Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1)

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Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1) Page 6

by Teresa Gabelman

  “I’m not a bad cook.” Garrett pointed at her plate with his fork. “You need to eat, Janna.”

  Raising her eyes from the plate, Janna looked at Garrett. “Why me?” she asked, but saw the question in his eyes. “I don’t understand any of this. Just because your…wolf picks me, what if you as a man are not attracted to me?”

  Putting his fork down, Garrett leaned back in his chair, his gaze intense as he studied her. “I am one with my wolf, Janna, as you will be once you accept your fate. It’s something that can’t really be explained. I’ve been attracted to many women, but once your wolf picks his mate, that’s it and it’s for a lifetime.”

  “But what about what you want?” Janna tried to dig deeper to fully understand. “You don’t even know anything about me, only my looks and what you’ve seen in…what…a day? That’s not enough time to decide to be with someone for life.”

  “Are you attracted to me, Janna?” Garrett kept his relaxed pose, but his eyes were far from relaxed. They were so intense that she felt it, which was both strange and oddly exhilarating.

  She wanted to respond with, duh. Hell, he was gorgeous, but instead, she nodded. “Yes, but…”

  “That’s a start, but until you phase you will not understand. You have not mentally become one with your wolf.” He finally looked away from her, picking up his fork to finish eating. “Now eat.”

  “But I’ve been attracted to other men…” She stopped suddenly at the growl erupting from his mouth.

  “There will be no other men, Janna.” His eyes narrowed on her. “You are mine.”

  Biting her lip to keep from saying something really stupid at his caveman response, Janna picked up a piece of bacon and bit into it, her eyes watching cautiously as he finished his breakfast with angry gusto. The bacon tasted like cardboard and seemed to grow in her mouth the more she chewed. Tossing the rest of it on her plate, she frowned.

  “Don’t I get a say in that?” She found the courage to ask. “I mean, usually in past relationships, I knew the guy for a week or so before things developed and we…”

  Garrett slammed his hands on the island as he stood. In two strides, he was in front of her, grabbing her up from her stool. One hand underneath her ass, he lifted her up to him, his mouth smashing against hers as his tongue found its way inside her mouth, kissing her breathless.

  Pulling his mouth from hers, he held her tighter. “If you don’t want me finding these assholes you are determined to tell me about and killing them then, you need to stop.”


  Placing a finger against her lips, he shut her up. “You are in a different world now, Janna Lawson. You are a shifter, so your human ways will take a backseat. Did you have sex with any of these pitiful males?”

  “I don’t see how that is any of your business,” Janna gasped, trying to break his hold.

  “Oh, it is my business,” he whispered into her hair. “And you will answer my question.”

  Janna felt like being stubborn because seriously, who asked that. Garrett Forster, that was who and he carried the authority of expecting an answer. “One.” Janna felt her face flame. “But only once.”

  Garrett growled at her answer and tightened his grip. “You will soon forget about him.”

  “I don’t think so.” Janna cringed when his growling became louder and more intense. “I bit him. It was mortifying.”

  For Garrett’s mood to go from one extreme to the next, surprised Janna. One minute he was growling as if he wanted to tear someone’s throat out, and the next he was laughing hysterically. “I would bet anything that it wasn’t a bite of passion.” How a hot sexy man could seem even more handsome when snorting with laughter was a mystery to her. “I cannot wait to meet your wolf,” he said between laughing.

  “It’s not funny.” Janna frowned, wanting to smack him. “I really liked this guy.”

  “But your wolf didn’t because she was waiting for me.” Garrett’s tone was smug and confident. “And as I said, you will forget about him very soon.”

  Janna actually shivered at his words, but not in a bad way. None of this made sense to her and she felt like her mind and body were on two separate planets. A loud pounding coming from the front of the house made her jump. Garrett cursed, pushing her away, but not before placing a hard kiss on her mouth.

  “Stay here,” he ordered as he left the room.

  Not used to taking orders, it grated on Janna’s nerves to do so this easily, but instead of bitching about it, she grabbed her plate and dumped her uneaten food in the garbage.

