KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4)

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KnightForce Damian (La Patron's KnightForce Book 4) Page 18

by Sydney Addae

  Lamia chuckled. "After all the pounding you received, you ask me why?" She sighed and stretched her arms over her head with a satisfied smile. "It has been centuries, way too long since I've heard the sounds, or felt the energies of two people engaged in wild, passionate sex. Oh, how I've missed it." Eyes closed, she crossed her legs. "There's nothing like being held in the arms of a strong, powerful man and receiving so much pleasure it tingles just remembering."

  Heat pulsing in her cheeks, Gem straightened in the chair. "You were listening?" It was a given the full-bloods heard her and Damian, but they were pack and it was normal. But knowing Lamia had been a silent voyeur seemed creepy.

  "Yes, yes, yes, and thank you." She pointed at Gem. "You look all stuffy and bookish, but you're not, and I like that. A woman can be smart and entertain a man in her boudoir without fear of punishment. There was a time a woman had to choose, her mind or pleasing her body." She clapped her hands as if she'd just been awarded the ultimate gift. "I love this time period, and the freedom you have."

  "Women have had their struggles and in certain places it's still not okay to have sex with any man you want, especially if they are married."

  "Married? As in bound to another?"

  "Yes, marriage is legally binding I suppose. In my culture, we mate and it's permanent."

  Lamia waved her hand. "I have no interest in men in chains. Jealous wives can be evil."

  "If I could give you what you wanted most in the world, what would you want?" She asked.

  "What? Do you have this ability?" Lamia's brow rose.

  "It's a question, think about it. What would make you the happiest? What's the most important thing in the world to you? Just think about it for a moment," Gem said when Lamia grew silent. The quiet stretched and Gem watched various expressions cross Lamia's face.

  "No one has ever asked before. I need an extra moment to think. And while you have no powers, your Alpha does. It's possible La Patron's Goddess can assist, so I will give the questions deep consideration." She stood and walked into the cage and closed the door.

  Gem stared at the door for a few seconds and hoped she'd done the right thing. La Patron never said he'd intercede on anyone's behalf, but Gem never said he would. Did her silence make her complicit in a lie? Not really, because La Patron might do as Lamia requested. She threw up her hands and stood.

  "Don't leave," Lamia said.

  "Okay." Gem walked up and down the corridor a couple times before re-taking her seat. Her thoughts traveled to Damian and last night, and their argument this morning after talking to La Patron. Thinking of her Alpha made her sit straight and focus on the interview. "Do you need anything to drink? Or something to nibble on?"

  "No." The steel door opened and Lamia looked even younger. She returned to her seat and folded her hands across her lap in a demure fashion. "I have thought on your question." She looked at Gem. "My children. They were the center of my world and I have searched everywhere for them with no success. Can your Alpha find them?"

  In a million sunsets, Gem couldn't imagine this was Lamia's driving motivation, but she should've. "History says Hera killed your children. The children you had with Zeus."

  "Who's his-story? That's not my story. I was told she took them, but I'm not sure she did." She swallowed and met Gem's gaze with hope blazing in her own. "I would like to see my progeny, my line. That's what has driven me for centuries."

  "That's what I get for not going over my strategy with a wide awake mind," Gem thought. "Can I ask a question? Don't get angry or anything, but I have to ask."

  "What if they died as children and there's nothing left of me in the earth?"

  "Wow, I wasn't going to say it like that."

  "But that's what you wish to know?"

  "More like, what if... yes, you're right," Gem said, feeling the heat of Lamia's excitement.

  "If my children died, as his-story suggests, then I will... I no longer have a reason to remain on this plane." She looked at Gem. "A mother was granted permission to search for her family and over the years I've forgotten my purpose. Things became muddy or cloudy, lines were crossed, and a lot of blood shed for greed." Lamia shook her head. "I bear most of the blame for the horrendous things I've done."

  Gem waited a moment, wondering what she could offer. "I think the first thing we need to do is a family tree on you."

  "A what?"

