Safeword: Rainbow

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Safeword: Rainbow Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  "That probably had a little to do with it, but the truth is that I felt something for you, and it's only getting stronger the more I'm around you, Sir. I know that after two nights I'm probably jumping the gun, but there is chemistry there that I can't deny."

  "And how often do you feel this chemistry?"

  "I... I'm not sure how to answer that, Sir. I don't believe I've ever felt it quite like this."

  "Thank you for being honest with me Katrina. Yes, there is chemistry there, I feel it too." He took a breath and then said, "We'll talk more about that later, when we aren't being formal. Now, tell me the things I've done that you've liked the most, please."

  Her heart skipped a beat, but she managed to stay calm and just answer the question. "Oh, I loved the bullwhip the first night. It felt like you spent an hour getting me into the right subspace before you used it, and I was flying exactly right when you did. I mean, it still hurt, bad. Really bad. But it hurt in the most exquisite way, Sir. I also liked that you made sure I was out of subspace enough to make the decision to go to a private room with you, that it was me talking, and not the altered me talking. Oh, and last night, with the vibrating butt plug and the vibrating nipple clamps while you made love to me, that was incredible, Sir."

  She got an odd look and paused and he realized something else had just gone through her head.

  "What are you thinking, Kitten?"

  "It's going to sound corny, Sir."

  He gave her a mischievous smile. "Okay, then give me corn, I think I can handle it."

  She started to come up with something else to say, then decided to just tell him the truth. She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Always before I had thought that making love was something you could only do as part of vanilla sex. I've always considered sex that was part of a scene as fucking. I didn't think it was possible to make love in the midst of a scene. But last night... last night you made love to me, as part of a scene. You've made me redefine a few things, Sir."

  His eyes softened and he said, "Oh Kitten, that's not corny, it's beautiful. And you are right; I was making love to you. I can't explain it, it was the first time we had actual sex and at that point it was only the second night we'd been together. But you are right, I was making love to you. I... I wish... oh, just, thank you for telling me that, okay?" チHe ran his fingers over her lips, then kissed his fingers and touched them to her lips again. He moved his hand back down to her nipple and ran little circles around it. “What else have I done that you particularly enjoyed?"

  She shivered with the sensory input and then took a breath to try to gain enough control to respond verbally. "Every time you've taken me to subspace I've enjoyed it, Sir. Our first night together you took me into subspace twice, and last night I was working my way there when you pulled me out and brought me back down to reality so you could punish me. But then when my punishment was over and you took me back into subspace you kept me there for a while, and you kept moving around my body so that no one place took too much abuse. I can't believe I took that much last night and I barely feel it today. I assumed I would wake up with multiple parts of my body hurting, but I didn't."

  He'd been feeding the two of them as they talked and now he smiled and said, "Here, take one more bite and I believe we are through eating. You seem to be slowing down and I assume you are ready to stop eating?"

  He placed a slice of honeydew melon in her mouth. She chewed it slowly and swallowed before saying, "Yes, Sir. Thank you. Dinner was wonderful."

  "I'll release you so you can make your phone call while I clear the table. I'm going to do some shibari on you while our food digests."

  "Thank you, Sir."

  Once she was released she walked to the sofa against the wall and sat down beside the table with the phone. She picked it up and dialed Ron's cell phone since it was easier to get him that way than by calling security and asking for him.

  "Hey Ron, it's Katrina"

  "Hey Viv, everything okay?"

  "Yes, everything is fine. I'm in the dining room with Master James, and I've agreed to let him mark me. I just wanted to let you know that we've negotiated a more intense scene than I usually consent to. My safeword will still be honored – I haven't relinquished my ability to stop the scene, but I've agreed to some things I wouldn't normally consent to."

  "Are you sure about this? You haven't known him very long and I don't know him at all."

  "Yes, I'm sure. Very sure. I've still got my safeword Ron, and I trust him to honor it. I'll be okay."

  "And you trust me to make sure he honors it, right?"


  "And if I think you are too far gone into subspace to say your safeword?"

  "Use your best judgment, Ron. I've agreed that he can mark me and he says the marks will be gone within eighteen days."

  "Is he starting now?"

  "No, I believe he's going to do some stuff with rope first while our food digests and then the more intense stuff will happen later."

  "Okay, I'm going to make a note on your monitor that your safeword is rainbow and that a rough scene is expected and when it starts if I'm not in there for someone to call me in. Okay?"

  "Thank you, Ron. You're the best."

  "Don't mention it. And don't hold out on your safeword if you need to say it, either. I don't want to see you get damaged or injured, okay? Pain without damage is fine, but if you let yourself get injured then I just might spank you myself once you heal. Got it?"

  She laughed, "Aye-aye Sir."

  "Smart ass. Take care, okay?"

  "Will do."

  She hung up and looked at Master James and he said, "Sounds like more than friends?"

  "No Sir, just friends. He's got his own lovely submissive, but he's kind of protective of me. It's a long story."

