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All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday

Page 5

by K. Sterling

  “It’s very cute that you call it a nursery, like we’re going to be parents,” Ivanof murmured. Martinez laughed as Ivanof tried to cover his eyes and kissed him.

  “We are going to be parents. They’ll be our babies and put us through hell but I can’t wait,” Martinez whispered. Ivanof whimpered but it was demanding and sultry as he reached between them. “Here?” Martinez gasped but it turned into a growl as he pulled Ivanof’s lips to his. He was hungry and Ivanof moaned as they heard a zipper.

  “I like it here and I don’t want to wait until we get to our room.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Well...” Ivanof purred before he spit into his hand but Cyril didn’t think that was going to be enough as Martinez unzipped and pulled his erection free. They called him a “tank” but he was armed with a cannon. Good luck, Ivanof, Cyril thought but the younger man toed off one of his Converse and kicked his leg out of his jeans then mounted Martinez. “I’d rather we were at home but I’m making the best of it. Rip them,” Ivanof ordered.

  “Good point. I love it when you’re bossy.”

  “Now,” Ivanof urged and Wilder obediently ripped the back of his boxers. Alon looked away but Cyril’s jaw hung as Ivanof spit again and gave Martinez a quick stroke. Ivanof threw an arm around Martinez’s shoulders then slowly took every unbelievable inch.

  “Oh, fuck, Toly,” Martinez huffed as his hands closed around Ivanof’s ass and lifted him.

  “Yes!” Ivanof hissed and tucked his face into the corner of Martinez’s neck as he bounced on the larger man’s shaft like a toy. “Faster,” he panted and Alon’s eyes were huge when Cyril checked on him. Cyril nearly laughed so he decided they’d seen enough. He signaled for Alon to back away and they silently reversed down the path. They reached the fork and stopped when they heard a strangled but ecstatic sob. A muffled moan followed a moment later so Cyril and Alon hurried for the conservatory’s door. Cyril got it for Alon and was able to hold it together until they turned the corner.

  “Get to the office and erase that security footage,” Cyril said and coughed into his fist to mask a laugh as he headed for the foyer.

  “Of course,” Alon replied as they parted at the stairs.

  “Have a good night, Alon. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “You too, sir,” Alon replied and Cyril paused to admire the Christmas tree. The designer wrapped the entire tree in silver beads, ribbon and lace and little black bows dotted the branches. A large, ornate black and silver bow adorned the top and its many tails curled and cascaded down the sides of the tree.

  “All these years, I thought it would be too tacky,” he murmured to himself. “I was wrong,” he admitted then looked around to make sure no one overheard him. He was still alone in the foyer so he chuckled to himself as he climbed the stairs. His hand slipped into his pocket and tightened around the diamond, platinum and onyx ring and Cyril’s heart raced as he smiled at the tree. He picked the colors to match the ring and they looked so elegant with the Swarovski “snow.” “I think I’ll make that a tradition as well. I’ll let the designer know,” he decided then turned his thoughts to Farris and something a little more immediate. They were going to enjoy a long, hot bath and then Cyril would see if he could get Farris to bounce the way Ivanof did in the conservatory.

  Chapter 10

  “It doesn’t seem fair,” Lane whispered as his knuckle dragged over the scar on Aiden’s knee. His leg was bent and protruded from beneath the duvet and an arm was tucked behind his head. A light beard dusted his jaw and his lips curved; there was the barest hint of temptation before they pulled into a yawn. His head rolled on the pillow and Lane’s heart kicked when Aiden’s eyes opened and the soft blue grey went to the other pillow. The color reminded Lane of home and it felt like they were there as he crawled to Aiden’s lips and kissed him. “That’s better than seeing the sunrise.”

  “What?” Aiden rumbled drowsily. He sifted his fingers through Lane’s hair and traced his jaw and a well of love and pure adoration rose in Aiden’s eyes. Lane fell into them and felt too blessed. Aiden’s brows pulled together as his nose wrinkled and Lane remembered he was meant to be participating in a conversation and chuckled as he sucked on his chin.

