by Faith
“Just let the police handle it. I wouldn’t turn in my brother even if someone paid me,” Felicia admitted.
“You have a point, I wouldn’t, either. I just hope this is not Mud’s baby. Things will be complicated, to say the least.”
“Well, there are consequences to your actions.” Felicia gave Eddie a look.
“Trust me, I understand. I will never be able to apologize enough for the hurt I have caused you and the baby.” Eddie’s voice was sincere and Felicia nodded her head.
“It’s not okay what you did, but it’s over and we can’t continue to live in the past. And, you can’t keep apologizing. I forgive you. We are fine, the baby will be fine, God willing, and we will move on,” Felicia assured him.
“It won’t be over until the Harlots are behind bars where they belong.”
“Look and hear me clear, we will not allow them to affect our lives any longer. I have already seen what God can do, I’m unbothered, and you should be, too. When I put God on somebody, all I can do is watch Him work, have a little faith,” Felicia spoke into Eddie’s spirit.
Eddie looked over at her and smiled. “You are something else.”
“Don’t I know it?” They laughed as they pulled up to Mama Eloise’s house.
“Hey!” Mama Eloise greeted as they walked in. “The baby is sleep in the bassinet, before you ask. She ate, burped, we played, and she’s sleeping peacefully.” She pointed to the bassinet.
Felicia walked over and peeked at her sleeping baby. “Thank you for watching her.”
“Come here, sit down next to me. Eddie, go check on Edem and let us talk,” Mama Eloise demanded. Felicia and Eddie looked at each other.
“Aight, Ma.” Eddie headed up the stairs.
Mama Eloise patted the seat next to her. Felicia cautiously sat down. “It’s ok, I won’t bite.” Mama Eloise laughed. “I know I have apologized before, but I need to say this again. I have not given you a reason to trust me and I want to change that. I know I did not treat you fairly, but please know that from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry for my past actions. I was wrong about you. I want us to get closer and I know this won’t change things, but I got you something.” Eloise handed Felicia a box. She opened the box containing a charm bracelet. “I gave the other girls one on their wedding day. I never had one made for you, so, please, take this and wear it proudly.” Felicia looked at the bracelet and proceeded to cry. It was a beautiful bracelet with different charms representing her life. It warmed her heart that Mama Eloise put so much thought into it. She looked over at a smiling Mama Eloise, who was wiping tears from her eyes. “Welcome to the family, baby. I will never try to replace your mother, but, please, allow me to be another mother to you.” Felicia and Mama Eloise hugged each other.
“Thank you so much, you don’t know how much this means to me.”
“Alright, let’s stop crying and let me show you how to make my famous gumbo.” Mama Eloise stood up and walked into the kitchen, Felicia following close behind. “Now, this is a family recipe, but you’re family, so take notes.” Mama Eloise chuckled. Her spirit felt free and she was ready to teach Felicia all that she knew.
Lilith and Delilah sat in the parking lot before going to see Tamar. “Now, let’s go over the plan. You know what I need you to do, right?”
“Yes, Mother, but how long will I have to stay?”
“Not long, I just need Tamar out to handle a few things for me. Jezebel has turned on us, so I need you to step it up.”
“How will I get out?”
“Don’t worry about that, I will get you out. Has Mother ever lied to you?”
“Well, trust me, just do what I need you to do. You three have switched identities all of your life. This is no different, plus, you are safe here. The police will not be looking for you here. Damien said go to the orderly name Melvin. It’s already set up. All you have to do is switch clothes, pretend to be your sister, and once Tamar does what I need her to do, we’ll come back for you.”
“Ok, Mother,” Delilah agreed, but her head was foggy and she wasn’t thinking all that clearly. She wished Jezebel was around; she missed her sister.
“Aight, go on, let Tamar know what car I’m in.”
“Ok, Mother.” Delilah got out of the car. As she walked over to the building, she looked back at her mother, wanting her to change her mind. Lilith shooed her on with her hand. Delilah sighed and walked into the building.
