The Object of His Obsession (The Alexanders Book 4)

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The Object of His Obsession (The Alexanders Book 4) Page 11

by Tina Martin

  Tyson was physically at dinner, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He wasn’t joining in any conversations, just sitting quietly, glancing up across the table at Gabrielle every now and again.

  Colin was telling the family about Dilvan’s treatment plan and Tyson wasn’t interested in the least. He had no sympathy for the Dilvan. None. Their kinship didn’t mean a thing to him, and keeping it real, he would not have shed a tear if the man had died. Dilvan was dead to him already.

  Padma was holding baby T.J. like he was her grandchild. In many ways, she felt like he was, being that she’d taken Gabrielle in like a daughter. And she would spoil him and love him just like Lalita’s children. She already bought the baby insane amounts of clothing, nearly depleting the inventory at a local baby shop in Southern Shores, not to mention all the items she’d ordered online.

  Lalita and Prasad were sitting so close, they may as well went ahead and shared a chair. Apparently, after she got the secret out that she’d been holding on to, her life returned to normal. Lucky for them...

  Tyson was happy for Prasad, but at the same time, he felt robbed because his marriage was on the rocks while Prasad’s marriage was flourishing again.

  And then there was Heshan...he wasn’t saying much of anything but since everyone else was distracted by conversation and food, he leaned over and said discreetly to Tyson, “Hey, man. I’m sorry how everything went down.”

  “It’s not your fault, Heshan,” he said. Then in a louder tone to get Gabrielle’s attention, he said, “According to Gabrielle, all the blame falls on me.”

  His plan worked. Gabrielle looked up at him when she heard him say her name. His eyes were intense but that didn’t stop her from holding his heated gaze. She could feel the fire across the dining room table.

  “I just want to know something, Gabrielle,” he said, now that he had her attention.

  “Tyson, I’m not going to do this here.”

  “Well, I am, especially since I don’t know whether or not you’re coming home tonight.”

  Suddenly, the room was quiet. All the micro-conversations that were once going on around the table had been put on hold. Ears were opened, attuned to a response from Gabrielle. Would she say anything in response to Tyson, or would she keep her mouth closed? It’s not like everyone didn’t know they were having problems, but no one wanted to see them break up. All the family wanted them to stay together and not just because they had a baby together. The family wanted to see Tyson and Gabrielle together for one reason – simply because they loved each other.

  Gabrielle took a sip of water. Discussing this matter in front of the family wasn’t something she wanted to do, no matter how much Tyson had wanted her to.

  “I made a mistake, Gabrielle, and I’ve apologized for it. Countless times I’ve apologized to you.”

  Gabrielle stared down at her plate, embarrassed. Since the family seemed to be so interested in what was going on, she wondered if they’d began taking sides. Did the women understand her viewpoint? Did the men side with Tyson?

  Tyson stared longingly at her. Pleadingly even. He had to save his marriage. Even though bringing up the problem in front of the family was distasteful and not something he’d usually do, he had to get the woman he loved back into his arms. That was his goal.


  She looked up at him, meeting his gaze in a confluence of mesmerizing, rich colors that the chandelier was doing to his already amazing eyes. Then she saw something in them that she never saw – something that almost made her lose her breath. Made her heart feel stabs of pain. A bubble of tears formed in them but none fell.

  “I just want to know if you could ever love me again,” he said, in a husky, agitated tone.


  “Please, just answer that for me,” he said.

  His sadness was eating at her heart like acid. Tyson was always the tough guy, the problem solver, the person who made things right – not the vulnerable one. He was afraid of losing her, she knew, and she didn’t want their marriage to end. She only wanted him to trust her, and if he couldn’t do that, then the marriage was already over.

  “Do you ever think that you could love me again?” he asked.

  “I can’t do this right now. I can’t.” She got up from the table, fighting back tears. She took the baby from Padma and walked to the living room. Once she strapped T.J. in his car seat, she was out the door and on her way to an extended stay hotel. Tyson was right. She wasn’t coming home tonight.

  Chapter 29

  To love someone who won’t love you back is like suffocating without the inability to die. It’s like living without being able to take a full breath and you can never be yourself again until you have your oxygen back. Your breath back.

  That’s how Tyson felt as he sat on the bed alone at home. Gabrielle hadn’t come home. She told him she was staying at a hotel, choosing to be transparent because he had a right to see his son and to know where he was located. Her decision not to come home and her unwillingness to answer his question left him feeling lost and defeated. He’d asked her if she could love him again and she avoided him. Maybe it was because he’d posed the question to her in the presence of the family. He knew that was a bad move, but he was so desperate to mend their relationship that he couldn’t suppress his feelings.

  Tyson hung his head in despair, trying to envision what the future would look like without Gabrielle and his son by his side. Would she eventually fall in love again? Could he handle seeing her with another man? His son being raised by another man? He knew the answer was no. Gabrielle was his woman. Period. There would never be an end to them.

  The ringing of his cell phone startled him, took him out of his thoughts. It wasn’t until it rang that he remembered he was sitting on the bed in his room. The sound of the ring brought him back to reality.

