by Faith
“Baby, I need you to calm down. Now, I didn’t go off when I found out about your pregnancy, but finding out who this father is, is a little much.”
“Mama, she didn’t know who he was. That’s why she’s like this.” Lizzie backed her sister up.
“That is the problem with having casual sex. You don’t know who you are laying down with,” Mama Eloise continued.
“Mama, this is not the time for a sermon. It’s already done,” Junior butt in. He couldn’t believe his mother was saying that when his baby sister was in shambles.
“Hush, Junior! I have watched as most of you have run amuck. Running round here acting like fools with no home training. You boys have been tarnishing our good name because you can’t keep your little weenies in your pants! And, not to mention the hell you have brought into our lives with these Harlot sisters, and now the brother? Are y’all kidding me? I am a praying mother. God knows I have lifted your name to God every single night since you were born, but I am, I am utterly disgusted with you guys! Junior, you have your wife pregnant the same time as your mistress! Mud, you have your pregnant whore living in one of the church’s apartments. I am sick of all of you! It is time to grow the hell up! All of you! Now, Elisea, I am sorry that you are going through this, I really am, but as you have loved to tell me so many times over the years you are a grown woman, now act like it! You are pregnant with a man who evidently is a man boy, so put your big girl panties on, be the woman that I taught you to be. And, you ladies, bless your heart, I love y’all like my daughters, but if my husband behaved the ways these knuckleheads have been, they would have learned what hot grits felt like first thing in the morning. Let me tell y’all a little story. Early on in our marriage, your daddy, God rest his soul, was very much like you boys. He was young and dumb though, y’all are old and foolish. I was sixteen when I got married and your daddy was only eighteen. He had just been called to preach, newly married with a baby on the way, so, like most men; he strayed. My woman’s intuition woke me up out of my sleep one night, and I knew. Just like all of you know when these boys are out her messing around, dumpster diving. The next morning I got up and took a shower. I wanted to be extra clean because I just knew I was going to jail. I cooked a big pot of grits, and right when it started bubbling, your daddy came in and sat at the table. I threw those hot grits on him and he hollered, boy did he holler.” Mama Eloise laughed, reminiscing. See, that was nothing but God because usually your daddy came to the breakfast table with just his boxers on, but this particular morning he had on a t-shirt. That t-shirt saved him from having second and third degree burns on his chest. He looked at me like I had lost my mind, and I told him then whatever you are doing end it, or I will one way or another. Not only did your daddy end it but he became the great man of God that he was destined to be. He never ate grits again, but he turned into a great man. So, the moral of the story is, sometimes you have to teach men how to treat you. Sometimes, you have to guide them in the right direction and have to know when enough is enough. And, I have had enough with some of you. If you don’t like what I’m saying, that’s a personal problem. I have done the best I knew how to guide this family and you nuts just don’t get it. I don’t understand and with that being said, I have a friend who is laying in a hospital bed in a coma and don’t think she’s going to come out of it, but I say God has the final say so, so I have someone who is helpless that needs me. You all,” Mama Eloise pointed at her family, “are not helpless. You’re just plain ol’ stupid and I don’t have the patience for stupid people. And, in the words of Madear, get your life!” Mama Eloise grabbed her purse and keys off the counter, and calmly walked out of the house, leaving her family sitting there looking at each other.
“Ummmm, did Mama just quote Tamar Braxton? Did she just say get your life?” Lizzie covered her mouth to stifle her laugh.
“Yeah, she just read us all, book, chapter, and verse,” Tricia chimed in.
“Wow, Daddy cheated on Mama, I’m still stuck on the grits. Mama was ready to go to jail.” Edem shook his head.
“Like she said, he was young and dumb,” Lacey said, cutting her eyes at Junior.
“Elisea, what happened today? He didn’t put his hands on you again, did he?” Mud asked. Elisea’s eyes widened.
“Hold up, what do you mean again? He put his hands on you?” Junior jumped up.