Delilah did as she was told. She hugged her sister tight; they had never been apart so long before. They sat quietly and talked before Melvin returned to get Tamar. Delilah waited for him, and he led her into the bathroom where Tamar waited. They quickly changed clothes and hugged each other again before Tamar walked out as Delilah.
Lilith sat her car staring at the door. Finally, she saw Tamar walk out looking around. “Yes!” she said to herself. Lilith waved her hand out of the window. Tamar saw her and smiled.
Tamar got in the car. “Mother!”
“There’s my girl! Oh, I’ve been waiting on you!” Lilith said, smiling a devilish grin.
Tricia took Mud into her mouth. She savored the taste of his skin. As she vigorously sucked on his manhood, Mud moaned in ecstasy. He flipped her over in mid suck and told her to sit on his face, she obliged. As she grinded her kitty into his face, her juices began to flow. Mud sucked on her clit, and rammed his tongue in and out of her. Tricia screamed out his name. She felt her body shake and was mad that she was cumming so quick.
“Aaaarg!” Tricia screamed as she flooded Mud’s mouth with her love juice.
He flipped her over and climbed on top of her. He put her legs on his shoulders and dug in deep. She was so wet and enticing. He loved the way her kitty felt. He finally understood why men went crazy over pregnant kitty. He became lost in their sex. Thrust for thrust, they met each other. Moans filled the room like an R. Kelly song. Mud went in for the kill. From the position of her legs on his shoulders, he hit rock bottom. Mud felt himself about to cum, so he pulled out, grabbed his nuts, and pulled back on them, waiting a few seconds before he dove back in. That was a trick he learned to keep from nutting, and he could go and go and go. Containing his nut made him a great lover. After an hour of complete ecstasy, he finally allowed himself to release. Exhausted, they lay in each other’s arms and drifted off to sleep.
The doorbell awakened them. Mud put on his robe and went downstairs. Mama Eloise stood there with fire in his eyes and within seconds, she hauled off and slapped the crap across Mud’s face.
“Mama!” Mud was taken aback by the assault.
“Don’t Mama me!” Mama Eloise barged in, pushed him out of the way, and sat down on the couch. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out you getting that Harlot girl pregnant? How could you! I raised you better than that. Lord Jesus, your father is probably rolling in his grave!”
Hearing the commotion, Tricia walked out of the room in her afghan and hurried down the stairs.
“What’s going on?” Tricia asked.
“Mama just slapped me, that’s what.”
“You better be glad that I don’t take a belt to your butt after what you did. Then, you put her up in a church apartment? Are you crazy, boy?”
Tricia sat down in the chair across from Mama Eloise. “Mama Eloise, that was my idea.
“Lord Jesus, I don’t understand you young women. Y’all don’t get it, do you?”
“Mud didn’t want to do that, but as a woman who grew up without a father, if Mud is the father, I don’t want that child to have to suffer for the sins of her parents like I had to.”
“Okay, I can understand that, but y’all better watch your back with that girl. Her family is out to get us and you two invite her back in to the fold. But, y’all are grown, so I’m going to let you do what you think is best for your marriage. I think y’all crazy, but that’s none of my business,” Mama Eloise said, getting up. As she walked pas
s them, she said, “Y’all need to go take a shower, y’all smell like sex.” And, with that, she walked out of the front door and slammed it.
Tricia and Mud looked at each other, and busted out laughing.
“Your mama is a trip.”
“I can’t believe she slapped me.” Mud rubbed his face.
Tricia got up and grabbed Mud’s hand. “Come on!” She pulled him behind her.
“We going to go take a shower since mama said we funky?” Mud joked.
“Ugh, no, we going for round two.” Tricia laughed, running up the stairs. Mud was on her heels.
Chapter 11
Junior sat at his desk, tortured by his thoughts. As much as he loved Lacey, he had a lot of love for Sheila, too. She walked past and the sight of her made his loins ache. “Sheila!” he called after her. She backed up and stood in the doorway. “Come here.”
