Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

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Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 2

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “He also plays piano,” Aimee said.

  “And he can sing,” Beth continued, and her older sister glared across me in her direction.

  “Sounds like you are talented.”

  “He is very talented.” Beth emphasized the ‘very’ with an alluring moan that was completely, absolutely, and uncomfortably out of place at a Thanksgiving brunch table that I shared with her parents.

  “Mom, did you hear her?” Aimee sighed, “she is trying to push my buttons.”

  “Stop.” Keiko raised her hand and frowned. “Your father and I do not want to hear any more of this between you two. It is ridiculous and childish. As your father said, we will ask Eric to leave if it happens again.” She turned her eyes to me. “I want to apologize for my girls, Eric. They are excited that you are celebrating with us today.”

  “No problem. Thank you again for inviting me. Aimee told me that you two met through music?” I looked between John and his lovely wife. I hope this change of subject would get the girls to stop picking fights.

  “Yes, indeed.” John laughed a little and then took a sip of mimosa. “We met at school. I knew she played piano, and I was too shy to ask her on a date. Like you, I had been playing guitar for a while. The habit had fallen by the wayside, so I spent a few weeks brushing up on my skills before I asked if she wanted to do a duet.”

  “It’s romantic.” Aimee giggled and drank from her own mimosa. Everyone’s glass was just about empty, and Loretta got up from her plate and poured more orange juice. Then we passed around the bottle of champagne.

  “I was really shy then. I did not even ask her out until we had played together a few times. I even wrote a song for her before we ate dinner.” Then Keiko and John looked at each other, and I saw the love in their eyes.

  “Where did you go to school?” I asked John.

  “Berkeley. We both did biochemistry. During our doctorate study, we came up with the idea for our headlining drug. I had to switch gears to learn more about business so we could secure funding, but we got it figured out. That was about twenty-five years ago. I occasionally pick up my guitars, but I am rather rusty. Keiko still plays piano and sounds just as good as she did in college.”

  “You are so humble, honey.” Keiko smiled at her husband and turned back to me. “We played together last week, and he sounded great. I am looking forward to jamming with you after brunch though.” The word ‘jamming’ sounded completely out-of-place coming from the beautiful and dignified woman, and it made me smile.

  “I’m done then.” Beth set down her fork. “Let’s go listen to some music.” The girl has finished only half her plate.

  “We will get there. Please eat more. You are too skinny,” Keiko said. Beth looked at me with a happy smile and then picked up her fork again.

  Once the girl turned back to her food, I felt a hand on my right leg. The touch surprised me, and I almost jumped out of my chair with a yelp. I glanced out of my right eye at Aimee and saw that she had a little smirk on her lips. She was eating with her right hand, but her left was hanging under the table and massaging above my knee. I doubted anyone else at the table could see what she was doing.

  It still made me nervous though, and I struggled to keep my heart from racing and my face from blushing. Should I push her hand away or leave it alone? What if Beth turned around and noticed her sister’s hand on my leg? I glanced down at my plate and realized that the edge of the table was covering Aimee’s hand. Beth wouldn’t be able to see.

  Did I even want Aimee rubbing my leg? We hadn’t talked about Jack or the future of our relationship. She had taken him to her family charity dinner last week, and I knew Jack still thought that they were together.

  “I heard you had a charity dinner last Friday. How did it go?” I asked.

  “It was excellent. We raised a few hundred thousand dollars for cancer research,” Keiko answered.

  “I didn’t realize I could bring a date or I would have asked you.” Beth smiled at me. Her eyes didn’t drop down to my lap, so I guessed that she didn’t see her sister’s hand there.

  Almost as soon as Beth glanced away, I felt Aimee’s hand squeeze my quad muscle and then rub a few inches up my thigh toward my crotch. My penis began to stand at attention from her slow movement, but my mind was racing uncomfortably.

  “I heard you played in a band that night! Tell us about it,” Aimee asked, and her hand squeezed my leg.

