All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday

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All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday Page 7

by K. Sterling

  “He means well but he’s not happy that Paul’s leaving. I’m worried about what he’s going to do if he gets bored or decides all of this is taking too long,” he explained under his breath and they paused at the bottom of the stairs, before turning into the study.

  “I don’t believe he’s bored,” Lavender breathed, just so Sage could hear him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think he’s up to something and I can’t decide if I should interfere or continue to turn a blind eye,” he confided. Sage’s eyes tightened as he considered.

  “I say let him go. Whatever he’s up to, he’s doing it to protect you and Paul first so I wouldn’t worry,” he said with another shrug and went to go but Lavender stopped him.

  “You’re absolutely right but there’s a good chance that whatever he does could put us at odds with...” His eyes swept around the foyer suggestively.

  “Huh.” Sage gave it a moment then shook his head. “I’ll still put my faith in Reginald. Blink might be playing three-dimensional chess but Reginald’s playing from the future and he’s already beat him,” he said and held up a finger as he looked around. “But that’s just between you and me. Don’t tell that shit I said anything or I’ll deny it,” he swore. Lavender chuckled as he followed and went ahead and enjoyed the view.

  “My God, your ass is spectacular in those trousers,” he whimpered and Sage flashed him a devilish smirk.

  “I’m glad you think so. I plan on getting trashed and acting filthy later,” he warned and left Lavender flustered and distracted as Sage headed for the bar.

  “Damn it!” He spat then spotted Toly by the fireplace. He was sitting on the armrest and Wilder was deep in conversation with Denver and Ezra on the sofa. Hawk was nodding along as he stared into a scotch. They were forming their own little clique within the house and Toly and Ezra’s eyes narrowed as Reginald wandered in with Paul. Both looked rushed and a touch disheveled and Lavender wondered if there was a fight or if they were fooling around. Perhaps both... Lavender decided as Paul watched Reginald out of the corner of his eye then blushed when Reginald licked his lips lewdly.

  “Would you care for a drink, Lord Marston?” Alon asked. Reginald hummed thoughtfully as he pretended to consider the decanters.

  “I suppose I’ll have to settle for a gin and tonic,” he said but didn’t take his eyes off Paul as he joined Lane and Aiden. Paul would get a temperature check from Lane before making his way to the group on the sofa. He was acting as Reginald’s ambassador and Lavender considered how best to help. They were all safer with Reginald in the fold than off on his own. Of course, Lavender could just as easily widen the divide if he campaigned too overtly. Ezra and Wilder were already wary but Lavender would only ruffle Hawk’s feathers more if he applied any pressure. Reginald does deserve their ire and you’ll only look like you’re playing favorites if you step in, he reminded himself.

  “God, I miss Robin,” Lavender sighed and rubbed at the headache forming behind his brow. “At least one of my children listens and isn’t a maniac,” he said to himself and silently prayed that Reginald would throw him a rope and just behave until whatever this was had passed. It would make it a hell of a lot easier to smooth things over with the cabal in the corner. Then, Toly laughed and Wilder gave his knee a gentle squeeze and Lavender was just a little grateful. Toly looked rather elegant and sleek in his three-piece-suit. The layers of thick tweed and leather filled him out a touch more and the leather elbow patches and red ascot were dashing touches. Wilder chose a more casual look and skipped a tie and left his collar unbuttoned. It worked well and Lavender liked the way the bright white of his collar contrasted with his tattoos. Lavender pushed his hand into his pocket and was relaxed as he wandered to the sofa.

  “Gentlemen,” he said and offered the group a nod. Denver tapped his forehead with his bottle.

  “Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he drawled and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he sipped from his beer. Lavender chuckled softly but his gaze hardened as it caught Denver’s.

  “I’d rather be someplace else. Do you have everything you need to hunt down whoever’s keeping us here?” He asked and raised a brow at Toly. Denver nodded and Lavender noticed he was kneading Ezra’s shoulder. “How are you doing, Denver?” Lavender asked as he touched his forehead. “Has any of this caused you to...lose any sleep?” He saw Ezra’s focus tighten as he watched Denver but he shook his head and waved it off.

