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1. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kirk Will,” interviewed by Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Shannon Tokos, Colorado State Forest Service, Golden District Office, Golden, CO, March 30, 2012.
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3. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak,” interviewed by Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Shannon Tokos, Lower North Fork Fire, near Prescribed Unit 4, Conifer, CO, March 29, 2012.
4. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
5. Ibid.
6. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak.”
7. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kirk Will.”
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9. “Wildland Fire Investigation,” Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Shannon Tokos for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, April 12, 2012.
10. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
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12. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
13. Ibid.
1. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak,” interviewed by Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Shannon Tokos, Lower North Fork Fire, near Prescribed Unit 4, Conifer, CO, March 29, 2012.
2. Ibid.
3. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire: Prescribed Fire Review” (State of Colorado, Office of Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources, Denver; and Office of the President, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, April 13, 2012), http://dnr.state.co.us/SiteCollectionDocuments/Review.pdf.
4. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak.”
5. Ibid.
6. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
7. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak.”
8. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kirk Will,” interviewed by Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Shannon Tokos, Colorado State Forest Service, Golden District Office, Golden, CO, March 30, 2012.
9. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak.”
10. Ibid.
11. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
12. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak.”
13. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
14. “Wildland Fire Investigation,” Bureau of Land Management Special Agent Shannon Tokos for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, April 12, 2012.
15. Bureau of Land Management, “Memorandum of Interview: Kevin Michalak.”
16. “Lower North Fork Prescribed Fire.”
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