Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2) Page 9

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  "The power you hold," said Kemp as they left the store. "Is that teachable?"

  "It's all about confidence," said Bronson. "You're good looking enough. You'll try the next one."

  They went into a candy store next, Xander, Luka, Quigley and Miki all standing back while Kemp failed miserably at flirting. Luckily, Bronson was there to pick up the pieces and got the job they needed done.

  Glancing sideways, Xander couldn't help but notice the way Miki's hands curled into fists as she watched Kemp talking to the female candy store worker.

  "Don't tell me you're jealous over Kemp?" he asked.

  Miki blushed. "No. Of course not. We're just friends."

  An obvious lie.

  "Seriously?" said Quigley. "You're, like, way better looking than he is."

  Miki smiled. "I'm not jealous."

  "Of course you're not," said Xander with a smirk.

  "You know, it's mostly men who work in the gaming store across the way," said Luka. "If we go there next, it could be up to you to get us to the front of the line. Wanna see if he reacts?"

  "No," Miki said quickly. She bit her lip. "Maybe. Let me think about it."

  In the clothing store they went to next, Kemp was much more successful in his flirting, and even managed to get their items purchased without Bronson's help.

  As they walked out of the store, Miki suddenly said, "Let's go to the gaming store. I'm sure Ulric would just love a dartboard."

  It seemed she'd thought about it, and Miki definitely didn't need any confidence training from Bronson. She had it down, and Kemp wasn't happy about it.

  "You know, Miki really isn't bad to look at," Luka whispered to Xander as they left the store. "I doubt Kemp is ever going to make a move. Do you think I should give it a go?"

  Xander couldn't help but notice the way Luka glanced sideways at Bronson, almost like he was making sure he'd heard them. He had, of course, because he was right fucking there.

  "No," answered Xander.

  He then guided everyone into a nearby alley so that he could smoke a cigarette. Bronson, Quigley and Luka all bummed one. Surprisingly, Miki asked for one, as well.

  "So are you all done then?" asked Xander.

  "I guess we are," said Kemp.

  "Does that mean you're not coming to the Black Market with us?" asked Quigley.

  Xander's nostrils flared as he turned slowly and gave Quigley a cold stare.

  "Black Market?" repeated Miki, taking a drag of her cigarette. "What are you going there for?"

  "I found a guy who has a record player," said Bronson, watching Xander with a smile. "We're picking it up for someone."

  "A record player for music?" said Miki. "Oh, I love music! Could we go, Kemp? Please?"

  "I don't know," said Kemp. "When Del gave us permission to come out, I don't think she expected us to ever leave the Shopping District."

  "You can't come," said Xander. "You don't have working wristbands to get you through the gate."

  "We know how to get there from the underground," said Miki. "S.U.R.G.E.'s never go on this route because they don't know it's there."

  Xander shook his head and firmly said, "No," even though he was incredibly curious. "You already got what you came for. Time to go back to your cave."

  "Oh, please don't make me go back there yet," said Miki with puppy-dog eyes. "I want to hear music. It's been so long."

  "Aw, she wants to hear music, Ruby," said Bronson, putting his arm around Miki and hugging her tightly against his side. "How can you deprive her of that?"

  Both Kemp and Luka narrowed their eyes at the two of them touching.

  "Please," Miki said again, now giving him a pouty lip.

  Xander groaned. "Oh, fuck you all. Let's get this over with."

  Miki squealed. Xander put his cigarette out on the wall and the others followed suit. They all left the alley, Miki and Kemp taking the lead.

  They walked several blocks, zigzagging through the crowds at first, then taking several side streets, all narrow between tall buildings that shielded them from the artificial sun, which was actually out that day. Even when it was sunny, the streets still smelled like rain on pavement, unable to dry completely in the secluded metal bubble.

  Miki and Kemp kept their eyes on the dumpsters they passed, eventually stopping by a green one with a red streak across the side.

