Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums)

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Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums) Page 1

by Ryan Erin

  This e-book contains adult material.

  It’s pretty much only adult material.

  18 and over.



  Chronicle 1

  Chronicle 2

  Chronicle 3

  Chronicle 4

  Chronicle 5



  What you are about to read are the first 5 books in the NAKED BATTLE ELF series!

  When I originally began this saga, I really wanted to tell a story in a short serialized format, kind of like the comic books that I grew up with as a kid. I picked fantasy because I’ve always loved it, but I also felt like there’d been something missing from the books I’d downloaded onto my Kindle…specifically, the sex.

  There are literally TONS of erotica stories out there for women, many of which take place in a fantasy setting. Unfortunately, I just wasn’t able to get into them. No judgement on the authors whatsoever, it’s just that men and women look for different things when reading about sex.

  I don’t even like the name “erotica.” (If one of you could come up with a better term, please let me know.)

  So, I started looking for stuff on Amazon that fit my tastes a little better. I wanted well-crafted genre stories with unflinching sex in them, and I found absolutely nothing. So, I wrote the first book in this new series.

  I had honestly intended for each one to be as short as Book 1…really just a scene in a fantasy story that got the main character closer to her goal while also maneuvering her way through a different sexual encounter. But by the time I hit Book 3, I realized that my scope was growing. I wanted to tell longer and longer episodes with my heroine, and so, the page count went up and up. The further you get into the series, the more you’ll find that to be the case.

  But despite all that, I wanted to keep the price-point the same. That’s why you’ll see that Chronicle 1, which is super short, is the same price as Chronicle 7, which is practically novel length. I still believe in this pricing structure, because for me, it’s not about the word count, but about the imagery.

  Photography sessions for the covers and interior artwork is expensive, especially using the caliber of models that I felt would do the story justice. As a guy, I want to enjoy the story, first and foremost, but the cover of the book is what’s going to get me excited to read it, and if there are pictures in the book depicting the events that I’m reading, then all the better! Sadly, that all costs money.

  So, in order to make it easier for the first time reader to get into NAKED BATTLE ELVES, I’ve compiled the first several books into one compendium, which is what you are now reading. It has all of the short episodes in one place, complete with all the appendices, interior artwork, and covers. (Depending on your version of Kindle, you may have to tap or double tap the pictures in order to enlarge them.)

  So whether you’re a new reader, or a longtime supporter who just wanted all of Chyra’s first adventures in one easy place, I thank you for downloading, and happily welcome you to the world of NAKED BATTLE ELVES!

  -Ryan Erin

  Chyra hopped along the rocks at the edge of Aberi Lake, finally reaching the cliff's edge. Her elven ears listened carefully to the sound of the falls.

  It took a moment, but she was able to pick out the faintest hint of singing - a woman's voice, lonely and beautiful - coming from the water and beckoning over the edge.

  The humans who leapt to their deaths wouldn't ever realize the song was there, but some primitive part of their mortal brains would be haunted by it, unable to resist the call to jump.

  Chyra allowed herself a smile for having finally found the spot. She dropped her pack to the stones, followed by the chawberry bow and her quiver of blue-feathered arrows…or at least the ones she hadn't lost yet. Her belt unbuckled and dropped to the rocks under the weight of her fighting knives and spell reagents.

  The last strap was the one that crossed between her breasts. It was old leather, worn from long before coming into her possession, and it connected to the enormous sword on her back. The sword was too large for an elf to wield, which, to the untrained eye, was probably why she kept it wrapped in heavy cloth instead of keeping it naked and at the ready. Her muscles flexed hard to lift the strap off her chest and over her head, dropping the thing with a muffled clang to the rocks behind her.

  She looked around.

  The trees talked to one another about the affairs of the forest. If something were lurking her direction, she'd hear their conversation change.

  Chyra had tried wearing pants when she first left the Sacred Grove and emerged into the world of men, but she hated the way they felt on her legs. She opted instead for a tunic that was long enough to cover down to her thighs. The slit on either side had torn higher and higher over the months of traveling, and now inched up past her hips, exposing the thin cord of her Efanwi. She had sewed the shirt back down twice, but it always seemed to rip in combat, so now she just considered it a lost cause. The tunic was light and clingy, made by elven hands, and felt like a second skin as it peeled away from her torso, then over her head. It hit the rock with a satisfying sound, and Chyra undid her forearm grieve, tossing it on top.

  It felt good to be in nothing more than her efanwi and halter, letting the mountain air cool her bright, elven skin. Her toes hugged the rock as she looked down over the waterfall.

  Below, was a small, beautiful pool, south facing, and rippling from the downpour of the falls. A scattering of trees forced their way up from the rocks, providing the pool with some leafy cover. The water then drained away from there, plunging off the edge of the mountain into the gorge far below, feeding the river as it flowed toward Goblyn Country.

  It made the small pool completely inaccessible from beneath.