“Calm down, Junior, I handled it, well, after lil sis did. By the time I got to him, he was nursing his wounds. Elisea busted his nose and everything.” Mud winked at Elisea.
“Wait a minute, what else don’t we know?” Eddie asked.
“There is nothing left to tell. He hit me, I hit back, and Mud found out and beat him up. He doesn’t know that I’m pregnant, so I went to tell him today.”
“Against my sound advice,” Lizzie interrupted. Elisea gave her the side eye. “What? It’s the truth!”
“You have to promise to tell us if a man ever disrespects you again! You hear me?” Junior snapped.
“You mean the way y’all disrespect your wives or just if a man gets physical?” Elisea snapped back.
“Bam! She just told you!” Lacey laughed. Junior gritted his teeth in anger.
“What I meant was we are your brothers and we want to protect you.” Junior simmered down.
“I know, Junior. I know I could have turned to y’all, I really do.”
“As long as you know. Now, what’s the plan about this cat? What’s his name?”
“Damion Prince.”
“And, he’s the brother, correct?”
“Yes, Junior, and the plan is not to tell him about the baby. Mama said I need to put my big girl panties on and that’s what I’m going to do,” Elisea told them.
“One thing for sure, that baby won’t want for anything, Ruthie and I are here for you,” Edem assured her.
“That’s right, I can speak for all of us on that,” Mud added.
“Thanks, y’all.”
“Ok, enough of all of this, I’m still on the grits. Mama was crazy, wasn’t she?” Edem laughed.
“Edem, let it go. Ya mama been crazy, she just let us know how crazy,” Junior said, and they all laughed.
Chapter 16
Edem sat in his office when Ruthie entered quickly and closed the door.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Edem walked around his desk to greet her.
“Its sister Clemmons, she needs to see you right away. She just called, she just got home from the hospital with Lewis.”
“What happened?”
“Lewis has been dressing as woman and turning tricks. Evidently, one of the johns shot him. Lucky for him, the bullet went straight through and he was released earlier today.”
“Lewis? Lewis? One the heads of the youth counsel, Lewis?”
“Yes, Edem, Lewis.”
Edem rubbed his face, trying to comprehend what he just heard. “Ah man, Lewis! I remember he said he needed to talk to me about something before my accident, but I didn’t think any more about it, wow.” Edem grabbed his car keys off of the tray on his desk.
“I told her you were on your way.” Ruthie smiled.
“Come on, you’re going with me.”
“Yes, Mrs. Blanks, get your purse and come on.”
On the way to Sister Clemmons’, Edem fussed about how they, as the leaders of the church, needed to be more involved in the lives of the members. Ruthie just listened as Edem rambled on about disconnect in the church.
When they reached Sister Clemmons, she greeted them with a hug. “Come on in, and thank you for coming so quickly, Pastor.”
“I’m sorry I’m just now coming,” Edem said, entering the house.
“Sister Clemmons, you have it smelling good in here.” Ruthie loved Sister Clemmons’ cooking. They worked together in the food ministry.
“Honey, you know I love to cook, so I had to feed y’all. It’s a just some fried chicken, corn on the cob, bread, and some greens I had in the freezer.”r />
“Where is Lewis, Sister Clemmons?”
“He’s upstairs in his room. It’s the first door on the right.”
“Ok, but can you tell me what happened?”
“Have a seat at the table while I bring out the food.” Edem and Ruthie followed her into the dining room and had a seat. A big pan of fried chicken was on the table along with a pan of cornbread muffins.
Sister Clemmons returned with a bowl of greens and plate of corn on the cob. She sat down. “Pastor, can you bless the food first?”
Edem blessed the food, as asked, “I want to talk to Lewis first, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh, sure. I didn’t know that Lewis was dressing as a woman, doing that nasty stuff for money. Now, I knew he might be gay, he’s always exhibited that kind of behavior. I was hoping that if I kept him busy at church that I would be able to keep him from acting on his urges. I told him that mess was nasty and there was a special place in hell for boys like him. I told him he had demons on him and if he prayed enough, he would be normal. Nothing has worked.”
