Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2) Page 4

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  Lona nodded. "Thank you." She glanced back at his bedroom door. "Please just tell me it isn't Finley in there."

  Xander chuckled and shook his head. "Fuck no."

  Managing a smile, Lona said, "Good." She opened the door. "Goodnight, Xander."

  As soon as she was gone, he locked the door behind her. He took several deep breaths before returning to his bedroom. Deryn was sitting up in the bed with the covers held above her chest. When she looked at him, she tried really hard not to smile.

  "Sorry about that," he said, taking off his pants again and climbing in beside her.

  "So does this make me your mistress?" she asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  "As far as I'm concerned, she's the other woman. Not you."

  Giving in to her smile, Deryn reached out and stroked his cheek. "So you have someone, do you?"

  Xander smiled back and said, "Yeah. I believe I do."

  She kissed him then, the two of them falling back on the bed before hastily beginning another round.

  When it was over, Xander was quick to fall asleep while Deryn rested her head on his chest, carefully listening to his heartbeat. She didn't have the nerve to say it, but she wished there was some other way to let Xander know how she felt. That he wasn't the only one who had someone. She had someone too, and she was pretty sure if he ever ended up marrying someone else, even if forced, her heart would be broken.

  Chapter Five

  "So I've compiled a list of all potential Guardians who may be in possession of a chip," said Deryn, laying out a piece of paper on the coffee table for all to see. "These up at the top in black ink are the ones we have. Soren Tash, Aila Parrish and Orson Yam. The ones just below that in red are the people we know for certain have one. Veli Tash, Wyatt's father Gordon Mackey, and Luka's father Barath Voclain."

  She glanced sideways at Luka. No reaction.

  "There are eleven total and we still have five that are unaccounted for. That is where the names in purple come in."

  "Why purple?" asked Quigley from the armchair he was seated in.

  "It was the only other color pen Xander had," said Deryn with a frown. "I wanted green ink for the ones we already have so it would look more positive, or yellow for our possible options since it expresses a sense of hope, but that wouldn't have shown up very well on the white paper, so I suppose purple works as well as anything. It's said to express mystery and that's certainly what we have here."

  When Deryn looked up, everyone was staring blankly at her. She blushed and quickly looked back at her paper.

  "So why do you have a purple pen?" asked Quigley, glancing over at Xander.

  "I have no fucking idea," answered Xander. "I'm surprised I have pens at all."

  "I found it buried in the back of the desk," said Deryn. "But that's hardly what's important right now. We need to make sure we have all possible names."

  Elvira Tash

  Stuart Scout

  Wenton Pace

  Eamon Graham

  Arron Von

  Atticus Ruby

  "My father?" asked Xander, knitting his brow.

  "We're covering all our bases, Xander," explained Deryn. "Now, did I forget anyone?"

  Xander and Luka looked at each other curiously. "Maybe Dougal's father Mathis," said Luka. "He doesn't hang around the others much, but he tries often enough that I don't believe we should rule him out as a possibility."

  "Mathis Fender," repeated Deryn, writing his name with the purple pen. "Good one."

  "Put Sewick Blum on there, too," said Xander. "He's not a Guardian but that fucker has his hands in everything."

  Deryn wrote the name down. "Any others?"

  "No," said Luka, looking at Xander again, who shrugged. "I believe you've compiled a perfectly good list. Though Atticus and Arron are stretching it a bit. Why would he want your position taken from you if he's trying to marry you off to his daughter?"

  "Well, if they offed Atticus and then put enough doubt in the president's mind to execute Xander, his widowed daughter would come into a great deal of money, wouldn't she?" said Deryn, setting down her pen. "It would certainly explain why he's trying to push this along so suddenly."

  When she looked up, everyone was staring blankly at her again.

  "Stop doing that!"