  They looked around to make sure the coast was clear, then pulled out a vent beside the dumpster. Kemp directed everyone inside while Miki led the way. The path was small and dark, and they had to crawl to get through. Bronson's broad shoulders barely fit. Miki let everyone know when they reached a ladder, then warned them that it was a little wobbly so they would need to climb it one at a time. She went down first and called out once she reached the bottom. Quigley was next, then Luka, Bronson, Xander and Kemp.

  Once they were all down, Miki and Kemp guided them through a long, long passageway. Which made sense, considering the Shopping District was nowhere near Outer City or the Black Market.

  But then they reached something. Small passenger cars only big enough for two people, and with wheels on what looked like old tram tracks. Very primitive but still effective.

  Miki climbed into the first one. "Xander, you can ride with me," she said. "Kemp, you show Luka how to drive one. Follow in the back."

  Kemp nodded as Xander stepped into the car. He watched as Miki pressed a green button in its center.

  "Hold on," she instructed, using a long knob to drive them forward.

  Xander watched as best he could in the dark, noticing that several buttons were involved to drive the small car, but it didn't seem to be too complex. She gave a brief description as they moved through narrow caves, eventually coming to a halt when they reached a large space that looked a lot like the place they had just left.

  Miki and Xander got out, then she redirected the tracks and pushed the car around until it was facing the opposite direction on an adjacent track.

  Luka and Bronson appeared shortly after, the car jerking a lot as Luka attempted to come to a complete stop.

  "Ugh, now I have a headache," said Bronson, swaying around as he climbed out of the car.

  "Oh, come on. I wasn't that bad," said Luka with a sneer.

  Kemp and Quigley were right behind them. Once all of the cars were facing the opposite direction, they continued on, only walking a short distance until they reached another ladder.

  Miki climbed up first, lifting something at the top that let in a small shaft of light. "It's clear," she called down to them.

  They all headed up, eventually coming out of a manhole in a rocky hallway with wall lamps. And just around the corner was the Black Market.

  "Clever trick," said Luka as they descended the ladders leading to the tram graveyard.

  "Outsiders appreciate our ancestors and their technology," said Miki. "Unlike your president who couldn't care less about the world before Utopia."

  "You mean the world that destroyed itself? Oh, that's right! Our ancestors did that!" Luka smirked and Miki grimaced.

  "This coming from the Guardian who likes to climb trees every time we have a mission outside," said Xander, rolling his eyes. "Relax, Miki. He's just jealous because you know what it feels like to go swimming. Not to mention, how to swim."

  "In a lake or ocean? Oh, that's right! I've done both," said Miki, giving Luka her own smirk.

  Once they reached the Black Market, Bronson led the way to the booth that was holding the record player for him. It was a rare item, and Xander had him ask his cigarette guy to find one for him. For an extra fee, of course.

  They reached the booth in question inside of an old, silver tram. It was empty at the time and the man behind the counter had them close the door. The wall had been torn out so he actually had two booths, and an entire rack filled with records.

  "I love vinyl," said Miki, going over and smelling them. "Do you have Billie Holiday?" she asked the man.

  "Dunno," he said as he unlocked a ches
t, pulled out an old wooden record player and put it on the counter.

  Xander's eyes lit up as he looked it over, rubbing his hands along the smooth wood. "Does it work?" he asked.

  "Aye," said the man.

  "Hey, Ruby! You said the song's called Blackbird, right?" called Bronson, who was shuffling through the records.

  "Yeah," said Xander, trying to ignore the way Miki was suddenly looking at him.

  "Here it is!" Bronson held up an album with a simple white cover. "Wanna listen to make sure?"

  Without waiting for an answer, Bronson walked over to the record player, put on the record and set it to play the proper song.

  Xander listened closely. "Yes, that's it."

  "Hey, Miki! I found that Billie Holiday bloke for you!" called Kemp, holding up an album.

  Miki, who was still watching Xander, walked over to him and took it. "Billie Holiday was a woman, Kemp."