Edem couldn’t believe his ears. Did the woman really tell her son he was demonic? He had heard enough. He got up and headed upstairs. He knocked on Lewis’ bedroom door.
“Come in.” Lewis lay in his bed flipping channels. When he saw his favorite pastor, he smiled. “Pastor!”
“Hey, Lewis! How are you feeling?” Edem scanned the room, looking for a place to sit.
“Mama said I’m blessed.”
Edem sat down on the edge of Lewis’ bed. “How do you feel?”
“I don’t know.” Lewis shrugged. “I guess I’m lucky to be alive.”
“You guess? Boy, that’s a blessing!”
“Yeah, I know, Pastor. I know you are mad at me.”
“Lewis, why were you out there in the streets selling your body?”
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course.”
“I was trying to get enough money to move out. My mother is driving me crazy. It’s hard living here. I do my best, Pastor. I get good grades, I do whatever she tells me, I don’t talk back, I keep my room clean, I participate in church, but no matter what I do, it’s not enough. Do you know how hard it is living with a mother that hates you?”
“I’m sure your mother doesn’t hate you. She may not understand you, but she doesn’t hate you.”
“It feels like hate. I can’t change who I am. I’ve tried, I really have. I have prayed and prayed every night for God to change me, but I’m still me.”
“Is this what you wanted to talk to me about a while ago?”
“Yes, sir, but you got hurt and I didn’t want to bother you.”
“First off, you can’t be out here in these streets, it’s dangerous, man. You’re what, sixteen years old?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, do you want to live? This shooting was a wakeup call for you. This is not the road that you want to take.”
“I don’t know, Pastor, I got to get out of here.”
“Look, if I can get you in to some serious counseling, you and your mother, do you promise me that you will stay off of the streets?”
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course, I would. You have so many people at First Assembly who love you. Those kids look up to you. You don’t see that?”
“No, sir.”
“Well, I see it, and I know that God has great things in store for you.”
“What about t the gay thing?”
“What about it? Are you gay?”
“Yes, sir, I am.”
“Ok then, do you think you’re the only gay person in church? If we got rid of all the gay people in church, that’ll be half the church.” Lewis laughed. “All I can do is guide you and share the word of God with you. At the end of the day, that’s between you and God. I do not have a heaven or hell to keep you of or put you in.”
“I know a lot of people think this a choice, but I didn’t choose this. I don’t want this.”
“Well, take control of the things that you feel you can control. Like, not going back out in those streets for one. Gay or straight, you still deserve to be valued.”
“So, you don’t hate me? God doesn’t hate me?”
“No, I don’t hate you. I don’t agree with you selling your body, I don’t have to agree with your lifestyle to still love you, and, no, God doesn’t hate you. I will continue to pray for you and I expect you to get back work after you heal. The word says come as you are, you don’t have to get right to come, come as you are. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir, I do.”
“Let me ask you, have you been feeling suicidal?”
“How did you know?”
“You can repent for everything, but suicide is final. Lewis; promise me you will reach out to me the next time those thoughts enter your mind.”
“Yes, sir, I will.”
“Can I ask you something else?”
“Go ahead.”
“Why were you dressing as woman?”
“I didn’t want anybody to recognize me. Do you know how many members you have out there?”
Edem shook his head. “Please, don’t tell me you serviced them?”
“Oh, no, Pastor, I was afraid they would figure out who I was.”
“Whew, thank you. Aight, my dude, can I pray with you?”
“Yes, sir.” Lewis and Edem held hands as Edem said a prayer over him for clarity, and that he would see himself as God saw him. After the prayer, Edem returned downstairs and had a long heart to heart with Sister Clemmons. He told her in the nicest way possible that she was not helping Lewis by condemning him to a hell that she did not have keys to.