  "Here we are," said Bronson, walking over from the kitchen and putting a plate piled with freshly baked pieces of focaccia on the coffee table beside her paper. "A little brain food for everyone while the dinner is cooking. I remembered you were a fan, Luka." He smiled at him and sat down in the only available armchair.

  "So what exactly is the plan here?" asked Luka, trying a little too hard to ignore Bronson's smile. "That Sorey fucker said they only ever don't have the chips on them when they're with the president, and we need to take them all at the same time so they don't notice and warn the others."

  "Yes, I've already thought of that," said Xander, staring down at all of the names Deryn had written on the paper. "The only time we'll ever really have is during our meetings."

  "But those only ever last an hour, if that," said Luka.

  "Has Lona had her coronation yet?" asked Deryn.

  "It's tomorrow," answered Xander.

  "That will last longer, won't it? And it's mandatory."

  "Yes," he said with a nod, "but because it's mandatory Luka and I won't be able to get out of it to search everywhere. Meetings are easier."

  She shrugged and said, "Why can't I do it?"

  Xander froze, his jaw clenching as he stared sideways at her with cold eyes. "Excuse me?"

  "Why not?" she asked, furrowing her brow.

  "Because it's dangerous."

  "So? You do dangerous things every day."

  "Comes with the territory."

  "And being a runaway slave, that's not dangerous territory?" she snapped. "We already know my wristband works so I'll have no problem getting into Inner City, and I know their worker slaves routines. No one will be any the wiser."

  Xander narrowed his eyes and very sternly said, "No. Bronson or Quigley can -"

  "They don't know those houses like I do, Xander!" shouted Deryn, rising to her feet. "I've been there! I know half of those people's bedrooms like the back of my hand!"

  Xander turned white as he glared at her.

  "Sorry to be blunt, but that's the reality." She stormed into their bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

  "This seems like our definite cue for alcohol," said Bronson, getting back to his feet. "Would you say this is a wine night?"

  Quigley was the only one who nodded.

  Bronson didn't even make it to the kitchen before Xander was shooting up from the couch and following Deryn into the bedroom, making sure to slam the door twice as hard as she had.

  "Oh, those two. Always fighting for control," said Bronson as he pulled some glasses out of one of the cabinets.

  "You and your damn dramatics," said Xander as soon as the door was closed. He pressed a button on his wristband to put a soundproof shield around the bedroom, which he could do more often now that he didn't have to explain every move he made to Luka, who was the one to check his activity every morning.

  "You're one to talk," she said, taking a seat on the bed. "Xander, part of the reason I liked being around you in the beginning was because you didn't treat me like I was made of glass. What happened to that?"

  Well, he cared a lot more now than he did in the beginning. "It's not that I think you're incapable of doing this without getting caught," he said. "It's just that I don't want you to."

  Deryn scoffed. "You don't want me to?"

  "That's right."

  "Well, if that's the only reason then why should I listen?"

  "You should listen because I know what's best, Deryn. You're not doing this," he said sternly.

  "Yes I am. With or without your consent."

  "Fuck no you're not!" he shouted.

  "Fuck yes I am!" she shouted back, rising to her feet. "Someone nee
ds to do this and I'm the best option! You know I am!"

  "We'll find another way!"

  "No, Xander," said Deryn, deepening her voice. "I need to do this and you can't stop me!"


  "Why what?"

  "Why do you need to do this?"

  Deryn blushed and cast her eyes to the floor. "Because."

  "Because why?"

  Her voice going quiet, she said, "Because you helped me when I was in trouble, so if there's an opportunity to return the favor then I'm going to take it. Please, just let me do this for you."

  Xander sighed. His fists clenched as he said, "I don't want you to get hurt," through gritted teeth.

  "I know," she said, taking a few steps forward and grabbing one of his tense hands. "But nearly every day I have to watch you walk out of here, knowing that there is a possibility you won't ever come back. This is a war, Xander. We all need to risk our lives from time to time. And I want to expose those Guardians for what they are. Twisted, manipulative bastards who need to be put in their place! And who better to do that than you?"

