Little Bird (The Tangled Series)

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Little Bird (The Tangled Series) Page 24

by Gaines, Liza

  Lee nodded at Paul and glanced at Geoff and Mindy, who was almost unrecognizable in normal street clothes, before his eyes slid to the man Savannah didn’t know. Lee shook his head with a chuckle. “I didn’t expect y’all to visit.”

  The stranger shrugged, leaning against the wall near Savannah’s chair. “Well, when I heard you got yourself shot trying to protect the little…” pausing, he let his eyes rake over Savannah and he smirked, “…lady, I decided I’d come see what this was all about instead of waiting around for you to bring her up to Baltimore. Jen wanted to come but I thought that was a bad idea, so she made me promise to give you her most sincere well wishes.”

  Lee snorted and looked at Savannah, who was completely confused. “This is my friend Todd. Turns out he’s Mindy’s brother, although I didn’t know that when we first met her the other night.”

  “Oh.” Savannah turned sideways in her chair to look at Todd, her brows furrowed. He was a good looking guy, with short-cropped brown hair, dark brown eyes and a clean shaven jaw, but the way he looked at her left her feeling unsettled. Todd wasn’t looking at her the way a man was supposed to look at a buddy’s girlfriend. He looked at her, appraising her with undisguised appreciation. With a shiver, she looked back at Lee as she asked, “Who’s Jen?”

  Mindy started coughing and Geoff patted her back as he tried to suppress a smile. “Jen is one of Todd’s slaves.”

  Savannah noticed Lee had a vaguely uncomfortable expression on his face. She raised a brow curiously and asked, “One of?”

  Todd pushed off the wall and moved to stand next to Savannah, looking down at her with amusement. “Jen is one of three and she’d leave me in a heartbeat if she thought Lee would take her.”

  Savannah swung back to look at Lee again, her cheeks pink. He didn’t look at her though, instead staring over her head at Todd as he grumbled, “Asshole.”

  Todd laughed and moved behind Savannah’s chair, bending over, his hands on the arms of the chair and his mouth close to her ear. “Jen’s going to be heartbroken to hear he hasn’t even mentioned her.”

  Savannah made a small squeaking noise and Todd chuckled, his breath warm on her neck. “She was always one of his favorites, you know. You couldn’t imagine the things we’ve done to that girl together. And other times he’d borrow her for a few hours and…”

  “Todd!” It was Mindy, smacking the back of her brother’s head and glaring at him. “Stop being a dick.”

  Todd grinned and straightened, his fingers brushing Savannah’s shoulders as he stepped away to lean against the wall behind her again. “Sorry, sometimes I just can’t help myself.”

  Savannah looked over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. Todd gave her a satisfied smirk, clearly enjoying the little bit of chaos he’d caused. She would have to ask Lee about the things he’d said later. Then again, maybe she’d rather not know.

  “Come here, Little Bird.”

  She turned back to Lee at the sound of his voice, his hand extended toward her. Rising and stepping close to the bed, Savannah smiled uncertainly at him. Lee circled her wrist with his fingers, pulling her down next to him and tucking her against his side.

  Lee gave Todd an annoyed scowl. “Are you done causing trouble?”

  “For now. I’d love to be a fly on the wall after we leave though.” Todd moved around to take the chair Savannah had vacated, stretching his legs out in front of him. “But we have bigger things to talk about now.”

  Paul interrupted then, turning to Savannah. “I got your message and Cara is fine. They still haven’t been able to track her down. I was about to call you back when Geoff called, and then I thought it might just be best if we all came down here together.”

  Geoff cleared his throat. “I wasn’t aware of the situation with Cara. I wish she’d have trusted me enough to tell me. We might have been able to prevent some of this. Paul filled Min, Todd, and I in this morning over coffee and I think we might be able to help.”

  Savannah looked confused. “What? How?”

