Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

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Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 17

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “Hi Eric,” Daya gave me a hug. The coffee-skinned beauty wore a light yellow dress that was similar in flow to Katherine’s. “I’m really happy for you. We loved the band when we saw them at Brent’s house. They are going to be huge!” She flashed her perfect teeth at me. I smiled back at her and felt another pang of relief that she was dating Patrick. If she had been single, I would have definitely tried to date her, and it probably would have just made the whole situation with the rest of the girls I was involved with more fucking complicated.

  “Thanks Daya. It is going to be an exciting year.” I turned to Jack, and we gave each other matching smiles.

  “Hey buddy.” We’d hugged each other thousands of times, and the movement was comfortable.

  “Excited to see you guys play. I haven’t seen the band yet,” Jack said.

  “I’m excited for you to see us. You’ll love the music.”

  “Aimee and I talked about going to see your Vegas show. I guess Katherine, Brent, and Sam are going also,” Jack said.

  “Vegas show?” Patrick asked. “We’ll totally go. When is it?”

  “New Year’s Eve,” Aimee answered.

  “Happy Birthday Aimee!” a group of middle-aged women surrounded the beautiful girl, and she was quickly engrossed in their conversation.

  “Hey buddy, can I talk to you a bit?” Jack leaned his head in my direction and whispered.

  “Yeah, sure.” I turned to Patrick and Daya, “Jack and I are going to go say hi to Aimee’s mom. We’ll catch you both later.”

  “Sure thing.” Patrick nodded, and they both smiled at us.

  “What’s up?” I asked when we had walked away from the poolside. I felt my stomach start to clench, and I feared he was going to ask me about Aimee.

  “Dude, is there something going on with you and Aimee?” My stomach flipped when the words left his mouth. His eyes had narrowed slightly, but the tone of his voice made him seem more curious.

  “Why do you think there is something going on between us?” I stalled.

  “Dude, just answer the question. I see the way she looks at you.” He crossed her arms, and I noticed the tension in his jaw.

  “Do I look at her like that?” I tried to force some anger into my voice.

  “Everyone looks at her like that. She’s gorgeous.”

  “What do you want me to say?” I crossed my own arms and tried not to spill my mimosa.

  “Tell me there isn’t anything going on between the two of you.”

  “There isn’t anything going on between the two of us.” My stomach clenched with my lie, and I held my breath. Fuck me. I am such an asshole. Why did I ever get involved with Aimee? What the hell was I going to do to Jack?

  “Oh, okay, sorry man.” His face broke, and my best friend looked torn. “I think she’s on the path to breaking up with me, and she just looks at you like... I dunno, I guess she looks at you like all the girls look at you.”

  “Fuck, dude. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, man. I’m the one that is jealous of you.”

  “Aww, Jack, dude. You don’t have anything to be jealous about. Even if you think Aimee looks at me like that, I’m leaving.” I shrugged.

  “I know dude. I’m happy for your opportunity, but also a little happy that you are leaving. Is that fucked up? I’m supposed to be your best friend.” His shoulders dropped, and it looked like he might tear up. Fuck, Aimee was really breaking his heart. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. I’m such a dick.

  “Don’t worry about it Jack. I’m-”

  “Hey Eric, sorry to interrupt.” Nicole put her hand on my arm. “We need to do a sound check.”

  “Okay,” I turned to Jack “Let’s talk later.”

  “Yeah, tonight if we can, but if we miss each other, are you still going to come over for Christmas?”

  “Yeah.” It was in two days, and Jack’s mom had invited me over when she helped me sign the contract with the band. “But, we’ll talk later today.” He nodded, and I turned to walk with Nicole.

  “Sorry to pull you away. This Blake guy is freaking out that we aren’t set up yet.”

  “We’ve got like an hour before we play don’t we?” I asked.

  “Yeah, whatever. Once we are set up, we can just relax and get some grub on.” Nicole was wearing her usual ripped jeans, tight t-shirt, and Converse sneakers. Today, her shirt had the old ‘Reading Rainbow’ logo on it. She also had little, plastic rainbow earrings.

