, turning her face to the side to press her mouth against her shoulder.

  Hartwell nodded reluctantly, apparently accepting defeat. “By the way, what’s her name?”

  “You can call her Lee’s Bitch.” Lee cocked a brow at him, grinning.

  Hartwell laughed loudly as he met Lee’s gaze. “I guess that makes you Lee? You like owning her, don’t you? Well, I can’t blame you. It must make you feel like the biggest cock on the block to know you have something that most every man, and probably half the women, here wants. But eventually you’ll tire of having to beat everyone else back and it won’t be worth the effort anymore to keep her all to yourself. When that happens, I hope you’ll let me know.”

  Lee was about to tell Hartwell that was never going to happen when he heard Savannah’s soft breathless voice. “Sir, even blindfolded I know my Master is the biggest cock on the block.”

  Lee grinned wickedly at the Senator. He hadn’t expected that kind of response from Savannah but he definitely liked it. “See that? She’s so loyal. I wouldn’t ever want to prove myself undeserving of that kind of devotion. And I would be undeserving of it if I disregarded her worth and passed her off to any prick who asked.”

  “Do you know who I am?”

  “I do, Senator.” Lee snorted, disdain evident in his voice. He was surprised Hartwell would use such a ridiculous line.

  Savannah tensed against him and he realized of course, she hadn’t known who the man was.

  Lee stroked her hip, trying to reassure her as he added to Hartwell, “But I think you might be confused about your proper place in this club because Senator or no, the unclaimed submissives belong over there.” Lee gestured to one side of the room where there were indeed several single submissives hanging about, looking for someone to play with. “Not out here on the floor tangling with the big boys.”

  Lee was gratified to see the angry look on Hartwell’s face and the tense twitch of his jaw. That volley had struck its mark. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to dissuade the Senator from pushing forward.

  Hartwell quickly tried to rearrange his expression into one of calm confidence, a wasted effort to disguise his initial reaction to Lee’s comment. “Let’s be straight then. Everyone has a price and you look like the kind of man who knows that. So, what do you want for a few minutes alone with her? I won’t fuck her if that will put you at ease. I’d settle for a blowjob and the chance to come on her tits. Do you want money? Is that what it would take? Name your price.” Hartwell paused, giving Lee an opportunity to respond.

  When Lee didn’t, instead just stared at him with disinterest, Hartwell said, “And you can go on and insult me all you like, you’re just exposing your own insecurity, not mine.”

  “I’m not insulting you, Hartwell. I’m stating facts and here’s a couple more for you to consider.” Lee’s smile was full of patient condescension when he continued. “First, I’m not the one begging another man to let me have a piece of his woman. You may not be aware of this, but begging isn’t exactly a bold display of dominance. Second, who you are outside this club means fuckall inside this club and it means even less than that to me. Third, did you seriously just offer me money for my woman? Maybe that’s worked for you in the past but I don’t buy pussy, I sure as fuck don’t sell it, and I most definitely don’t appreciate you insulting her by implying she could be bought. And finally, I’ve been telling you no and busting your chops ever since you walked over here. I’m starting to think you like it. So why don’t you go find yourself a nice Mistress to finish the job because I’m getting bored.”

  Hartwell stared at him for a long minute, no longer bothering to try and repress his anger. When he finally spoke, he leaned closer, his voice low and a sinister smile curving his lips. “I see you think you have the upper hand here. Well, let me clarify that for you. You see, I know who you are, too, Mr. Jackson. My friends are convinced you and your ex-wife are going to cause trouble. I have my doubts. You’re all brawn and no brains and your ex-wife isn’t nearly as clever as she thinks she is, either. But I’m willing to wait and see how this all plays out. Mainly because I think there’s a very good chance before this is all over our roles could be reversed.”

  Hartwell gave Savannah a meaningful look before turning on his heel and stalking away.