  “During the summer and fall, Geoff hosts several kinky camping trips. Usually about once a month and it’s tons of fun.” Mindy sat down on the edge of Lee’s bed as she spoke. “The next one is this weekend. Usually we hold them on some property out in Warren County that Geoff owns. It’s very secluded and private, perfect for that sort of thing but nothing fancy. Anyway, Senator Hartwell’s birthday is tomorrow. He never goes on our camping trips. I don’t think he’s into roughing it. But this is his sixty-fifth birthday and he wanted to do something special to celebrate the occasion. So, he’s hosting the camping trip this time on some property owned by one of his friends in Loudoun County. There’s a lodge where he and his close friends will stay and then tons of acreage for the campers. There are even real restrooms with showers. Apparently the place used to be a real campground that went out of business before the Senator’s friend bought it. It’s a perfect location for us. Everyone hates the port-a-potties when we use Geoff’s property.”

  Savannah laughed and nodded. “I can understand that. But what does this have to do with us or Cara?”

  Mindy started to continue but Geoff put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her as he said, “The Senator’s friend is providing the location free of charge as a birthday gift for the Senator. But Hartwell called me last night. He said he would cancel the whole party unless I guaranteed him Savannah would be there.”

  Lee was already shaking his head. “This is insane.”

  “Yeah, I know. When he called I didn’t know what the real story was so I just told him I’d see what I could do. If he felt the need to cancel the party, that was on him. Even on short notice we could move everything to my place. But I figured I’d ask you first anyway. Since I knew you were Cara’s ex-husband I called Paul this morning to see if he knew how to get in touch with you.” Geoff glanced at Savannah and she thought he was blushing a little. “I know Mindy has your number but I wanted to talk to Lee first if I could.”

  Savannah rolled her eyes as Mindy snorted, “Assholes.”

  Lee couldn’t help but laugh at the girl’s disgruntled reaction as Geoff continued. “So anyway, when I called Paul, he told us you’d been shot and insisted on meeting. Mindy called Todd since they’d figured out you two knew each other. Anyway, when Paul explained the whole thing to us, we got to thinking. Maybe this is the perfect solution to your problem. The ‘friend’ this property belongs to is George Anders. He and Harry Langston will both be staying in the lodge with the Senator. I have to believe along with getting their kink on, they’ll also be conducting some business. You and Cara would have four days to try and get the proof she needs and end this thing. And there are so many people around all the time, I can’t imagine there would be much safety risk.”

  Savannah thought they might be on to something but Lee still seemed unconvinced. “The doctor says they aren’t going to release me until Wednesday or Thursday, assuming all goes well. And when I do get out of here my arm is going to be in a sling. I’m hardly in top form for a situation like that right now. Shit, I’m right handed. I can’t even give her a proper spanking at the moment, let alone protect her if things get out of hand.”

  Todd grinned and winked at Savannah. “I’ll be there, brother. I’m happy to give the girl a whooping if you’re not up to it. And you know I’ve got your back if things go to shit.”

  Savannah looked up at Lee thoughtfully. The way Hartwell had behaved at the club the other night frightened her, but it wasn’t until they’d tried to kidnap her and shot Lee that Savannah really felt afraid. If Hartwell had been willing to go to those lengths, what else might he do? They couldn’t even go back to either of their homes until this mess was resolved. No, their friends were right; the sooner they ended this the better.

  Tapping her finger on Lee’s chest to get his attention, Savannah waited for his eyes to meet hers. “Lee, they aren’t going to leave us alone until they find Cara. This is just going to keep escalating if we do
n’t help her resolve it. I think we should do this.”

  “Did I ask what you think?”

  Savannah opened her mouth to reply, ready with a tart quip, but Lee shook his head, scowling as he cut her off. “You are far too eager to jump into situations which put you in danger. I would think after yesterday you would be a little more cautious, but apparently nearly getting kidnapped wasn’t enough to knock any sense into your hard head.”

  Savannah sighed and put one hand on Lee’s chest, her initial anger dissipating. He did care what she thought, but he was worried and she could understand that. She was worried, too. “That’s exactly why we have to do this. I know it might be dangerous. But we can’t go on like this forever. We just need to get this over with.”

  Lee closed his eyes, laying his head back on his pillow, his voice resigned. “If I get sprung from this joint by Thursday morning we’ll go.”

