Hearts Through Time

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by Unknown

  Thankfully, after Nick had lost consciousness, Harry had rushed into the room and helped her get Nick to the hospital. The doctor had removed the bullet. He said Nick had lost a lot of blood but would live—if he regained consciousness soon.

  Abigail stopped in front of his room and stared at the closed door, praying he would wake up. She groaned and swept the hair out of her face. She should have believed Nick. But she’d never heard of someone traveling through time, so she’d been unable to fully accept the idea. Now she knew Nick had never lied to her. After talking to Harry about Mrs. Downey, Abigail knew she’d been wrong to believe the older woman’s accusations about Nick. But Mrs. Downey had told the truth about one thing.

  When the police came to the hospital to take Abigail’s statement, they confirmed that Cassandra claimed to be Edward’s child. When she had confronted Edward, the shock must have given him the heart attack. Cassandra had planned to marry Anthony after killing Abigail, which would get her the Carlisle empire she never had as a child—after she killed Anthony’s parents, of course. Cassandra was one very confused and angry young woman.

  Abigail tiptoed into Nick’s room. He lay still as death, but the slight rise and fall of his chest let her know he was alive. She stopped by the side of the bed and touched his cheek. It felt cold, and she wondered how he could survive losing so much blood. She now believed he was from the future, and she wondered if he’d simply been sent to stop her death. If so, would he now return to his day?

  She ran her hand along his arm. She wished he would wake up so she could feel his strong arms around her. If Nick returned to his time, she would never find another man like him.

  “Nick, please come back to me.” She kissed his forehead. “I need you more than you realize.”

  Tears stung Abigail’s eyes as her heart broke with emotion. For many years she’d known something was missing from her life. Because of Nick, she knew what it was—unconditional love. Her father didn’t show it, and she had been so young when her mother died that Abigail barely remembered her. Lily loved Abigail, but probably only because she’d loved Abigail’s father. But even though Nick had only been in her life a short while, Abigail knew his love was whole and pure. And she felt as if she had loved him for a lifetime.

  She kissed his lips gently. “Nick, I’ve waited so long for you to come into my life. I can’t lose you now. I love you.”

  Pressing her cheek against his, Abigail closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. At first she thought she was imagining it, but soon she was certain his skin was getting warm. When his breathing grew deeper, she gasped and pulled back to study his face. Over a period of several minutes, the color seeped back into his cheeks and lips. Soon his lashes fluttered and he opened his eyes.

  Her heart leapt and she clenched her hands to her chest. Nick turned his head and looked her, a smile stretching slowly across his face.

  “Hello, my darling,” he said with a weak voice.

  Abigail let out a joyful sob and laid her head on his chest. “Oh, Nick. I didn’t think you’d come back.”

  He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  She looked at him. “I love you so much, but I thought I was being selfish for wanting you with me when you had a home and a life in the twenty-first century.”

  Nick cupped her chin and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “No, I don’t. You are my home. You are my life now. I don’t want anything else.”

  Tears of happiness ran down her face as she leaned in closer to him. He held her head as their lips met in a gentle kiss. Abigail’s heart soared, and she knew her life was complete.

  She pulled away and wiped her eyes. “Oh, Nick. I love you so much, and you came back to me. What more could I ask for now?”

  “How about marriage and a family with me?” He winked.

  “Absolutely. That’s the icing on the cake.”

  She cuddled against him again as he stroked her hair. “You know, there are a few things you’re going to have to learn about living in 1912.”

  Nick raised his eyebrows. “Oh, I’m sure there are more than a few.”

  “One of them is how to drive.” Abigail turned her head to look at him. “Harry said it scared him half to death when he saw the way you were driving. I fear if you keep driving like a madman, you’ll die before you can grow old with me.” She sat up and crossed her arms. “So I’ve decided Hudson will drive us wherever we go.”

  Nick grinned. “We’ll see, but I do have a request.” He grasped her hand. “I was thinking about not having the servants live at our home. They can be there during the day, but at the end of the evening, I want us to have the house to ourselves.”

  Heat crept up Abigail’s cheeks and she smiled. “I do like that suggestion. Now that I have you back, I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

  “Excellent. It’ll be just you and me, and our children, forever. Just as it should be.”

  She patted his cheek. “You are so wonderful. Although I know you love me, I fear you’ll leave me one day and return to your time.”

  Nick shook his head. “Haven’t I ever told you? You are my heart’s desire. I will never leave you again.”

  About the Author

  Since Marie Higgins was a little girl playing Barbies with her sister, Stacey, she has loved the adventure of making up romantic stories. Marie was only 18 years old when she wrote her first skit, which won a Funniest Skit award. Alittle later in life, after she’d married and had children, Marie wrote Church road shows that were judged Funniest and Best Written. From there, she branched out to write full-length novels based on her dreams. (Yes, she says, her dreams really are that silly, and she’s like that in real life.)