  Xander put the record player and the album into one of his shopping bags. Just as he was about to pay the man, Miki ran up to him with four other albums in hand. "Anyone who likes the song Blackbird might enjoy these, as well," she said, handing them over.

  Xander took the albums and shuffled through them blankly, not knowing who any of these people were.

  "They're not exactly like it, but the Triggses have several albums that belong to a friend of theirs, and those are all among them."

  Xander looked up and stared at her curiously. "Um, thanks."

  Miki gave him a half-smile. "We're not idiots, Xander. We all know who that's for, and we'd love it if you brought her to our place for Christmas."

  Xander didn't respond.

  "Just think about it," said Miki. She turned to the man behind the counter. "I don't suppose you have another record player back there?"

  "Not a working one," he said, digging around under the counter until he came out with a very worn and dusty record player.

  Miki took a close look at it. "What do you think, Kemp? Is it salvageable?"

  Kemp walked over and took a look. "I don't know much about these things but we can try. Ulric's good with ancient electronics. He could probably get it going."

  She smiled and nodded. "This can be your Christmas present to me, Xander. And, let's say, five records. I'll pick while you pay the man."

  "Excuse me?" said Xander, cocking an eyebrow.

  She wandered towards the records, and said, "Well, I'm not exactly bringing any money in right now, am I?" Her back was to him as she scanned the shelf. "Oh! Christmas music!"

  Xander grunted, but still paid the man for ten records and two record players. He didn't even get a discount for the one that didn't work.

  Soon after, they left the Black Market, starting the long journey back to the Shopping District where they still had to pick up the items they left in the hardware store before it closed.

  "I just realized something," said Bronson as they walked. "I never got my ice-cream cone!"

  Chapter Eleven

  The following morning, Deryn hummed to herself as she decorated one of her ornaments at the dining room table. Xander had already left for his Guardian duties, but Luka had the day off and was still holed up in his bedroom.

  His door suddenly opened and, without looking up from her task, Deryn said, "Morning, sunshine. I left some coffee for you in the kitchen."

  "Thanks," said Luka, wobbling over to the coffee.

  Deryn continued to hum while Luka poured himself a cup. He leaned against the counter and watched her while she sprinkled glitter over a glass orb. The glue she had put on it made the glitter look like snowflakes. Deryn smiled proudly.

  She stood and went to hang her new ornament on the tree. While rearranging a few of the other ones so they were placed properly to be the most visually appealing, Deryn said to Luka, "I'm going to need you to take me to the Black Market today to find a tree topper, as well as a few presents for Xander and the others."

  Luka let out a loud, "Ha!" and said, "No. Unfortunately for you, I didn't wake up with a death wish."

  "It's nonnegotiable," she said. "It's safer for me than the Shopping District and Bronson has already agreed to come along to play the part of my boyfriend. Now we just need a Guardian escort."

  "No," Luka said again.

  "I suggest you go and take a shower because Bronson is going to be here in twenty minutes."


  Deryn turned towards him and frowned. "Now, Luka, don't make this difficult."

  "I'm not taking you to the Black Market," he said while sipping his coffee.

  Taking a few steps forward, Deryn kept her stern eyes focused on him. "You know, it would be a real shame if I let it slip to Xander exactly what it was you admitted to me the night I fell out of my chair. You know. About when Bronson took you home."

  Luka stopped drinking his coffee mid-sip. He gulped. "I was fucking drunk, alright? If you tell him then I will gladly use that defense."

  "Oh, and were you drunk in the alley the other night, as well?"

  Luka froze. "What?"

  Deryn smiled wickedly. "I didn't think so."

  "Am I seriously being blackmailed by the Outsiders' fucking princess?"

  "Looks like it," she said. "Get in the shower, Luka. Now you only have seventeen minutes until we leave."

  Luka narrowed his eyes. "If I wasn't so proud right now, I'd be pretty fucking pissed."

  Deryn smiled wider as she took his cup from him.

  "You've been spending too much time with Xander." Luka went into his room, grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the bathroom.