  “Watching you wake up. It makes everything feel bright inside, like when the sun comes up,” he said. Aiden hummed thoughtfully as he angled and slid his body so he was under Lane.

  “I’ve seen the sunrise and it was nice but I’d rather see you.” He wound his arms around Lane’s neck and locked a leg around his hip. Lane groaned appreciatively as he kissed him and adjusted so he could grind his cock against Aiden’s. They were both hard and hungry but Lane remembered he promised to talk to Aiden.

  “I need you to do me a favor,” Lane began carefully and Aiden snorted.

  “When have you ever had to ask?” He said and went to stick his finger in his mouth to get it wet but Lane laughed as he stopped him.

  “Not that but you can hold the thought,” he said then winced. “Could you do us a favor and spend some time with Reginald this afternoon?” He asked. Aiden’s face fell before he looked at the window.

  “I almost forgot we weren’t at home. It was so good before you reminded me.”

  “Don’t!” Lane begged and turned Aiden’s face so he could peck at his lips. “It’s still a beautiful morning and it isn’t that bad here,” he said. Aiden gave him a dubious look.

  “It isn’t a hollowed-out volcano but we’re still surrounded by armed guards and can’t pick our own food,” he argued.

  “You had grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and you’re about to eat pancakes. What else would you pick?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Kind of is, though,” Lane said gently. “Yes. Blink’s eerie and I want to punch his face every time I see it but this place is incredible and the food is amazing. You look like a wet dream every night and then I get to fuck you in someone else’s bed. It’s not that bad,” he said but Aiden blinked up at him.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. I can’t wear sweatpants and white socks and sit in my office with some Twizzlers and a medical journal. It’s the week before Christmas. I’m supposed to wrap presents with Robin and eat cookies and do puzzles. Not go up and down the fucking stairs twenty times a day and wear stupid tight suits every night. And the tree is black. That’s the worst kind of Christmas and it’s wrong.” He punctuated it with a firm nod. Lane wanted to laugh but he felt like hell because he understood that Aiden found comfort in routines and they helped him manage expectations and kept him from getting overwhelmed.

  “I know this is a lot for you to process but we’re going to get you home and we’ll have a perfect Christmas. We just might have to play catch-up or move everything back a bit when we get home. But it’s all going to happen and is still waiting for us,” Lane promised. Aiden nodded but his eyes were glassy and he sniffed. Lane felt it like a kick in the gut. “Hey! I’m going to make this up to you!”

  “You don’t have to make anything up to me. You were right. We should help but I wish we were home and doing what we always do. You just retired and I thought we’d get to do more of those things and I wouldn’t have to worry about you going out when the weather was gross or coming home late because something bad happened on Christmas Eve. It was supposed to be perfect like Christmas always is with Sage and Lavender and Robin but more of us and you,” he explained. Lane sighed as he rested his forehead on Aiden’s and kissed him.

  “I’m sorry and that does sound perfect. We’re going to have that soon and I’ll do my best to make this as easy and as fun as I can for you,” he said.

  “I was supposed to FaceTime with Keira on Christmas Eve. I sent her a very ugly sweater; they’re having a contest. And we’re supposed to see her on Boxing Day. It was going to be our new tradition,” Aiden reminded Lane.

  “I know and you can still FaceTime with her and there’s still time for us to get home for Boxing Day.”

/>   “We don’t know that. We barely know why we’re here. We don’t know when we’ll be able to go home,” he said and Lane shushed him soothingly because he could hear and feel Aiden becoming agitated.

  “Blink can’t abide this for much longer. He can’t accept not having all the answers and being in control. And Reginald is doing whatever he can to bring all of this to a head, I guarantee it.”

  “Probably,” Aiden agreed but it was hollow and unfocused. “I don’t understand how making me spend time with Reginald is going to make this less uncomfortable and disorienting,” he said. Lane did laugh and nuzzled his face in the corner of Aiden’s neck.

  “Because I want you to enjoy yourself more and get into a little trouble. You and Reginald are good for each other and he wants to be your friend.”

  “What if I don’t want to get into trouble or be his friend?”

