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Sunken Eyes (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 2)

Page 29

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  "On with it, Mathis," said the president, growing visibly impatient.

  It wasn't long after Mathis sped up the footage that a third person ran into the camera's line of sight. Even when he paused and zoomed, the face wasn't visible, but everyone agreed that it was a man with blond hair. He entered the alley and soon the three figures were all in deep enough that they were out of view. The president had Elvira add to her notes that all alleys would need cameras installed in the future. A good ten minutes passed before two people were exiting the alley, and Dougal Fender wasn't one of them.

  Mathis paused and zoomed in again, the room going silent when they were all faced with someone very familiar.

  Suddenly looking very angry, President Saevus scanned the room. "Where's Xander?"

  Everyone else followed suit. A few Guardians walked out of the room to go looking for him.

  While they were gone, Elvira moved closer to the hologram. Xander may have been clear but the person with him was buried in shadow from their hood. "They're holding hands," she pointed out. "Dear husband, could you tell us whether or not this is your slave whore he's with?"

  "Why would you assume it was, dear wife?" asked Soren through clenched teeth.

  "Who else would Dougal seize like that?" she spat. "Now come look."

  Soren grunted but stood. He got close but couldn't see much. While he had spent many nights memorizing every curve of her body, it was hard to tell in the long coat she was wearing.

  But then he saw something. A small tuft of hair hanging out of her hood. Mahogany-brown, the light hitting it in a way that showed a streak of red when Mathis moved the footage forward a bit. He had often twirled that hair around his finger while she slept, getting lost in the softness of it.

  "Why did your face change?"

  Soren blinked and moved his eyes to Elvira standing beside him. She spotted the recognition in them immediately.

  "It's her," she said, her face growing white. "Father! Father, did you hear that? It's her! With Xander! It's the slave!"

  "Where is Xander?" President Saevus repeated louder this time. When no one could answer, his eyes moved to Luka. "You."

  Luka only had a moment to be fearful before he was pulling out his Element and shooting a blast at Mathis Fender. In less than a second he was as dead as his son. Then Luka went for Soren but, before he could strike, someone was shooting at him. He ducked.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Luka watched as Finley slipped out of the room, then he noticed Lona and Wyatt looking horrified.

  Another blast came at him. He rolled out of the way.

  Then another.

  "Don't kill him! Stop him!" ordered the president.

  Luka made a run for it passed his two friends, knowing that they were too frozen to do much of anything. He had barely made it into the hallway when someone successfully hit him with a blue string of light. Luka fell to the floor, screaming in agony.

  Then his eyes opened and he was rolled onto his bleeding back. The president standing above him. "Where is Xander?"

  Luka said nothing, playing the part of mind controlled puppet very well.

  "I'll search his apartment, Mr. President!" shouted Veli, running towards the front door.

  "Elvira, track his wristband and if he's at his apartment send others," the president commanded. "I will take care of our Luka here."

  Luka barely had a moment to look into the smug eyes of his father, who was standing behind the president, before another streak of blue light was whipping towards him. Then another. And another. Something knocked him hard in the head. Then harder. And before he had any chance to fight it, the entire world went black.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Xander only took the president's car as far as the gate to Middle City, knowing very well that as soon as they figured out it was him who had killed Dougal they would track his wristband, and he had no interest in being trapped in a car when that happened. Since Deryn had forbidden him from riding his hover-bike while healing, it wasn't their waiting for him, but Luka's was and he had access.

  As he rode Luka's bike home, he started to panic about the fate of his friend. How would they know about the mind control chip? Would they even think to check for something like that? Whether they did or not, Luka would still be in deep shit for the time being. And suddenly Xander couldn't believe he had left him there to deal with this on his own. What had he been thinking?

  And then he remembered.

  He had been thinking about Deryn. They both had. That was why Luka had stayed behind, to at least create a minor distraction so she would have a chance to get out.

  Xander took deep breaths to stop the tears from forming behind his eyes, silently thanking and praying for his best friend at the same time.

  Luka would be fine. He had to be.

  It didn't take Xander long to get home, abandoning the bike on the curb and sprinting inside. Once in his apartment, he began frantically calling Deryn's name. It figured that this was the one time she wasn't waiting for him at the front door. It only took a few seconds for her to come running out of the bedroom.

  "Xander, what's wrong?"

  "Get your things," he ordered.

  Her face fell. "What?"

  "Get your fucking things! We have to get you out now!"

  She took a few steps towards him. "But why? What happened?"

  "We always knew this day would come, Deryn, now go and get your fucking things!"

  Deryn's heart was racing as she stared at Xander, who was both determined and frightened as he breathed heavily.

  This was real.

  She turned quickly and ran back into the bedroom.

  Xander went to the closet and took out her coat and shoes, tossing them onto an armchair. Then he went into the kitchen and grabbed anything he could find that might be useful. Medicine, herbs, food, everything.

  Deryn came back out holding her rucksack, her smaller bag already strapped to her hip. Xander grabbed it from her and began stuffing everything inside.

  "Let's go," he said, swinging her rucksack over his shoulder and heading towards the door.

  "Where exactly am I supposed to go?"

