Claimed by Her Bears

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Claimed by Her Bears Page 13

by Doris O'Connor

  Goldie offered Jason a shy smile, as he lifted his hand and traced the bite. Just like it always did at his touch heat traveled through her veins and she grew wet for him. How she could still be horny after all the sex she’d had was beyond her right now. Surely she ought to feel sore and tired, but the opposite was true. She was all too ready to go again, and Jason’s nostrils flared as though he could smell her need for him. She glanced at Cat’s naked body next to her, and Jason raised an eyebrow, and his smile turned wicked.

  “I sincerely hope she hasn't rendered me redundant.”

  “Always, brother,” came the husky, sleep-dazed reply, and Cat lifted up slightly. Her sultry scent got stronger, and when she licked a path along Goldie's neck, and then bit her earlobe playfully, Goldie groaned.

  Jason growled, and Cat laughed.

  “Alas, I'm happy to share,” Cat said with a smirk toward her brother.

  “Excuse me, I'm right here, you know.” Goldie couldn't help but point out the obvious, and Jason tensed for a minute.

  “Believe me, I'm very aware of that, Goldilocks.”

  Goldie swallowed nervously when he growled at Cat, and picked Goldie up. He laughed at her screech of surprise, and carried her back to his own room. He had her pinned to the wall and was balls deep in her pussy before the door had even shut properly behind them. Every powerful thrust slammed her into the wall until she screamed his name in surrender. Jason held her captive for several more hours until both of them fell asleep tangled in each other and with him still buried deep inside her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Goldie stretched in the ray of sunlight that streaked through the room. Every time the curtain moved in the breeze from the open window, that shaft of light danced across her face. She turned away from it and smiled at the red rose on the pillow. Who knew her big, bad Dom could be so romantic? It gave Goldie's silly little heart hope that maybe this wasn't just a hot weekend fling.

  Jason had explained to her only this morning how he'd waited for just the right moment to declare who he was. That conversation had taken place with her tucked against his shoulder safely ensconced under his covers. He'd made love to her with a thorough tenderness and complete absence of kink, barring the handcuffs, and she'd almost blurted out her own feelings when they came together in another mind-blowing orgasm.

  “I thought I’d made a complete fool of myself, falling into your arms like that.”

  He'd laughed softly, and claimed her mouth in a thorough kiss. “Woman, you've no idea how much willpower it took for me to not simply tie you to my desk there and then and fuck you senseless.” He smiled at her astonished gasp.

  “You know I wouldn’t have been too averse to that idea. I seem to recall I might even have begged you to take me a few times.”

  “Hmm, yes, so you did.”

  He swatted her ass playfully and sighed into her hair. “Truth is, a man in my position has to be careful. I had no idea whether I could trust my instincts and whether you were indeed the sweet sub I'd hoped you would be. Your rep round the office suggested otherwise.”

  Goldie flinched, all too aware she had the reputation of being a ball-buster. She wasn't really. She just hadn't seen what all the fuss was about. The few sexual encounters she had indulged in had left her feeling unsatisfied, like there was something wrong with her. Little had she known that she needed someone else to take charge of her sexuality until Jason showed her just what she had been missing. There was nothing wrong with her—vanilla sex just wasn't enough. He kissed her nose and continued his tale.

  “So I wound you up a little and read your file.” He smiled to himself, as he stared into the distance, while he drew lazy circles on her back with one hand. “Did you know your psychological profile screams 'sub' to anyone who knows what they're looking for?”

  “It does?” Goldie's obvious astonishment showed in her voice.

  “Yes, my sweet, it does. So, once you’d completed your assignments, I took a chance, wrote that note and involved Jacob. One of two things was going to happen. You were either going to run for the hills, screaming bloody murder, or you'd go along with it. Turns out, not only did you not run away, you also exceeded all of my expectations. Believe it or not, sharing you with my siblings, that had not really been in my plan.”

  “It hadn’t?” Goldie was starting to feel like a stuck CD repeating everything he said, and heat climbed into her cheeks. If he hadn’t wanted to share her, did that mean she was just a brazen hussy who'd forced his hand? The slap came out of nowhere, and Goldie gasped.

