Romancing the Wine: A Boxed Set of 9 Newest Novellas from Award-Winning Authors

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Romancing the Wine: A Boxed Set of 9 Newest Novellas from Award-Winning Authors Page 28

by Jan Moran

  Chapter 2

  Why did you disappear on me? The question had woken her up early and she’d lain in bed wondering what on earth she was going to tell him.

  The need to ensure her brothers were well fed, especially on weekends, had her clamouring out of bed and cooking a hot breakfast for them.

  “Lily?” The sharp tone of her brother’s voice interrupted all thoughts of her tall, handsome Argentinian rescuer.

  “What?” Lily rubbed her eyes.

  “I’ve asked you three times where my cricket gear is. Practice starts soon.” Jake’s brow furrowed.

  Sunday morning, back to reality, and she was pathetically day-dreaming about Diego and the tiny dimple on his left cheek.

  Without access to an etiquette guide of one-night stands, she’d assumed he’d have been happy, or rather relieved, not to face her after their sex-marathon. She’d left that morning after seeing her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Matted hair, average features, and smudged makeup. What a mess! The full-length mirror mocked the red marks across her breasts from the grazing of his unshaven chin and the carpet-burns on her knees and hands.

  Plus, having met his date the previous night, only confirmed she’d made the right decision. He’d taken Sonja to the gala event last night, not her. He wanted to be seen with Sonja, not her.

  She’d wondered for days whether leaving without a bye that morning had been the best decision and now she knew it was.

  She yawned, loudly. She needed more sleep.

  “Thanks for breakfast,” Jake and LJ said in unison, both clearing the plates that had only recently been piled high with poached eggs, sautéed mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, wilted baby spinach, and buttered toast.

  “We saved you a bit.” They chuckled, pointing to a small plate where a lonely poached egg sat on a small bed of spinach with a solitary mushroom to keep it company.

  Like a teen besotted about her favourite singer, she’d spent way too much time, sitting at the table, thinking about Diego. Her brothers had taken advantage of her distraction and polished off all the food. She had no one to blame but herself. She knew how much they ate.

  She pointed an accusing finger at them. “Now that you’ve finished your exams, you boys need to start cooking.”

  “But you’re such a good cook.” LJ’s smile mirrored his compliment.

  She ignored his smile and his compliment.

  Jake grinned. “Maybe we shouldn’t have woken her?”

  “Well you shouldn’t have been kicking a ball in the hall. You’re nineteen, not nine,” Lily said with a frustrated snap of her fingers. “And from next weekend, you need to cook your own breakfast, I’ve taught you.”

  The twins looked and gave each other a cheeky grin. That’s how they’d always been, communicating without words. “But you’re better at it,” Jake said, an obvious attempt at pacifying his sister.

  “How did last night go?” LJ asked, crossing his arms and leaning against a chair. “I bet you were snapped up.”

  Her tummy rolled with disappointment and as much as she wanted to share the truth with her brothers, she just couldn’t tell them of the humiliation and how it was only ended when the guy she been fantasising about had turned up and rescued her. Instead, she said, “I was very nervous but was bought by Diego Sanchez, to sing for his family.”

  LJ gave her a thumbs up sign. “Wow, that’s awesome.”

  “Sanchez? Isn’t he the one that owns the wine bars?” Jake’s brow furrowed, as he looked at his older twin by five minutes.

  Her breath caught in her throat. They knew him? Pretending that Diego’s name had no effect on her, she calmly asked, “What do you know about wine bars?”

  LJ sniggered and punched his twin in the shoulder. “He doesn’t know anything but was trying to impress a girl.”

  “Shut. Up. Idiot.” Jake returned a sharp punch to his brother’s arm.

  Lily’s head became giddy, reliving this scene, like in the movie, Groundhog Day. How many times had she broken them up fighting? Only to have them as best mates a minute later.

  “Boys.” She gave them her sternest look, which they promptly ignored.

  They continued to banter till they stopped and grinned. Jake turned to her. “You were saying?”