  “It wasn’t a big deal. Their guitar player didn’t show, so I jumped in to help themmmmm.” I slurred the last word and gritted my teeth. Beth’s hand touched my knee on my left leg and squeezed it in the same manner as her sister. “It was pretty fun, and it had been a while since I’d played music with anyone else.” I exhaled slowly and tried to calm my heart. My cock was rock hard and pushing painfully against my jeans. Any second now, either Aimee or Beth could move their hand over and touch the top of my erection through the denim. If they both decided to do it at the same time, the outcome could be disastrous.

  “Was it a show or a party? Did you know the band? How did you learn the songs?” John seemed interested in what I was saying, and he leaned forward a bit in his chair. Fuck, I didn’t want to talk anymore. I needed to get out of here; maybe go to the bathroom so that I could calm my body down.

  “Aimee and I actually saw them play a few weeks ago. One of my friends got us tickets to their show in North Hollywood. They ended up getting a record deal, and that same friend invited me to their private show with the recording company.”

  “Brent is the friend he is talking about Daddy,” Aimee said, and John nodded. I felt Aimee squeeze my leg again, and then her hand crept another inch toward my aching dick.

  “Ahh, he is a nice boy.” Keiko smiled and nodded. “Please continue, Eric.”

  I explained to them what happened last Friday and how I learned the songs. I tried not to make it sound like I was an amazing guitar player, but both John and Keiko were musicians, and they commented several times on how skilled I must have been to pick up the songs that quickly.

  “Rock songs aren’t that hard. They are mostly three or four power chords.” I smiled, and the two of them laughed. Beth’s hand hadn’t moved much from my knee, but the laughter seemed to be a cue to her and she slid her hand along my leg and stopped almost half an inch from my cock.

  Sweat descended my neck, and I moved my arms under the table to push both of the girl’s hands away from me. Aimee’s hand twisted against mine, and her fingers wrapped around my own and squeezed. Beth just ignored my gentle push and moved her hand against my own. Fortunately, I positioned myself against my groin so the girl couldn’t touch me.

  The pace of everyone eating had seemed to slow down, and I realized I could probably escape to the bathroom. It would be a gamble, since anyone that looked at my crotch when I stood would see how aroused I was, but I thought of a quick way to divert attention.

  “I need to use the restroom. Where is the closest one?” I asked the family.

  “Right out the hallway and first door on the left,” Keiko answered. I squeezed Aimee’s hand, and the girl released me from her grip, and then I pushed Beth’s hand urgently, and she let go.

  “Beth, did you paint that. I really love it.” I pointed at the painting that hung on the opposite wall. It was a beautiful jungle tree filled with colorful birds. The image had an alien quality to it and looked like something that would be on the cover of a fantasy novel. The family all turned to look at the painting, and I quickly slid out of my chair while they were all distracted.

  “Yes. A few years ago,” Beth began to speak, but I took a few steps toward the exit and turned my body in the direction of the hallway.

  “Tell me more about it when I return,” I said over my shoulder as I walked. She may have replied, but I didn’t hear her.

  The bathroom was where Keiko promised, and I shut the door behind me with a long sigh. Then I closed my eyes and waited for my dick to calm down. A few minutes passed, and I felt the
tension in my groin begin to ease up a bit, so I opened my eyes. The bathroom was not the one I used the last time I was here, but it was still made mostly of marble, tile, bamboo wood, and expensive gold-colored fixtures. I used the toilet to piss and then washed my hands. My dick was back to rest position, and I thought about what my next steps were.

  It seemed obvious that Aimee and Beth’s parents knew that something was going on between the three of us. They were either choosing to ignore it or kicking the confrontation down the street a bit until they got to know me better. I would have thought that John wouldn’t have wanted me to come today, but who knows what tricks Beth may have played to get him to agree.

  I finished washing my hands in the stone sink and then dried them off on a towel that felt as thick as my bed comforter. Then I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

  Aimee was there, and I felt her hand on my chest a second before the rest of her tight body pushed against mine. Her sudden weight was unexpected, and I fell back into the bathroom, my ass bumping into the stone countertop.