  Chapter Twelve

  Savannah and Lee didn’t go back to the club on Saturday. Lee refused, forcing Savannah to text Paul and tell him they wouldn’t be there that night. He wanted her to tell Paul they wouldn’t be coming back at all, but she had convinced him to take a few days to think about it. The club wasn’t open again until next weekend so there was no reason they had to make a rash decision now.

  Instead of going to the club they stayed at her apartment all day, ordering Chinese take-out and eating it in bed while they watched old movies and had lots of sex. Savannah was even halfway reconsidering her desire to continue to live in the city. The country might be boring, but at least out there she didn’t have to worry about the neighbors hearing her scream. Then again, Lee could afford to have her apartment soundproofed.

  It was a wonderful, relaxing day. They didn’t talk about Cara or Hartwell or Douchebag or anything unpleasant or unhappy. They just enjoyed one another.

  Sunday morning, Lee went out to get coffee while Savannah packed a bag. They were headed back to the farm for a few days before they needed to be back at the club again on Thursday. Lee still refused to go back, but Savannah intended to convince him. When she’d realized the Senator knew not only who they were but also why they were there she’d been badly scared but it had only firmed her resolve to go back. Cara was clearly in over her head and there was no guarantee Hartwell would let her and Lee out of this now anyway, even if they didn’t go back.

  Savannah wasn’t excited about the trip back to the country. She was certain she would be bored and lonely. The last time it hadn’t been so bad because she’d spent a lot of time going over all the information Mike sent her on Cara but she wouldn’t have that this time. She had no idea how she would keep herself busy while Lee did whatever it was he did out there all the time.

  She was standing at the bed, her back to the door, tossing some books in her bag when she heard a knock. She smiled to herself, amused that the same man who spanked her with his belt was also so unfailingly polite he would still knock on her door. She found the juxtaposition charming.

  “It’s unlocked.” As she heard the door open and then close she added, “Did you get me a donut, too?”

  When he didn’t answer she started to turn around only to find herself hauled against his chest, his hand covering her mouth. She knew immediately whoever was in her apartment, it definitely was not Lee. This man was bigger than Lee, broader and heavier, and his hands were meaty and damp with sweat.

  A voice hissed against her ear, “I’m going to let go of you now. If you scream, I will shoot you.” She became aware of the gun pressing into her back. “Do you understand me?”

  Savannah nodded frantically and the man released her, shoving her onto the bed. As she tumbled against the mattress, her bag fell to the floor, its contents spilling out.

  Looking up at the man, her voice was hoarse as she said, “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  He laughed, his small dark eyes leering at her. “We’re here for you, of course.”

  Savannah fought against the panic threatening to overtake her. She did her best to sound calm and confident. “Lee will be back any second.”

  “That’s why we’re leaving right now.” As he spoke, the man tucked the handgun into a holster under his jacket. “My car is right out front at the curb. You’re going to calmly walk outside and get in. If you make a sound, if you try to run, I will kill you. If your boyfriend comes back before we are gone I will kill you both. You don’t matter. You are nothing but a means to an end. If I have to kill you, we’ll just find another means to that end. Are you going to cooperate?”

  “Yes.” Savannah wanted to fight, struggle, do anything she could to get away from this man. The idea of going with him willingly made her feel sick. But if there was even the slightest chance he meant what he said, she couldn’t take the risk Lee might be injured or worse, killed. As she stood, she watched him warily. “I’m just a nobody. What do you want with me?”

  “Cara Dalton isn’t a nobody. And I guess the boss figures your boyfriend might be willing to help us find his ex-wife in exchange for the safe return of his newest piece of ass.” The man shrugged indifferently, as if to say the reasons made no difference to him. He was just the muscle.

  In the hallway, Savannah paused and turned back to the door to lock it. But she didn’t have her keys and she didn’t figure it mattered much anyway. Her heart ached when she thought about Lee returning and finding her door unlocked and her gone. What would he think? What would he do?


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