  “I’m fine,” Denver said firmly and gave Ezra’s neck a playful shake. “I keep telling him, aside from the fact that I’d prefer that we were alone at the cabin and snowed in, I have absolutely no regrets and no trouble sleeping. Do I wish I would have been asked first? Sure. I got away from the military because I don’t like it when I don’t know who’s pulling my strings but I know why he did it,” Denver told them quietly. Lavender would have kissed his feet for being predictably laid back and up for anything but Ezra was still furious. For a very good reason. Though, Lavender didn’t understand why Ezra still thought he was somehow to blame for all of this.

  “If you’re sure,” Lavender replied soberly. “I would never do anything to undermine the progress you’ve made,” he said sincerely. He turned to Hawk and craned his neck.

  “Where’s your evil half?” He asked and Hawk pointed at the foyer. Lavender turned and bit back a laugh as Casper stomped in dragging a strand of garland and string lights with him.

  “Why do you have this bullshit all over the damn place? It caught on my sleeve and I thought someone was sneaking up on me,” he said and threw it at one of the footmen.

  “You thought...” Cyril asked as he shook his head. “It’s the holidays,” he groaned into his glass, as if he was reminding himself.

  “Excuse me,” Hawk said as he edged past Lavender and went to chaperone Casper.

  “And I thought I was brave,” Wilder murmured and Toly, Ezra and Denver hummed in agreement before Toly’s jaw fell.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing!” Wilder insisted but he winked at Lavender. Toly looked unsure as he hugged his chest and watched the room.

  “I am never any trouble,” he said and pushed out his chin defiantly.

  “No... Never,” Wilder agreed.

  “Sloan is the one who deserves a medal,” Toly said and there wasn’t a soul in the house who’d argue with that.

  Chapter 15

  “Is everything ready for tomorrow?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Have a good night, Alon,” Cyril said and Alon bowed as he backed out of the dressing room. Cyril left his coat on the rack and tugged his tie loose as he went to the bathroom and the tremor in his hand and the tightness in his neck and shoulders faded. Farris was naked and soaking in the tub and it was the only thing that could soothe the restlessness and the anxiety Cyril grappled with throughout the day.

  “On a scale of one-to-ten, how bad was it?” Farris asked as he offered Cyril a sip of his scotch. Cyril snorted as he went to him and tangled his fingers in Farris’s hair as he drained it.

  “I’d say it was about an eight,” he sighed as he went to the decanter on the counter to refill it then took another fortifying gulp. The lush warmth and caramel slid through him and his shoulders loosened a touch more as Cyril pulled his belt free and let it fall. He kicked off his shoes and took off his socks then strode back to the tub. “The whole day was fucking unbearable and my nerves are shot,” he complained as he handed the drink back to Farris.

  “They aren’t that bad but I get it. There’s a lot of currents to navigate and it feels like things are happening beneath the surface,” Farris said. Cyril laughed under his breath as he tossed his trousers and briefs at the dressing room.

  “Too many agendas and grudges and I can’t see where all of them intersect with mine or make us weaker,” he said as he stepped into the water and sank into his spot. Farris groaned sympathetically and slid close so he could wind his legs around Cyril’s waist. C
yril grunted appreciatively as he pulled Farris onto his lap and accepted another sip of scotch. “I want to muzzle Marston and chain him to a laptop so he can do his fucking job. Grim needs a muzzle and a shock collar so he’ll leave the decorations alone. Then, Ivanof could stop seething and having panic attacks. Not that I blame him.”

  “I second the muzzles and shock collar. It would make the vault a happier place,” Farris murmured and his eyes narrowed as he imagined it. Cyril hummed as he kissed him.

  “I am so sorry about that but I can’t have them wandering the grounds and my stables any more than absolutely necessary and it isn’t safe outside of the house,” he said. Farris made a knowing sound as he drank then slid an arm around Cyril’s neck. Farris rolled and pressed himself against Cyril and he stopped caring about all the variables and unknowns or the powder keg his house had become.

  “And you need as many eyes on Marston as you can get,” Farris accused.