Cautiously, Sheila entered his office. “Yes?”
“Close the door,” he directed as he walked over to her. Invading her personal space, he placed his hand on her belly. “How are feeling?”
“I’m good, we’re good.”
“As in you and the baby, or you and your husband?”
“Both.” Sheila felt herself weaken being so close to the man she loved.
“Mmmph!” Junior rubbed his chin.
“So, what’s up?”
“I’m struggling here. Lacey told me how she knows about me and Delilah. She confronted me on my cheating and I know she doesn’t deserve my infidelity, but none of those women meant anything to me.”
“Ok.” Sheila didn’t care about what Lacey knew or how she felt. What about her?
“But, you are different and you know that. You’re a part of me, the way we feed off of each other’s energy. I’m conflicted and I think I should tell her about us.”
“Have you lost your mind?”
“No, I’m thinking clearly, she deserves to know, Sheila.”
“Well, what about me and my husband, huh? You know what, you still only think about yourself! It’s all about you, isn’t it? Junior’s needs and Junior’s wants, what about me? So, you want to ruin my chance of a happy marriage because yours is messed up? Ugh, you disgust me!” Sheila said, storming out of the office.
Junior stood there speechless. He didn’t expect that kind of response from her. She had always understood him and never judged him. Now what was he going to do? He needed to come clean with Lacey. Maybe he could ask Lacey not to say anything to Jamir. To be honest, Junior didn’t care of ending Sheila’s marriage. Dag, I am selfish. Junior went back to his desk to prepare for his next counseling session.
Sheila was in a rage as she drove through the streets of Greensboro. Her thoughts raced as she weaved in and out of traffic. She found herself at Four Seasons Mall. Retail therapy was the best therapy. She walked inside of her favorite store, Victoria’s Secret. She looked around and realized she had just about every fragrance. Her next stop was Bath and Body Works where she went plum crazy buying lip-gloss, lotions, hand sanitizers, candles, and air fresheners. After spending over two hundred dollars, she was leaving out when she bumped into no other than Lacey.
“Sheila,” Lacey said with daggers in her eyes.
“Hello, first lady.”
Lacey looked down at her bags. “I see you had fun in here.”
Glancing down at her own bags, Sheila did a fake laugh. “Oh, yeah, a little retail therapy.”
“Oh, a hard day at work?” Lacey’s said in a sarcastic tone.
“I guess you can say that.” Sheila retuned the nasty look Lacey gave her. Oh hell, she knows.
“I was about to grab something to eat, join me.”
Lacey’s request stunned her. “Ummmm, I don’t know.”
“Why not? You got to eat, I’m sure that baby of yours is hungry. I know I stay hungry,” Lacey said, rubbing her belly.”
“I guess you’re right,” Sheila relented.
They walked in silence to Ruby Tuesday. They settled into a booth and ordered food. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The awkward silence spoke volumes.
Sheila was glad when their food finally arrived.
“So, Sheila, is that my husband’s baby that you are carrying?” Lacey bluntly asked.
Sheila almost choked on her food. She grabbed her glass of lemonade to clear her throat. “Excuse me?”
“Your baby, is it Junior’s?”
Sheila stared at Lacey, she could see in her eyes that the jig was up. “Yes, it is.” Hell, Sheila was tired herself of the entire situation.
Lacey exhaled, trying to gain her composure. “Okay, so what is the plan?”
“The plan is that I raise my baby with my husband.”
“So, your husband knows that he is not the father?”
“No, he doesn’t, and I don’t plan on him finding out.”
“Okay, so then what, we just watch your baby grow up knowing that he or she is an offspring of my husband?”
“I guess so.” Sheila stood her ground.
“You see, my problem with that is unlike the rest of the church whores that throw themselves at my husband, it’s you that he has feelings for.”
Shocked that she knew that, Sheila cleared her throat again. “It was not my intention to fall in love with him.”