  “Sounds good.”

  “That girl Beth is something else. I adore her,” Nicole laughed.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Really smart. I thought my Italian was pretty good, but she was talking circles around me. She said she is going to take you and me on a tour of her art work after we play our second set.”

  “Sounds good.” I laughed and was thankful that Beth had decided to include Nicole in her planned tour. I didn’t want to be alone with Aimee’s sister.

  And now I didn’t want to be alone with Jack either.

  Chapter 9

  “Thanks for the love! We are Jump! Kick! Our first album just came out, and you can get it anywhere music is sold. We are going to be playing Pappy & Harriet’s the day after Christmas, and you can catch us in Vegas on New Year’s Eve!” Nicole finished speaking into the microphone, and the audience gave a surprisingly loud roar of approval. The party had gotten larger, and I guessed that there were around four hundred people gathered around the stage. Most people had danced during our music, and everyone clapped at the end of each song.

  The sun had set in the middle of our second set, but the air on top of the hill had somehow managed to keep its warmth. I would have preferred that it had gotten a little cooler, since I’d been jumping around the stage with Nicole, and my clothes were drenched in sweat.

  “Holy shit, that was our best show yet,” Nicole wiped off the sheen on her forehead and then smiled at me, Roger, and Trey.

  “No kidding,” Roger looked at me. “Dude, you were smoking. I love the new guitar.”

  “Thanks buddy. Brent just gave it to me when he got here.”

  “I hate to make comparisons, but...” Trey spoke up from behind his set, “You’re really adding a lot to the band. Jesse wasn’t a tenth of the player you are.”

  “I’ll fucking make the comparison. I’m really happy you are with us,” Nicole said. “Your solos are amazing. I really like what you did with the last one.”

  “Thanks guys, you are so awesome.” I felt my cheeks turn red. “I’m really looking forward to spending the next year with you all; I hope we can work on the next album together.”

  “I don’t think there is a question about that,” Roger laughed. “Let’s get this shit packed up so we can slam some of this expensive rich-people food and get drunk.”

  We nodded at the bass player’s wise words, and the four of us got to the task of putting our instruments away. By the time I’d wiped down my new guitar, put it in the case, and then done the same with the pedal board, the other bandmates were working on getting Trey’s set disassembled.

  “Can I help carry anything?” Beth asked me when I was debating lugging my guitar out to the car first or some of the drum equipment.

  “Oh no, we got everything,” I said.

  “I can just carry your guitar. That isn’t heavy is it?”

  “No, it isn’t heavy, but this is your family’s party. You shouldn’t be working.”

  “We’ll help out!” Brent and Samantha came up to the stage next to Beth. Sam was wearing a peach-colored sleeveless dress with Japanese-looking flowers embroidered on the cloth.

  “I actually want to keep the guitar inside until I’m ready to go. We all probably should.” I looked over to Nicole and Roger. My voice caught their attention.

  “You can keep them in the music room,” Beth said. “I’ll lead you there.”

  “We’ll take the drum stuff out.” Brent said, and then he and Samantha walked over to Trey.

  “Okay Be
th, lead the way,” I said. Nicole and Roger both had their gear and pedal boards; the three of us walked back into the house.

  “Wow, cool room!” Nicole said when we entered the music room.

  “Thank you,” Beth smiled. “Did you eat yet?”

  “No, we were waiting for the show to be over,” I said as I set down my guitar and pedal case.

  “We have to help Trey with the rest of the gear,” Roger said with a shrug.

  “We got everything!” Brent walked by, overloaded with drum cases, then Trey followed carrying a bunch of stands. Afterward came Blake with more drum pieces, and then finally Samantha brought up the rear with a token cymbal case.

  “Hooray, I’m hungry. Let’s grab some food. Trey will catch up to us later.” Nicole walked out of the music room and made the left to head back toward the back yard of the mansion. The rest of us followed her into the main area of the party and attacked the food table in a manner fitting to starving artists.