  “Don't even go there in your mind. I won't let you over-think this. It wasn't in my plan, because I hadn't let myself hope that you would be up for this kind of kink. I would have been quite happy had you refused to share your body as generously as you have. Finding a woman not only willing to embrace the lifestyle but also willing to take on Jacob and Cat seemed too much to hope for.”

  He grew pensive, and Goldie snuggled closer into his reassuring warmth. She wondered about the sudden tightness in his body. An inner struggle seemed to be going on with her Master, and she propped herself up on one elbow to see his expression. When he avoided her gaze, she frowned. Well, there was one way to get his attention. She twirled her hand through the fine hair on his chest and followed the trail down to where his cock immediately stirred to life under her hand. Jason stilled her hand with one of his and then cupped her cheek to make her look at him.

  “Goldie, there’s something else I need to tell you.” The urgency in his voice wasn't lost on Goldie, and her heart gave a little bump before it started racing at his serious expression. She didn't want this conversation now. Something told her she wasn't going to like what he had to say. She cupped his balls instead and squeezed slightly. Jason groaned in response, and his cock grew bigger. Goldie ran her fingernails up his hard length. It made him curse out loud, and she smiled at his reaction.

  “Fuck, Goldie, we need to talk.” His breathing sped up, and a thrill of power shot through her, at the knowledge that he was as much a slave to their combustible chemistry as she was. Her boldness now would no doubt earn her another punishment later. Her pussy grew wetter at the mere thought, but for that moment in time, she just smiled and took him deep into her mouth after a mumbled, “It can wait, Master.”

  She smiled remembering that conversation, scrambled out of bed and listened. All was quiet. Good grief, he's actually left me on my own.

  It was a gloriously sunny Sunday afternoon, and Goldie wished she could venture outside. But that she couldn't do. She had come a long way in losing her inhibitions, but going out stark naked was not an option. As she watched out of the window, a bear ambled out of the woods surrounding the club and raised his head toward the sunshine. Goldie watched in fascination as he was joined by two other identical bears. One was slightly smaller and presumably the female of the group. Goldie smiled at the way they playfully shoved against each other. But what on earth were the grizzlies doing here? Was there a zoo nearby? The largest of the group reared on his hind legs. He was beautiful and at least seven feet tall standing up like a man, his eyes a beautiful deep golden color that reminded her of Jason's. Her heart and clit clenched in anticipation of his touch. All three of her lovers—she blushed in the bright light of day, admitting the truth to herself—completed her in ways she wouldn't have thought possible. Sometime over the last two days, she'd fallen hopelessly in love with all of them. She’d even lost her fear of Cat’s whips, after the other woman had shown her how they could be used for pleasure. She had been in lust ever since she first spotted Jason, but love? She had no idea how on earth this was going to work out.

  Her gaze locked with the bear under her window. A chill went up her spine. She knew those eyes, but that couldn't be. It was impossible. Things like this didn't happen in real life, for fuck's sake. She’d only been joking when she’d said those things to Catalina, after all, and yet…

  The air around the huge bear distorted, and in the blink of an ey
e, Jason stood there in all his naked glory. Goldie shrieked in terror as the other two bears also shifted into the forms of Jacob and Catalina. Cat smiled at her, and shrugged her shoulders. Jacob, at least looked chagrined, but it was the expression on Jason's face that made the terrified shout of “Teddy” die on her tongue. Instead, she turned, ran, and locked herself in the bathroom.