  “Who?” Cyril asked as he pecked at his lips. Farris wasn’t wrong. Marston behaved when he was in the vault because there were too many eyes on him. For the most part. He was picking pockets and stripping the house of electronics but Alon was monitoring that and Cyril needed the little shit to do what he did best. “I don’t want to think about any of that right now. I need you or I’ll lose my mind,” he growled and attacked Farris’s lips. Cyril took the glass from Farris and his arm extended over the side of the tub before he let it drop. Farris sucked on Cyril’s tongue and ground against him as their hands pulled and clawed. Cyril’s hands dragged down his back and squeezed the tight, round globes of Farris’s ass before his fingers found his hole. Cyril teased the tight ring until Farris squirmed impatiently then fingered him lazily. Cyril let go of everything else as he lost himself and feasted. Farris tasted like scotch and lust and Cyril sank into his lips and swallowed his strangled moans.

  “Time to go,” Farris said and pushed off the sides of the tub so he could stand. Cyril stopped him before he could get out and lapped at Farris’s erection. “I need you to wreck me. You’re not the only one who’s had a long day.” He pulled Cyril’s hair but Farris let him suck on the head before he pulled away and stepped over the side. He grabbed a towel on his way out and Cyril’s head fell as he enjoyed the view as Farris dried his hair. Cyril took a minute to scrub the day from his skin then leapt out and raced into the bedroom. Farris was waiting on the bed and his fingers were slick with lube as they slid in and out of his hole, taunting and tempting Cyril.

  “Christ, Farris,” Cyril groaned as his knees dropped onto the foot of the bed. He crawled to him like he was an oasis and Cyril buried his face in Farris’s sac as he pushed two fingers into his clenching heat and found his prostate.

  “Oh, fuck! Now!” Farris begged and his heels dug into the mattress as he writhed and swore. Cyril took a moment to coat his shaft then rose on his knees and dove into Farris. He filled him with a brutally deep, driving thrusts and Farris screamed for more and harder. Cyril crashed into him again and again; the frenzy beat back the tension and anxiety and brought peace and freedom as they lost themselves in the moment and each other. Farris bit into Cyril’s shoulder as he came and the wild spike of pain obliterated what was left of his control. Cyril pushed off the bed so he could rise on his knees and he dragged his fingers through Farris’s cum and greedily licked them clean. He locked Farris’s ass against his groin as he bucked hard; Cyril’s head fell back and he came with a roar. Cum pumped from his cock and flooded Farris’s ass and for just a moment, Cyril was sated and whole. He knew peace as he fell forward and Farris gathered him in his arms. They kissed and their limbs tangled and tightened as they rolled. The fight and the fury had been wrung from them so they whispered and teased with words of love and loyalty and Cyril basked in the bliss until Farris fell asleep. The night grew long and cold outside his window as Cyril’s thoughts turned to the faceless hunter stalking him. He’d extended the security perimeter and reinforced his defenses but Cyril couldn’t rest as his enemies circled outside Blackhurst’s walls. Sleep didn’t find him until nearly sunrise and his dreams were of smoke and shattered glass. Blackhurst was consumed in chaos. Cyril couldn’t get to the vault and he couldn’t get to Farris.

  Chapter 16

  Reginald was not, in fact, all that upset to see Paul go, for once. He had so much work to do and the extra sneaking around and the constant squirreling away of contraband was slowing Reginald down. Paul was unfortunately—and possibly intentionally—constantly underfoot. Reginald pretended he was terribly concerned about Paul leaving but he knew Alon would have him under surveillance even though there was no indication that he was being watched or targeted in any way. But, even if he was, this was Paul. He was too fast, too smart and nothing would stop him from coming back. Reginald just thought he had a little more time when Paul slipped out of bed at 3:00 a.m. to catch an early flight back to D.C. to check in at the office and keep up appearances.