  Or at least, artists that were about to not be starving anymore.

  “I’m going to eat forty tacos,” Roger said when raised his plate at the table with the server. “But I’ll start with six,” he said quickly when the man behind the table looked at him funny. I was hungrier than I expected and found myself stacking my plate just as high as the tall, long-haired bass player.

  Once Beth, Roger, Nicole, and I had finished putting food on our plates, we looked for a place to sit. There was an open table in the middle of the pack, and the four of us made our way there. I was kind of surprised that Beth was being so sociable, but she and Nicole seemed to have sparked a quick friendship, and both of the girls were speaking in Italian while we walked.

  “Oh, I need to borrow Eric for a bit.” I had finished most of my plate and felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see the beautiful Jewish girl with the long olive-green dress.

  “Take him! We’ve already gotten our use out of him,” Roger smiled at Katherine and then nodded at Trey when the drummer sat at the table.

  “You done eating?” Katherine batted her long eyelashes at me.

  “Sure. What’s going on?” I got out of my chair and the tall volleyball player took my hand.

  “I need your help with something,” Katherine pulled on my hand in the direction of the house.

  “Okay,” I followed her for a few steps and thought she would let go of my hand, but she didn’t.

  “Are your parents here?” I wondered if they were going to see her with me.

  “Yep,” she answered curtly, and I felt a pang of disappointment. Maybe I’d thought that she would actually introduce me to them, but I was being stupid again. Katherine had already told me how our relationship was going to play out. Of course she wasn’t going to introduce me to her parents.

  “Did you talk to Kim?” Katherine asked when we entered the house,

  “Yeah. We talked for a few hours last night. She wanted to come over, but her parents were home and wanted to go out to dinner.” It had been a good talk. She apologized for being busy with volleyball a million times, and I apologized for not calling her about the news with the band. We had tried to make arrangements to see each other again, but the only day that worked was tonight. Kim wasn’t invited to Aimee’s party, however, and I didn’t know what time I would be finished. There was a good chance we wouldn’t be able to see each other before I jumped on the tour bus.

  “Good,” Katherine pulled me toward the front of the mansion and up the stairs in the foyer. I’d never been upstairs, and I was quickly disoriented by the various hallways and bedrooms.

  “In here,” Katherine pulled me into a room. It looked like a guest room. There was a full-size bed with white sheets, plain white walls, dresser, and a flat-screen TV hanging on the wall opposite the bed. The room was still about twice the size of my living room, but I guessed at its true use by the lack of pictures or mementos.

  “What’s going on?” Katherine closed the door to the room, and I heard the privacy lock spin into place.

  “You looked so fucking hot on stage.” I felt her lips push into mine aggressively, and I kissed the beautiful woman back with a surprised moan. We made out for a few minutes while our hands roamed each other’s bodies.

  “I want you so bad.” Katherine broke off the kiss with me suddenly and tugged at the belt on my waist. It came free in her long fingers, and my jeans were suddenly around my ankles along with my underwear.

  And Katherine’s beautiful wet mouth was wrapped around my stiff cock.

  I let out a long sigh and leaned against the wall by the door. I thought about moving us to the bed, but Katherine’s mouth was urgent around my shaft. The beautiful girl’s soft moans made it apparent that she wasn’t going to let me go until she either felt my cum in her mouth or the desire to have me buried in her wet pussy took over.

  Her long hair was falling over us, so I reached down with my hands and pulled the brown, wavy stands from her face. She looked up at me, and her green eyes sparkled with raw desire. She was on her knees before me, and her left hand was stroking my wet shaft along with her mouth, while her right hand moved beneath her dress. I imagined that she was rubbing herself under the green skirt, and the thought of Katherine getting herself off while she enjoyed the taste of my cock made my head spin out of control.