“Oh, so you admit that you love my husband, okay. So, what was your intention, to just screw my husband?”
“I’ll take that, yes, that was my intention. I didn’t know that we would connect the way we did.” Sheila was irritated and tried to hurt Lacey.
“Do you play chess?”
“Well, I do, so let me break down the position of the queen. The queen is the most powerful piece on the board. The queen is the game changer, but you need to know the rules and regulations of how the game operates, and the importance of the queen and the moves she makes. See, I am the Queen. And, the queen defends the King. The queen makes moves and the queen bumps the opponents that get in her way. You, my dear, are my opponent, and I will protect my king at all cost. Do you understand me? So, this is what I’m willing to do for you and my king. You will sign a confidentiality agreement, your child will be taken care of financially, and the child will have all of the same opportunities as my children. The Blanks family will be the only ones who will know that Junior is the father. To the church and everyone else, we will just be the best god-parents in the world. Everyone knows that you two are close, so it shouldn’t raise any eyebrows. You, however, will step down as his personal assistant. That, I will no longer tolerate.” Lacey rubbed her hands together. “What do you think?”
Sheila sat in silence, contemplating the offer. After a few moments of awkward silence, Sheila said, “Done!” She planned on quitting, anyway.
“Good!” Lacey said calm and cool. She raised her hand in the air. “Check, please!”
Eloise entered the house all smiles. She had the best time on her double date. The conversation was awesome and the play was great. She headed upstairs to her room.
“Ma?” Edem called out.
Eloise entered his room. “Hey, baby, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, are you okay?”
“Yes, why do you ask?”
“Maybe because you are grinning like a Cheshire cat, that’s why. What is going on with you, woman? Edem teased.
“Alright, I guess I’ll tell you. I went on a date tonight.” Eloise braced herself for a dirty look.
“Ma, that’s great! It’s about time.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, Ma, I’m glad. He was nice? Who was he? Did you have a good time?”
“Ok, FBI, yes, he was a perfect gentleman and I had a great time.
Eloise sat down and told Edem everything about her date and how Madear hooked her up. Edem was all smiles listening to his mother. He hadn’t seen her smiling like that in a long time. They talked for a good while and Edem
expressed his thoughts about how he thought it was time she opened her heart again for love. He told her that their father would be happy for her. Eloise was elated with what Edem said. After having a long talk, Edem told his mother that it was time for him to move back to his apartment. He thanked her for taking such good care of him, but it was time for him to go, and he would be leaving in the morning. Eloise didn’t object, she told him to do what he thought was best.
Edem laughed, and said, “I like this dude already.”
Elisea and Lizzie were at Tides Inn having good sister time when Damien walked in with two other men. Elisea gasped and put her hand up to block him from seeing her.
“What’s wrong with you?” Lizzie looked around confused, and within seconds Damien approached the table.
Elisea looked up and didn’t speak nor did she crack a smile. She had a disgusted look on her face.
“Oh, you don’t know me now? It wasn’t like that when you were calling out my name.”
Lizzie’s eyes widened and Elisea tilted her head to the side. “Really?” Damien laughed in her face. “If I recall, the last time I saw you I had just broken your nose,” Elisea shot back.
“Yeah, you got me, then you send back a goon to pick up where you left off, but, baby, it’s all good.”
“What are you talking about?”
“What are both of you talking about?” Lizzie meddled.
Damien shot Lizzie a look. “Next time, why don’t you bring her, I can break her in, too.”
Lizzie stood up. ‘You know what? I don’t know who you are, but it’s time for you to walk away.”
“Oh, I’m scared.” Damien laughed.
“I’m not trying to scare you, but I’m trying to warn you.” Lizzie pulled out her phone to call Junior.
“Oh, you’re calling your goons again? Aight, I’ll leave you alone, but we’ll meet again.” Damien blew a kiss at Elisea, and then walked off to his seat.
“Lizzie, sit down. He’s not worth it, he’s just talking mess.”