  Reginald made a good start after breakfast and “found” a wifi amplifier and a camera and discovered a blind spot in the conservatory by the statue of Venus. He could pace as he smoked and wander off camera for a few minutes at a time without raising suspicion. As he was studying Blackhurst's plans, Reginald made note of a hidden transformer box, camouflaged amongst the philodendrons, for possible future use. He’d nearly assembled the components to access the internet and planned to swing by the vault to “borrow” a keyboard from Toly’s station after lunch. He also needed a working phone and an earpiece so he could listen in on Alon and his men. But those would wait until he was ready to get to work. He had to be careful not to attract suspicion when more sensitive items went missing.

  “I think I’ll swing by the vault after lunch,” Reginald told Toly as he sat across from him. Served buffet style, lunch was much more casual. Reginald held out his wrist and gave it a shake. “I don’t remember this watch band being so loose. Just need to take out one of the links,” he said. Toly stabbed his fork in his potatoes and scooped a large bite into his mouth. He watched Reginald as he chewed then shrugged.

  “Don’t touch anything.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it!” Reginald said and smiled sweetly at Blink as he reclined in his seat and watched them. “Unless you have something better for me to do.” He raised his brows hopefully, even though it was obvious that Blink didn’t want to upset Lavender or Toly and was staying out of it. Alon drifted into the room and bent so he could whisper in Blink’s ear.

  “Agent Sloan is back,” Alon murmured. Reginald jumped from his seat and hurried from the dining room and skidded past the Christmas tree as Paul stormed up the front steps and into the foyer.

  “What’s happened?” Reginald asked as Paul unwound his scarf and shrugged out of his coat.

  “I’m not sure but I think I’ve got a name,” he said as Blink and Alon joined them in the foyer.

  “It must have been good if you flew right back from DC,” Blink noted and Paul shrugged as he crossed his arms over his chest. He was in his new grey herringbone and it was beautifully cut, hugging the muscles in his back and arms, as Paul studied Blink.

  “That depends. Know anything about an Operation Blackout?” He asked and Blink’s head cocked and his eyes widened with fury. Alon stiffened at his side as he raised his sleeve and whispered.

  “Operation Blackout?” Blink growled as he prowled closer but Paul held up a hand.

  “Don’t kill the messenger. I thought I’d see if a friend at the CIA might know something but he was weird the minute I walked into his office. I played dumb and kept him talking until he got called out to listen in on a call and I took a peek at what he was working on. He was reading a report about a vanload of dead mercenaries attached to an Operation Blackout,” he said and Lavender whistled as he inspected his nails. Everyone but Elliot and Matteo straggled into the foyer and gathered around them.

  “Who’d you piss off at the CIA?”

  “Everyone,” Blink replied with a swat then pointed at
Paul. “What else?”

  “Not much... I didn’t have time for more than a quick scan,” he said but Blink’s brow jumped. He was impressed. Paul didn’t care. “I did see a name Alon might recognize. Lahav Shamir.”

  “Lahav Shamir?” Blink asked as he turned back to his butler. Alon looked troubled and his eyes darted wildly as he calculated.

  “He’s a former Mossad agent. I trained him and his specialty is PsyOps,” he said then nodded. “I see what this is now.”

  “Excellent. In here,” Blink said as he strode into the study and headed for his desk. He opened the cigar box on the corner and selected one. “Please help yourselves,” he said and went to prepare his. “Please share, Alon,” he ordered and Alon bowed his head.

  “Lahav was an exceptional officer and I am assuming the CIA has hired him so they can keep their hands clean. Lahav would have built his own team to test and penetrate Blackhurst. The attacks against the hackers were for three purposes: to gain intel—taking Captain Walsh alive would have been a bonus if they could interrogate him but I doubt they were counting on it. But he’d also want to create confusion by turning the different sides against each other and Mr. Blink while tripping all of our security protocols to see how we’d react.”

  “The transmitters?” Blink asked and Alon smiled.

  “Follow them to see where they go inside Blackhurst and if your security is as good as you think it is,” he explained and Grim chuckled.

  “The last one went inside one of your dogs’ bellies until it took a shit in the woods.”

  “We still don’t know what they’re after,” Lavender pointed out.

  “I’m working on it,” Toly said and his hands danced through the air, making Reginald’s soul ache as he longed to be in on the hunt.

  “Couldn’t I just...” Reginald attempted sheepishly.


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