  Goldie sat huddled on the turned down toilet seat, with tears streaming down her face. This could not be happening to her. She pinched herself hard. No, she wasn't dreaming—of course not. Even she didn't have dreams as fucked up at this. She sat on a toilet, miles from her home, buck naked and any minute now those three bears—bears for fuck's sake—would no doubt break the door down. She knew how Goldilocks must have felt when she ran away screaming from that house. Just like her namesake in the fairytale, she'd ended up trying every bed in the place. At least the fictional Goldilocks hadn't slept with her bears…

  Goldie swallowed another hysterical sob. Thank heavens they had always used protection. There was no way she could be pregnant—could there? She scrambled off the seat to stand in front of the bathroom mirror. A terrified version of herself stared back at her. With her blonde hair in disarray, her blue eyes were as huge as saucers. What would she have anyway if she were pregnant? Cubs? Unwittingly her gaze strayed to their bite marks. Oh, good God, that explained why they did that. All that growling and sniffing. She’d been such a goddamn fool.

  Her terror gave way to hysteria, and she burst out laughing. This was ridiculous. Come on, girl. Get a grip. She froze at the muffled sounds coming from behind the heavy bathroom door. The handle turned, and Jason's vicious curse carried through loud and clear. She shrank away from the door, expecting him to come charging through any second. The door wouldn't be able to stop Jason the man—Jason the bear, that just didn't bear thinking about. Goldie groaned at the unintended pun and eyed the door suspiciously. It was still intact. In fact, it hadn't even wavered slightly, and all was quiet. Surely they wouldn't just leave her in here. Anger replaced her fear. Did she mean so little to them that they couldn't even be bothered to come and get her?

  You don't really want him to come and get you.

  Did she? Goldie tiptoed to the door, feeling beyond ridiculous, and put her ear to the wood. Not a sound could be heard on the other side. Bastard! She stormed away from the door and once again sat down on the toilet seat with a huff. If those bears thought they could force her out of here, then she would just stay right here and—and—well, just sit here.

  After half an hour of just sitting there, Goldie started to pace. Where the fuck was he? Another half an hour passed with no sign of man or bear, and Goldie peered carefully out of the window. Nothing, nada, zilch. Not a fucking bird in the sky and certainly no man-eating bears. Okay, maybe she was exaggerating here a little. If he'd wanted to eat her, he'd had plenty of opportunity to do so over the last couple of days. She ignored the way her breathing sped up and moisture pooled between her thighs, recalling how he’d done just that. And not only him. They’d all had plenty of Goldie.

  Damn the man, bear, whatever he was—they were—damn it. After the gazillionth lap around the bathroom, Goldie had to concede that they weren't coming. She opened the door, not even trying to do so quietly. As she thought, the place was deserted. She stomped to the kitchen and stopped dead at the sight of her dry cleaned dress draped over the kitchen chair, her heels placed neatly underneath, an all too familiar folded note propped up on the table.

  She picked it up, and unfolded it warily as though it might bite her and her heart jumped into her chest.

  My sweet Goldie,

  I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I didn't know how else to tell you. I suspected this would be a leap too far, even for someone as generous as you. There is a taxi waiting for you in the parking lot. I won't bother you again. I never meant to hurt you.

  Thank you for an incredible weekend.


  What the fuck? The nerve of the man. Did he think her so shallow that this would make any difference to her? Okay, so she had freaked when she saw him shift. Any sane woman would, but to just dismiss her like this? No fucking way.

  Master J. was going to learn that this human at least had claws of her own.

  Goldie shimmied into her dress, and clutching one of her shoes in each of her hands, she eyed the six-inch heels with grim satisfaction. These would at least put a dent in a certain part of the bear's anatomy. Taking a deep breath, she stormed out of the flat and all but flew down the back stairs and into the club. She drew a few startled glances from the sparse crowd gathered there this early in the evening. She spotted Catalina first, deep in conversation with another Dom who looked at Goldie incredulously. He said something to Catalina, who spun around. Poised for a fight, Goldie advanced on the other woman, heel high up in the air, only to be thwarted in her efforts by an arm like steel around her waist.

  “Easy, Goldie, you really don't want to piss off Cat now, do you?” Jacob's astonished and slightly amused tone washed over her, and her stomach tightened. She elbowed him in the solar plexus, and he let go of her with a hmph. Heel in hand, she advanced on him as the nearest target, and Doms and subs alike scarpered away from them. Catalina laughed, and Jacob grinned from ear to ear, hands held up in mock surrender. What the hell was so fucking funny?

