appointed Secretary of the Treasury, 105, 111
birth of, 107
in the Continental Congress, 112
creator of the New York Evening Post, 117
death of, 105, 117
duels Aaron Burr, 105, 114–115, 116–117
helps found the Bank of New York, 105, 112, 117
leads charge against the British in Virginia, 112
Letter of the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, 116–117
in New York, 104, 109, 111, 112
rumors of illegitimacy and, 112
signs the U.S. Constitution, 111
on St. Croix, 102–107, 109, 112, 116, 117
stigma of illegitimacy and, 116
in Washington’s cabinet, 105, 111, 113
writes the Federalist Papers, 105, 111, 117
Hamilton, Edith, 196
Hamilton, Elizabeth. See Schuyler, Elizabeth
Hamilton, James (father), 102, 104, 106–108, 112
Hamilton, James (son), 107, 108
Hamilton, Philip, 112, 117
Hamilton, Rachel. See Lavien, Rachel Fawcett
Hamilton, Robert, 83, 89, 92, 93
Hammond, John, 220, 222
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 168–169
Hapsburgs, 137
Hardråde, Harald, 10, 11, 17
Harlem, New York, 219–220
Harris, Eleanora, 214, 216. See also Holiday, Billie
Harris, Sara “Sadie”, 214, 215–216, 217, 219
Harris, Sussie, 215
Hastings, Battle of, 11, 20–21, 22, 24
Hatfield Palace, 67
Hebrides Islands, 120
Hejaz, 202, 204, 206
Henrietta, Baroness Wentworth, 93
Henry I, 10, 14
Henry VII, 63
Henry VIII, 7, 62, 63, 64–65, 66, 70
Herleve, 10, 11
Herrada, Juan, 59
Higgins, Ambrose. See O’Higgins, Ambrosio
Hispaniola, 45, 46
Hogarth, D. C., 199, 200
Holiday, Billie, 212–227, 213, 218, 224, 227
birth of, 214, 216
death of, 215, 226
“God Bless the Child”, 215, 222
in Harlem, New York, 219–220
inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 215, 226
Lady Sings the Blues, 215
“Left Alone”, 214–215
nicknamed “Lady Day”, 214
in prison, 225
at reform school, 217
sentence to workhouse, 219
“Strange Fruit”, 215, 222
tours with Artie Shaw Orchestra, 215
“Your Mother’s Son-in-Law”, 214, 222
Holiday, Clarence, 215–216, 217, 222
Holy Roman Empire, 73, 94
homosexuality, 33
Honthorst, Gerrit van, 87
Horne, James Vaughan, 163
the House of the Good Shepherd for Colored Girls, 217
Howard, Catherine, 67
Huáscar, 52, 54
Huguenots, 62
Hungerford, Elizabeth. See Macie, Elizabeth Hungerford
Hungerford, Henry James, 128
Hungerford, Thomas, 122
Hussein, 204
Ibarguren, Juana, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 237
illegitimate births
in ancient Rome and Greece, 6
attitutudes toward, 7
the Catholic Church and, 32
in Christiandom, 6
legal treatment of, 6–7
in the Middle Ages, 8, 13
poverty and, 6–7
in the Renaissance, 32
stigma of, 7, 32
the Inca, 45, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57–58
inheritance, 6, 7
Ireland, 73, 80
Isla Taboga (Island of Flowers), 48
Itata River, 141
Jack London State Historic Park, 192
Jackson, Andrew, 120
James, Duke of York, 80, 83, 86, 88, 93, 94, 95, 98–99, 101
James I, 63
James II. See James, Duke of York
Jay, John, 111
Jeal, Tim, 167
Jefferson, Thomas, 117
Jeffreys, George, 100
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 168
Junner, Sarah, 195, 196, 198
Kennedy, John F., 255, 256
Kent, England, 70
Ketch, Jack, 80, 84
Apologie, 82
Keynsham, England, 96
Khrushchev, Nikita S., 255–256
King’s Life Guards, 96
King’s Regiment of Horse, 97
Kingston, Anthony, 67
Kittredge, Charmian, 181, 185, 191, 191–192, 193