  She smiled proudly and Xander smiled back.

  "Don't tell me you get off on me being a top Guardian?"

  Deryn shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? I like a man who's clever enough to have fooled the most evil man in our present world into believing he's loyal."

  "Does it get you hot?" asked Xander, his smile turning smug as he pressed their bodies together.

  Deryn blushed as he hardened against her. "Xander, there are people in the other room."

  "So?" he said, kissing her neck. "A shield's up. Besides, they think we're fighting. I'm sure they already expect to be waiting a while."

  "Our fight hasn't ended, you know?"

  "Sure it has. You're going to do whatever the fuck you want whether I like it or not, I'm going to get fucking pissed, and then we'll have sex and make up. In fact, why don't we skip a few steps and start that last one right now?" His hands slipped down her sides and began to undo her pants.

  Deryn grabbed his wrists and held them still.

  "Come on, Deryn," he said, licking her ear. "Just a quick fuck. No one will be any the wiser."

  Deryn's hands eased and Xander was able to slip his fingers into her underwear.

  He smirked. "I knew you were into this."

  Within seconds, both of their pants were off and Deryn was pushing Xander onto the bed, quickly pouncing on top of him.

  In the front room, Bronson was back in his armchair, slowly sipping his wine while they all waited patiently. "Five coin says they're having sex in there."

  There were several seconds of silence.

  "Make it ten and you're on," said Luka.

  Bronson smirked. Easy money.

  Chapter Six

  Xander sat on the couch with his head held low as Deryn gathered everything that she needed together. She wore her blonde wig and black clothing, with blue drops in her eyes.

  "Xander, it's time for you to go," she said, stopping in front of him.

  He stood slowly, staring at the floor silently for a moment before holding out his arms and waiting for her to come into them. Deryn did just that, wrapping hers around his waist and nuzzling against his chest.

  "I'll be fine," she promised. "Anyone who poses any danger will be where you are."

  "Don't you dare go in thinking like that, Deryn. Some waves are viciously loyal. If one of them sees you -"

  "They won't see me. I know their schedules. The majority of them use the time their owners aren't around to get the shopping done. They won't even be home. Should we place bets on how many chips I find within five minutes of entering their houses? I know Bronson just loves placing bets," said Deryn bitterly.

  Xander smirked. That was true. They had found out about his and Luka's little bet the day before when they came out of the bedroom. Deryn's disheveled hair gave them away, even though she had attempted to fix it beforehand.

  "I call two," he said.

  Deryn smiled. "You're giving your Guardians too much credit. I say four."

  "And just what are the terms of this bet?"

  She scrunched up her face in thought. "Let's just say that whoever wins is free to call the shots tonight."

  "I can live with that," he said, kissing her.

  While they were lost in each other's lips, the clock struck six. It was exactly one hour until Lona's coronation and he needed to be there a little early.

  Xander reluctantly pulled away, stroking her soft cheek while gazing into those foreign blue eyes. "Wait ten minutes before going. And remember, always take the blue tram in Inner City. It's faster but it only runs until eight. If you can't find a chip then move on."

  Deryn nodded.

  "And please be careful."

  "I will," she promised.

  Xander sighed before giving her one final kiss and letting her go. He didn't look at her again until the door was open, trying hard not to notice her terrified eyes as he walked away.

  Deryn waited eight minutes before her impatience got the best of her. She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the door, her nerves kicking in. She felt distant, separated from her body as she realized this would be her first time leaving the apartment alone in months. Not to mention the fact that she'd been caught within minutes of leaving the last time. But, luckily, Xander had come for her. He had helped her time and time again and never asked for anything in return.

  It was thinking of him that gave Deryn the courage she needed to step forward and forget about her nerves. Because he didn't deserve to be blackmailed like this. This was her chance to pay him back for everything he'd done for her.

  Without another thought Deryn opened the door, descended the stairs, and left the building.