  "I don't fucking know, Deryn!" he snapped, pausing for a moment to rub at his temples and think. "To Del's. Just until the Resistance finds that way in."

  She bit her lip. "Xander, there ..." She gulped. "There is another way."

  He turned and furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

  "I met two people at the Black Market who can help. They have a ... business of sorts, getting people out of the city who are trapped here."

  Xander grew still, his eyes drawing towards hers. "How long ago did you meet them?" he asked hoarsely.

  "Last month, just before Christmas," she answered honestly. "They found me when I went to the Black Market with Luka." Deryn sighed and took several steps forward. "Xander, please come with me. I've already packed for you. I've been taking your clothes for weeks."

  Well, that explained the missing sweaters. But Xander still kept her gaze as he shook his head slowly. "I can't."

  "Why not?" she shouted with angry tears in her eyes.

  "It's too dangerous -"

  "That's bullshit! That's fucking bullshit and you know it!"

  "Deryn, please," said Xander, closing those last few steps between them. "You need to go."

  "Not without you!" she cried, throwing herself into his arms. "You say you love me, Xander, but if you truly did then you'd come with me! You'd come! So that ..." She gulped. "So that we could continue to keep each other safe."

  "But me staying behind ... that is what will keep you safe. Please ..."



  Just then, the alarm went off, signaling someone entering the building. Not Luka. Xander pulled away from Deryn in a panic.

  "You need to go!"



  "I am not going without you, Xander!"

  "Then fucking hide! Please, do

  "No, I won't! I will not hide! Not anymore!"

  There was a bang as someone tried to force the door open, but Xander had locked it immediately after entering. But the person outside of it somehow had access and the door swung open. They both took out and aimed their Elements. Xander put his arm on Deryn and moved her behind him just as his father stepped through the doorway.

  Atticus stared at his son as he shut the door, noticing the cold, determined look in his eyes. Then his gaze drifted to the girl standing behind him. The one he hadn't seen since the fateful day his wife, and almost his son, had been taken from him. And she was looking back at him now with that same fear in her eyes that still gave him nightmares.

  "Xander, what have you done?"

  "Whatever do you mean, Father?"

  Atticus's eyes moved back to him. "You killed Dougal, didn't you? That's why you're here."

  Xander didn't acknowledge his question. "Deryn, get your shoes and coat on."

  Deryn kept her head low as she looked nervously at Atticus, her nostrils flaring as she slowly began to move towards the armchair where Xander had put her things. He moved his body so it was in front of her the entire time.

  Deryn slipped on her shoes and fastened her coat, pulling up the hood so her face would be hidden. Then she walked back over to Xander. "You can't fight from the inside anymore. Not if they know you killed Dougal. So come with me," she said, ignoring Atticus's presence.

  Xander looked at her, his lips quivering as his eyes finally began to tear. "I can't -"

  "Come with me!"

  "Xander, don't!" pleaded Atticus. "If you go then the president will not rest until he's found you! You have to stay!" He looked at Deryn. "I have one of those mind control chips. I stole it right after I found out about their existence. You can install it in his wristband! If you do then we can lie to the president! We can tell him Xander had it installed the entire time! He'll be safe!"

  Deryn's nostrils flared. "Is that what you call the condition Xander's been in since New Year's? Was he safe when your president had him whipped thirty-one fucking times!" she shouted. "He's not safe here!"

  "At least if he's here then he'll still have a chance at life!"

  "This is no fucking life!" Deryn spat, her fists clenching as she burned with rage. Her entire body convulsed as she stared at this man she hated. He didn't look the least bit like Xander because he was a monster. "What father would ever want this life for his son?"

  Atticus's bottom lip fell as he looked ashamedly towards the floor.

  "Deryn, please."

  Deryn turned to see Xander looking sadly at her.

  "He's right," he said. "Please. Install it."

  A huge crack formed on Deryn's heart and it slowly began to shatter in her chest.

  "Deryn, you have to do it."

  "No," she cried. "Xander, please don't make me."

  "You need to stay safe. This ..." He gulped. "... is the only way."

  Deryn was shaking.

  "Do it."

  She whimpered.

  "Please, love."

  Her eyes widened as he called her that. Love. A single tear dripped down her cheek. "I'm not ready to let you go."

  Atticus's mouth dropped as he watched the performance in front of him. Xander reached up and slowly wiped her tear, tracing his fingers down her cheek.

  "Xander, no. Not her," said Atticus in disbelief.

  "Don't you dare judge me, you fucking rapist!" shouted Xander, turning back towards his father with flaming eyes. "I hate you." His voice was quivering and full of disdain, and Atticus knew his words were true.

  "Xander, it ... I ... I didn't want -"

  Before Atticus could find his train of thought, the alarm went off again. While Atticus and Deryn looked at the door, Xander looked at her.


  Milky, soft skin. Plump, pink lips. A few light freckles scattered across her face. And those eyes. Those sea-green eyes he could never get enough of. They moved and looked back at him, wet and beautiful, and Xander realized that he was not ready to let her go either.

  Before he knew what he was doing, had any time to second guess himself, Xander grabbed her hand. Her sea-green eyes looked down at their clasped hands, and then back up at him. They brightened.