Labay, Marie-Catherine, 146, 148, 149, 151, 151–152, 153, 159
Lady Sings the Blues, 226
Lake Tanganyika, 160, 174, 176
Langley, Samuel, 129
Las Cantaras, 138–139, 141
Laughton, Charles, 222
Lavien, John Michael, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108
Lavien, Peter, 105, 106, 108
Lavien, Rachel Fawcett, 104, 105, 106–108
Lawrence, Frank, 202
Lawrence, John, 196
Lawrence, Montague Robert, 196
Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 194–211, 195, 201, 203
accompanies Allenby into Jerusalem, 197
Arab Revolt and, 204, 206
archeological expedition to Sinai Penisula, 200
assigned to Arab Bureau in Cairo as lieutenant in the British Army, 197
birth of, 196, 197–198
death of, 197, 211
does intelligence gathering for the British, 196, 200
education of, 198, 199, 206
enlists in British Royal Air Force, 197, 210
in France, 198–199
The Influence of the Cruasades on the Medieval Military Architecture of Europe, 199
joins British Imperial General
Staff as civilian geographer, 197, 202–203
as liaison to Arabs, 197
in the Middle East, 199–210
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 197, 210
as special adviser to Arabs at
Versailles Treaty negoations, 197
tours the Middle East, 199–200
in World War I, 200–210
Lawrence, Thomas Robert, 196–198, 211
Lawrence, Will, 202
Lawrence of Arabia. See Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward)
Lawrence of Arabia, 207
Lean, David, 207
Lee, Robert E., 163
legitimacy, 7
concept of, 86
during the Restoration, 86
Leonardo da Vinci, 6, 26–41, 27, 38
Adoration of the Magi, 28
anatomical sketch by, 35
art of, 28, 29, 37, 41
becomes memeber of the Florence painters’ guild, 28
birth of, 28
charged with sodomy, 28, 33
death of, 29
deprived of his inheritance, 28, 29, 32–34
education of, 34, 36
engineering work of, 29, 39, 40, 40–41
flying machine of, 29, 39, 40, 40–41
homosexuality of, 33
The Last Supper, 29, 41
Mona Lisa, 29, 41
as Renaissance Man, 41
studies of, 28–29
Virgin of the Rocks, 28
Leopold, 94, 163, 177
Lima, Peru, 132
Lincoln, Abraham, 167
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, 80
Livingstone, David, 7, 160, 161, 162, 163, 170, 171–172, 173, 174, 176–177
London, Bessie (Becky), 181, 191
Jack London and His Times, 190
London, England, 60
London, Jack, 178–193, 179, 184, 191
Before Adam, 190
Adventure, 190
in Alaska, 188
arrested for vagrancy in Buffalo, New York, 180, 186
becomes an “oyster pirate”, 180, 186
To Build a Fire, 189
Burning Daylight, 189, 190
The Call of the Wild, 181, 189–190
in Canada, 188
The Cruise of the Snark, 192
death of, 181, 193
develops scurvy, 188
The Game, 190
The Gold Rush, 188
The Iron Heel, 190
joins gold rush, 180
joins the California Fish Patrol, 180, 186
Martin Eden, 189, 190
in Oakland, California, 178
The People of the Abyss, 190
The Road, 186, 190
The Sea Wolf, 190
signs on to Sophie Sutherland schooner, 180, 186
“A Thousand Deaths”, 180, 189
“To the Man on the Trail”, 180, 189
White Fang, 189
London, Joan, 181, 190, 191
London, John, 178, 180, 185
London Bridge, 70
Lorenzo the Magnificent, 32
Louis XII, 29
Louis XIV, 88
Loyalists, 109
Lucrezia di Guglielmo Cortigiani, 33–34
Ludgate, England, 70
Luxembourg, Marshal, 89
Lyme Regis, 83, 94
Lytton, James, 108
Lytton, Peter, 108
Maastricht, Battle of, 82, 88, 90–91
Machado, Gerardo, 252