  “Are you telling me you don’t like Reginald?” Lane asked. Aiden’s nose wrinkled again as he considered.

  “I like him when he’s being himself instead of...what he usually is. When he isn’t being awful and confusing,” he attempted and Lane nodded.

  “I find that totally understandable. He’s a pain in the ass and makes my head hurt but he’s also loyal as hell and means well, in his own shitty, twisted way. Reginald just doesn’t know what it’s like to have good, healthy things in his life or how to express normal emotions without getting hurt for it. He’s British and they’re warped about titles so he’s not supposed to have feelings or care about other people.”

  “That’s what people say about me,” Aiden said and Lane frowned.

  “What do you mean? Who says that?”

  “Reginald, sometimes. He calls me a robot. Lots of people think I don’t have feelings or care about other people because I’m autistic. I feel all the same things. A lot. Sometimes, I feel them more than I feel other things or hear or smell. I get so scared of the pounding in my chest or how much my stomach hurts and I pull away from everything and don’t hear or notice what’s happening. I can’t always feel and react or articulate at the same time the way I can’t chew gum and walk. It’s an idiom but I can’t actually do that. I have to stop and chew or I just clamp it between my teeth until I get to wherever I’m going. Sometimes, I have to clamp something between my teeth and feel it when I get someplace quiet or safe. Do you think he’s like that too?” Aiden asked but Lane needed a minute. His vision blurred and his heart hurt but it was because Aiden had gone and made it bigger and just a little fuller.

  “Yeah,” he rasped and nodded. “It’s a lot like that. I think Reginald gets a little scared and isn’t sure if it’s safe to be himself but he’s getting there,” he said. Aiden’s eyes swept upwards and he nodded.

  “I can see that and I’m glad but I also don’t like being around him most of the time.”

  “That’s understandable. He’s either adorable or wildly obnoxious. There’s no sane medium with him. But I’m worried about Lavender. He’s doing his best to keep Reginald from getting murdered and figure this thing out with Blink so we can all go home. Reginald isn’t helping things by being the worst version of himself instead of dialing it back.”

  “That seems counterintuitive, if Reginald wants to live, though,” Aiden observed and Lane nodded.

  “No one expects him to be rational or cooperative but Lavender thinks he’s got something good up his sleeve and doesn’t want to interfere if it’ll help. But he’s also at his wit’s end with Reginald and it would give us all a break if we didn’t have to worry about what he’s up to for a few hours. Paul’s got to be exhausted,” Lane pointed out. Aiden smirked and gave his head a shake.

  “The last thing we have to worry about is Paul’s stamina. Hey!” He gasped and twisted away when Lane squeezed the back of his thigh. “I’m sorry!” He laughed. He caught Lane’s face and kissed him loudly. “I’m not worried about Reginald wearing him out but I do worry about Paul’s sanity.”

  “You’d be doing him a real solid if you gave him the afternoon off,” Lane said as he settled over Aiden and rubbed their noses together.

  “Like when we have Robin over for s’mores and movies so Sage and Lavender can drink wine and have sex in the kitchen?” He asked and Lane laughed.

  “Kind of like that but Paul probably just wants to take a nap or catch up on emails so he doesn’t get fired.”

  “But he knew what Reginald was like before he married him,” Aiden argued. Lane hummed and nodded as he wondered how delicate he should be. He was about to use a little guilt to apply some emotional leverage but Aiden was immune to a certain amount of subtlety.

  “He did but think about what’ll happen if Paul gets burnt out. He’s juggling flaming pins right now and we should be doing everything we can to help him,” he said and saw the thoughts ricocheting in Aiden’s brain.

  “He’s got to keep Reginald out of trouble here while he juggles his responsibilities with the FBI. And he’s working all of his sources in the intelligence community to find anything that might be linked to Blink and the attacks,” he murmured distantly. Lane hissed as he nibbled on his lips.

  “He’s on a tightrope here, too. The FBI knows where he is and whose roof he’s under. Blink’s obviously a person of interest. Blink knows and doesn’t trust him Paul so can't do anything to make anyone suspicious. He could lose his job or end up in jail or an incinerator,” he explained and Aiden nodded.