  When he came back out, Deryn was already wearing her wig and had her eyes colored blue. She and Bronson were waiting by the door with their coats on, hoods up, and gasmasks strapped to their hips.

  "I can't believe you fucking told her about the alley," hissed Luka while going into the closet and putting on his own coat.

  Bronson smirked. "Sorry. She knew she'd need blackmail to get you out of here, so how could I just sit on such valuable information?"

  Luka remained in a bit of a mood all the way to the Black Market. He mainly stood back while Deryn did her shopping, picking out a tree topper in the shape of a gold star before searching for gifts. She wanted to get something for Xander, Bronson, Quigley and even Luka. Xander had also mentioned an invitation to visit Del and the others in hiding on Christmas day, and she was seriously thinking about it.

  The invitation had come from a girl named Miki, who Deryn didn't know. But she did know Del, who had often visited Eagle Training Center during Deryn's time there. And she knew Kemp and Anan, who were from her village Redwood. It would be nice to see all of them again, and if she went she would need gifts for them, too.

  Most of the gifts were easy enough, since she didn't exactly have the option of going all out. But, when it came to Xander, she wasn't sure where to begin. He was born rich and already had everything.

  "Why not just get some lingerie?" suggested Bronson. "He seems to really like your nakedness."

  "I guess that's always a good failsafe," said Deryn. "But I was really hoping to get more creative than that."

  "Then make him something, but lingerie is pretty much your only option if you're dead-set on paying money."

  There was one compartment on the inside of a tram that sold women's lingerie. They went to it and Deryn glanced around nervously while Bronson picked a few things out for her.

  "How about this black one?" he asked, holding it up.

  Deryn looked at it and bit her lip. "I don't know," she said, her voice quivering.

  "No," said Luka, speaking for the first time since they got there. "Get the green one over there." He motioned with his head. "It's festive. If you want to impress him then that's the one."

  "Why thank you, Luka," Bronson said brightly. He grabbed the green negligee and pushed Deryn into a small dressing room, which was pretty much just a curtain hanging in the corner of the tram.

  When she had it on, taking the gasmask sh
e'd been wearing off so she could get the full effect, she called Bronson to come and have a look.

  "Va va voom," he said while poking his head inside the curtain.

  Luka rolled his eyes. He wandered around the small space and took a look out the door at the rest of the tram before heading back in, not noticing when someone spotted him.

  "Excellent choice," said Bronson, walking over to him while Deryn changed back into her clothes.


  Luka and Bronson both turned to see an angry-looking girl pointing at Luka. Then she moved her finger to Bronson.

  "And you! You assholes!"

  They both cocked their heads and stared at her blankly for a moment. Then it clicked.

  "Oh, right!" said Bronson. "You're the broad from the Pit. Did you not enjoy your room?"

  "I've never been more humiliated in my life!"

  "Really? Never?" asked Luka, lifting an eyebrow.

  "Fuck both of you!" she shouted, giving Luka a shove that caught him off-guard.

  He stumbled back and tripped over a rack of nighties, sending him flying into the curtain Deryn was behind.

  "What the -" She pressed herself against the mirror, wearing nothing but her bra and pants as Luka landed on the floor. "Dammit, Luka!"

  He gazed up at her, his eyes immediately freezing on the large and glossy scar marking her side. The one Finley had given her. Then he saw the others. Noticing his wandering eyes, Deryn grabbed her sweater and quickly covered herself.

  "Get out!"

  "Sorry," he said, blushing bright crimson as he got on his hands and knees and crawled out of there. When he was back on his feet, the girl was pounding her fists into Bronson's chest.

  "Uh, could someone please get this mental bitch off of me?" said Bronson, trying to grab her wrists.

  "What the hell is going on out here?" shouted Deryn, coming out from behind the curtain, now fully clothed, her gasmask back on. She immediately locked eyes with the girl. "Why in heaven's name are you hitting my boyfriend?"


  She said that a lot.

  "Do I know you or something?" asked Deryn.

  Luka cleared his throat and muttered, "Tram," to her.


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