  "Okay Kitten, I'm just glad you've got someone looking out for you. Do you have a preference over silk rope or hemp rope?"

  "My preference is silk Sir, but if you prefer hemp then please use it instead."

  "Sometimes I do prefer hemp, but tonight I'm happy to go with your preference. Please come here, Kitten."

  * * * *

  An hour or two later Viv was completely in sub-space, in that zone where the ropes supported her body and the pain and discomfort of the ropes had her right on the edge of... something. Or maybe on the edge of nothing. He'd started with a rope corset and then brought two ropes between her legs, spreading her lips. As he worked the rope around her body he'd made her breasts feel like they were in a vice, and now she was suspended in mid-air horizontally with her legs positioned as if she were running, but spread out a bit so she was wide open and vulnerable. The upper leg attached to the winch above her and another rope running from the lower leg to the floor, anchoring her. Her arms were behind her back, hands to elbows. He had multiple points on the rope harness he’d made for her attached to the winch and she was well supported. She was quite literally floating, and when he stepped between her legs and very gently began making love to her, she melted.

  "Come whenever you feel like it Kitten, you don't have to ask permission."

  And she did, many times. Every time she orgasmed he would change his rhythm, or his angle, or something, and her arousal level immediately jumped right back up to 'full blast'.

  It felt like they did this forever, several times she thought she couldn’t take anymore, but he showed her that she could. And when she finally felt his thrusting become erratic and then felt him go in and stay as he let out a primal yell, another orgasm ripped through her body, spasming so much she almost wondered if the ropes would hold. She knew on a logical level that they would, of course, but it felt like the spasms should have had an effect on the ropes. She felt some pain as she twisted and turned as the orgasm rocked and twisted her, but it registered more as sensation than pain. When it was over she felt like a puddle of goo held by ropes.

  Master James stepped away and disposed of the condom and then released her lower leg from the floor before he
maneuvered the winch so she was moved back over the dining/bondage table and then gently lowered onto it. The candelabra had been replaced by the cushion, thank goodness, and once the cushion was holding her weight instead of the winch he immediately went to work loosening and removing the rope.

  Well done shibari takes a while to undo, so she just rested and floated as she felt the security of the ropes slowly leaving her body. She knew he was working fast, but it was still a slow process. When the ropes were at last gone he crawled up on the table with her and held her for a while, massaging and rubbing all over her body where the ropes had been. She felt herself drifting off to sleep and moved around, trying to wake up, but he told her it was okay, that she should take a small nap and he would wake her up when it was time to continue.

  Chapter Two

  When she awakened he fed her some grapes and honeydew melon.

  "How long did I sleep, Sir?"

  "About twenty five minutes. I watched your sleep cycle and woke you up right at the perfect power-nap point."

  He walked her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet and stayed while she did her business. It made her uncomfortable, but at least he let her use the toilet this time. When she was done he sat her up on the vanity, and then put both of her feet on the vanity beside her bottom, spreading her wide open. He then used a washcloth to quite thoroughly clean her up. She was tender, but that only stoked the fires that much more. By the time he was done she desperately wanted to come, but doubted that was going to happen.

  He looked at her and said, "Are you awake? Ready to continue?"

  "Yes Sir. Any chance of an orgasm? Please?"

  He smiled. "Not yet, Kitten. It's time for a few reminders of the rules. Not because you've forgotten them, but because I want to make sure you remember them. Okay?"

  She nodded and he continued, "You don't get to ask me not to do something. You had a small punishment for that the first night and you've done well since, but I feel the need to remind you again: If you don't want me to do something then you can safeword, but you don't get to say ‘please don't'. While you are with me you belong to me, to do with as I please. You don't get to ask me not to do something unless I've asked for your opinion. Clear?"

  "Yes Sir."

  "Okay. No coming without permission. If I've told you that you can't come and you don't think you can hold back then tell me and I may choose to back off some until you can get control of yourself. Or I may not. Either way, you are responsible for controlling whether you orgasm or not. And you already know there are severe consequences for coming when you've been told you can not."

  She felt an electric shock run through her at his words and she had to draw a breath in to say, "I understand, Sir."

  "I will rarely ask for your silence, and I don't intend to do so tonight. You may not ask me to do or not do something, but other than that you may speak when you wish as long as you do so respectfully. You can say ‘yes yes yes’ to let me know you like something, you may tell me something hurts, you may tell me something feels good. You may moan, speak, cry, scream, whatever. Okay?"

  "Yes Sir."

  She started to move her feet to drop them over the side of the vanity and he placed he hands on them to keep them where they were. He apparently wanted her to remain as she was.

  "One final thing. I know you've got the one safeword and when you give it I stop and ask you whether the scene is over or whether you just need me to stop doing what I was doing. But for tonight I want you to say Yellow if you just need me to back off of whatever I'm doing without stopping, okay?"

  "Why the difference, Sir?"

  "Because you are going to need me to back off tonight. I need to know where your edge is, and that means I have to cross it to find it. And when that happens I don't want to have to stop, I want to keep the flow going."

