Deceived (Burned Book 2)

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Deceived (Burned Book 2) Page 11

by Parkins, J. Nichole

  The final thought caused a shudder to rack my body. I forced my racing thoughts to slow.

  "Pardon my childish display. I am upset."

  I rose slowly from where I'd knelt to retrieve my phone. It was undamaged. The screen unmarred.

  He slid his arms around me. The movement was gentle, almost a caress. Kissing the top of my head he continued, "It's Kyra. She is a constant source of irritation."

  "Why don't you sit while I order dinner? Then you can talk to me while we wait." I guided him to the couch. "Anything for you?"

  As he sank into the comfortable cushions he exhaled heavily. His legs stretched out before him and his eyes swung to mine. "I'll take a bottle. A positive."

  After ordering, I set my phone on the charger and returned to the couch.

  Standing behind him, I smoothed my hands along the smooth skin of his neck. I could feel the knots in the bunched muscles. I rubbed, adding pressure on his shoulders, kneading a difficult knot with force. His groan reverberated through his body and up my arms as he relaxed under my ministrations.

  "I don't understand why she is so difficult. It's not like I didn't provide a warning for everyone to vacate the building."

  I shouldn't have been so shocked by his blatant disregard for their lives. I knew what he did. I'd been witness to more than I'd care to admit. Unease worked its way through me, chilling my blood, but I never paused in soothing the muscles along his back.

  "I'm sorry you are dealing with so much stress," I murmured, pacifying him.

  "I don't know what she's so bloody upset about anyway." He moaned as I dug my knuckles into a particularly difficult ball of tissue. "Yeah, right there. Perfect." He continued thoughtlessly, "It's just a bunch of humans. It's not like there aren't billions running around the planet like a virus."

  I gathered my reserves and managed to smother any reaction. My heart rate stayed steady—other than an initial jump—my breathing never changed. But inside I was shaking. I did not remind him that I was just another human.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sucking in a frantic breath, I shot up in bed and flung the sheets from my sweat-drenched body. My tangled damp curls stuck to my skin.

  I sat, dragging air into my lungs. The dream fell away piece by piece but the feeling of doom remained embedded.

  I had to tell him. The weight of the information was eating away at me, stealing my sleep. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. But the question was… could I live with myself if I did?

  "Arabella." Alejandro's furrowed brow and sharp eyes invaded my vision.

  "What? Huh?" I stumbled over my words.

  Alejandro's sigh was exasperated. "I had to call your name three times. What is going on with you?"

  "I'm sorry. I haven't been sleeping well."

  "I can see that."

  I'm sure he could. The only thing keeping me from resembling an extra from Night of the Living Dead was a ton of concealer and pressed powder.

  I'd had nightmares off and on for years, but nothing as horrible as of late. Ever since I spotted Kyra in the alley, an overhanging sense of doom seemed to follow me. It invaded my dreams, warping them into some unremembered mishmash.

  I filled my lungs, steeling myself.

  "Alejandro," I started. I had to clear my throat. It felt clogged, like the words themselves had gotten stuck. His chocolate eyes pulled me in as they met mine, concern growing as he noticed my unease. "I know you have members of the House in the police force and various government agencies." All emotion fell from his face. His nod was stiff, a quick jerk of acknowledgment. "I don't want to know specifics."

  His body relaxed a fraction. Anyone who knew him less wouldn't have noticed.

  "Is Kyra one?"

  His gaze sharpened. Zeroed in with honed precision. "One what?"

  "Is she in the police or a government agency?"

  "She is a private eye. Why do you ask?" he barked. "What have you seen?"

  "I saw her downtown the other day … at a crime scene." I dissected each movement, each nuance of his body language, trying and failing to read him, to understand what was going on in his head.

  "She was talking to the police," I continued, knowing I couldn't stop now. "There was a body under a white canvas."

  The silence was deafening. My heart pounded in my chest, the beat loud in my ears. His eyes darkened. Malice gleamed in their depths as he turned and stalked out of the room.

  What had I done?


