Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums)

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Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums) Page 13

by Ryan Erin

  Very little lives in the Backlands now. Sometimes rogues and thieves will hideout for a time in the crumbling ruins, but apart from passing travelers and the occasional nomadic adventurer, it is a dead land.

  Possible Random Encounters: Outlaws, Assassin Spider, Sand Kraken

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The smallest of the Elven Kingdoms, Amberwood Forest is shorthand for "Kingdom of the Keeper of the Eternal Throne of Amber."

  Ancient writings from Wizardly guests of Amberwood told of a faction of Elves who had split from the Sacred Grove in order to better protect some important artifact. Their schism from the Sacred Grove seemed to be an ideological one, and not popular with the older elven kingdom. At the time of their writing, tensions ran high between the two forests, and relationships seemed strained. Little more is known, however, as mortal memory seems to waver upon exiting an elven forest, and even powerful wizards could barely retain any of the experiences they had within.

  Now, the forest is closed to all but elves. It is not recommended to attempt breaching its borders unless one has a specific invitation to enter.

  Possible Random Encounters at the Border: Bear, Elven Hound, Guardian Tree, Pixie Snare, Elemental Archer

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  In the middle of the desolate Backlands stands a massive pillar of rock rising so high that clouds regularly obscure the peak.

  It has been known for generations by the people of the Crescent as Teewinot Spire.

  At the very top sits an ancient fortress, long ago abandoned by its makers, and all but inaccessible. It is in this remotest of places that the most learned man in the world has chosen to make his home - the Sage of Teewinot Spire.

  No one knows how he gained access to the ancient castle, nor how he is able to survive there all by himself. One thing is sure, however, and that is that any question asked of the Sage would require the most treacherous climb imaginable.

  Possible Random Encounters: Goblyn Nomads, Assassin Spider, Crag Horror

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  There is a common border shared by the Kingdoms of Valen, Pyriam, and Aquilla that stretches some 50 miles. This span of countryside has become a center of trade and commerce unlike any other region in the Five Kingdoms. It is a place where wealthy merchants sit on thrones of finance, as all trade between the three Kingdoms passes through. As a result, three thriving cities have sprung up, becoming popular destinations for both craftsmen and people looking for work, eager to make their fortune.

  Every service and product can be found in the streets of the Span. Adventurers should be cautioned, however, that along with quality goods and entertainment, there is also no shortage of thieves, swindlers, thugs, and corrupt officials. If one needs an honest authority, it is recommended to take one's grievances to Varnac Keep, where the Knights of the Ivory Watch can be trusted to champion the worthy.

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The ash of Mt. Cthon is a particularly good binding agent in spells that require shape change or the temporary creation of otherwise unreal things. Despite the voluminous amounts of ash that Mt. Cthon bellows into the air during an eruption, it can only be harvested before the first rainfall, after which, the ash looses any and all potency.

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  Deadly as an assassin's poison, Nightshade is also extremely powerful for spell casting. It is used when a spell is meant to wound or kill, or, if cut with certain other reagents, it can be used to extend the life of a spell for an exceptionally long time.

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  One of the best known and often-debated reagents in the circles of magic is Sanguine Moss. The otherwise yellowish and spongy fungus is only known to be found in three places - the Forests of Moondale, the shaded ravines of the Siegereach Mountains, and the arid steppes of Higher Kur. Though other secret locations are rumored, they would be jealously guarded by the wizards and witches who tend to them.

  It isn't entirely understood why, but when exposed to heat or direct sunlight, the moss changes from yellow to a deep crimson, secreting a sticky red sap. The fact that the sap tastes similar to blood adds to the mystique of the moss, though it should be noted that its potency as a reagent diminishes with the change.

  Sanguine Moss is used for magics requiring awe and fear, hiding things from the senses, and some forms of shields.

  -Mistress Salamanca, Wizardress of Moondale

  "The Path of Twilight"



  The Church of Aurora, formerly the Cult of Aurora, has been in worship for hundreds of years.

  Precepts of the church are many, but mostly revolve around devotion to The Lady Aurora - a former mortal turned Goddess. She is seen as a granter of wishes, a champion of the oppressed, and a power of love and fertility. As part of their mandate, all priestesses and priests are required to engage in sexual activity with one another every day at dusk, during official rites such as weddings and funerals, upon consecration of new shrines, and myriad other events.

  They are rigidly bound by their rules of worship, and actively seek to recruit new followers wherever they go.