  She nodded, "Yes Sir, yellow if I just need for you to back off of whatever you are doing at the moment, but not stop doing things completely."

  His voice softened, "Okay Kitten, one final reminder. You are not being punished tonight. I need to hurt you. Your pain turns me on. It's a proof of your submission, that you'll take the pain without safewording out of it, that you are submitting to whatever I choose to do to your body."

  "Yes Sir, I understand."

  "Then come with me, Kitten."

  When she followed him out of the bathroom she saw that he'd prepared one of the bondage chairs. It was in the center of the open area of the room, and there was a large phallus attached to the seat.

  "Stand in front of it and bend over. Put your hands on the seat of the chair and arch your back to raise your ass for me. I'm going to prepare your ass before I make you take the dildo in the chair. I used one of the larger ones and I want to hurt you but I don't want to damage you."

  Viv bent over and raised her ass as instructed. This put her eye to eye (so to speak) with the metal phallus that was about to be up her ass. It was huge, much bigger around than the average male. Of course, Master James was larger than the average male also. But she thought this phallus might be a little bigger around than even Master James. And then there was the fact that a metal dildo didn't give like a human cock. She was just glad it wasn't terribly long; it was only maybe four inches long. It was just so damned big around.

  She felt the lube squirting up into her ass and then felt fingers invading. She always hated the very beginning of anything anal. Having something up her ass, even a single finger, was a horribly unwanted violation at first. Once she was used to it that went away, but at this point in her life she doubted that she'd ever get away from hating it when first entered.

  Master James started with one finger and quickly went to two, he stayed at two for a short time and then added a third finger. By the time he got to three she was enjoying it. She heard herself moaning from the pleasure/pain of it. She felt him move some and then saw an open tube of lube appear beside the dildo. "Lube it up while I fuck your ass with my fingers, Kitten".

  She rose up enough to balance on her legs and squirted lube on the dildo. She put her left hand back down on the seat to support herself and used her right hand to distribute the lube on the metal dildo sticking up from the chair. Once it was lubed she felt his fingers withdrawing from her ass and he stood her up and turned her around.

  "Bend your legs and sit down Kitten. Slowly, I'll help guide you."

  She knew she had to trust him, so she bent her legs and began sitting, her legs farther from the chair than normal, which gave her almost no control at all over how quickly or slowly she sat down. He was true to his word and he guided her so that her asshole was on the phallus. She felt the invasion of it as she sat down and it was once again the hated violation, not pleasant. She cried out in pain. It was too big. It hurt and burned and stretched. But she couldn't reverse direction and gravity just took her further and further onto it without a way to stop it from happening. He was still holding her arms but was no longer holding her weight. The weight of her body was pushing her down on the huge metal cock and there was nothing she could do. She let out an almost-scream just as she felt her bottom come in contact with the chair. As soon as she was sitting all the way down he wiped the lube from her hand and then fastened her wrists to the top of the back legs of the chair and her ankles to the bottom of the same legs. The chair literally had rings to use as connection points all over it. Her knees were pushed apart, over the outer edge of the chair seat, and flaps were lifted that kept her knees on the outside of the edge of the chair. He brought straps up that came across the tops of her thighs and fastened them down tight. It was a wide band so it didn't restrict circulation, but she wasn't going to be lifting herself up. Then he attached straps above and below her breasts that firmly held her to the back of the chair. Finally, he attached a cushioned and rounded pad behind her head and then used a strap to hold her forehead to it. The rounding of the pad aimed her head down a little bit, so she would be able to see what he was doing, but she would not be able to move her head
around. Or see him if he walked off to the side.

  "Tell me what you're feeling, Kitten."

  "Scared. Nervous. Excited. Horny. Scared."

  "You said scared twice."

  "Not terrified Sir. Just scared. Anxious."

  "Why are you scared?"

  "I'm always scared at this point, Sir. I trust you, plus I know club security is there as a safety net even if something did go wrong. But this is where I wonder why I've put myself in a position to be hurt. And I know it will hurt. At some point the pain is experienced as something good, but it's still pain. The part of my brain that is still sane has sense enough to be scared of the pain, even if the insane part of me is horny because of it."

  "You think you are insane for wanting this?"

  "No Sir. Well, not completely. It's just a figure of speech. A way to explain how part of me is horny and part of me is scared."

  He smiled. "And you just want me to get started already and stop talking about it, right?"

  Well, yes, but she didn't say that out loud. She figured he saw it in her eyes though, so she just said, "I would never say something like that to you, Sir."

  "But you might to another Master?"

  She smiled, "Yes Sir. I might."

  "Why not me?"

  "Some would allow it, would think nothing of it. And some might not allow it, but the punishment wouldn't be all that bad, might even end up being quite enjoyable. But I could never say something like that to you. For one thing, it's clear that you would see it as a sign that I didn't want to submit to you, and that would hurt me, for you to think that. There is also the fact that punishment from you wouldn't be enjoyable, but that's not why I wouldn't say that, Sir. I wouldn't say it because I want to give you my submission."


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