  “I missed you...” Her lips were at my neck and chin. Her hands scratched across the shirt at my chest, and her right leg wrapped around my hip so that she straddled my leg.

  “Aimee!” I dropped my voice to an urgent whisper. “You can’t be in here!”

  “Sure I can. It is my house.” Her head turned up a bit, and her lips pushed into my mouth before I could reply.

  Her tongue was sweet and tasted of mimosa. It felt wonderful, and my own tongue quickly entwined with hers before I could even think of what to do. She moaned in my mouth when she felt me return her kiss, and her hips pushed harder into me. Thoughts of Jack came and quickly went as the intensity of our kiss grew. Finally, we couldn’t take the passionate heat between our mouths, and we broke off the kiss with a gasp.

  “You are such a good kisser,” she panted, and her hands moved to the buttons on my shirt. Her fingers were quick, and she soon had the top two buttons undone.

  “What are you doing?” My hands were cupping her tight ass cheeks, and I slid them up her arched back and then grabbed her wrists.

  “I’m taking off your clothes,” she answered plainly as she leaned into my neck again.

  “We can’t. Not now.” My stomach tightened as her tongue left a warm, wet trail across my throat and chin. Her lips found my earlobe, and she gently bit it.

  “Aimee. Your sister and parents are expecting us.”

  “No, they are cleaning up the dining room. I told them I’d find you, show you some more of the house, and meet them in the music room in fifteen. We have plenty of time.” Her eyelids fluttered, and then she leaned toward my mouth with her lips opened.

  “We haven’t talked about Jack yet.” Her lips met mine, and I found my head spinning. My fingers fell from her arms, and I found myself unconsciously rubbing the sides of her hips.

  “Don’t talk about him now. I’ll take care of it. I already told you.” Her hands moved down from my shirt buttons and slid across the lump of my jeans where my penis was painfully captured.

  “I want this.” She rubbed across my crotch, and her fingers hooked onto my belt.

  “We can’t.” I said the words, but my cock was pleading to be released. My mind was in charge though. It might have been different if Aimee had shown up at my house alone like Beth had, but we couldn’t do what she had in mind right now.

  “Yes we can. Just real quick. Let me suck on you.” She licked her lips hungrily and yanked on my belt. The leather quickly unbuckled at her movements, and she reached for the button of my fly.

  “No. No. No.” I grabbed her hands. “Not now.” She looked up at me, and her eyes narrowed.

  “What is going on with you and Beth?”


  “It doesn’t seem like nothing. She has a crush on you. Do you have feelings for her?”

  “Aimee, your sister is sixteen.”

  “You don’t seem very interested in me right now.” She tilted her head. “She did invite you. Why did she go over to your apartment? You haven’t invited me over. You didn’t even call me back.”

  “I don’t want our first time to be in a bathroom with only fifteen minutes on the clock.” The words poured hastily out of my mouth, and they were partially correct. But I also just wanted to get out of the bathroom before I lost control of my penis and ended up letting her suck me.

  I did want her.

  “Okay. That makes sense. There will be plenty of time tonight.” She smiled at me and let go of my belt with a sigh. “I’d want more time with you anyways. Preferably on my bed.” Her smile turned into a smirk, and she bit her lower lip. Aimee was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, so the look of desire on her face made my cock twitch again and my mouth reconsider the decision I had just made. I remembered how tight and wet her pussy had been when I fingered her in her father’s Ferrari, and I wanted to use my tongue to explore her again.

  But Jack was in love with her. Jack thought they were together. Jack didn’t know that Aimee was going after me. Jack didn’t know that I was attracted to the girl and wanted to date her. Jack was the one that was going to get hurt.

  And then there was Beth.

  I didn’t know what to do about the girl. She was smart, beautiful, and I found her fun to be around, when she wasn’t trying to seduce me. She was dangerous because of her age and her intelligence. Also, I didn’t know exactly what Beth wanted. With Aimee it was obvious that she wanted to be my girlfriend and lover. Every time I hinted that Beth might want that from me, she spun it around so that it seemed like I was the one pursuing her.