  "Arabella." Alejandro stopped in front of my desk. I hadn't seen much of him in days, much of anyone really. I'd been buried up to my elbows in discovery disputes and motions. These assholes were trying to drown me in paper. I had two additional boxes next to my desk that were taunting me.

  "Yes?" I forced false cheer in my voice, not wanting to show the irritation that his interruption actually made me feel.

  He leaned forward, resting both palms on the desktop. My heart sped at his nearness, all trace of my annoyance fled. I licked my lips, my thoughts drifting quickly to a nice way to make use of this interruption.

  I was doused in cold water with his next words.

  "You were correct to bring what you saw to my attention."

  My eyes widened. I was going to kill that bitch.

  "Kyra is a PI, but she's got a nice side business helping the feds. Her so-called partner," he sneered the word, "is in the FBI."

  My brows lowered. "Are they investigating us?"

  "Yes and no."

  I rolled my eyes at his vagueness.

  "That is so crass. Don't roll your eyes," he snapped.

  "Sorry." Heat rose from my chest, blossoming on my neck and face.

  "She was investigating a serial murder. Liam and Vera?"

  I nodded, a chill racked my spine. They were a creepy pair of shifters. Their pale ice blue eyes seemed to pierce into your soul.

  "They are both missing."


  "Yes." He rose and paced in front of my desk. "She is a traitor."

  If my heart could freeze in fear, it wouldn't have hurt more. Alejandro ranted on about how Kyra entered our House, our Family, under false pretenses. How she tainted our ceremony and our sacred oath.

  But all I could focus on was the word traitor. He had spit out the word like it was something vile.

  I didn't care about whether she lived or died. She chose her path. But Daniel had vouched for her.

  It was a death sentence.

  My attention sharpened, my focus zeroed in on Alejandro's words. Desperate to find any way to save my friend.

  "Such a waste. A disappointment really." I watched his red lips move, the words tumbling as he paced. The physical evidence of his agitation an uncommon sight. "She's such a rare find. It pains me to even consider disposing of her."

  I pressed my lips as jealousy reared its ugly head.

  "I'm not sure if I'll ever see another Nahual. They are so volatile they usually—"

  Frustrated, he stopped. But I filed what I did hear away. I'd have to research it later, make use of the information.

  "Maybe she has a good explanation."

  "Don't be stupid, Arabella," he sneered. His words threw me back decades.

  Don't be stupid, Arabella. My mom's voice rang in my head. Her cruel words were peppered with pops from the wooden spoon she kept nearby. You'll never amount to anything. Good-for-nothing selfish brat. You never think of anyone but yourself. Whack! Now go! Make something edible for dinner. And don't fuck it up or it'll come out of your hide.

  Alejandro huffed in frustration. The uncharacteristic sound dragged me back to the present. "I'll have to act quickly. She is truly too dangerous; I can't risk her working in opposition to me."

  Shaken, I was grateful I was already sitting. My legs would have given out otherwise. I hadn't thought of my mother in years. She died while I was in law school. I didn't even know about the funeral until months later. My siblings had honored her demand that I never be contacted aga

  I clenched my hands together to hide their trembling.

  How could I have done this to Daniel?

  "Arabella." My eyes shot to Alejandro when he snapped my name. His face was stone, resolute. "Call Daniel. Have him meet us in my office. Now."


  Life can change between one blink and the next; the indrawn breath bringing life, the exhale ending it.

  My eyes darted to the sliding doors. The ding of the elevator signaled Daniel's arrival. I steeled my spine, my outward appearance not revealing my inner turmoil. My stomach flipped with every footstep as my friend came closer.

  "Hey, Ari." Blissfully unaware of my deceit, his easy smile widened.

  "Daniel." I greeted him. The single word, cold and empty, made his smile slip. The encroaching worry dimmed the light in his eyes.

  "Bad day?" he choked out, knowing there was more to my frigid attitude than just a bad day.

  The tension in the air grew, stretched like an overfilled balloon.

  My heart sped. I struggled to keep my breathing calm.