Macie, Elizabeth Hungerford, 120, 122, 123, 126
Macie, James Lewis, 120, 121, 122, 125. See also Smithson, James
Macie, John, 122
Mackenna, Juan, 141
Maddern, Bessie, 190–191, 192
Maddorn, Bessie, 181
Madison, James, 111
Magaldi, Agustín, 237
Maine, France, 22
Maipú, Battle of, 144, 145
Maipú, Chile, 144, 145
Manco Cápac, 54–55
Manco Inca, 57–58
Mani, Paul, 222
Margherita, 28
Margherita di Guglielmo, 32, 33
Martin, 44
Mary, Queen of Scots, 63, 76
Mary I, 60, 62, 63, 66, 70, 71, 72–73, 77
maternity, 7
Matilde of Flanders, 10
Matthews, Herbert L., 245–246
McKay, Louis, 215, 225, 225–226
Medici, Giuliano de’, 32
Medici, Lorenzo de’, 33
Medici family, 33
Medina, 206, 207
Mellé, Rosine, 159
Mestre, Ramón, 251
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 36
Middle Ages, 6, 17, 19
Middle East, 199–210, 201
Milan, Italy, 28
Miller, Eva, 216
Miller, Evelyn, 217
Miller, Martha, 216
Miller, Robert, 216
the Minnesota, 168
Miranda, Francisco, 132, 136–137
Missouri Democrat, 168–169
Moncada Barracks, 253
Monck, George, 88
Monette’s, 220
Monmouth, Duke of. See Scott, James
Monroe, Jimmie, 215, 225
Mons, Belgium, 83
Montemer, France, 10, 14
Mount Cecero, Italy, 39
Napoleon, 132, 137, 138–139, 138–139
Napoleonic Code (France), 7
Naryschkine, Nadeja, 149, 158–159
Nasir, 207
National Zoo, 129
“natural child”, 34
Needham, Eleanor, 93
Needham, Robert, 93
the Netherlands, 88, 89, 93
Nevis, 104, 106
Newcombe, Francis, 200
New World, 42–59, 63, 78
New York, 104, 109, 111, 112
New York Evening Post, 117
New York Herald, 162, 163, 168
Nijmegen, Treaty of, 89
Normandy, 8–25
Norman invasion, 8–25, 20–21, 24
Norsemen, 10, 11, 18
Obama, Barack, 257
O’Higgins, Ambrosio, 132, 132–133, 135, 135, 136, 137–138, 141
O’Higgins, Bernardo, 130–145, 131
birth of, 132, 135
body returned to Chile, 133
in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 142, 144
in Cádiz, Spain, 136, 137
in the Chilean War for Independence, 139, 141–145
death of, 133
deposed by a coup, 133, 145
education of, 132, 135–136
in England, 136
estate at Las Cantaras, 138–139, 141
exile of, 133, 145
in Lima, Peru, 132, 133, 145
in Santiago, Chile, 144, 145
in Spain, 132
sworn in as “Director Supremo” of Chile, 133, 145
in Valparaiso, Chile, 138
O’Higgins, Pedro Demetrio, 133
O’Higgins, Tomas, 138
Ojeda, Alonso de, 46
Oppenheimer, Andres, 256
Orne River, 14
Orthodox Party, 252–253
Osorio, Mariano, 142
Ottoman Empire, 194, 200–210
Ovando y Cáceres, Nicolás de, 45
Oviedo, González Fernando de, 48
Owen, Moses, 165
Owen, Maria, 165
Owen, Mary, 165
Paar, Jack, 246
Panama, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Panama City, 48
Paraguay, 132, 140
Paris, France, 121
Parliament, 62, 67, 70, 85–86, 89, 100, 101
Parliamentarians, 101
Parr, Catherine, 67
Parry, Elizabeth, 162–163, 164–165
Parry, Moses, 162, 163, 165
paternity, 7
Patriots (American Colonists), 109
Patriots (Chilean), 130, 133, 141, 142, 144
Peninsulares, 139
Peninsular War, 132
Pereira, Albano, 132
Pereira, Juan Albano, 135, 136
Perón, Eva, 6, 228–241, 229, 236, 239
birth of, 230
in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 228, 230–231, 237–241
creates the María Eva Duarte de Perón Foundation, 231
death of, 231, 241
debuts in La Señora de los Perez, 230
as first lady of Argentina, 230, 234, 235, 240
forms the Perónista Feminist Party, 231
