Romancing the Wine: A Boxed Set of 9 Newest Novellas from Award-Winning Authors

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Romancing the Wine: A Boxed Set of 9 Newest Novellas from Award-Winning Authors Page 25

by Jan Moran

  Rushing through the apartment, he lit all the candles he’d placed in strategic spots to create a romantic mood. With his manhood already acting out, he went to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face.

  Knowing her tastes in music, he turned on the CD player and filled the background with jazz. Getting ready for the evening sent shivers through his body. Chill man, before you do something stupid. He fluffed the throw pillows on the sofa. She’s my life-long princess. The pain he caused her must have been excruciating. He would make sure he treated her as such so she would understand he never stopped loving her. The fact she already loved Olivia encouraged him. He straightened the collar of his polo shirt and went into the kitchen to open the bottle of champagne he had cooling in the ice bucket and brought it in the gathering room.

  The coffee table, sprinkled with serving dishes filled with finger foods made his mouth water. He placed the crystal flutes near the crystal dishes of hors d’oeuvres with linen napkins his mother loaned him for the occasion. Satisfied with the look of the place, he paced the room in anticipation of her arrival. Waiting was not one of his better qualities. He stepped close to the coffee table and fussed with the champagne bottle, turning it to make sure it chilled evenly.

  This is it. It either works or doesn’t between us. Understanding where he stood was crucial. Otherwise, for the sake of Olivia, he would have to cut all ties—he had to think of his little girl first. He ran his fingers through his hair.

  The doorbell rang. He froze. Cold sweat trickled down his back, and his stomach twisted into a knot. Opening the door, he smiled, forcing himself to hide his nerves.

  Alicia looked beautiful in jean shorts, an oversized cream blouse draped over her shoulder, and flats. Always trendy.

  He leaned over and pecked her soft lips. She ran her fingertips down his cheek, sending shivers down his spine, the only woman who could discombobulate him. “Come in and make yourself comfortable.”

  “Wow! You went all out,” she said staring at the spread.

  “I know what you like.” He plunged his hands into his pockets to ensure she didn’t see them shake.

  Sauntering to the sofa, she took her shoes off and curled against the corner. “You are very lucky to have your mother.”

  He focused his gaze on her face. “What do you mean?”

  Alicia shook her head, but then seemed to rethink, and sitting straighter she said, “Your mom and I met yesterday for brunch—”

  Why is Mom meddling in my life? “You did?” He sat at the edge of the sofa. “Do tell.”

  “Not much to say except she loves you very much and has Olivia and your best interests in mind.”

  “But what was the reason for your brunch?” He knew his mother all too well, and she never did anything without a purpose in mind.

  She shook her head smiling. “She just told me a few things about you, understanding they would help me see who you really are.”

  “I see.” I knew it!

  She laughed, stood, and walked out on the deck. “Mothers will always step in when they believe they can shed light on a particular circumstance.”

  He moved closer, his side brushing against hers. She inhaled. “Alicia, let me be straight. I’ve admitted my mistake. I’ve told you how much I love you. I need to know—”

  “You always have been blunt….” She took his hand in hers. “I’ve tried so hard to hate you, instead, I’ve forgiven you, but won’t forget. I’ll try not to fault you for deciding I shouldn’t be involved with a man who has a child. It can be a tricky situation.”

  Seeing the twinkle in her eyes, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her lips. “Only God knows how much I love you and how sorry I am for making the wrong decision. I believed you’d be better off with a young man who had no children.”

  He trailed his lips down the side of her face to her neck, soft and warm. When she dug her fingers into his hair at the base of his head, massaging his pressure points, he moaned. Pulling her against his chest, he ran his tongue across her lips and they parted, gaining him access. She gasped as he moved light fingers under her blouse, trailing up and down her spine. As she pushed against him, he cradled her in his arms.

  “I’ve never stopped loving you,” Vincenzo whispered in her ear then nibbled on her lobe. The pearl stud added a nuance he didn’t remember. The days they made out in college seemed too far away.

  He walked her back in the apartment and eased her on the couch. He lay next to her and with feathery fingers, swept across her belly. She moaned.

  His cock rubbed against his zipper. She had to feel it.

  “Please stop. We’re going too fast,” she said, breathless.

  He sat up and helped her to an upright position. Shaking his head he mumbled, “Sorry.” He filled the flutes with the chilled champagne and offered Alicia one. She took it with a gracious nod. Her eyes still clouded with emotions.

  He raised his glass. “To us.”

  “To us.”

  The chime of crystal vibrated and they sipped.

  Picking up a stuffed mushroom, he gently placed it in her mouth then traced her lips with his finger. The half smile appearing on her face encouraged him, and Vincenzo picked up a cubed pineapple bit wrapped in ham and moved it to her lips. She bit half and, with semi-closed eyes, leaned her head on a decorative pillow, her tongue slowly wiping juices from her lips. With a lazy movement of her arm, she reached for a mushroom and, with the smooth rounded dome, traced his lips before letting him eat it. She then dabbed them clean with a kiss, sucking on his bottom lip.