  She pretended to be offended with a toss of her hair. “I’m singing on Tuesday night.”

  “That’s great, Lil. You have a beautiful voice,” Jake said. “I think it’s time for us to video you and put it on social media.”


  LJ raised his hand in defiance, annoyed with her excuses. “Stop saying no. You’ve taken the first step on your new career. The next one is to put your singing on social media.”

  Her lungs seized and breathing became difficult. She knew they were right but could she do it? The thought of her out in the public domain both terrified and exhilarated her.

  LJ interrupted her thoughts. “Heaps of artists get exposure by putting themselves out there. You just need to do it. Otherwise how will someone in the music industry hear about you?”

  She shook her head, still unable to believe she had her first public appearance in two days. “I’m not ready.”

  “You’ve been having lessons for years and we hear you sing all the time. You’re ready,” Jake said with a determined grin.

  “I want to travel,” she threw at them.

  They crossed their arms and glared at her. “Seriously?” They rolled their eyes in sync. Twins! Double trouble, even at this age.

  She raised her arms in defeat. “Okay.” She’d run out of excuses. For years she’d used her brothers as an excuse. But now they’d finished high school. The day to go out and realise her dream was here. But what she really needed was a bucket load of confidence. Sadly, it couldn’t be bought at a store.

  “Okay, we’ll try something later on.” She waved her hand in the air, still quite unable to believe she was going to do it.

  The boys high-fived each other. “Finally.”

  She yawned. “But for now, I’m going back to bed. Please clean up.” She pointed to the dishes.

  Was it selfish of her to want to be a single gal with no responsibilities, only be accountable to herself? At nineteen years old when her parents died, she’d taken on the role of being a single mum to her brothers. Now, nine years later, was it wrong for her to wish to travel and be her own person? To make new friends and have some romance?

  Tuesday dawned all too quickly and she’d organised with Deena to finish work early so she could be ready for tonight’s “date” with Diego.

  Her mobile phone propped up in the bathroom, the glorious voice of Ella Fitzgerald sang out from the tiny speaker, calming her anxious nerves in preparation for tonight’s singing performance. She could do this, she reassured herself.

  The loud ring of her mobile phone interrupted Ella’s soothing voice making her heart flutter with the unexpected disturbance.

  A quick look at the caller ID revealed it was Diego. Diego?

  She’d spent the past hour thinking about him and their night together. It’d been a fantasy, an escape from her everyday humdrum. She never expected to see him again…ever.

  And now he was calling her. To cancel? With shaking fingers she answered the phone. “Hi, Diego. Is everything okay?”

  “Lily.” He acknowledged. “I’ve been held up at work and will be a few minutes late. Be ready, I don’t want to be late.” His tinged-sexy-Spanish accent made her insides melt.

  “I’ll be ready. Thanks for letting me know.”

  “See you soon,” he said before disconnecting the call.

  They were not only going out, but also, she was meeting his family and would sing for them. The familiar terror and nerves that had gripped her belly over the past two days came back with a vengeance. He would be here, soon, to pick her up.

  Not only handsome, but he had an assertive, dynamic personality that she found attractive and sexy. He didn’t ask questions. He did what he wanted. Seduced her
. Bid for her.

  She nibbled on her lip wondering what she would say when he asked why she’d left after their night together. He wouldn’t forget to ask. It wasn’t in his nature. What to say? What to say?

  He’d invited her to see his sister, Camilla, perform on Celebrity Dancing tonight.

  “Celebrity Dancing is my favourite TV show. It’s why I went to Camilla’s dance school,” she’d blurted out when he’d invited her.

  But she couldn’t help the anticipation of seeing her favourite show live. Those two hours of TV, watching couples dance and move, had been a regular escape from her everyday humdrum.

  Learning to dance had been a spur of the moment insanity and that decision had had a profound impact on her. It’s how she’d met Diego.

  “After, we’re having supper at Southbank.” He mentioned the name of a restaurant she could only dream of dining at.