  The original headquarters of the faith was seated at the Skyfire Temple, where it is believed the Lady Aurora ascended into the heavens, creating the northern lights in her wake. In recent times, however, the temple has become more of a pilgrimage destination. Since it's perch atop the Acaciad Mountains in the far north of Highnorne is so remote, the center of the church's power has now moved to the Span where it can better take advantage of the money and culture flowing through the Five Kingdoms.

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  After the Krygenide Plague ravaged the Dwarven Kingdoms of the world, many Watch Warrens became mass graves, or were abandoned altogether.

  Because the Dwarves were paranoid as a race, the entrances to their domains are nearly impossible to find, leaving many of their dead halls undiscovered to this very day.

  The Northwatch Warren of Heinwar Kingdom is one such stronghold. Its location was known to fall somewhere in the flatlands and rolling hills of what is now the human Kingdom of Valen, but it's exact location remains undiscovered. Treasure of almost any magnitude could be waiting below your feet right now, the entrance hidden in the rock outcropping beside you.

  Perhaps one day, you'll be the one to discover it.

  Possible Random Encounters: Unknown

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  The small Towneship of Rinsic is known for its healer.

  Though out of the way from the main road, it is a regular stopping point along the river, where small boats bring the sick and wounded on a regular basis. The inn is small, and the food is typical rustic fare, save for an exceptional ham and cheese sandwich prepared with a type of local pickle and horseradish sauce. If one must visit Regina the Healer, one must certainly enjoy a sandwich during their stay.

  Possible Random Encounters: Bear, Wolf, River Cat, Water Sprite

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  Hidden in the hills of Cara Bre, lies an ancient Abbey, said to be built on the remains of a faerie kingdom.

  Known the world over for their exceptional healers, the Abbey is open to all comers regardless of fortune. The Monks and Nuns who reside there belong to the Order of the Light Ascendant, and only ask that any who are healed go forth and perform one deed of charity to a complete stranger as repayment. Each patient leaves with a white ribbon trimmed with gold, and upon performing their charity, the ribbon is passed on. Should someone arrive at the Abbey carrying a ribbon that was given to them in a selfless act, then they go back into the world with that same ribbon, passing it on again with a sense of legacy. Some ribbons have returned to the Abbey that were a hundred years old - worn and tattered from passing hand to hand, yet still recognizable.

  Possible Random Encounters: Wolf, Narwolf, Ur-Goblyn, Vurolax,

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  As ancient as the world, dragons are the most powerful creatures in all the realms known. They are truly immortal, living for thousands of years, locked in a complex ecology of territories, social laws and extremely long-lived rivalries. Luckily, their violent feuds rarely dip down into the affairs of men.

  It's a good thing, too, as Dragons are intelligent and cunning in a way rarely seen in any other creature. They are mighty in their strengths, greedy in their hoarding, masterful in their sorceries, and although they live out solitary lives at vast distances from one another, a single dragon slain by a mortal will bring down the vengeance of all.

  Know that any braggart claiming to be a dragon slayer is nothing more than a poorly read liar, probably easily separated from his money.

  -Daedra the Elder

  "Elder's Bestiary"



  Of the varied breeds of Goblynkynd, the most numerous are the tribes of the Highdark. A rich green in color, and closer in height to dwarves than men, the Highdark Goblyns rarely get along with either.

  Their kingdoms descend only to a certain depth - a termination point known as the Grumaach Strad, beneath which, the red skinned Goblyns of the Krydark make their kingdoms.

  Highdark Goblyns tend to be mischievous and clever, but above all else, industrious. They are constantly building, inventing, creating and improving everything from their deep cities to their intricate weapons. Highdark tribes will trade with humans as often as they're found to war with them. The innate need for a Goblyn to constantly change its surroundings insures that whichever tribe is peaceful one season, will certainly go to war the next.

  -Lord Dorn, Warduke of Valen

  "Know thy Enemy"



  The language of Goblynkynd ultimately traces its roots to Ancient Faerie. The tenses and order of speech are similar to High Elven, though the word structure is very different. The sound of goblyns speaking has been compared to mountain cats arguing over a kill while grinding rocks in their throats.

  -Brother Nuayne, Linguist of Arcolith Abbey

  "The Press of Tongues"



  High atop Teewinot Spire, standing silent watch over miles of harsh desert is the ancient fortress of Cloudstrath.