  “This will work. I know it will. I need to get going. I’m due at the office this afternoon.” Paul seemed relieved, an emotion Savannah shared, although deep in the pit of her stomach a part of her had been hoping Lee would refuse to give in and they’d find some other way out of this. Maybe they could just run away and live on a sailboat for the rest of their lives.

  “I wish I shared your confidence.” Lee didn’t open his eyes as he replied to Paul, his hand caressing Savannah’s hip.

  “Feel better soon, Sir.” Mindy leaned over Savannah, kissing Lee full on the mouth. He did open his eyes then, grunting with surprise.

  “Right, I’ll try, Mindy.” Lee looked amused as he watched her strut to the door, her hips swaying provocatively as the others followed behind her. “Hold up, Todd.”

  Todd stopped, looking back, both brows raised at Lee. “What’s up, man?”

  “Did you ride with them?”

  “Nah. I rode the bike. I can hang for a while if you want. Nothing else for an old soldier like me to do all day anyway.” Todd sat down in the chair again, leaning back and stretching out.

  “Old soldier? You were in the military?” Savannah felt a little reassured by that thought. With Lee compromised it couldn’t be bad to have Todd in their corner.

  “He’s being modest.” Lee chuckled as he looked down at Savannah. “He’s a retired Ranger.”

  “Holy shit! As in Army Ranger? Really?” Savannah swung her head around to look at Todd and both men laughed.

  “Yeah, really.” Todd gave Lee a serious look. “It’s going to be all right, man. We’ll keep her safe. Hartwell and his friends are nothing compared to some of the shit I saw in the service.”

  Lee gave Todd an uneven smile. “I’ll be so fucking thrilled if we get her through this in one piece, I just might let you fuck her.”

  Savannah gasped, her cheeks flaming as she looked up at Lee with outrage. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  Lee laughed but ignored her question, more serious again as he turned back to Todd. “It really all depends on Hartwell. Who knows what kind of security team the guy keeps around. At best, this could be a wasted effort if security is too tight.”

  “We’ll get what Cara needs. And if not, you guys can stay with me until we get this wrapped up. We have an extra bedroom and Hartwell and his thugs wouldn’t know to look for you there.”

  “Let’s hope that’s not necessary.” Lee grinned devilishly. “Besides, Jen would probably carve your perverted heart out with a spoon if you let me bring Savannah into her house.”

  “I’d like to see her try.” Todd snorted and kicked the side of Lee’s bed. “Anyway, I imagine it’s your heart she’d be after with that spoon.”

  Savannah frowned, looking between the two men. “Is this Jen going to be at the camp?”

  Todd shifted his eyes to Savannah and gave her a reassuring smile. “She is. But you have enough to worry about, don’t you worry about her.”

  Jealousy flared in Savannah’s stomach, knotting like a hard cramp, and she fisted her hands in her lap as she glared at Lee. “I don’t think we should go.”

  Lee laughed loudly, swatting her hip. “You’d rather keep playing hide and seek with Hartwell then face a woman I’ve previously fucked? Come on, Little Bird. You’re braver than that.”

  Savannah didn’t respond and the men’s conversation moved on to other things. She wanted to be brave like Lee had said but somehow the idea of facing one of his former lovers was far more intimidating than Hartwell. It was silly, for certain, because Hartwell had proven yesterday he would have no hesitation about harming or even killing them. But spending an entire weekend with another woman Lee had been intimate with was daunting. Yet she didn’t feel threatened by Cara and he’d been married to her. Maybe what she felt now was just because Jen was an unknown and it wouldn’t be so bad after she met her. At least, Savannah hoped that was the case.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lee sat on the edge of the hospital bed while Savannah kneeled in front of him and tied the laces on his boots. He was in a foul mood. As his time in the hospital had progressed, his disposition had steadily deteriorated. Now, he was further annoyed by the slow discharge process. Savannah, on the other hand, was cheerful as she helped him dress.

  “Mindy and Geoff took our tent and sleeping bags and stuff so all we have to worry about is our personal stuff. Joni went to my apartment, she took her boyfriend Derrick with her just in case, remember you met him the other night at the party. Anyway, she got some clothes and stuff for me and your bags. So, I have that stuff in the Jeep downstairs already.” Lee just grunted so she smacked his knee as she stood up. “Cheer up. You’re getting out of the hospital. As soon as we get your discharge papers we are out of here and on our way to Camp Kink.”

