Her eyes widened, something flashed in their depths. It was quick, but I knew it wasn't my imagination.
"Any idea what he was talking about?" I asked.
"No. No idea at all." Her eyes never left mine, never wavered. But after so many years of dealing with lies I knew one when I saw one. Only …
My pulse pounded in my ears, the sound deafening. I struggled to keep my panic at bay as I raked her skin with my eyes.
Nothing. Her skin stayed unmarred and smooth, a blank canvas.
Kyra had just lied to me. But it hadn't shown on her skin.
Coming Soon
Look for the next book in the Burned series—
Fiona isn't an ordinary recluse. Isolated after a mental breakdown, she is forced to return to the very world that almost destroyed her.
With the help of some unlikely allies, she is slowly learning to live again—to enjoy life, not just exist in it.
But after a night out goes horribly wrong, she discovers that she has a hand in it's very destruction.
How do you hide when your secrets are exposed?
For more information on Exposed visit:
Also Available
Also available from J. Nichole Parkins:
Burned Series
Burned (Book One)
Deceived (Book Two)
Granted (short story spin-off included in Ancient Enemies Anthology) - coming soon!
Thrill of the Hunt: A Collection of Suspenseful Tales
Beautiful Escape 2
For more information and to receive updates on new releases, visit http://jnicholeparkins.wordpress.com.
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While writing can be a very solitary, almost lonely undertaking, publishing is far from it. Without the support, advice, and handholding from a variety of people, I would have never have hit publish.
First of all, I'd like to thank my family for the encouragement and support. Thank you for tolerating my long hours, my frequent absences and the late nights. Thank you for jumping in when I needed help balancing the real world with my fictional one and for keeping me well-stocked with caffeine.
Thank you to my friends who helped spread the word—sharing my posts on Facebook, being first or second readers, spotting errors, listening to me whine, and reminding me that I could do this! This list is nowhere near complete but for starters - Jasmine, Ciera C., Ciera L., Heather, Melissa, Craig, Frank, Jean, Dottie, Jen W., and Jenn H. Mwah! You are all awesome!
Thank you fellow Sprinters for the million sprints, word prompts, and tips, especially Anie, Lucy, Kate, and Rene. You don't know how much your feedback and encouragement has helped!
The bloggers, reviewers, and Facebook groups that shared my posts and teasers, and who cheered me on - thank you! There are so many wonderful blogs, groups, and readers, that have helped throughout this latest journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you to Jennifer Tovar of Gypsyheart Editing for your keen eyes and continuity catches from Burned. And to Daniela Prima of Prima Editing & Proofreading for taking a chance on a new genre.
I'd also like to thank the fabulous indie authors I've met this last year, whose invaluable advice has made a huge difference in my life. The indie community is filled with amazing and generous people. Thank you for everything.
And thank you. Yes YOU, for reading my book. I know there are thousands to chose from, thank you for taking a chance on mine.
About the Author
J. Nichole Parkins writes Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Horror, and New Adult. She is currently working on Divided, the fourth book in the Burned series. Wife, mother of three, and constant daydreamer, she is never without a story floating around in her head or a book or two in her purse. A Florida transplant, she can often be found writing poolside with a cup of Chai or reading her Kindle way after bedtime.
Visit her on the sites below - especially Facebook - because she's there WAY too often. Feel free to friend her, she doesn't bite.
Click here for the Deceived playlist on Spotify.
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Deceived (Burned Book 2) Page 24