I stalked to the restaurant across the street from the courthouse for a salad. Lost in my own world, I jumped when a hand wrapped around my elbow. Jerking backwards, I almost knocked into a display case next to the front door. Fists clenched, I narrowed my eyes and spun around. "Get your—"
"Hey, it's okay, Arabella. It's only me." Zak immediately backed off, hands in front of him in surrender.
"Sorry, Zak." I took a deep breath, trying to regain some of my control. "I'm having a bad day."
"Yeah," he laughed. "I noticed. You've been taking it out on the entire courtroom. I felt bad for that witness."
"I know. I'm not doing a very good job of keeping my cool today. Judge Adkins actually had the nerve to ask if I had PMS in his chambers this morning."
"Does he have a death wish or something?"
I attempted to laugh, but it fell flat. Death wish was touching a little too close to my conversation with Daniel earlier. I plummeted back into my worries.
It must have been obvious because Zak grimaced. "Sorry. I guess I said something wrong."
"No, you just reminded me of my earlier disagreement with Daniel." My shoulders hunched as I deflated, a balloon slowly leaking air.
"Why don't I join you for lunch and we can talk. Maybe that might make you feel a tiny bit better?" He held the door open, waiting on my decision.
I hesitated, Daniel's ominous warning replaying in my head. Torn, I weighed the consequences. "Sure," I rushed out before I could change my mind.
"Great." Zak's wide smile brightened his eyes. The creases in their corners settled easily, as if he smiled a lot. "After you."
We sat at the same table where we met, mere weeks before. It was a moment on replay as the same waitress took an identical order.
Both unsettled and comforted by the sense of déjà vu, I hurried to explain my fight with Daniel, removing everything not fit for public consumption.
"What you're saying is that you are worried about your friend and concerned that the choices he's making will get him into trouble."
"I'm not your patient, doctor. Can the reflective listening tactics."
"Hey!" He sounded insulted. "Reflective listening should be used in everyday situations. If you would have used it with Daniel, you guys might have avoided the whole mess."
He was probably right, but I only shrugged in response, my irritation growing.
"Ari, he's an adult. You may not like his decisions. You many think that he's making poor ones, but isn't he insinuating the same thing about you and your choices?"
I shrugged again. My conversation skills were escaping my grasp as I realized what an ass I'd been.
"Look, it's pretty clear you both care deeply for each other and you are worried about one another. Right?"
I nodded.
"Does he have any right to make decisions for you? To say who you can and can't talk to?"
"No, of course not," I mumbled. But Alejandro does.
"So what right does that give you to make decisions for him?"
"But he's going to get himself in trouble!" My argument fell flat even to my ears.
"How? By choosing to continue his involvement with Kyra? What about his concern about you spending time with me? Isn't that just as valid, maybe even more so?"
I considered the truth in his words. Zak was right. Daniel had every right to worry. I was the one straddling the line of stupidity. My head shouted one thing, but my heart seemed to have a mind of its own.
My head thumped as I rested it heavily on the table. "I feel like an ass."
"As you should. But he's your friend. He'll forgive you."
"I know," I mumbled. "But I'm still worried."
"And he's not?" I glanced up at him, calculating how much I could safely say.
"He is, and he has every reason to be. I'm not exactly making good decisions either."
"I assume you mean by continuing whatever this," he gestured to us with his hands, "is."
I paused, but bobbed my head sharply.
"Maybe I should just lay off. I'd hate to cause more problems."
Logically, I knew it was the right thing to do. But as much as I wanted to do the right thing, my heart didn't want to give him up.
It was nice to have someone to talk to, someone that had the time to really listen. We weren't doing anything wrong. As I'd been reluctant to point out, Alejandro did a lot more than talk with other women. He didn't have the moral high-ground.
But I couldn't let him find out. I'd have to walk a fine line. One where I teetered between having Zak a part of my life, but not anywhere near that part of it.
It sounded easy enough, but the reality was more difficult than I'd thought.