  The men who leapt from above, hoping to hit water, always seemed to miss, landing on hard rock instead. Those who climbed down usually slipped on the wet stone and met the same demise. If anyone ever made it to the pool alive, they certainly never came back up.

  But they weren't elves.

  Elves knew better than to visit the pool below the hanging waters, where some element of the wilder world still sat untouched by living men.

  Unfortunately, Chyra needed to go down there.

  She grabbed the tiny jewel that dangled from the ties of her halter and pulled, undoing the knot. Her breasts eased down at the release, and she pulled the garment away, freeing them with a slight bounce.

  The fact that they bounced at all meant she had large breasts for an elf. It was the reason she'd been accused more than once of having a human somewhere in her ancestry. The accusations mostly came from her female classmates when they were all younger and Acolytes of the Secret Star, but Chyra's ancestry was carved into the tree of lineage like every other elf, and there was no human listed there.

  She massaged her left breast, where the strap from the sword had been rubbing.

  The trees changed their conversation.

  Something was approaching.

  Several somethings.

  They were still an hour away, but climbing that high in the mountains meant they were most likely headed for the falls…and her.

  She glanced down at the sword.

  It lay quiet against the rocks, basking in the gentle mist kicked up by the if waiting to see if she were brave enough to make the leap. The smart thing to do was take it with her, but it would be
too heavy to haul back out.

  She'd have to leave it. Besides, an hour should be enough time.

  Chyra stepped to the edge of the cliff, just beside the falls. She reached around to her hip and untied her efanwi, pulled it tighter, and then retied the knot to make sure it wouldn't give way when she landed.

  Then, she listened.

  The song was sad, hopeful, and inviting, all at the same time…like wind chimes on the first day of autumn. It told a story, not so much in words, but in tone - a story of loneliness...of needing...of hoping that some day a hero would arrive and make everything better. The song culminated on a final plea for help, and then trailed off, leaving nothing but the sound of the falls.

  That was the moment when the enchantment was at its weakest.

  Chyra leapt.

  Tucking her body into a dive, she plummeted toward the pool below, the cold wind flaying her naked skin.

  She had to reach the bottom before the song began again. Her elven body wasn't heavy, so she had to make up for it with form.

  The falls roared beside her, and as the lyrical voice breathed in to sing again, Chyra impacted with the pool, cutting through the surface, and slowing to a stop in the cool water.

  She glimpsed, in that moment, the bottom of the pool. It was rocky, with the occasional tree branch, but something about it was a lie. She felt herself beginning to drift toward the next waterfall that emptied into the gorge below, and kicked up toward the surface.

  The roar of the falls was overwhelming as her head emerged. She breathed in sharply, overwhelmed by the scents of mountain juniper and fresh water running over well as that faint, crisp smell that always accompanied a place rarely visited by the living.

  She swam toward an outcropping of rock, equidistant between the falls from above and below - the sort of place where one could get their bearings and plan their next move.

  That was when she felt something brush the inside of her thigh.

  Chyra jumped, reflexively, with a splash, then dove back under to see what it was.

  There was nothing there.

  She twisted in all directions, but saw nothing in the crystal clear waters.

  Surfacing again, Chyra resumed her swim, aware that whatever occupied the pool was now engaging her. The question was how long it would be to find out what.

  She felt it again - something like seaweed brushing past her legs, and she dove under again. For the briefest of moments, she thought she caught something in the corner of her eye, like a wisp of green…but then it was gone again.

  Getting out of the water suddenly took on a sense of urgency, and she made for the rock, no longer at a leisurely pace.

  Whatever it was returned, sliding off her stomach and pelvis, dancing around her legs as she swam. Finally, she reached the rock. Chyra grabbed hold of the stone with both hands, pulling herself out of the water.

  Something pulled back.

  It wasn't a yank, so much as a tug.

  Chyra turned herself around.

  She was only half way out of the water when she saw what it was that had her...

  ...A pair of hands, the color of milk, holding onto her thighs. Then a head of long, sandy blonde hair rose from the lapping pool, flashing with a slight green highlight. Striking green and yellow eyes emerged amidst the soft tendrils, followed by a delicate nose and full lips, which parted as they cleared the water's surface. Her ears were pointed, not unlike an elf's, and she was beautiful.

  "I'm sorry," Chyra immediately said, not wanting to offend the girl. "I knew that some spirit of the old world still lingered here, but...I had no idea this was a Wynowyr's pool."

  "You use my old name," came the same lyrical voice that Chyra had heard in the waterfall. "And some of your words...sound like the forest."

  "My people are descendants of the Wyld, too. Our language came from the forest the same way yours came from the water."

  The girl blinked her large eyes. "You are very young, elf. You remind me more of a human than a spirit."

  "A human would call you a Nymph," Chyra replied. "A human would have leapt for your pool and died on the rocks."

  "You heard my song...and you came to me..."