host for Radio Belgrano, 230
in Junín, Argentina, 234–235
lobbies for women’s suffrage, 231, 240
named “Spiritual Leader of the Nation by Argentine Congress”, 231
in the Pampas, 233, 235
Perón, Juan, 6, 228, 230–231, 237–238, 240–241
Peru, 45, 50, 51, 52, 56, 132, 145
Pettie, John, 98–99
Pevensey, England, 19
Philip II, 70
Philips Norton, England, 83
Philips Norton (Norton St. Philip), England, 96
Picado, Antonio, 58–59
Piera, 30
Pisa, Italy, 30
Pistoia, Italy, 30
Pizarro, Francisco, 42–59, 43, 55
birth of, 44
in Colombia, 50–51
death of, 45, 59
the Inca and, 51, 52, 56, 57–58
in the New World, 42, 44–45
in Panama, 44, 46–48, 49, 52
in Peru, 42, 44, 45, 51, 52, 54–59, 56
in Santo Domingo, 46
in Spain, 42, 44–45, 48, 52
Pizarro, Gonzalo, 45, 52, 57, 58
Pizarro, Hernando, 42, 44, 45, 52, 57
Pizarro, Juan, 45, 52, 57, 58
Pizarro, Martín, 45, 52, 59
Pizarro brothers, 55, 5
7. See also specific brothers
Pizarro Rodríguez de Aguilar, Gonzalo, 42, 44, 45
Polk, James K., 121
Pontheiu, 16
Portugal, 63, 138
poverty, 6–7
Prentiss, Virginia “Mammie Jennie”, 180, 182, 185, 186, 193
Presbyterianism, 89
Preston, William Campbell, 118, 120
Price, Dick, 162, 164
Price family, 162, 163–164
Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 253
Privy Council, 76, 78
Protestantism, 93
Protestant Reformation, 70
Protestants, 62, 86, 94, 101
Provincial Artillery, 104
Puga, Rosario, 133
Puritans, 83, 86
Quispe Cusi, 55
Raleigh, Walter, 196
Rancangua, Chile, 142
Régnier de la Briére, Henriette, 149, 159
the Renaissance, 6, 26–41
Republican Party, 117
the Restoration, 83, 86
Reynolds, Maria, 116
Rich, Wilbert, 214, 217
Ringwood, England, 97
Riquelme, Bernardo, 132, 137, 138. See also O’Higgins, Bernardo
Riquelme, Isabel, 132, 133, 134, 135
Robert, 198
Robert I, 10, 11, 12, 13
Rome, 6
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 242, 244
Ross, Diana, 215, 226
Ross, John Hume, 197, 210. See also Lawrence, T. E. (Thomas Edward)
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 83
Rouen, France, 10, 11, 16
Rowland, John, 162, 163
Rowland, John Jr., 162, 163, 164–165, 166–167. See Stanley, Henry Morton
Royalists, 96, 97
Royalists (Chile), 130, 133, 141–142, 144
Royal Navy, 79, 95
Ruiz, Bartolomé, 49, 50, 51
Rush, Richard, 120
Russell, William, 80, 82
“Rye House Plot”, 83, 93, 94
Saint-Denis, Battle of, 83, 89
Salinas, Battle of, 45, 58
Sánchez Guevera, Canek, 256
Sand, George, 156
San Francisco Chronicle, 182
San Martín, Jose de, 133, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144
Santa Maria delle Grazie, convent of, 29
Santiago, Chile, 144
Santo Domingo, 46
Scarborough, England, 10
Schuyler, Elizabeth, 104, 111, 116
Scotland, 62, 73, 80, 83, 89, 96
Scots, 89
Scott, Anne, 82, 93
Scott, James, 80–101, 81, 98–99
in the Battle of Bothwell Bridge, 83, 89, 92–93, 95
in the Battle of Maastricht, 82, 88–89, 90–91
in the Battle of Saint-Denis, 83, 89
becomes first duke of Monmouth, 82, 85
birth of, 83
commissioned colonel of King’s Life Guards, 82, 88
crowns himself king of England, 83, 95
execution of, 80, 82, 83, 84, 100
implicated in “Rye House Plot”, 83, 93, 94
launches rebellion at Lyme Regis, 94–95
in the Netherlands, 93
Second Act of Supremacy, 62
Second Dutch War, 82, 88
Selim, 174, 176
Ser Giuliano Lanfredini, Francesca, 30, 32
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