  “Why’d you throw all that food away?” Hunter said behind her when he looked over her shoulder into the trash. “I’m starving.”

  Her eyes shot to Garrett who was frowning at her. Without a word, he walked over grabbing another plate. “You need to eat.”

  With a sigh, she sat back down then looked at Jonah who was simply staring at her. Garrett set another plate in front of her and she wanted to gag. “I’m not really hungry.”

  “You need to eat.” Every male in the room said at the same time.

  “And what you don’t, I’ll finish for you,” Hunter added, grabbing a piece of sausage and pointing it at her.

  “Heard Roxy was here last night,” Marcus remarked as he too grabbed a piece of sausage.

  “And I sent her packing,” Garrett grunted as he finished his breakfast.

  “Well, she must have thought you…” Marcus started with a frown.

  “I have never invited Roxy to my house, Marcus.” Garrett dropped his fork on his plate. The loud clang filled the now silent room.

  “She seems to be here an awful lot for not being invited.” Marcus’s body tensed visibly.

  “I have no interest in Roxy Patel, Marcus,” Garrett repeated with a growl, his eyes narrowing.

  Janna watched with interest as she put the cardboard tasting bacon in her mouth, chewing slowly. So Marcus was the one who liked Roxy. Interesting. She was a matchmaker at heart and was always trying to fix up her friends in high school.

  “Then why is she always at your place?” Marcus narrowed his eyes, his face going from non-caring to pissed off in a flash.

  “I don’t know.” Garrett sighed. “Why don’t you grow some balls and actually talk to her so you can ask her that.”

  “Fuck you!” Marcus took a step toward Garrett, who didn’t even turn around.

  “That’s a big mistake, brother,” Garrett said as if he had eyes in the back of head. “You need to check yourself before you start something I’m going to finish.”

  Janna glanced over at Hunter who was leaning against the sink stuffing his face, but he watched his brothers closely as if anticipating what was coming.

  “Oh, you think?” Marcus tossed his unfinished sausage, which landed beside Garrett’s hand.

  Everything happened at once. The small kitchen erupted in total chaos as Garrett jumped up, spinning so fast, pinning Marcus to the kitchen wall.

  “Whoa!” Janna stood, heading toward them, but Hunter stopped her.

  “Careful there.” Hunter pulled her back as fists started flying. “Just some brotherly love going on. It will be over in a minute.”

  Janna looked over at Jonah, who was leaning against the kitchen doorframe watching the scene as if bored, his eyes met hers before shifting away. Struggling against Hunter, she broke free and headed toward Garrett and Marcus.

  “Stop!” she yelled, using her foot nudging against Garrett who was on stop of Marcus. When they wouldn’t stop, but kept fighting, Janna grabbed the glass of water she had been drinking and let it loose. “Stop, dammit!”

  When they still didn’t stop, Hunter grabbed a large bowl filling it with water. “Here, try this.” His grin was pure evil, but his eyes looked innocent.

  Grabbing the bowl, she marched over and dumped the water. Both men jumped up, sputtering. Garrett wiped his wet hair from his eyes glaring at her. “What the hell are you doing?” his yell bounced off the walls in the small

  “Don’t be mad at her.” Hunter stepped forward. “I told her to do it.”

  Janna pushed Hunter out of the way, her face flaming red from anger. “No, he didn’t.” Janna stood toe to toe with Garrett. “You two are brothers and shouldn’t be fighting, especially over a woman.”

  “Yeah.” Hunter nodded, being his normal smartass. “You’re brothers and shouldn’t be fighting.”

  “Shut up.” Janna turned on Hunter.

  “Hey, I’m on your side.” Hunter frowned, giving her a hurt look which she knew was fake.

  “Oh, really?” Janna put her hand on her hip, glaring at him. “I don’t think so. I think you’re on Hunter’s side.”

  Hunter looked around then back to Janna with a crooked grin. “In this group, it’s the best side if you ask me.”

  Janna mocked his grin with a crooked one of her own. “Why don’t you tell Marcus how you consoled Roxy after Garrett sent her out of the house?”