  "You might say that." I couldn't look him in the eyes any longer. Regret squeezed my chest in a vice-like grip. Each breath pulled painfully into lungs that were jagged with glass.

  I turned and led the way to Alejandro's office. Each footstep one closer to his possible demise.

  "Daniel. I appreciate how you did not make me wait long." Alejandro's slick voice wrapped around us, almost friendly. Cheerful even. It attempted to lull us into complacency.

  But Daniel and I knew better—this was Alejandro at his most dangerous.

  "Your girlfriend is off, traipsing around in the country with her other lovers." He shuddered. "I never could abide the slowness, dust, and emptiness. Urbanity is so much more civilized."

  He turned to the windows to gaze at the view spread before him, surveying his kingdom. The light sparkled off the waters of the bay, beautiful and ethereal.

  I forced myself to stay relaxed. My heart rate stayed slow and steady like it was any other day on the job. I gripped my trembling hands together behind my back.

  Despite everything, I still hoped I was wrong. Hoped that everything would turn out okay for Daniel. Tension seized the muscles in my back, the ache reminding me I was fooling myself.

  Daniel sat stiffly on the couch after Alejandro gestured. His formal posture was in stark contrast to his usual submersion into the plush cushions. Cerulean eyes watched the vampire's movements with a heavy gaze.

  Faster than either of us could follow, than any human could track, Alejandro sped to his desk. He appeared calm as he shuffled papers on the desktop. Neither of us was fooled. Alejandro only threw out the vamp tricks when he was furious.

  "Daniel." The vampire's fierce attention shifted focus to my friend. "I have some questions to ask you. And you know better than to lie to me as I will know. Right, Arabella?"

  "Yes." My voice was calm and clear. "Of course." There was no evidence of my worry or agitation as I stood calmly waiting for the interrogation.

  "You've been with us for many years."

  "Yes, sir."

  "And you've been very loyal. In fact, there have been no issues with your behavior in all your time with the House. Only glowing reports."


  "We've discussed this habit of you thanking others. It could be a dangerous habit."

  "Yes, sir. I appreciate your words."

  "That is better." Alejandro's heavy sigh weighed down the air in the room. "Kyra."

  Daniel's eyes sharpened at the rapid change in topic.

  "What exactly are your feelings concerning her?"

  "I love her, sir."

  Alejandro's brows rose at Daniel's easy admission. "Touching." The vampire steepled his hands, his long fingers flexing. "You've known her for such a short period of time."

  "Yes, I have." His lips quirked up and his eyes softened. "Sometimes you meet someone and they fill all your empty places and make you whole." His shrug was gentle.

  "Have your loyalties changed?"

  Surprise widened his eyes. "I am loyal to you and the House, as always."

  "But you claim to love Kyra."

  "Can't I do both?" Daniel's voice rose, but he struggled to control it. "Kyra is in the House. I've done nothing wrong."

  Tears misted my vision, but I refused to let them fall. He was right, he hadn't done a thing wrong. Nothing except fall in love with that traitorous bitch. My hands balled into fists at my sides. My nails dug into my palms. The pain kept my focus sharp.

  "What do you know of Kyra's other lovers?" The change of subject was crafted to confuse Daniel. He ran his hand through his loose mohawk.

  "Gavin grew up with Kyra in the Midwest." He frowned in concentration, trying to figure out what Alejandro was really asking him. "He's a cat shifter." He shrugged.

  Alejandro let the silence continue. He waited, flexing his steepled fingers in a rhythm that was slow enough to grate on my nerves. When the silence stretched on, Alejandro prompted him, the irritation heavy in his tone, "And what of Spencer?"

  "Spencer?" Daniel's brow furrowed. "Well, he's her partner in her PI business. They aren't lovers, just friends."

  "Technicalities." Alejandro's voice was ice cold. I was surprised frost didn't form on the windows. "And what else do you know of Spencer, Daniel?"

  Daniel's eyes flashed and widened.

  I stifled a gasp. Did he know? Betrayal sliced open my heart.