  He took the phone from the belt clip on his side and saw his father’s cell phone number flash on the display. His father rarely called, but lately, he’d been checking up on his son and wanting to know how little T.J. was doing.

  “Hello,” Tyson answered.

  “Hey there, son. How’s everything?”

  Tyson tried his best not to sigh. “Everything’s fine, Dad. How are you and Mom?”

  “We’re fine. We can’t wait to come visit you guys. That’s all your mother has been talking about.”


  “And she’s been buying all kinds of toys.”

  “I bet.”

  “So are you settling into fatherhood okay?”

  “Yeah, Dad. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, I know things were a little hectic when we left, and you’re not as talkative as you normally are so...”

  Tyson released a heavy sigh. “Actually, things aren’t quite okay.”

  “What is it, son?”

  “I accused Gabrielle of something she didn’t do, and’s just say she’s not too happy with me right now.”

  “Tyson, son, listen. Your mother already told me what happened, so I’m up-to-date on it. I just wanted to hear it from you. Now let me tell you a story about your mom and I. When you were about five years old, I did something extremely stupid. I met a young lady at work...her name was Rosemary. We started out as co-workers, then friends, then close friends and I knew we were closer than what we should’ve been. Then, one day, your mom and I got into an argument over something. I forget what is was, but I can remember how angry I was at her. So I stormed out of the house and went to see Rosemary. She knew I was upset, so she tried to console me. She ran her hands across my face, and then she kissed me, son. She kissed me, and instantly I knew it was wrong. It didn’t feel right. So I nipped it in the bud before it could turn into something, and I never told your mother what happened. I didn’t think it was a big deal because it was just a kiss. However, it was a big deal, you know why?”


  “Because I started to watch your mother like a hawk. Every move she m
ade, I thought she was seeing someone behind my back. She wasn’t of course, but that’s what I thought because I knew I had done something wrong so I constantly accused her of doing something wrong.”

  “But how does that relate to me? I would never dream of putting my lips on another woman.”

  “The point I’m trying to make is, I falsely accused her of doing something she didn’t do. Over and over I did until finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. So, she left me.”

  “She did?” he asked.

  “She sure did.”

  “How’d you get her to come back?”

  “First, I recognized the error of my ways, confessed to her why I had falsely accused her, then I pleaded with her to come back to me. Now, son, I don’t know why you accused Gabrielle of—”

  “Because Dilvan was there,” Tyson interrupted. “I don’t trust him. He’s been on a mission to take Gabrielle away from me since day one.”

  “Let me tell you something. When a woman is committed to the man she loves, there is no other man on the planet who could take her away from him. When you first introduced me to Gabrielle, I knew she was the one for you. I knew it. I got a good vibe from her. She’s down to earth, sweet...she’s completely opposite of that Desiree girl. So whatever it is you need to do to get Gabrielle back, I suggest that you do it. Put your family back together by any means necessary, Tyson. If you don’t, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

  Tyson nodded. “I will, Dad. I don’t know how, just yet, but I will.”

  Chapter 30

  Gabrielle settled comfortably in a cozy cabin at Hatteras Beach. For her weekend getaway, she thought about going to Charlotte and spending a few days with Tamera, but she preferred the tranquility of the ocean. Besides, Tamera would probably spend most of the time trying to convince her to get back with Tyson, something Gabrielle didn’t need to hear right now. She needed some peace, quiet and tranquility.

  She left T.J. with Padma for the three day getaway. She hated to leave him, was even in tears when she walked away, but Padma was good with the baby. She knew she would be leaving him in capable hands.

  Gabrielle hadn’t told anyone else she was heading out of town. Padma was the only one who knew she was leaving, but she had no idea where Gabrielle was going. Gabrielle intentionally didn’t tell her. That way, no one would know where she was and she could relax and think without being disturbed.

  The one-bedroom cabin was laid out perfectly in a small but functional space. The front door was a sliding glass door which invited the outside in. There was a sleeper sofa and TV in the living room, a small two-chair dinette in the kitchen with a stove and refrigerator. A full bath was next, nestled between the bedroom and kitchen. The bedroom was small, but big enough to house a queen-size bed, nightstand, small dresser and closet. The rectangular-sized balcony added a bit more room to relax. The breathtaking ocean views reminded her of home.

  After unpacking her clothes, she went into town for a few groceries – wine, candles in the event of a power outage, snacks, eggs, bacon, yogurt, bananas, grapes, bottled water and a few other items.

  Once she had arrived back at the cabin, she unloaded the groceries, putting everything in its proper place. Then she took her beach bag and chair and walked out towards the ocean, enjoying the ambience. The crystal blue waters were pleasing to her eyes. The smell of salt in the air, the soft touch of the sun kissing her skin and the gentle breeze that hugged her body had her in prime relaxation mode.

  She wasn’t the only one enjoying the beach. There were at least thirty people out – most of them couples having a blast with their kids. She was sure that there would be even more people there tomorrow, Saturday.