  The room became deathly silent, but Janna didn’t break eye contact with Hunter whose expression changed from smug to busted in a flash.

  Hunter looked away from Janna for a split second to Marcus, then back to Janna. “That was good. Harsh, but good,” he leaned in and whispered, but knew everyone in the room heard him. Turning toward Marcus, Hunter put his hands up. “Nothing happened, bro. I know you have the hots for Roxy and I would never…”

  “You sent Hunter after her?” Marcus yelled at Garrett, who also threw his hands up in the air as if he gave up. “Are you fucking crazy?”

  Hunter dropped his hands, and then looked at Janna with a big grin and a shrug. “That’s part of being the youngest brother.” Hunter crossed his arms and started to lean casually back against the kitchen counter until he saw both Garrett and Marcus glaring at him. “Then again, it has its downfalls.”

  Garrett pulled Janna out of the way as Hunter took off toward the door with Marcus chasing after him. Hearing the front door slam, Janna cringed.

  “I’ll go get them,” Jonah sighed. “And then we need to talk.” He didn’t look at either one of them as he left the room.

  Glancing up at Garrett, she took a step back not feeling as confident about dumping the bowl of water on his head, though he looked sexy as hell wet. A small smile curved her lips; she couldn’t help it.

  “Oh, so you think it’s funny?” He cocked his eyebrow at her.

  “No.” Her lie was evident by the growing grin on her face.

  Without warning, he bent, hitting her lightly in the stomach with his shoulder as he picked her up and carried her out the back door of the kitchen. All Janna could see was the ground, and well, his ass, which looked damn good in jeans. Pushing off him, she looked around his cute ass to see where he was taking her. A small pond sat a few yards away and he was heading straight toward it.

  “Don’t you dare!” She started twisting and fighting her way against his grip. “I mean it, Garrett. Put me down.”

  “I will in just a few seconds,” Garrett replied, his steps quickening.

  “I can’t swim.” She tried that lie, hoping she sounded convincing.

  “Then I will save you.” Garrett’s tone stayed even. He wasn’t even out of breath as he carried her closer to the water.

  “I’m sorry.” She gave one last twist trying to dislodge his grip, but it was no use. He wasn’t letting her go. In a flash, he brought her down in front of him, cradled her against his massive chest.

  “No, you’re not.” He grinned as he started to swing her away from his body.

  “No! Don’t! I’m really sorry,” Janna screamed, gripping him like a cat. The picture of his and Marcus’s face when she dumped the water on their heads picked that moment to flash into her mind. A small giggle escaped her mouth. Her eyes widened, but she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face, so she slapped her hand across her grin. “Please, Garrett. A gentleman would never do this.”

  He pulled her hand from her mouth, kissing her grin. A small curved grin appeared on his face. “I’m no gentleman, sweet Janna.” And with that, he sent her sailing into the small pond, screaming the whole way.

  As soon as she hit the water, she popped back up with a scream. “What the hell was that?” She wiped her wet hair from her eyes, the sweater she put on over the top of her muscle shirt hung heavy and soaked. “Are you kidding me?”

  Garrett stood on the bank with a large grin on his face. “You shouldn’t dare me.”

  “I didn’t dare you. I said don’t you dare. There’s a big difference, mister.” She huffed, and then lifted her foot out of the water. “These are the only shoes I have.” Losing her balance, she fell back in the water going under again.

  “Ah, why is she in the pond?” Hunter walked up next to Garrett with Marcus and Jonah close behind.

  “Because he threw me in,” Janna sputtered as she tossed her arm toward Garrett, her soggy sweater sleeve arcing water in the air. Stomping toward the edge, she glared at Garrett. “You are so going to regret that.”

  Picking a piece of moss out of her hair, he grinned down at her. “I doubt it.”

  Frowning, she smacked him with her wet sleeve. “Oh, you will, bud.”

  “Maybe she needs another dunking.” Hunter smirked at her.