  “Let me take you to the music room.” Aimee grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the hallway. Once we were out of the bathroom, I could hear the distant sound of running water and clinking dishes from the direction of the kitchen. Aimee pulled me the other way, and we walked for what felt like fifty yards through somewhat-familiar hallways before we reached the music room.

  Beth was already in the room, draped over a thick leather couch like a piece of candy wrapped in red. She had been staring blankly at the ceiling, but, when we walked in, her eyes quickly focused on me, then the hand that I had linked with Aimee. For half a second, it seemed as if she was furious, but her face calmed, and I wondered if I had imagined the beautiful girl’s anger.

  “Come sit by me, Eric.” She was like rising steam, and I didn’t see any articulation in her limbs when she sat upright. Her movements were so fluid that I would have guessed that she had practiced the motion with the intensity of a dancer.

  “Okay.” The couch was big enough for six people to sit on, so I sat between the two sisters.

  “Did you have a good time in the bathroom?” Beth raised a perfect eyebrow and glanced down at Aimee’s hand.

  “What kind of question is that, Beth?” Aimee asked with annoyance.

  “Eric was gone a long time, and then you bring him here holding his hand. Should I be jealous?”

  “Do you think Eric is your boyfriend?” Aimee let go of my hand and turned her smooth legs toward me so that she could face her sister better.

  “I don’t think anything, dear sister.” Beth rested her right hand on my left leg again and smiled at me.

  “He isn’t interested in you, Beth! How could you-”

  “Shuuush!” Beth raised her left hand to her lips and tilted her head in the direction of the door to the music room. Aimee closed her mouth when we heard the voices of John, Loretta, and Keiko approaching.

  “Sorry for the wait,” John said when they walked in. They each carried trays covered with dried fruit, cheeses, crackers, and Loretta bore a large pitcher of cucumber ice water.

  There were several coffee tables along the couch and a few other chairs to sit in. After we arranged the food on a table, everyone got a small plate of snacks and water and found a place to sit around the food. Except for Loretta, who said she had to begin working on dinner.

  I again found myself
sitting between the two beautiful sisters on the couch. Both of their shoulders rubbed against mine, and I imagined that the scene looked beyond ridiculous. Especially to Keiko and John. These people weren’t stupid; they were geniuses who owned a billion-dollar pharmaceutical company. Why had they even agreed to invite me?

  “Eric,” John’s voice pulled me out of my panic and drew attention back to the conversation around the table.

  “Yes sir.”

  “You can call me John.” He smiled and gestured over to his collection of guitars. “Do you want to play for us?”

  “Yay!” Aimee clapped her hands together and laughed. “I haven’t seen you play yet.” I noticed Beth open her mouth, but then she closed it carefully.

  “I’d love to.” With those words, I realized that I no longer felt any sort of pain when I thought about my music. As I walked toward the guitars, I wondered exactly when that had happened. Was it the night I played for Beth? When I did the show with Nicole, Roger, and Trey? Maybe it was the practice we did on Tuesday. Perhaps the pain had faded when I spent hours practicing alone in my apartment.

  “Any requests?” I turned to my audience of beautiful patrons.

  “Do you know any Beatles songs?” John asked, placing a hand on his wife’s.

  “Yep! I can play some.” I glanced over the five acoustic guitars on display. The Ovation would probably project more in the big room, but Lennon had played a bunch on a Martin D-28, which was the same model that John had.

  “Can I play this?” I pointed to the D-28. I was a bit nervous to ask the man, since it was an amazing instrument, covered with ebony and silver inlays, and had worked design. I guessed it was a $20,000 instrument, and I almost didn’t want to touch it.

  “Of course, I am glad you asked, actually. It does not get any play time, really.”

  I nodded at the man with a smile and wiped my hands off again on a napkin. They were already clean from the bathroom, but I didn’t want to risk getting any oil on the instrument.

  There was a simple wooden chair without arms near the guitars, and I picked up the Martin before I sat down. Even before I touched a string, I could feel the harmonics of the cavity resonate up my arm. This wasn’t just a display piece.


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