  “That is complicated but I don’t see why I have to be the one to do it. Denver likes Reginald and Ezra isn’t doing anything. I’m sure he’d be happy to make sure Reginald stays out of trouble.”

  “I don’t think we want to leave Ezra alone with Reginald right now. Reginald hasn’t had as much of a chance to grow on him and Ezra still wants to kick his ass for what happened in Chicago.”

  “Denver says he isn’t bothered but it makes sense that Ezra would be concerned about a relapse or further brain injury,” Aiden thought out loud. Lane groaned as he kissed him then squinted sheepishly.

  “You know, Reginald’s been really forgiving about Keira and Paul… He didn’t even press charges. They didn’t have to but they let us do what we thought was best for Keira and for you,” he said and a hard sigh poured from Aiden.

  “I know and I am grateful...” He stopped and his chin pushed out. “Fine. I’ll keep an eye on him but I’m getting off now and in the shower,” he stipulated.

  “That sounds reasonable,” Lane said with a serious nod and rocked against him. “I’m proud of you for putting your friends first,” he said tenderly but Aiden gave him a disgruntled look.

  “I already said I’d do it so you can stop flattering me and do something else with your mouth.” He gestured for Lane to get on with it then draped his arms over his face as if he was hiding from the rest of the day. Lane moaned sympathetically as he slid down his body but Aiden was adorable when he was grumpy. And he was right. There were much better things Lane could be doing with his mouth. He rubbed his lips in the trail of hair that ran from Aiden’s navel to the base of his cock. Gavin Langley’s name was gone and a Zoroastrian faravahar spread across the tight muscle. Aiden groaned and bucked his hips impatiently, urging Lane to wander lower. He purred as he dragged his nose through the neatly trimmed hairs and filled his senses with the smell of Aiden’s aroused flesh. There was a hint of soap and starch but Lane’s mouth watered at the smell of Aiden’s cock and sac as he licked and nuzzled. The scent and taste of his skin fed Lane’s soul and his eyes stung with tears as he loved Aiden with his lips and tongue. Any place with Aiden felt like home and every morning was better than Christmas for Lane.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he parted Aiden’s thighs.

  “I know. I love you too.” Aiden’s fingers curved around Lane’s head and pushed. Lane chuckled and his heart swelled with love and need as he feasted and made Aiden even more demanding and urgent.

  “I’m looking forward to more of us and more of you when we get home and things calm down
again,” Lane panted in Aiden’s ear as he filled him with a long, smooth thrust. He thought he’d convert the old shed into a workshop and build something big and stupid like a boat so he wouldn’t lose his mind but he’d put that on hold for a bit. A few months of lounging on the couch, baking cookies and trying to kill each other on the treadmill would help Aiden put Blackhurst and whatever Reginald had planned behind them.

  “Good. Don’t stop,” Aiden babbled but he was lost in his body. His head rolled on the pillow and his back bowed off the bed as his heels dug into Lane’s ass. He was so beautiful and Lane had to be the luckiest man in the world. Aiden’s dream vacation was a quiet week on the sofa with sugar cookies and sex. All he wanted was to be home with Lane and it was so simple and easy to make him happy.

  “Never,” Lane promised because Aiden would always be home and all he needed.

  Chapter 11

  “Don’t touch that!” Toly whispered and slapped Reginald’s hand. He sighed at the mind-numbing boredom and looked around the platform and the vault for someone to help or entertain himself with. But Toly was still fuming, Grim was glaring at the mass spectrometer and Elliot was dabbing at a Caravaggio with a Q-tip.

  “If I can’t be of any help here...” Reginald said as he pushed away from the work table and the mounds of parts Toly was harvesting from the discarded electronics. There were more than Toly could ever possibly need and he had no reason to take them back to Lake Cliff but the activity calmed him and Alon said there was a whole bay full of old electronics waiting to be recycled, donated or destroyed and for Toly to help himself. “I’ll see if Sharp is busy,” Reginald mused and Grim snorted.


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