  Katherine was really milking my shaft, and her hand was almost a blur across my length. She had closed her pretty green eyes, and her mouth latched onto my tip while her tongue flicked across the tip. It was amazingly intense, erotic, and her hunger was making my legs twitch.

  “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come.”

  “I want you to come. Fill me up. I want to taste you in my mouth so fucking bad. You are so fucking hot,” she gasped each sentence between quick licks of my tip while her hand continued to jack me off. Her eyes were open, and they were begging me to do as she asked.

  My body couldn’t handle it anymore. I felt the instant surge in my balls, and my ass cheeks clenched. My legs tensed, and I raised my hand to my mouth and bit my hand below the thumb to keep from screaming. My other hand tightened the grip around Katherine’s hair, and my entire body shuddered as the first sprays of my ejaculation shot into her wonderful mouth.

  “Hmmmmmmm.” She moaned with urgent pleasure when she tasted my first orgasm fill her mouth. Another quickly followed, and she increased the tempo of her hands to coax more climaxes from my balls. Her tactic worked, and I felt my crotch pulsate a dozen more times, each one straddled the line between agony and pleasure. In the middle of my own climax, I realized that Katherine’s moans of delight had turned into soft screeches of her own orgasm. The girl must have climaxed with a combination of my cock filling her mouth and her own fingers rubbing her clit. Her face looked amazing as she struggled to keep her mouth clamped onto my cock while her body twisted against her own pleasure.

  My balls squeezed one final time, and I felt the last of my seed slide into Katherine’s wet mouth. She rode her own climax for a few more seconds, and then she relaxed before she released her mouth from my cock.

  “That was exactly what I wanted. Hmmmmm.” She ran her tongue over the sensitive tip of my dick, and I gasped with the overstimulation.

  “Wow,” I said with a long sigh.

  “Hmmmm, you are still hard.” She bit her lip and looked up at me.

  “I don’t think I could come again, that was really powerful.”

  “You don’t have to. I just want to feel you in my pussy for a bit.”

  Katherine stood in front of me like a dancer and reached under her dress. She made a cute expression of concentration and then wiggled out of her underwear. They were thin, mesh like, and colored a light pastel green. They looked wet, and she tucked them into the front pocket of my shirt with a playful expression on her face.

  Then Katherine took a few steps toward the bed and crawled on top of it like a sexy mountain lion. My pants were still around my ankles, and I waddled behind her to the edge of the bed.

  Her olive-green dress was long, but I smoothed the bottom part away and slid most of it over the flare of her thin hips. Her pussy was slick, bare, and at the perfect height for me to just slide inside. I ran my left hand fingers over her slit, and she shivered at my touch.

  “Put it in me please,” Katherine begged. I was still hard, and I wondered if I had misspoken earlier. I just might be able to come into her tight tunnel in the next few minutes. I held my shaft in my right hand and aimed the tip toward her vaginal lips.

  The door knob to the room turned. It was locked, of course, but I froze in place, and Katherine turned her head in the direction of the door. The knob turned a few more times, and then there was a knock.

  “Hello?” It sounded like Aimee.

  I pulled up my pants quickly, and Katherine spun off the bed.

  “Who is it?” the Jewish girl called out.

  “It is Aimee,” the voice confirmed my suspicion. Katherine and I looked at each other, and she pointed to the open closet. I walked into the space and then took a few more steps to be hidden inside of the darkness more.

  “What’s up sweetie?” I heard Katherine say once she had opened the door.

  “What are you doing in here?” Aimee asked. She did not sound happy.

  “I had a headache, so I went to lie down. Then I got all hot and bothered thinking about Eric, and I had to take care of myself. Wanna join me?”

  “Oh my god, you are so crazy.” Aimee laughed loudly, and the tension in her voice melted.

  “You love me,” Katherine made a kissing sound.

  “Of course I do. Have you seen him? I thought I saw you walk inside with him a few minutes ago.”

  “He had to do something with his guitar. Did you look in the music room?” I was surprised at how quickly Katherine was making up the story.

  “No, I’ll check there.”


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