He gave a shaky laugh. ‘Now it is a fondness? I believe you said you loved me. Would it help if I told you that I return your sentiment, that I love you?’
‘You love me?’ She could scarcely believe her ears.
‘Yes.’ The passion he tried so hard to control returned to his face. ‘That is what I wanted to tell you, but I did not know how you would respond. You, as usual, have made it easy for me.’
He cupped her face again with gentle fingers. ‘I think I’ve loved you from the beginning,’ he said roughly.
‘The ball?’
‘Even before then. Long before then.’
She stared at him in disbelief. ‘But you always fixed me with such dark looks and tried your best to avoid me. I…I thought you quite detested me.’
‘Merely an effort to avoid the truth of my attraction to you. I am sorry, Sarah, for all of that.’ He hesitated. ‘I never thought I would be worthy of you. It wasn’t until the picnic, and I realised you did not hate me, that I thought there might be hope for us. That perhaps we could be friends. And then you announced you wanted to seduce me.’
‘I dare say you thought I was the most brazen creature alive.’
‘Not at all.’ A smile lifted the corner of his mouth. ‘Taken aback, but looking immensely forward to the prospect. And then you seem to develop cold feet so I decided to help matters along.’
‘You were looking forward to it?’ she asked, amazed.
‘Yes.’ He grinned, a rather wicked one. ‘I still am, my love. If you recall, last time I seduced you. Now it is your turn.’
‘I see.’ She smiled at him. She remembered one of Amelia’s lessons. Her arms came up to circle his neck and she pulled his head towards her. ‘I believe I can remember the steps. But if I forget one or two you must help me.’
‘I will be more than happy to oblige,’ he whispered.
He bent his head and, as her lips met his, she knew she was home at last.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-4328-6
First North American Publication 2003
Copyright © 2000 by Annemarie Hasnain
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