  Dusting powder to her nose she sang along with Ella to “Cheek to Cheek”. She and Diego may not have danced like Fred and Ginger but their night together, one month ago, had been special…

  Being one of the few single women attending she’d already felt out of place, a little jealous of the couples moving intimately to the Latin beat.

  But her brother, Jake, had insisted she attend. Attend she had.

  “Apologies but Eduardo is unwell and won’t be here tonight,” Camilla, their teacher, announced.

  Lily groaned. One of the highlights of the class was watching Eduardo and Camilla burn up the dance floor with an incredible display of Argentinian tango.

  “I’ll let Eduardo know he was missed but he should be back for next week’s class. Lucky for us my brother was available to help out tonight. Everyone, please welcome Diego,” Camilla announced, displaying a large smile, before a flurry of hands pointed to the tall man next to her.

  “Hi, Diego,” the attendees chimed in reply.

  Lily would have also greeted Diego if her tongue hadn’t been stuck to the roof of her mouth.

  Being confronted by a six-foot-plus male specimen of such deliciousness had never happened to her. She ogled his long legs encased in black pants and the snug black T-shirt highlighted muscular arms, lightly tanned skin with a smattering of crisp hair. Frozen to the ground, Lily forgot how to speak.

  Lost in a myriad of inappropriate thoughts, Lily had barely registered the music blaring through the speakers and the couples starting to move to the beat.

  Lily’s gaze met Diego’s. He took a step closer to her. Lily felt paralysed from the head down as though she’d been blasted by a giant freezing machine.

  Blood pounded through her veins, blocking out the sound of the Latin music. Not only immobile, but she appeared to be unable to even greet the man. Sinful awareness dripped down her spine.

  “Diego.” Camilla looked up at her brother. “Can you please partner with Lily tonight? Thanks.” And then she was off demonstrating some dance moves to one of the couples.

  Lily looked around. She was the only single woman in attendance.

  “Shall we?” He came toward her and slid his arm around her waist.

  The delicious brush of his hand burned through the cotton of her T-shirt and the sensual, smooth manner of his voice had her insides turning to molten mush. Had he any idea of the effect he was having on her?

  “I’m not very good,” she confessed.

  “But then, that’s why you’re here, isn’t it? To learn to dance?” His deep voice whispered in her ear, reminding her of rich dark chocolate with a hint of something spicy, chilli perhaps?

  Lily smiled. “I can’t seem to get the steps right.”

  “There aren’t specific steps as such. Argentine tango is an informal, improvised dance.” With their close contact she was supremely aware of every defined muscle in his strong arms.

  With every slide of his leg against hers, the cross of their ankles and their knees brushing, it was as though he was virtually transmitting a feel of the music to her.

  She’d found her rhythm and danced with him around the dance floor without falling over or stabbing his toe with her heel.

  He moved closer, his cheek in contact with hers. A heady mixture of soap, something citrusy with a slight tang of male greeted her nostrils. She inhaled deeply.

  She resisted the urge to drive her fingers through his dark hair. It was a tad too long and she longed to feel the thickness of his mane through her fingers.

  “You’re ah, um, a good dancer.” Her stumbling words copied her stumbling feet.

  If he noticed how badly she danced, he didn’t say anything. “I’m enjoying dancing with you, a drink after?”

  Raw need ricocheted through her. Lily nodded. He wanted to see her? Her heart soared.

  As his knee brushed her thigh, she could barely contain the groan that escaped from her lips. The upper parts of their bodies were in such close contact, it was as though their hips and legs were joined. The movement came from their feet and toes.

  Lust stabbed at her belly with fierce determination reminding her she was a woman. Something she had forgotten over the years. When was the last time her libido was on full alert? She couldn’t remember.

  With his expert hands holding her close and the feel of his hips against hers, she realised the dance was more seductive than any lovemaking she could’ve imagined.

  His breath fanned her cheek and the intoxicating waft of his masculinity flooded her senses.

  The sensual rhythm of the music, the heat of his body, the way he said…

  Beep, beep.