  Chyra knew she was entering dangerous territory, and there was now only one way through it. The single hope she had for making it out alive was to go on the offensive, and not completely succumb to the wet insanity she was about to be subjected to.

  Chyra summoned her courage, and reached out to touch the girl's face. "You must be so lonely here..."

  The nymph blinked again, but this time, there was something else in her eyes.


  Chyra braced herself.

  The nymph's hands slid up Chyra's thighs, slender thumbs tracing a path toward her pelvis. Warm excitement unexpectedly shot through Chyra’s body with a shudder, and she suddenly felt wet between her legs.

  It happened so fast...the full scope of the creature's power suddenly thrown into focus.

  The nymph leaned in, parting her lips to run a soft tongue up Chyra's leg. Chyra swallowed sharply as her stomach erupted with butterflies, then gasped when the tongue reached the edge of her efanwi. It danced along the ridge where her leg met her inner hip, making the muscles in Chyra's body constrict so hard they were trembling.

  Milky hands planted themselves on Chyra's hips, and the nymph pulled herself up, her naked torso emerging from the water. Blonde tendrils shimmered green even under the gray skies, and draped heavily around the girl's shoulders and arms.

  Chyra bit down hard when the nymph's breasts emerged, water pouring off their round contours. They were large and heavy - a surprise for the nymph's slender frame. Chyra had only rarely found herself attracted to other women, but the surge that rose inside her upon seeing those plump, perfect nipples overwhelmed her with a desire to wrap her mouth around them. It was in that moment that Chyra realized she was being enchanted...pulled under the spell of a very old power from a wilder time of the world...and she was slipping fast as the nymph's pink tongue reached out to trace a pattern across Chyra's breasts, slowly moving from one to the other as the nymph's own soft chest pressed against her.

  Chyra gripped the rock as tightly as she could, trying to keep the two of them from sliding back into the pool where death and drowning waited for her.

  The tongue found her right nipple and lapped against it as one of the nymph's hands slid into Chyra’s wet efanwi.

  Chyra's arms threatened to give way as the nymph ran three fingers along the soft parts between Chyra's legs. She bit her lip as the slender fingers on either side parted the folds of flesh, sending currents through her body.

  Then the nymph's middle finger touched the firm knob of Chyra's exposed clitoris.

  Chyra screamed, orgasming uncontrollably from the simple touch, and her arms buckled.

  The two crashed back into the pool and Chyra's gasping mouth filled with water. She kicked against shockwaves of ecstasy, fighting with her body to re-surface.

  Green colored hair snaked around her...

  ...Soft skin pressed against her body...

  ...Slender fingers ran up and down between her folds...

  Chyra spasmed as new pleasure competed with aftershocks from the previous one, and somehow, she got her head above water.

  A loud gasp was all the breath she could draw before cold, full lips pressed against hers. Panic gripped Chyra as she fought for air, but her brain was losing the battle and the kiss felt too good. She couldn't help herself and kissed back, immediately dueling with the nymph's mouth, their tongues finding one another amidst the taste of mountain water.

  The nymph's fingers touched Chyra's clitoris again. Chyra broke from the kiss, moaning as new surges ran through her, and she struggled to keep her head above water. The nymph's free hand ran along the back of Chyra's head, fingers diving through her hair as a soft tongue found the elf's neck. Chyra could feel another orgasm surging up inside her. Summoning what free will she had left, Chy
ra kicked backward with all her strength and finally, her back hit the rock again.

  For a moment, the nymph's fingers lost their place, and Chyra used the reprieve to haul herself out of the water. She climbed onto a flatter outcropping, fighting for every inch of stone as the nymph's hands groped her. Wet fingers slid down her ribs and waist, not finding anything to grip until they tangled into Chyra's efanwi.

  Her next heave took her completely out of the water, but the thin fabric that had been buried in her firm ass was peeled away, leaving her completely naked on the rocks.

  The nymph tossed the soaked garment across the water and pulled herself on top of Chyra's slippery body.

  They were now both out of the water, and Chyra twisted onto her back, temporarily safe from drowning, and able to lose herself in the impending fucking.

  And the nymph fucked her.

  Legs slid across legs.

  Hands grabbed at everything, soft and wet.

  Tongues wrestled each other.

  Fingers pressed against secret pressure points on Chyra's stomach as other fingers slid their way inside, touching spots rich with sexual energy. Chyra's back spasmed, and she orgasmed again.

  Then she orgasmed again.

  Her screams of passion were lost in the sound of the falls. The nymph matched the rhythm of Chyra's pleasure centers, unrelenting, despite having just brought her to climax again. Chyra didn't even realize she was calling out to the Secret Star until a large breast pressed into her face. The swollen nipple buried itself in her mouth, and Chyra welcomed it, sucking hard.

  The nymph gasped sharply, her inhale giving way to a happy moan.

  The sound of the nymph's pleasure weakened the spell just long enough for Chyra to grasp at awareness.

  She remembered the sword on the cliff above...

  ...She remembered something about possible enemies approaching...


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