  She could do this.

  That's what she kept telling herself as she walked to the tram stop. Then continued to tell herself as she stepped onto the tram, buying a chocolate bar to remember that this was all for Xander. She munched on it until she reached her stop.

  She could do this.

  Deryn took a deep breath and stepped outside. She walked up to the gate leading to Inner City, her wristband immediately scanned by a S.U.R.G.E. that dinged and lit up green, letting her pass.

  She had created a working wristband out of nothing. She could do this.

  Then there was a guard.

  "Where are you going today?" he asked.

  "A friend's house," she answered, sounding as casual as she could.

  "Their name?"

  "Luka Voclain."

  The guard looked up at her and she smiled. They had decided on the name beforehand. Luka often had women over so it wouldn't seem unusual.

  "He won't be home," said the guard. "There's a meeting."

  "Yes, I know. He asked me to go there before it's out. So I don't run into his dad." She leaned in and said under his breath, "You know how awkward it is when you still live with a parent. I have access if you want to see." She held out her wristband.

  "No, that's alright. Go on through."

  Deryn did just that, smiling at the guard as she went.

  As a citizen she was required to take a different door than the one Xander would take as a Guardian. A metal slate sucked into the ground and she stepped through, stopping as she hit another slate, waiting for the one behind her to rise again. When she was sealed between the two of them she was spritzed with something. It supposedly disinfected her of toxins, a quick quarantine, but she doubted it was anything real. Just a lie created to keep the fanatics happy.

  Once that was finished, the slate in front of Deryn lowered and she walked through the gate. She took a deep breath as she entered Inner City, a place she never thought she'd go willingly again. Yet here she was. It was no surprise that everyone on their list lived here, the majority still in their family homes. Only Guardians who needed to prove themselves lived in Middle City. Like Xander five years ago. Or Lona today.

  Shaking off any nerves she had, Deryn walked in
the direction of Luka's house.

  She could do this.

  When she arrived she scanned her wristband at the front entrance. She had not been lying to the guard when she said she had access. The door clicked and she opened it, stepping into the Voclains house for the first time since being a slave there.

  Upon entering, Deryn walked straight to Barath's bedroom, knowing very well where he hid that chip. An unfortunate result from being his slave so many times. She didn't even bother to keep an eye out for his wave as she walked, since Luka had intentionally sent him on errands that would take hours, if not all night. She was happy the simplest house was first. It would help ease her into this.

  She entered Barath's bedroom, dropped down beside his bed and lifted the floorboards about a foot inward, revealing a small box hidden beneath them. She grabbed it and located the chip inside, doing her best to ignore the other sketchy items he had in there. Barath had a strange fetish and collected certain samples from his sex slaves. Deryn saw the phial with her name on it now. She was tempted to take it, but knew that would look suspicious. She sighed before closing the box and putting everything back in its place.

  On her way out Deryn passed the basement, stopping for a moment to listen to a girl crying down there. While she desperately wanted to help her she knew she couldn't. As horrible as it was, in Utopia's current state the girl was much safer here than she was out there. No one survived long after they escaped. Unless they had a Guardian like Xander helping them.

  Clenching her fists, Deryn gulped back tears and somehow managed to walk away. But it wasn't easy, and she would, undoubtedly, never forget that moment for the rest of her life.

  Knowing that she couldn't risk being seen going out the front door so soon after entering, Deryn headed to Luka's bedroom, went inside and shut the door. He'd brought her Element over for her earlier that day, by the chance that she might need it sometime that night, and she found it now under his mattress. She strapped it to her hip, hidden beneath her coat, and climbed out the window, creeping through the backyard and using the back gate to enter a narrow alley behind the Voclains house.

  One down.

  Taking another deep breath, Deryn walked back out to the street. She located the tram stop and waited a good four minutes before a blue tram arrived. She rode it for two stops, got off and walked a block to the next house. This one belonging the Veli Tash.


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