  The first fortifications were erected deep in antiquity, most probably by the long extinct FalconMen. Without easy access to the ground, it was used by a lineage of yellow-scaled dragons until the rise of the Copper Empire. It was Emperor Hydlynd the Claimant who freed it from the dragons. Upon planting a Copper Staff in the ruins, the Emperor decreed that a mighty citadel be built as a watchtower of the East, and a place to hold audience with his "Subjects of the Heavens." (Sadly, history does not illuminate who these vassals may have been, though Storm Riders, and even dragons have been suggested.)

  The citadel became a summer home to generations of emperors there after, with its high towers, well kept gardens, lofty balconies, and spectacular views drawing in all manner of dignitaries from the Empire. Twice, the citadel was besieged by a force capable of conquering its shear cliffs, and both times, it survived intact. It wasn't until the arrival of the Black Conqueror, himself, that Teewinot Spire was finally taken. By that time, however, the Empire had all but fallen, and the few remaining War Saints who protected Cloudstrath were ill prepared to hold it for long.

  It is said that the Black Conqueror stayed one night in the Citadel, and then never returned.

  After that, it remained largely unvisited for centuries. That is, until I took up residence in its ancient halls.

  Even after all these years, I still feel the ghosts of greatness walking before me down silent corridors, whispering on the ever present wind that fills every corner of the ancient fortress.

  -The Sage of Teewinot Spire

  "Copper and Stone"



  The language of dragons has never been fully compiled into one treatise, the reason being that the verbal component is only the first of three parts. The second part is an additional growling that emanates deep within the dragon's throat, adding some form of possessive nuance to their conversation. The third aspect is a high-pitched chiming that is made from the rubbing together of crystals in a dragon's gullet. This aspect is what keeps any mortal from truly speaking Draconym. A powerful Wizard or Maiden Shape Shifter could assume dragon form and mimic the verbal and guttural aspects of the language, but the twin gemstones that give dragons their destructive breath powers have never been duplicated by sorcery, and therefore, only true dragons may speak in the complete form of their ancient language.

  -Daedra the Elder

  "Elder's Bestiary"



  A dynasty of rulers who lasted a thousand years - whose civilization had thwarted the armies of a hundred nations - was doomed to be extinguished by just one man.

  No one knows from whence he came...not his lineage, his age, how long his campaign lasted, nor how he was able to sway such a devastating army to his banner. None even know when exactly he died. Even the location of his tomb goes undiscovered to this day, all due to his single decree: that no word ever be written of him. Those scribes who were discovered committing his deeds to parchment were always executed, so there is precious little we know of the mysterious man aside from the color of his armor.

  His legacy, however, will haunt us forever.

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  Deep in the orchards of Pyriam lies the county of Mournshire. Once the site of a great battle, (the details of which were forgotten long ago,) it is now a quiet, beautiful place. Willows weep over weathered graves, little more than jutting rocks now, peppered throughout the county.

  It is these silent reminders that give the populace a feeling of deep reverence for their land and all the crops that it yields. It is also a source of pride for the Knights of Mournshire, a holy order who have adopted the tombstone for their heraldry, and include in their vows an oath to protect the graves of all who have fallen.

  -Bro. Jaspen, Master Scribe of Arcolith Abbey



  Eternal Night held sway before the world was cast. Then, fire spread across the heavens and for the first time, all-powerful Darkness was afraid.

  Light flooded the land, revealing the shape of all things.

  Darkness fled beneath, down seven holes so deep that light could not follow, and all things that did not want their shape known followed with it, and came to call the seven holes home.

  The great pits remain, conduits to the horrors of old, where all told beasts who fear the light and feed upon the flesh of the righteous, creep through blackened halls...waiting for the light to dim again.




  The artificial man is well known to the wizard.

; Though no task is too menial for the average apprentice, many are too difficult. The burden of heavy objects and systematic organization of tools and assets is better accomplished by the golem. His back cannot easily be broken, and his magic mind is incapable of distraction when carrying out instruction.

  The materials used to create a golem can range from clay, thatch, stone, and even metal was once reported. The sculpting of the artificial man must conform to the Rules of Azmaynth, with special care given to the Vault of Initiative. Inside the Vault, (most commonly the golem's mouth,) is placed a variation on the standard writ of enchantment, which should include the alphabets of all languages the golem is expected to understand, as well as the breadth of mathematical formulae necessary to the manifold tasks the artificial man will be expected to carry out.


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