  A noisy phone alert, she’d set earlier, tugged her out of daydreams, reminding her she needed to be ready soon. She quickly applied lipstick still unable to let go of that one night of incredible passion. It’d been something to think about every night. Her guilty pleasure. A reward after long days at work and being a “mum” to her siblings.

  But it had also been a defining moment for her. The following day, she’d gone shopping and bought herself lacy undergarments, a vibrator, and fire-red lipstick. Wearing her new bras and panties reminded her of how Diego had made her feel sexy, desirable, and wanton.

  He’d unleashed a side of her she didn’t even know she had. Not only did she love the feel of gorgeous underwear against her skin, but she finally had the confidence to confront her manager. She confessed her ability to sing and insisted she be included in the celebrity auction. Something that would never have happened before.

  She no longer cared that she’d been a one-night stand to him. He could’ve called her to see her again, but he hadn’t.

  Circumstances had brought them together—again.

  A dart of awareness shot through her. Lily knew that if he wanted her back in his bed, she’d go willingly.

  Chapter 3

  At ten minutes after six o’clock, the doorbell rang and Lily’s breaths came in rapid-fire succession as she made her way in stiletto heels to the front door.

  Opening it, her breath became stuck in her throat. In casual gear Diego was smouldering hot but tonight, in his tux, he was downright lethal.

  In his dangerously sexy black suit, which he wore with subtle indifference, he leaned against the doorway, a lazy smile crossing his lips.

  “Hi,” she said, frozen to the carpet.

  “You look lovely.” His lips brushed her cheek.

  A waft of something lemony teased her nostrils and she had an uncharacteristic urge to tug at his tie and press her mouth against his. Instead, she cleared her throat of nerves and said, “Thanks.”

  Her dry tongue was as welcoming as munching sandpaper.

  “We should go.” He took her hand.

  After Lily locked the front door, they made their way to a waiting limousine.

  “It’s hard to park at the studio,” he explained, opening the door for her. “I’ve left my car near the restaurant so I can bring you home after.”

  She sank into the buttery soft leather seating, waiting for him to join her. The car purred and drove through the streets to th
eir destination. “I’m really excited to be attending Celebrity Dancing but especially to see Camilla dance. She’s amazing.” She didn’t bother hiding her enthusiasm. They’d had one night together but tonight was a bonus. An opportunity to showcase her hard work and talent. She could’ve just been invited to sing at dinner, but instead he’d included her at the show and for dinner. His manners were exceptional. She couldn’t lie to herself, she’d be disappointed not to see him again. But if she was honest, they didn’t have much in common…except fiery attraction, a love of vintage movies, and dancing.

  “She is.” He nodded in agreement.

  In the closed confines of the car, the heady combination of his fresh smelling aftershave, minty breath, and alpha maleness was making her hormones go ballistic. She had an inappropriate urge to stroke the smoothness of his freshly shaved jaw before gripping his neck and pulling his head toward hers so she could kiss him.

  To avoid temptation, she stuck her fingers into her beaded clutch and she side-stepped toward the wall, giving her a few centimetres of relief.

  But not for long.

  As they made their way toward the studio, Diego turned toward her. She swallowed a bubble of hysteria praying to “the gods of successful dates” she would not embarrass herself or continue envisaging him naked when he was close by.

  The silence between them was thick and heavy and unable to help herself she started to talk, attempting to fill the void with endless chatter. “I-I…”

  “Yes?” He arched his left eyebrow.

  She reached into the depths of her now depleted strength, ignoring the jitters his husky voice was doing to the butterflies performing a tango in her belly. Deliberately keeping the tone of her voice light and upbeat she said, “Um, how did you come up with the idea for the wine bars? They’re all the rage.”

  “You’re interviewing me?” The tiny dimple appeared on his cheek, smiling at her.

  “Not at all. I was interested.” She inhaled deeply, hoping to steady herself but instead received a lungful of his delicious scent. The Internet had answered some of her questions about the business but she wanted to know more.


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