Chapter Ten
It was Thursday. I stared at the lines on my planner, the blank space glaring at me in its whiteness. There was nothing on my calendar, nothing pressing on my ever present to-do list.
I decided to wallow in slothdom for the day. What was the use of having a shit-ton of money, if you didn't indulge in a day off now and again? I burrowed deeper into my soft sheets, using my cell to order breakfast from the restaurant downstairs. I briefly toyed with the idea of asking one of Alejandro's minions to deliver it to me in bed, but discarded it as being too lazy. I didn't want my privacy invaded just to avoid getting out of bed.
The doorbell chimed a few minutes later, the promise of fresh croissants and jam lured me from beneath my covers. I threw on my robe, wrapping the emerald silk around me.
"That was quick—" A smile blossomed when I caught sight of the man leaning against my doorjamb.
"Not who you were expecting, huh?" Daniel's eyes twinkled with laughter.
"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" I kissed his cheek and let him inside. The scent of leather and smoke permeated my senses. "Or is this a really late night?"
"I felt skeeved out with the way we left things the other day." He draped his leather jacket across a barstool. "I didn't know your plans so I hightailed it over here before you had the chance to escape my clutches." His lopsided grin was irresistible.
"Lucky for you, I just had breakfast sent up. Want me to add anything?"
"No it's okay. I've already grabbed a bite."
"Looks like someone grabbed you for a bite too." I gestured to the wound. His neck was bruised and bandaged. The small white square was stained red with blood.
"It's nothing, just an overzealous young vampire." He chuckled, waving off the damage. "Hurt like a son of a bitch at the time though."
"I bet." I flinched.
"Yeah, well. All a part of the price you pay."
"You pay anyway," I mumbled as I collapsed onto the couch.
"True." He looked at me, head cocked to the side. "Why is it no one feeds from you?"
In the years we'd been friends, he'd never come straight out and asked. I'd never talked about it with anyone. "No one can touch me on Alejandro's orders."
"We all know that, it's part of the orientation package. Don't touch the boss's moll under penalty of evisceration. But the question is why? He doesn't…" He made fangs with his fingers and jabbed them at his neck. Smiling at his antics, I shook my head. "What about when you, you know." He mimicked lewd sex gestures with his hands. A laugh escaped and after my negative response, he grimaced. "You are missing out, hon."
"It's too risky."
He stared at me, patiently waiting for me to elaborate.
"Fine. We don't know if he or anyone else feeding on me will cause my powers to alter. And neither of us is willing to risk it," I rushed out. The explanation sounded silly and weak all of a sudden. I didn't want anyone to poke and prod at it too much. I was happy with my snack-free status.
"Why on earth would you think that getting bit by a vampire would affect your powers?"
"Sharing blood causes all sorts of crazy things." My eyebrows rose. "You've clearly received one benefit: enhanced sexual pleasure."
"Mmm-hmm." He toyed with the piercing on his tongue. A habit that I
found as fascinating as I did annoying. I ignored it and the skin-crawling sound that the barbell made each time it clicked against his teeth.
"Those of us with powers can experience either an increase or decrease in abilities. Whether it's rumor or truth, I'm quite useful to him as I am, and neither of us wants to risk a change." Honestly, I would cling to any excuse. I was no one's meal. Guilt weighed on my shoulders. "It's even been theorized that I could lose my powers altogether. As annoying as they are, I'm not willing to test that theory. Therefore, no sharing." My heart sped, spurred on by the spike of adrenaline. The idea of losing the ability I've grown to both hate and rely on was chilling.
"Wow." He considered for a moment, a grin slowly spreading on his face. "So, Ms. Anthony," Daniel snatched a pen from my coffee table, holding it in front of his mouth like a mic. "What are your superpowers?"
"Nope. I'm not telling. Alejandro has forbidden it."
I held up my hand, cutting him off. "Even you." I wasn't allowed to confide in anyone.