  "He is a grounder. He helps Kyra control and manage her powers." He tapped his foot, uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. "He's a pretty nice guy. Always trying to keep the peace between Gavin—who can be rather hot-headed—and," he snorted, "everyone else."

  "Is there anything about him I should know?"

  "No, sir." The first lie blossomed on his skin at his elbow, red and transparent. Almost like a smear of blood left behind, forgotten and dried.

  I hesitated.

  One second.


  My loyalties tore me in half. For the first time since joining the House I wanted to let a lie slide by.

  On one side was my best friend, my confidant. The one person in the world that could always make me laugh at myself, who made the world less miserable by his presence alone.

  On the other, the man I loved. The one person who knew me, who understood how terrible having the power to truly see through other's duplicity really was.

  My lover or my friend. By choosing one, I'd destroy what I had with the other.

  The ache from Daniel's betrayal was an open sore in my chest.

  I nodded. One quick jerk of my head. One so brief I prayed to a God I no longer believed in that Alejandro hadn't seen it.

  But he did. His eyes narrowed to slits. The vampire leaned forward, shifting his weight to his palms which were planted firmly on the desk in front of him.

  My shallow breaths struggled through my tight throat. I willed Daniel to tell only truths. And prayed those truths would not get him killed.

  "You dare lie to me, boy?" Alejandro snarled. His face contorted, rage tightening his features. "What makes you think that you have the right? That you'd get away with lying to me? After all I've done for you!"

  His bellow rang in my ears, it was everything I could do not to cover them. I couldn't disguise my disquiet. My heart beat with a rapid staccato that echoed in my ears, loud enough I was sure Alejandro heard it. My lungs spasmed as if I'd just run miles.

  Daniel swallowed thickly. His wide eyes, filled with sorrow, met mine. Understanding spread across his face as he realized my power lie in the truth, in discovering lies. The betrayal that flashed in their depths shot through my heart. The pain ripping it to shreds. My mind scrambled, racing for something, anything that could help him.

  "Sir," I hesitated when his piercing gaze swung to me. The anger that boiled under the surface was hot enough to burn. "Can you be very clear and precise with your questions? I'm not sure which question to follo

  Alejandro's eyes sparked with anger at my correction. In his anger, his rapid-fire questions were vague. It was difficult to determine which led to a lie and which led to the truth. Maybe if I could figure out what he was lying about I could steer this interrogation so that Daniel could walk away. Alive.

  I stared at him, hard, willing him to understand. To work with me.

  His eyes sought mine. Met. Held.

  A lifetime passed in that moment. A lifetime filled with pints of Ben & Jerry's, goofing around while watching movies, and telling truths while curled up under blankets.

  "Did you know Spencer was with the FBI?"

  The question jerked us both back to the present.

  Somewhere in the distance a clock ticked. The sound abnormally loud in the stillness of the room.

  Daniel drew in a deep, shuttering breath and closed his eyes. On the exhale they opened, clear and determined. They jerked to mine, forgiveness in their depths.

  He nodded. A subtle jerk of his head that was meant for me. He was giving me absolution.

  I wanted to scream. To yell. To beg him to fight. But instead I did nothing. There was nothing to do and he knew it. His acceptance gave him confidence. He knew this would be the end, but he didn't want to risk bringing me down with him.

  "Answer in words!" Alejandro misinterpreted Daniel's nod as answering his question.

  "Yes. But only recently."

  "And yet you said nothing."

  "No, sir. I did not."

  "Did you know Kyra was involved with the FBI?"

  "I learned both at the same time. By accident."

  "And. You. Said. Nothing."

  The bobbing of Daniel's throat as he swallowed was prominent. "No, sir."

  Alejandro said nothing. His fists opened and closed at his sides, breath lurching.

  Daniel wasn't going to lie. He realized that I might be tempted to cover for him, risking my own life in the process.

  The silence stretched between us, punctuated by our sharp breaths.

  Alejandro's anger floated through the room, settling as the vampire broke the quiet. His voice clear and even, featureless. As if he'd never been upset.


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