  "Picture a tree with several limbs which have several limbs. You'll tell me the names of your children, and all the information necessary to build a tree. That will provide the start." She paused. "I cannot promise we will find your children, but we will search for them, is that fair?"

  Lamia smiled wide. "Yes, and I will owe you a favor. Not your Alpha since this is not his idea, but you, Dr. Gem." She held up her hand, stopping Gem's protest. "It is my way."

  "Alright, alright, don't get testy." Gem pulled out her cellphone and sent the security guard a message. Moments later he strode in rolling a cart with a monitor and keyboard. When he saw Lamia seated, he frowned but didn't say anything, which Gem appreciated. She'd forgotten to tell Damian the cells couldn't hold Lamia; he'd be more concerned with her alone in here.

  "What is that for?" Lamia watched as Gem logged in and scooted closer.

  "I am going to search for your family or see if there are any records of them."

  Lamia snorted and leaned back in her seat. "To do it this way is a waste of time. Nothing but lies about me in there, I've seen what they say." She pointed her finger at Gem. "But I've never eaten a person, especially a child." With an earnest expression she crossed her arms over her chest, leaving her fingertips on her shoulders. "Think about it... I lost my children, why would I kill others?" She shook her head. "It makes no sense, but these lies, they are still there."

  Gem didn't have time to discuss the inaccuracies of mythology. The entity sitting next to her would never be accepted in the human world and that's who wrote the descriptions online. "I'm not going to those sites, there's another site with our history. What year did you lose your children?"

  "Year? I'm not... I do not know."

  Gem typed Lamia to run a search and five hits returned. "You may not know, but someone in pack history remembers." She clicked on all five to download. Soon she and Lamia read the account of a woman found roaming a town north of Athens searching for her children. There were two pictures of Lamia. Gem turned the monitor and Lamia traced her face, long red hair, and green eyes. She'd been a beautiful woman.

  "Goddess above," Lamia whispered. "That's me." She looked at Gem with a look of sublime wonder and gratitude. "I remember, that's me." She pointed to the picture. How... why is it in here? Who drew this?"

  Gem explained how La Patron had created a team of historians whose only job was to catalog everything pertaining to pack. "This was one of the portraits found, a copy was made and uploaded. It's an unsigned drawing so I don't know who created it. Read the articles beneath. When you're finished, I'll click on each one so you can get an idea of what was happening during that time."

  "Yes, yes." Lamia leaned forward and read each one. Tears rolled down her cheeks when she finished the last one and leaned back. "See, not a monster."

  Gem had read each article along with Lamia. Her heart twisted over the story of a mother denied and her journey to find her children. According to the reports, she was always looking, always asking questions and followed every lead. "You must've met the witches after that, because there's nothing else on you in our records."

  "Yes, they claimed to have answers in exchange."

  "Exchange? For what?"

  "Power. I would do things for them, open portals and other things, I don't want to think of that now." She touched her picture. "I should've died in that body," she whispered.

  "Is that what you want?" Gem asked softly.

  Lamia looked at her for a few seconds and sighed. "My children are long dead, are they not?"

  "I don't know. What does your heart tell you?"

>   "Heart? I have no heart."

  "Yes, you do. Calm down, ask yourself that question and then listen. You're their mother, you will know," Gem said, hoping her statements were true, she didn't have much luck with her own mother and doubted the woman knew if Gem lived or died.

  Lamia stared at the portrait for several, long moments. "You are right. I suppose I’ve always known they are no longer here. Perhaps I will find them on another plane.” She closed her eyes and then looked at her picture again.

  Gem couldn’t imagine what Lamia was going through and kept quiet.

  “There's a way to end this, to free me, but we must force it. Give her no choice. I will take her and rest," she murmured. Her chest heaved as her eyes went glassy.

  A low, mournful sound erupted from between her lips. Goosebumps rose and traveled up Gem's arms and across her chest. Lamia's small chest took huge gulps of air as she bent forward in her chair with her arms wrapped around her waist, moaning.

  Startled by what sounded like a chant, Gem placed her hand on Lamia's knee. "Lamia?"