  “You are deliciously sexy.” His breath bounced off her face.

  “You taught me well.” Her throaty voice encouraged him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, digging her fingers into his hair.

  With the tip of his tongue, he traced from her ear to the hollow on her throat. Her breathing quickened.

  Slipping his hand under her blouse, he outlined her shoulder blade before sliding down her spine. With his index inside the edge of her jeans, he traced the contours of her hips, extracting another moan.

  She pulled at him.

  Reaching for the bra, he unhooked it. Damn! This is going to fast! The soft feel of her breasts, the hardness of her nipples extracted a moan of need from deep within her throat. Trying to keep his emotions under control, he pulled her top over her head, throwing it on the carpet. You need to pleasure her. With her torso naked, he lowered his lips to her chest and circled her nipple with his tongue. With him on the edge, he knew he needed to slow down or it would be all over before she could enjoy it.

  Alicia inhaled. Her body shivered under his touch. She clawed at his polo, pulling it over his head and then drew circles on his chest with her palms.

  Closing the gap between them, the heat radiating from her body spread over his chest. Vincenzo stifled a moan. As she lay on the couch, he straddled her body, running his hands down her sides. Dilated pupils filled with desire stared at him. At her waist, he pushed his fingers inside the jeans, feeling her wetness. Unable to wait any longer, he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, pushing the door shut with his foot.

  Chapter 27


  On the bed, Vincenzo straddled her, cupping both her breasts in his warm hands. She closed her eyes to calm her heart. Feather-like fingertips circled the contour of her chest, tracing every rib. The soft touch moved down her sides. He swung his leg over and, leaning, nibbled the tender side of her thigh where she was the most sensitive. She savored the shudder traveling through her body. Her eyes popped open when his finger moved into her. Her hips lifted in response.

  “I don’t remember you always being so ready for me.” His husky voice sounded so sexy. “Makes me love you more.”

  She reached for him and could only grab a fistful of his hair. Their gazes met.


  He shook his head and trailed his tongue from the hollow on her neck down to her missing mound. “I see you’ve kept up.” He
traced with his fingers until he found her sensitive spot. She moaned.


  He covered her with his body, his lips close to her ear. “Slow,” he said. “I want us to come together.”

  “We were never able to come together before. What makes you think we can do it now?”

  “Because I’m going to be on top this time.”

  With a slow deliberate move, he penetrated her, lowering his body on hers, but still holding his weight with his arms.


  The fog cleared. The dream funneled into darkness. Life with Vincenzo faded in the distance. Alicia couldn’t grab the details and draw them into her consciousness, although the peaceful feelings remained, surrounding her heart. Feeling Vincenzo’s arms around her and snuggling in them, she tried to fall back to sleep. The darkness enveloping the room should have helped, yet she was still awake, listening to his steady breathing. His body kept her warm as the ceiling fan spun at high speeds filling the room with chilly air. Pushing her back against his belly, she relaxed, counting her blessings.

  Although she didn’t have faith in her premonitions, she did with regards to her granddad. He always seemed to understand people, their deep emotions, and true value. If he liked Vincenzo so much, then Vincenzo had to be good. Would she love Olivia as much as her own? Yes, yes. Yet, sometimes she resented the child’s mother. Stop! Oli brings so much joy. She bounced around trying to find a comfortable position. I hope I never see her mother. What would she do if she ever came face-to-face with the woman?

  Stop it! Go back to sleep. Snuggling closer to Vincenzo, she forced her mind to a lone beach and, staring out into a blood-red sunrise, allowed sleep to creep into her mind.

  The bright light kept her from opening her eyes. She scooted to the other side of the bed to find it empty. She yawned and stretched. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee snaked into her nostrils, forcing her to wake. One more stretch and Alicia jumped out of bed. In Vincenzo’s closet, she found a robe and slipped it on, tying it at her waist. What would this new day bring? She’d forgotten the wonderful feeling of waking next to him. As she stepped out of the closet, he entered the room carrying a breakfast tray filled with Belgian waffles, pancakes, whipped cream, fresh strawberries, and blackberries.

  “Care for some breakfast?”

  “Is that what we’re doing?” In the past, he’d never brought breakfast in bed. Who was this new and improved person? Bouncing on the mattress, she said, “It would be wonderful.”

  “I figured it would be nice for talking.” He placed the tray in the middle after smoothing the sheets. “Let me go get the espresso.”

  “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?” she yelled after him.

  “Tried my best,” he said, placing the two demitasses on the night table. “Come on, let’s get back under the covers. By the way, you look stunning in the robe.” He laughed.

  “It’s a size or two too big, but it’ll do.” She wiggled under the covers, doing her best not to disturb the tray filled with food. “I love lazy Saturday mornings.” She poured maple syrup on one of the waffles and then scooped some whipped cream onto it. Sticking her finger in it, she brought some to her mouth. “Mmmmm! Tastes freshly made!”

  “Yes, I whipped it this morning. I hope I didn’t make it too sweet.”

  “No, it’s perfect!”

  “I remember you don’t like things to be too sweet except your chocolate.” He chuckled, digging into the pancakes.