  An evil grin lit Janna’s face as she turned toward Hunter. In one quick movement, she grabbed him and hugged him tightly, and then just as quickly, pushed him away soaking him. “You think so?” Walking between Garrett and Hunter, she spread her arms in a quick movement slapping them both with her soak sleeves. Glancing up at both Marcus and Jonah, who were staring at her with amused grins, she glared. “Don’t even say anything,” she warned as she passed them.

  “I like her.” Hunter grinned as he watched Janna disappear into the house. Garrett didn’t say anything, only nodded as he also watched Janna. “And she looks damn good wet.”

  Garrett’s head snapped toward his brother. “If you want to keep your teeth, you’ll watch your mouth.”

  “Ah, Garrett’s got a girlfriend,” Hunter sang as he quickly got out of the way of Garrett’s fist.


  Garrett growled at Hunter, but his eyes went back to the house. He knew as well as anything that Janna was more than that to him. He had waited to find her, his mate, and it happened when he least expected. He knew as soon as he heard her wolf calling his, before he ever saw her face, she was his. He also knew that she didn’t understand their ways, but he was more than willing to teach her everything she needed to know.

  “You think you should have thrown her in the pond?” Jonah frowned.

  “Probably not.” Garrett cocked his eyebrow, wondering if maybe he’d gone too far. But Hunter was right, she looked sexy as hell wet.

  “You think?” Marcus was giving him a ‘what in the hell were you thinking?’ look. “She looked pretty pissed.”

  Garrett smiled; he couldn’t help it. Her spunk was very attractive to him and his wolf. She was fun to spar with and he hoped to hell making up would be exceptional. “Yeah, she did.”

  “What in the hell is wrong with you?” Marcus frowned.

  “He’s in lurve.” Hunter snickered like a girl, and then turned serious. “You better watch your back, bro. She’s probably scheming her revenge right now. Women are good at that shit.”

  “What are your intentions toward her?” Jonah broke his silence, eyeing Garrett with suspicion.

  Garrett’s gaze snapped toward Jonah. “We playing the dad card now?”

  “If I have to, yes.” Jonah stood taller. “She has no one else to look after her and if what she says is true, I am her father.”

  “She has me to look after her and needs no one else.” Garrett’s whole demeanor changed in an instant.

  “But I am her father,” Jonah added, not sounding too sure, yet he made the effort.

  “And she is my mate,” Garrett countered, daring anyone to say a word otherwise.

  Unfortunately Hunter took the dare. “Poor girl.” He
shook his head. “She has a father she has never met and a mate all in the span of a day. Finds out her father is an ex-alpha who’s a drunk and a mate who threw her in a pond.”

  “Hunter.” Marcus warned, eyeing both Jonah and Garrett.

  “No.” Hunter suddenly looked older than his years. “You guys think I’m just a goof, but I see things others don’t. What I see is a scared woman who has no one but us. Yeah, I was hard on her at the beginning, but she kind of grew on me and I won’t stand around and watch her get hurt.”

  Garrett wanted to punch his brother, but he knew he was right. “No one is going to hurt her.”

  “Then we need to figure out what we’re doing,” Jonah added. “They’re coming and soon.”

  Garrett’s wolf reared in protective anger at those words. “Marcus, you and Hunter get everyone together. I’ll meet you at Jonah’s.” He looked at Jonah. “You up for this?”

  “Yes,” Jonah replied, but looked ragged from not having a drink in twelve or so hours. “I want to talk to her.”

  Garrett nodded, looking at all three. “If trouble is coming, we will be ready. I want everyone to know what’s going on. All women and children will be taken to a safe place until this is over.”

  “It’s coming,” Jonah replied, turning to walk away. “I have a strong feeling Jasper has been waiting a long time for this and Janna is going to be his prize in this game of revenge.”

  “Then he’s going to die.” Garrett’s words were spoken strong and true.


  “Who’s going to die?” Janna had changed quickly and was back outside within minutes. She wanted to talk to Jonah, but she seemed to have walked up on a very serious conversation.

  “Damn, that was fast.” Hunter looked from the house to her. “Didn’t think women could get ready that fast.”

  “Well, I don’t have many clothes to choose from.” She shot Garrett a narrowed look as she wiggled her toes in the grass. “And only one pair of shoes.”


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