  “Put them down, Goldilocks, before you injure yourself.”

  Oh for pity's sake. Goldie gritted her teeth and prayed for patience. “My name is not Goldilocks, and I am not running away like some frightened little girl.” She spat the words at him, but the dratted man's grin just grew wider. And he was looking straight down her cleavage, damn him. It occurred to Goldie that her far too revealing dress was not exactly the best choice for going into battle, but she couldn't very well have turned up naked. In fact, judging by the snickers behind her, the few onlookers had a perfect view of her naked bum.

  Great going. I really thought this through.

  “What are you doing here, Goldie? We expected you to be halfway back to London by now, not giving us your impression of an Amazon warrior.” Jacob winked at her, but concern was edged into his face, and when he put one arm out, Goldie walked into his embrace with a sniff. His warmth surrounded her, and she allowed herself a moment of leaning into him before she straightened and pulled away.

  She looked straight into Catalina's tawny eyes and handed her heels over without protest. Cat smiled at her. “Those aren't nearly lethal enough. If you really want to get my dickhead of a brother, I'll lend you one of my whips. That'll get his attention.” Her smile turned into a belly laugh at Goldie's astonished expression. “I told him that you'd be cool with it. But no, being a typical man, he's jumped to all the wrong conclusions and is cutting his nose off to spite his face.”

  “Well, I suggested we should have just broken the door down and explained things to you while you were tied to my bed, but he nearly ripped my head off for that.” Jacob took a step back as both Cat and Goldie turned on him. “Hey, y’all, just a suggestion. You know me. I'm an action type of guy. I leave the thinking and agonizing stuff to Jase. He does plenty for all of us. Nothing is so broke that ya can’t fix it with sex. And I never did get to bite you properly.”

  If he didn't look so damn sexy, she'd wipe that smug grin off his face right now. Catalina just rolled her eyes. “You are cool with this, right?” The slightest hint of vulnerability showed on her face, and Goldie smiled at the other woman. Cat wasn't quite the hard nut she showed the world as Goldie knew only too well after their night together. She nodded, and Cat relaxed visibly, as did Jacob.

  A weight lifted off Goldie. “At least I think I am. I'm certainly willing to try. And as for biting me, there’s no time like the present, Sir.”

  She had to grin at Jacob’s sharp intake of breath in answer, and the way his cock reared into life immediately between them. She rubbed her belly against it, and Jacob buried his hands in her hair and groaned.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re playing with fire here. You can’t just throw that on the negotiating table and expect me not to act on it.”

  With a deep growl he stepped away from her and ran a hand through his straggly hair.

  “I don’t think she is just throwing that out there, Jacob.”

  Catalina stepped round and cupped Goldie’s chin to study her expression.

  “Look at her, Jacob. She means it.”

  Goldie drew a shuddering breath into her lungs, and nodded.

  “I do mean it. I’ve had a lot of time to think, while I was locked away in that bathroom. Namely why you bit me, and why it felt so right when you did. Your bites do something to me, don’t they? Will I…” She stopped speaking and leaned against the nearest thing she could find, which happened to be a spanking bench. Jacob’s eyes lit up with heated desire, and she swallowed hard when it dawned on her where she was. This was the exact same spanking bench Jacob had her draped over that first night. Instant moisture flooded her pussy, and Jacob’s nostrils flared as he stepped closer. With his massive bulk towering over her, she couldn’t see the rest of the club. Not that it mattered anyway. She was dimly aware of Catalina shooing people away, until it was just her and Jacob locked in their little bubble of sexual tension that pulsed between them like a living entity.

  “Will you what, sweetheart?” he asked, and her skin tingled in ripples of need when he grasped her hips and kicked her legs apart.

  “Will I turn out to be like you?” she whispered, and Jacob smiled and shook his head. He dipped his head and kissed her with a desperate urgency that made any thoughts flee her scrambled brain.

  When he finally let her come up for air, and ran his nose along her jaw and down her neck into her shoulder, her heart went into overdrive.


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