It was his place, he had said, to decide who to gift with that knowledge. I was even more useful if no one knew what I did. People would continue to give themselves away, completely unaware that they were digging themselves deeper with every lie.
Devious for sure, but correct. As rare as my talent was, he didn't want anyone stealing me away. Neither did I.
Daniel's face fell. His lip jutted forward in a pout to rival a two-year-old's. "You know everything about me."
"Alejandro was very clear on this. Sorry."
"Maybe I can guess it?" His curiosity was ferocious.
"Even then." I fought to keep my face serious, but the corners of my lips trembled with the effort to hold back my smile.
"Fine." He flopped himself next to me on the couch and rolled to the side, giving me his best puppy-dog eyes impression. "Are we copacetic?"
"Of course! You mean well with your gloomy warnings." I fidgeted on the cushion. "Do you forgive me? I was behaving like an ass."
He rolled his eyes. "Girl, you know it." He dropped a brotherly peck on my cheek and held up his head on his elbow. "Now that that's out of the way, what's on your overloaded agenda today?"
"What? Nothing? Ms. Overachiever here has a day with nothing on her schedule?" He looked around feigning shock. "Is the world ending?" He put the back of his hand on my forehead dramatically pretending to feel for a fever. "Are you ill?"
"No. I've just decided to take a day off. I can't even remember the last time I had one of those." Christmas, maybe. It might have even been two years ago.
"Excellent! What are we doing?"
"We?" I pursed my lips.
"We. I'm the king of days off. I practically invented lounging around and doing nothing."
"I actually was going to eat breakfast in bed and then snuggle back into my covers and either watch a movie or take a nap."
"Mmmmm. Sounds good. I'll join you."
"What? You're crazy."
"No, seriously. You don't know how to goof off properly. You need instruction."
Considering that it might be more fun to do nothing with someone, I ceded to the king. "Fine. What are we going to do?"
"Nothing, of course, we've already established that." He tsked, wagging his finger at me. "You obviously need a lot of help with this. It's a good thing I'm here." Laughter danced in his eyes. "But we have to have the correct movie playlist to do nothing properly. I can run back home and get the appropriate DVDs for this endeavor."
"No need." I gestured to my fancy seventy-five inch TV. "Whatever you want, I can order it."
He froze, eyes glazing over. His grin spread until it took over his whole face. "Anything?"
"Anything," I giggled.
"I'm never leaving," he sighed, stretching on the couch like a house cat.
"Kyra might get upset."
"She can join us."
That made me laugh harder. "I don't swing that way, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't either."
"Not like that. Dude." Daniel wrinkled his nose. "You are my friend."
"Good. You are like my little brother, except a little less annoying than my actual little brothers and I still speak to you."
"One day I'll get your whole story."
"Not today," I quipped, enjoying our banter.
"Fine. That would interfere with our doing nothing." The doorbell rang, and this time it really was room service.
"Let the relaxing begin," he announced.
Daniel left after we binge-watched hours of Buffy. We made it through season one, and halfway through the second before he'd had to leave. I'd missed out on the craze, since I didn't have cable growing up.
I'd enjoyed it, finding all the vampire mythology and cheesy effects amusing. But I felt sad for Buffy. The poor girl would never have a normal life, a normal relationship, because of what she was. And when she did fall in love, he turned into a monster.
The moment the morose thoughts fought to find a toehold I shoved them away. I refused to do anything except enjoy my down time.
Daniel was right, he was great at relaxing and doing nothing. We stuffed ourselves with chocolate and potato chips. We nibbled through several pints of ice cream, taste testing new flavors that I'd had delivered. I didn't even want to count the extra sessions I'd need at the gym to make up for it. True to his word, I'd had a fun, relaxing day and I never set foot outside my condo.
It was spectacular. No thoughts of looming deadlines, no court cases hanging over my head. No worries about what I was supposed to be doing, who I was meeting with. Nada.
I enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. Tomorrow was coming fast and all my worries were waiting for me just over that summit. But for now, for the rest of the night, I was going to push them aside and worry about nothing. I'd enjoy the moment.
I was trying to decide how to fill the last few hours of my time when Alejandro called.
"I'm having a day off. As long as we can strictly talk about non-stressful, non-work related things then you are welcome over. If not, can it please wait until tomorrow?"
"I can do that, my dear." His voice was a caress through the phone. The remainder of my evening looked up.
Using his key, Alejandro let himself in. "Indulging today are we?"
My freshly painted toes peeked out from my slippers. I was still in my pajamas, stretched out on the couch. "Everyone deserves a day off once in a while."
"Indeed." His eyes roved over my long legs, left exposed by my silk robe. "I have fed well this evening, but I have other appetites which need sated." He growled playfully and lunged for me. I giggled as I feigned an attempt to escape. Alejandro was in an unusually light mood, a rare gem, so I went with it.
He tickled me until I had tears streaming down my face, but I managed to get in a few good assaults too. Who would have thought a vampire would be ticklish on his stomach? The tickling and laughter didn't last long. It soon moved to soft touches and gentle caresses. Before I knew it, we were naked and rolling around on the floor.
Afterward, we lay on my living room rug squeezed between my couch and the glass coffee table. It was a tight space, but neither of us had the energy to move. Sprawled on top of him, I dragged the soft throw from the couch over us. The cooling sweat was making me shiver. Without added body heat to keep me warm, I was rapidly getting chilled. I listened to the absence of his heartbeat, an absence that had taken some time to get used to. As the years passed, it didn't seem as odd. I dropped a kiss on the middle of his chest. The springy hair tickled my nose, and another laugh escaped.
"I don't think I've ever laughed as much in my several centuries." He toyed with strands of my long red hair, coiling them around his finger. "You bring out the human in me, my dear. You make me remember things that I've forgotten." Brown eyes met mine, wide with surprise. He lifted his head, bringing his mouth to mine in a soft kiss. "Thank you," he whispered against my lips. The words were heavy and t
hick, weighted with meaning.
Our tongues met in a gentle caress. My heart fluttered, and a lump rose in my throat choking off any response. Tears gathered in my eyes. I wanted to weep for everything that he'd lost by becoming a vampire, but I refused to let a single tear escape. Without his cursed immortality we never would have met.
I could feel his body stirring again, and mine answered. It ached for his touch. This time our lovemaking was slow, gentle. Without words or hurry, our hands moved over each other, our bodies communicating what we needed. He may not have said he loved me, may not have spoken the words, but his body told me over and over how he felt. I found it in each kiss, each gentle caress. My body sang with it before it shattered into a million pieces.
He had lost so much. Maybe bit by bit I could bring some of it back to him.
Maybe loving him was enough.
I woke with his legs entwined with mine. One arm was wrapped around my waist keeping me close. Our schedules were so busy, it was a rare gift that he was able to spend the entire night.
Light streamed through the lightly tinted windows. The lucrative UV blocking polymer that one of his legal subsidiaries manufactured kept the dangerous rays out, while allowing even the youngest vampire to enjoy the sunlight. It was still jarring to the older vampires who were used to centuries of avoiding the light.
"My day of rest is over," I mumbled into his chest as my fingers toyed with his dark hairs. "Unfortunately, I have to go to work." Making no move to escape his embrace I continued to lie sprawled on his chest.
"Take the morning off. I'll spend it in bed with you."
"While that is very," I leered at his very naked, obviously aroused body, "very tempting … You may control a lot of things in this town, but you can't get me out of court today."
"I'll take you up on that challenge." His eyes glinted with humor as he reached for the phone beside the bed. I grabbed his arm, pulling it back around me.
"No, don't. Despite how tempting that is, I don't want this case to last a second longer than it has to. If it's delayed today, it'll just drag on." Sighing heavily, I snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms tighter around me.
Deceived (Burned Book 2) Page 8