  The chant increased in speed and volume.

  Gem shook her. "Lamia, wake up."

  Heart racing, Gem tried to remove her hand but Lamia took hold and wouldn't release it.

  "Damian," Gem called.

  "On my way, we've got…"

  "Lamia is doing some kind of chant, I can’t get through to her. Her eyes are changing." Gem couldn't look away from the yellow-green eyes as they morphed into slits. Her beast howled in displeasure as the chant moved inside her head, taking on a sinuous rhythm.

  Lamia's face morphed from the child to an old woman with bony arms and thin white hair. When Lamia's teeth elongated, Gem shifted, pushing the woman backward.

  Growling deep in her chest, Gem moved down the hall, stopped midway and looked back. At some point Lamia stood and stared at the portrait, weeping. Gem morphed into her human form but remained close to the door.

  "Get out of there," Damian said.

  Gem looked at the hunched over woman with pity, and keyed the code and left. Damian wrapped an arm around her and walked to the monitor to watch. "She's here because she wants to be," Gem told him. She explained the locks and could see his angry frustration over her keeping that information from him.

  "Seal the room," Damian told security. A series of clicks and a whirring sound followed before Damian took her hand and led her from the room. "What happened?"

  She stopped and told him everything.

  "That was either brilliant or crazy," he said, taking her hand and leading her upstairs.

  "I'm not sure which," Gem said as her steps faltered. "My balance is off."

  "I've got you," he said as they entered the main floor.

  "He's my brother," Randi said in the distance.

  "Meant to tell you, we found Raoul," Damian said.

  Chapter 29

  When Damian and Gem stepped into the living area, four women with bandages sat on the floor around an older woman who half-lay on the sofa with her eyes closed. "That's Agatha, kind of like an Elder in the coven. The other four are witches, too," Damian said.

  "What happened? Why are they here?" Gem moved forward and inspected the bandage on the woman's leg before moving to the next, and finally to the older woman.

  "Ivona shot them." Damian couldn't contain his smile when Gem's wide-eyed gaze met his.

  "She what? Why?"

  "According to Agatha, it was because she cursed Raoul and would've let him die. Ivona denies she did anything to save Raoul and shot them in self-defense."

  "Well, it is five of them," Gem said looking around. "What's wrong with Randi? She looks like she ate a rotten egg."

  "Nope. I mentioned Raoul's mated status and she's a little disappointed her new sister is human."

  "She's also a damn good shot, none of these wounds are life threatening, she could've killed them or done a lot more damage," Gem said, searching the room for Ivona and spotted her sitting in the corner on her phone. "How's Raoul? Still asleep?" She walked toward the other sofa where he lay on his back.

  "Once Agatha did her thing he woke but was in a lot of pain. Ivona gave him something to rest so he could heal."

  "After her mix up with the itching serum, I don't trust her to give our people anything," Gem said, placing her hand on his forehead. "Get my bag." She paused and looked at him over her shoulder. "Please."

  Damian snorted and went to the room across from his where she’d stored her things. He grabbed her bag, returned to the living area, and handed it to her.

  "Thank you." She opened it and pulled out her tablet. Taking a deep breath, she checked his vitals and did a thorough exam. When she finished, Ivona and Randi stared at her.

  "What did you give him?" Gem asked Agatha.

  "He inhaled a mixture of herbs I created."

  "What herbs?" Certain foliage and herbs didn't agree with their canine ancestors.

  Agatha rattled off a list and when she stumbled over one, Gem frowned.

  Ivona yelled at the older woman and came close to grabbing her. The four women surrounding Agatha intervened. "You have no idea what you're doing, we never give that to anyone."

  "She asked, I answered. Now if you're done with us, we'd like to leave while we still have some dignity," the older woman said, trying to stand.

  "Not yet," Damian said, standing behind Gem. "Lord Barticus is deciding what he wants done with you."

  "What do you mean?" Agatha said, standing and tilting sideways before the women assisted her.

  "Just what I said, you attacked and kidnapped his son. He's not letting that go."