  “Ah, this is so nice,” she said in an elongated breath while lying back in a lounge chair. She pulled in a breath of fresh air and stared up at the sky. She needed this – to unwind without the distraction of Tyson. There was no question that he loved his son and loved her, but she was finding it difficult to get over his lack of trust. He’d apologized to her almost every time their eyes met and asked if they could sit down and talk. She didn’t answer him, because she wasn’t sure if that’s really what she wanted to do. That’s why she needed some give her the clarity to make a sound decision.

  A breeze fanned her hair and she adjusted her dark shades. She realized her marriage involved more than she and Tyson. First and foremost, she had to do what was best for T.J. Did she really want him growing up in a one-parent household like she had done most of her life? From experience she knew how that would feel. She hadn’t liked the fact that her mother wasn’t around. Granted, she loved and respected her father for doing his best to raise her, but a wholesome family environment was what she desired. She couldn’t begin to imagine what it would feel like to share custody with Tyson, dropping T.J. off at his house every other week. It would be stressful and confusing for a child to have to deal with that.

  Second, she thought about who Tyson was as a person. He was her lover, her confidant. Her provider. Her protector. Sure the man had a temper and trust issues, but he had a heart of gold. When she was at her lowest, he took her in when he didn’t have to, and he had taken care of her. No man had taken care of her like Tyson Alexander had, and she doubted that any man ever would. Tyson was exceptional at everything he did from cooking to kissing.

  She blew a frustrated breath. She missed him. She could be honest with herself and admit that, but she hadn’t told him that because she didn’t want him to think he could weasel his way back into her life without admitting his wrongs – that he had trust and temper issues.

  She’d never seen him in such a rage. For the most part, Tyson was calm, charismatic, laid-back and easygoing. That day, he yelled at her and stormed out of the house with a gun. That didn’t seem like him at all. He was a different man, a stranger to her and that’s what frightened her the most.

  Chapter 31

  Tyson felt his irritation grow when Gabrielle didn’t answer her phone. He was on his way to the hotel where she’d been staying for a few days now, wanting to see T.J. When he pulled up in the parking lot, he went straight to her room and banged on the door. When he didn’t get an answer, he scanned the parking lot for her car. She wasn’t there.

  Still sitting in the parking lot he called Padma. Padma had bonded with T.J., loved him as much as she loved her real grandchildren. If she didn’t know where Gabrielle was, then chances were, nobody knew.

  He listened to three rings then she picked up.

  “Hey, Tyson. How are you?”

  “I’m okay, Padma.”

  “I got your little man over here.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure do.”

  “Is Gabrielle there, too?”

  “No. She dropped the baby off for the weekend.”

  “The weekend?” he asked, frowning. “She’s gone for the weekend?”

  “Yes,” Padma said as she struggled to hold T.J. while the phone was pressed against her ear. Then T.J. spit up milk all over her blouse. “Oh my goodness...Tyson, I have to go. The baby is spitting up.”

  “Alright. I’m on my way there.”

  “Okay. See you shortly.” Padma hung up the phone, then found a burp cloth in T.J.’s diaper bag. She dabbed his mouth, then went to the kitchen, wet a paper towel and blotted her blouse. She would change later, but for now, she began rocking the baby to sleep before Tyson arrived.

  * * *

  Tyson pressed the doorbell at Padma’s place, watching her come to the door and shushing him, letting him know that T.J. was sleeping. He stepped in the living room, saw his son in a bassinet and asked softly, “When did she drop him off?”

  “Early this morning...I’ll say around eight-thirty.”

  “Did she tell you where she was going?”

  “No. She just said she needed time to herself.”

  Tyson sighed, and walked over to the couch, taking a seat.

  “How’s Uncle Colin?”

�He’s fine...went to visit Dilvan a lil’ while ago.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “It’s not going so well between you and Gabrielle I take it,” Padma said, joining him on the couch.

  “Padma, I messed up and I’ve apologized over and over again. She’s just not hearing me. I think it’s time I be a little bit more persuading. I can’t let my family fall apart.”

  Padma nodded. “Please don’t let that happen. You see what’s going on with my family. And I don’t think I’ve apologized to you for what Dilvan did.”

  “You did, and you don’t need too. It’s not your fault.”

  “Well, I feel like it is. I’m just glad the judge ordered that Dilvan be institutionalized for six months. That way, he can get the medication he needs while learning to live with bipolar disorder.”

  Tyson had no comment. It didn’t surprise him that Dilvan had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. His erratic behavior was a sign that something had been wrong with him.

  “And even though Dilvan is moving away when he gets out, I’m glad Gabrielle got the restraining order.”

  “So he’s moving away?”

  “Yes. His house is up for sale.”

  Tyson was glad to hear that. “What will Beatrice do without Dilvan around?”

  “She agreed to be the head cook at my food house in Southern Shores. I figured it was time for me to get someone on the payroll and you know the people love her clam chowder.”

  “Where will she be staying?” Tyson heard himself asking. He was curious because he knew that Gabrielle had a close bond with Beatrice, the same as she did with Padma.


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