  She was the queen of Belgian waffles while he preferred pancakes. “Do you have any special plans for today?” she asked with her mouth stuffed.

  “Oh, come on! No talking with your mouth full.”

  “Are you telling me you don’t like see-food?”

  “You’re bringing the child in you to a whole new dimension.”

  “It happens when around a teen sister and her friends.”

  “That figures. Anyway, we could be lazy this morning and, after lunch, pick up Olivia and go to Maymont Park. She loves going through the Japanese garden.”

  “Sounds like a perfect day.”

  “It will give us an opportunity to get reacquainted a little and then give you a chance to spend more time with Olivia.”

  When he finished his breakfast, he laid on the bed, watching her savor the sinful waffle. She glanced his way. “What’s the smirk for?”

  “Wondering how you stay so thin when you eat more than any guy I know.”

  “Simple, I inherited a great metabolism. I also go exercise three to four times a week. I go rock climbing and hiking whenever possible.”

  “What’s one of your favorite places for hiking?”

  “Humpback Rocks near Charlottesville. Why?”

  “We should take Olivia before you go back to school. I used to hike there a lot when in high school.”

  “I didn’t know you like hiking.”

  “I told you, we need to get to know each other better.”

  “I knew you liked rock climbing, since we did some of it before.” She stuffed her mouth with the last bite.

  Vincenzo grabbed the tray and placed it on the floor. Resting his head on the pillow he said, “You must love your grandfather a great deal. You always light up whenever he enters a room.”

  “What am I, a Christmas tree?”

  He nudged her shoulder. “Family is so important.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. Right now, I need to work on my relationship with Mina. Ever since I went to college, we’ve drifted apart, and I don’t like it.”

  “I understand.” He scooted closer and ran his finger around the contour of her ears, sending quivers down her spine. She closed her eyes, luxuriating in the feeling.

  His lips brushed her lids. “No falling asleep. There’s no time for that.” He kissed the tip of her nose, the hollow on her throat, working his way down, he savored the collar bone on each side then spreading apart the robe, left a burning trail of kisses between her breasts all the way down to her belly button. The light pecking of his lips filled her body with goose bumps.

  Lying next to her, he pulled her in his arms. “I’ll keep you warm.” His husky voice lit flames in her belly, awakening all her senses.

  She snuggled closer, running her fingers down his smooth chest. She loved the fact he had no chest hair. Running the sole of her foot up his smooth leg, she sighed. No hair, just the way she liked it. His lips and warm breath tickled her ear as he bit and pulled on her lobe.

  He rolled on her. “I’m never going to stop making love to you.” He inhaled, closing his eyes. She understood he wanted to make it last. Savoring his touch, she remembered the night before when, for the first time, they climaxed together.

  His fingertips moved down her sides and to her inner thighs. She gasped.

  “I know all your pleasure points,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  When he nibbled on the inside of her thigh, she shivered and moaned. She’d forgotten how wonderful he made her feel while making love.

  He ran his tongue up through the middle of her stomach, between her breasts, up her neck, until he reached her lips. Pulling away, he said, “I love you,” and crushed her lips with his.

  The words alone lit a fire that burned from her core up to her heart.

  Chapter 28


  Sticky, sweaty, and still panting, Vincenzo lay flat on his back, holding a breathless Alicia in his arms. Her head rested on his chest.

  Satisfied with his good fortune, he relaxed, holding his true love close to his heart. The rest of my life….

  Her breathing settled. He glanced down, guessing by her even breaths, she had fallen asleep. He kissed the top of her head and held her tight in his arms. Alicia’s soft body rested against his naked skin. Peaceful and relaxed, he soon dozed off.

  A chill ran through him and he roused, the warmth of Alicia’s body gone. Raising himself on his elbows, he glanced around the empty room, part of her clothes still on the floor. He sighed in
relief. For a moment, he believed she had slipped away.

  After stretching and swinging his legs off the bed, he stood and sauntered into the great room to find Alicia wrapped in his robe, curled on the couch, reading one of his mother’s fashion magazines. Looking up, she sucked in air.

  He laughed. “What? Haven’t you seen me naked before?”

  “You walk around the apartment naked?”

  “Why not, we’re alone aren’t we?”

  “The air conditioning doesn’t bother you?”

  “Not when I have the hots for you.” He sat next to her.

  She rolled her eyes, leaning her head back, exposing her creamy neck. “You’re so corny.”

  His manhood awakened. “You cannot behave this sexy in the middle of the afternoon.”

  She batted her lashes, a grin spreading across her face. “Who’s gonna make me stop?”

  He grabbed her, pulling her in his arms and reaching for her breast. “It’s fine with me. We can do this all day.”

  She wiggled free and stood. “Is that a challenge?”

  She ran for the bedroom. Running after her, he grabbed her before she made it in the room and, picking her up in his arms, swung her around, and threw her on the bed. She laughed. He bounced next to her and leaned his face close to hers. “I can do this all day.” His voice hoarse with emotion, her breathing already accelerated. He loved watching her pupils dilate as excitement filled her.


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