  Marie has been married for 25 years to a wonderful man. Together, they have three loving daughters and several beautiful grandchildren. Marie works full time for the state of Utah, where she has lived her entire life. She plans to keep writing, because the characters in her head won’t shut up. But her husband smiles and pretends this is normal.

  Hearts through Time is Marie’s third novel. Her other published novels include Winning Mr. Wrong and Heart of a Hero. Marie enjoys hearing from her readers and may be contacted at [email protected]. Please visit her blog, http://mariehiggins84302.blogspot.com.

  Whoever said the quest for love wasn’t comical never met Charlene Randall. Charley is looking for a man who wants to start a family, a man who will take her to the temple. Problem is, she has never dated a man for longer than three months. When she reads an internet article called “Ten Ways to Win Your Man,” she decides to try it on her new coworker, Maxwell Harrington. Max was her crush in high school, but the superstar sports anchorman doesn’t even remember her.

  Enter ladies’ man Damien Giovianni, Charley’s handsome neighbor, who agrees to help her win Max over. What follows is a hilarious tale of mishaps and misunderstandings where Charley learns that what she really needs may be right in front of her.

  Praise for Heart of a Hero

  I loved the unpredictable plot. The banter was priceless, making me smile and at times laugh out loud. I have a short attention span so the quick pace of adventure mingled with romance was just what the doctor ordered to kick me out of my humdrum week. By far my favorite thing about Heart of a Hero was how much my Wuthering Heights, pirate adventure, sword-fighting addict of a daughter loved it. I’ve never seen her so alive about a book. So cheers to those who daydream on paper and double cheers to Marie Higgins for doing it well!—Sheryl Johnson

  Really great historical romance with a sassy heroine and a pesky hero. —Danyelle Ferguson

  With many twists and turns in the plot of Heart of a Hero, there is never a dull moment. For action, fun and frolic, romance and downright old-fashioned values, this book will not disappoint you.—Coleen Bay

  Sometimes you need a good clean romance novel to escape to! —Melissa

  Loved Summer—she’s spunky, sassy, and a lot of fun.—Br

  This book has got adventure and romance that will keep you interested until the very end.—Leaffrog03

  When Summer Bennett returns to Richfield after a five-year stint at her aunt’s finishing school, she discovers a lot has changed. Her father has suffered a crippling injury, and Summer is desperate to get the money to pay for surgery that could allow him to walk again. She hears of a reward offered for the capture of a cunning gang of bank robbers, and her years of etiquette training fall by the dusty roadside.

  What Summer doesn’t count on in her quest to capture the bandits is the competition from her family’s longtime friend, Jesse Slade. Now a deputy marshal and local hero, Jesse keeps thwarting Summer’s plans, just like he did when she wore pigtails. She would like nothing more than to use Jesse’s head for a slingshot target, but soon Summer finds her aim shifting from his head to his heart. Problem is, Jesse is engaged to her sister Violet.

  For seven years, little Summer Bennett was the burr under Jesse’s saddle. Now he feels a different irritation as Summer is always on his mind—whether he wants her to be or not. But Summer’s father expects him to marry Violet, and he won’t let him down. So why does Jesse find himself encouraging Summer’s attentions, and why do sparks fly every time they are together?

  Praise for Winning Mr. Wrong

  Warning! Warning! Warning! This is a “chick flick” in book form. For those of you who are allergic to fun and clean chick flicks, find another read. For those of us who love clean chick flicks, this is a must read.—Karen Hamiliton

  Light and fluffy—the way a good romantic comedy should be. —Alison Palmer

  It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that made me really laugh . . . While my heart had a soft spot for the characters who were trying their best to find love, the quirky little mishaps mingled within the story tickled my funny bone.—Christine Bryant

  I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a quick, lighthearted read that will make you laugh out loud. I think you’ll enjoy it just as much as I did.—Tristi Pinkston, author of the Secret Sisters Mystery series

  This was such a fun book! It kept me smiling and laughing throughout. For the first time in quite a while I stayed up late reading a book I didn’t want to put down. . . . Just reading the title you know Charley’s trying to win the wrong man through the help of the ridiculous Internet article. And yes the “right man” is so amazingly perfect he couldn’t exist in real life, let alone live next door. But that’s what makes this such a fun book.—Inspired Kathy

  This was just too adorable not to love. —Heather Marie Higgins has captured humor and romance in this delightful book. From start to finish one cannot wait to read what happens next with Charley and her love life. Laughter really is the best medicine for love!—Stacey

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