  Lee rolled his eyes and looked down at his right arm, cradled in a sling against his chest. “Savannah, I’m worried sick about you this weekend and I’m half considering backing out because I don’t want anything to happen to you. My shoulder still hurts like a son of a bitch and these pills they’re sending home with me aren’t nearly as good as the stuff that was in that IV.” He raised his eyes, locking them with hers, as he added more quietly, “And I’m horny as all fuck.”

  “Well, when we get to Camp Kink we can take care of that last bit. As for your shoulder, you said yourself it’s feeling better every day. And there will be way too many people around the camp for anything to happen there without a million witnesses. It’s going to be fine.” Savannah grinned at him, fighting back her own mixed feelings about this weekend. She was frightened of how things would go with Hartwell and nervous about meeting Jen, but her anxieties aside, she was intrigued about the whole concept of the camp and hoped they’d be able to relax and enjoy it at least a little bit.

  A pretty young nurse came in pushing a wheelchair. When she stopped by the bed she handed Lee a folded packet of papers and smiled. “You’re all set, Mr. Jackson. Here are your discharge papers. Now just have a seat in the wheelchair and I’ll take you downstairs.”

  “I can walk.” Lee glared belligerently at the nurse and Savannah giggled. As long as she wasn’t the target of his withering glares she thought they were sort of cute.

  The nurse gave him an understanding look but didn’t waver. “I’m sure you can. But it’s hospital policy.”

  Lee cursed expansively under his breath as he seated himself in the wheelchair and maintained a steady stream of cussing and complaining as the nurse steered him to the elevator and out of the hospital. Savannah followed along with a barely suppressed smile.

  The Jeep was parked in front of the main entrance and Savannah pulled open the passenger door as Lee stood and took the last few steps to the vehicle. Once he’d climbed inside, she slammed the door and turned back to the nurse, thanking her for her help, before circling the Jeep and getting in on the driver side.

  Savannah was turning the key in the ignition when Lee asked, “How far is it to Camp Kink?”

  She looked at the printed directions she’d left on the dashboard. “About an hour, I t

  Lee turned in his seat to scan the parking lot. Pointing to the farthest corner of the lot, which was bordered by a heavily wooded forest, he added, “Go park over there.”


  “Just do it.” Lee glowered at her. Yeah, those scowls weren’t nearly so cute when they were aimed in her direction.

  When she’d moved the Jeep to the spot he’d indicated, they were parked with the passenger side of the vehicle next to the woods. He pushed his door open and got out, calling behind him. “Come here.”

  Savannah furrowed her brow in confusion but did as he asked and got out of the Jeep, coming around to stand next to him by the rear passenger door. “What?”

  Without a word Lee grabbed her hip with his left hand and shoved her up against the side of the Jeep. Stepping behind her, he kicked her feet apart with one boot so she stood spread eagled, his weight holding her against the car. Slipping his hand beneath her skirt, he ran his fingers between her legs, gently pushing against her panties. “God, I’ve missed this.”

  “Now is not the time. Someone might see us.” She looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes narrowed with worry.

  “They won’t, the Jeep is blocking us.” Lee withdrew his hand and took a step back, giving her room to move again. “Get a condom.”

  Savannah froze against the side of the car. With Lee in the hospital and everything else going on, she hadn’t been able to make it to the doctor, which had been sort of okay with her. Actually, more than okay.

  Sitting in the hospital with him all week, she’d had lots of time to think about things and the more she thought about how close she’d come to losing him forever, the more she realized she didn’t really want to get on birth control. Lee’s brush with death had not only reinforced Savannah’s feelings for him but had also made her thankful for every day they had together. It’s easy to take things for granted with the one you love, to just assume they’ll always be there, that things will work out exactly as you’d planned. But this experience had brought home for Savannah just how fleeting life could be. It was important to make the most of every day you had together because you never knew just how many days that might be. She knew she loved him, she knew he loved her. He’d even said he was going to marry her. Why fool around with delaying the inevitable?


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