Sheila relaxed on the couch, missing her husband, when her doorbell rang. When she opened it and saw Junior standing there, she sucked her teeth and shifted her weight.
“What do you want?” Sheila was still mad at Junior and he was the last person that she wanted to see.
“Can I come in? I brought your favorite.” Junior held up a Food Lion bag with Friendly’s chocolate chip almond ice cream.
“Really, dude?”
“I can’t come in?”
“I have a husband, Junior.”
“Is he here?” Junior had already checked to make sure his car wasn’t there.
“No, he’s out of town on a business trip.”
“So, can I come in? I won’t stay long, I just wanted to check on you.”
Sheila sucked her teeth again, moved out of the way, and let Junior in. He looked around the apartment to see if anything had changed since Jamir had moved in. He took a seat on the couch. Sheila took the bag from his hands and put the ice cream in the freezer. Although, she tried to act angry, she was happy that he was there.
Junior eyed Sheila and the way her night-shirt hugged her body just right. Her thick thighs turned him on, and the way her booty giggled made his lions ache for her. Sheila could feel him eyeing her. She sat down next to him.
“So, you see me, you can leave now.”
“Come on, Goldie. Baby, I miss you, I miss us.”
“Does your wife know you’re here?” Sheila jabbed.
“What do you want from me? I have nothing else to give. I have given you years of my time, I have given you my heart, I have given you my body, I have given you my love, and I have even given you your damn confidentiality agreement, so what the hell do you want from me? I have nothing left, except this baby.”
Junior put his hand on her stomach. “I didn’t know about the confidentiality agreement until after it was signed.”
“I know you didn’t. I know you better than that.” Junior laid his head on Sheila’s lap. She couldn’t help herself and rubbed his head.
Junior turned his head and kissed Sheila’s stomach through her nightshirt. “Hey, baby girl.”
“Baby girl?” Sheila and Junior’s eyes connected, and they, as so many times before, became lost in e
ach other’s eyes.
“I think it’s a girl.” There was sadness in both of their eyes.
“You haven’t been sleeping well, have you?” Junior shook his head no.
“What did I tell you about that? You know how stressful things can get at the church, you need your rest.”
“I know, I know. What am I going to do without you working by my side?”
“I don’t know, ask your wife.”
“Sheila, come on now, that’s not fair.”
“Whatever, I don’t want to argue with you again.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t, either.” Junior sat up straight. “You smell so good.” He leaned over and kissed Sheila on the neck. The feel of his lips on her skin made her body quiver. Oh, how she missed him. She closed her eyes and cherished the moment. Junior found his way to her lips and sucked on her bottom lip for a few seconds before his tongue made its way into her mouth.
They shared a passionate kiss and engulfed each other in. They let out whimpers as they shared each other’s space. Junior slid his hand under Sheila’s night-gown. She willingly opened her legs and welcomed his touch. They stared into each other’s eyes and continued to taste each other. Junior rubbed on Sheila’s clit in a circular motion before inserting two fingers inside of her.
“Make love to me,” Sheila begged.
Junior did not need to be asked twice. He quickly undressed and Sheila laid down on the couch. He opened her legs up and was happy to see her fat cat. He licked his lips before tasting her. From the first lick, Sheila moaned. She missed his lips, she missed his tongue, she missed his touch, and she missed him.
Junior opened her kitty lips and passionately licked the inside of her sugar walls. Sheila’s body reacted and her love juices flowed as he sopped it up like his mother’s gravy. Sheila grinded her kitty in his face and he enjoyed every minute of feasting on her. Before she knew it, her legs shook and she came in his mouth.
“Mmm, you taste so good,” Junior muddled with a mouth full of love juice. He didn’t waste any time entering her. Moans escaped out of both of their mouths as they made passionate love to each other. Junior felt at home inside of her, and both of their bodies needed that moment. Sheila rode Junior and he thought he was about to lose his mind. He grabbed her booty, held on tight, and enjoyed the ride. Sheila climbed off of him and took him to her mouth.