  "You stole Lamia from us," Agatha said, looking at Gem. "I saw you take her into that building."

  "If you saw that, how did we steal her?" Gem said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "She didn't belong to you, she's ours."

  Gem snorted. "She's not yours."

  "We paid for her," Agatha said looking around. "Where is she?"

  "Believe me, if she wanted to be with you, she would be. We can't hold Lamia, she's a free spirit," Gem said, and Damian knew she meant it literally.

  "What? Why'd you let her do that?" Agatha demanded. "Without her, we'll lose everything. They'll kill us." She dropped back to the sofa and placed her face in her hands. "The money we gave Tara we borrowed from, well from someone who expects certain things to happen in two days or..." She shook her head. "It took everything I had to get the right vessel. Lamia was so damn particular."

  Damian glanced at Gem.

  "What did you buy from Tara?" Ivona asked in a low voice.

  "You. You and your mother are nothing but thieving American whores who make promises with no intention of keeping them. Tara said you refused to take less than $500,000, and Lamia refused every other vessel. I had no choice."

  "What vessel?" Ivona said, frowning. "What did Tara give you?"

  "Give me? Nothing. She sold her daughter to the coven as a vessel for the Lamia," Agatha spat. "But now that the Lamia's free, we wasted that money."

  "What?" Ivona screeched, running toward Agatha. "You bitch. That's my child she stole. I'll kill you for this." Damian grabbed Ivona just as she grabbed Agatha's hair. "She's just a baby, my baby, I will kill you for this," Ivona screamed as Damian backed her away.

  Randi stood between Ivona and Raoul glaring at Agatha. She turned and wrapped her arm around Ivona, whose shoulders shook as she cried.

  "We didn't know. Tara claimed the child was hers and the child called her mama. How were we to know the child was stolen?" Agatha asked, looking at the four women for support and received it.

  "Would it have mattered?" Gem asked, sounding disgusted.

  Damian hoped she'd hold it together and not attack the witches. La Patron promised to get back in touch soon with instructions.

  Gem walked closer and stared down at the old woman. "Let's be honest, would it have mattered if you knew the child was stolen? Really? You took out a loan for a half damn million doll
ars because Lamia chose the child, and you sit here saying you aren't guilty because you didn't know?"

  "That is what I'm saying, yes," Agatha said, meeting Gem's gaze.

  "You're lying. We smell lies and fear and you stink of both," Gem said. "I'm glad Lamia wants nothing to do with you anymore, she's tired of being lied to all the time."

  "What do you mean? Have you talked to her? What did she say?" Agatha pushed one of her ladies away and sat forward, greedy for details.

  "We should let her in with Lamia," Gem told him.

  "Not unless La Patron approves it," he told her.

  "She'll be coming up here soon. Believe me she knows everyone's here and we can't stop her. Best tell security if she opens the doors, not to try anything, just let her go. So far she hasn't killed anyone, let's not tempt things."

  "You think she can escape that room?" Damian asked, uncertain.

  "Yes." Gem paused. "She already has and will be here in a few minutes."

  "Come over here with me," Damian said.

  "I can take care of myself."

  "I know. I want you to protect me." He fought to keep his face straight as she walked over. "La Patron, the Lamia has escaped the secure room below and is coming upstairs. Raoul is still healing. Quentin and the others are patrolling outside. Inside it's me, Randi, and Gem."

  "Thanks, Damian. I'll stand by in case we need to merge."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "I asked you a question," Agatha said, raising her voice. "Did you talk to the Lamia?"

  The door from the basement opened. Randi's head snapped up, and then she looked at Damian and Gem with a question in her eyes. Damian didn't bother responding, instead his gaze flicked over the room for possible vantage points in the large space to launch an attack if necessary.

  "Yes, she talked to me." Lamia said, walking calmly into the room.

  Ivona's hand flew to her mouth stifling a scream as she watched Lamia’s entrance. A few seconds later she ran across the room and tried to hug the child, but Lamia held out her hand, keeping her at a distance.

  Agatha stood slowly and stared. "We've been looking for you."


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