  The front door was blasted open and Veli stepped through, his eyes widening.

  "You!" he shouted, looking angrily at Xander and Deryn. "I fucking knew it was you, traitor -"

  Xander didn't give him the chance to finish before he was raising his Element and blasting Veli into oblivion - not the usual blast of an Element but one Deryn had created that was ten times more powerful.

  Deryn grabbed Xander and pulled him behind the couch with her, but Atticus was not prepared for the blast and flew backwards, his face and clothes now covered in Veli's gory remains, his left leg pouring blood as part of the broken door lodged itself in it. An arm flew by and smacked him in the head.

  And the rest of the apartment was not in the greatest of conditions either.

  Atticus shot back up and looked at his son in disbelief.

  "The next time you and I see each other, Father, we will be enemies," said Xander, tossing his Element aside. He grabbed his unregistered one out of Deryn's rucksack and put it in his holster.

  "Xander, Son, please, no!"

  Xander closed his eyes and turned away from him. "Deryn, let's go!" he ordered.

  Deryn nodded, squeezing his hand tighter.

  "No!" shouted Atticus, scrambling to his feet until an excruciating pain shot through his injured leg.

  Xander and Deryn ran to the door. Deryn turned to him at the last moment, smiling viciously before vanishing from sight, his son disappearing right along with her.


  Chapter Thirty-Two

  "Father!" Elvira ran into the hallway where an unconscious Luka was still being dealt with. "There was interference on Xander's wristband! No matter what I tried I couldn't locate it, so I've been following Veli's tracker and it just vanished! Right after he got to Xander's apartment!"

  "Vanished," repeated President Saevus. "How can it just vanish?"

  Elvira glanced sideways at her husband and took a breath. "It can vanish if someone destroyed it. Or him."

  Soren looked to the floor and bit his cheek, trying unsuccessfully to stop himself from laughing.

  "Atticus Ruby's tracker is presently on the premises but he doesn't seem to be moving," continued Elvira.

  The president let out a loud growl. "Barath, get your son locked up in the basement! Wenton, get to Xander's home immediately! Soren, Elvira, Eamon, you get underground! Take as many guards as you need to swarm the place! Everyone else, get out there and find him!"

  "Do you want us to take the emergency hover-bikes?" asked Elvira.

  He nodded and she began ushering everyone to their location. All of the bikes were designed like her father's car. Untraceable and able to fly high into the air.

  "We will find him, Father. I promise you," said Elvira, taking the president's hand.

  Saevus scowled and said, "See that you do." He pulled away and left his daughter standing there alone.

  * * * * * *

  Deryn ran through the streets, pulling Xander with her as she went as fast as she could to Cherish Lane. She had located it on a map shortly after re-meeting Neo and Odette, and had memorized the quickest route to get there while avoiding the main roads.

  It wasn't far, only three blocks, and upon arriving she immediately knew which house was the oldest one on the block. The only one not made of metal. Old, wooden and decaying, she understood why they'd used such an unimpressive place as an entryway to their hidden tunnels.

  She took the key out of her coat's inside pocket, where she kept it, and unlocked the front door.

  "Deryn, where are we going?" asked Xander as she yanked him through the doorway, then locked the door behind them.

  "Through a bookshelf," she answered, walking into the roo
m to their left. The bookshelf was against the far wall, the only thing not covered by dusty sheets. She went over and pushed it aside, locating the hidden tunnel behind it.

  "But who did you meet at the Black Market?"

  "You'll see when we get there."

  They both stepped through the passageway. Xander pushed the bookshelf closed again while Deryn stood behind him, pulling a flashlight out of the rucksack he still carried.

  "What happened tonight, Xander?" she asked as they walked through the dark tunnel with only their small splash of light, hand-in-hand. "How'd they find out about Dougal?"

  "His father found his broken wristband and discovered the exact time it was deactivated," answered Xander. "He brought security footage from outside the alley for everyone to view and I bolted."

  "And Luka?"

  Xander's hand tensed in hers. She tried to look at him but it was impossible in the darkness.

  "Luka, he ..." He took a deep breath and Deryn knew he was fighting back tears. "He stayed behind, hoping to buy us more time."

  Deryn gulped, her heart slowing as she thought of Luka, undoubtedly being tortured that very moment. Shit.

  "He'll be alright," she said encouragingly, giving Xander's hand a squeeze. "He has the mind control chip installed. They'll find it."

  She did her best to sound convincing, but it was hard considering she didn't know if she believed the words she was saying. How would they find it if they didn't know to look?

  It wasn't long before they reached the hover-bike Odette had promised would be there. "We take this to the end of the tunnel," explained Deryn, waiting for Xander to mount it first. As much as she wanted to learn to drive one of these things, she realized now was not the time.

  Xander looked at it skeptically. "Why aren't you telling me who it was you spoke to?"

  "Maybe you don't know them," she said, motioning to the bike.

  "If I didn't then you'd just tell me."

  "Get on the bike, Xander."

  "Not until you tell me -"

  "Time is limited and you'll find out soon enough. I'll drive if you won't."


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