All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday

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All Is Bright: A Boys of Lake Cliff Holiday Page 9

by K. Sterling

  “Let’s go, Casper,” Dr. Hawkesworth said and offered his arm. “I don’t like you two whispering in the corner like this. Don’t conspire,” he ordered, then practically dragged Grim from the study.

  “I agree,” Paul said as he joined Reginald. “You’re up to something and it makes my stomach hurt, the thought of you and Grim joining forces.”

  “Jesus Christ, I need another drink. I’ll be right there,” Lavender muttered as he went to the bar. Reginald cringed over his shoulder then shrugged. He could get Lavender to forgive him for just about anything.

  Chapter 21

  “Is he...drunk?” Cyril wondered as he reclined in his seat at the head of the table. Lavender rarely drank and preferred a raw, liquid diet but he drank two very stout martinis before dinner. He was on his second glass of wine and making the most absurd puppy eyes at his husband.

  “This is lovely,” Ivanof said as he pointed his spoon at his onion soup. Cyril requested a homier, more comforting menu because Ivanof enjoyed very little of the comforts of home or the holidays as a child, before he became an orphan. “This is the best part. It’s a little like a grilled cheese,” Ivanof said and Sage Bradley nodded in agreement.

  “It is!” He wasn’t drinking as much as Lavender, which seemed wise. The footmen came to remove the soup bowls and they were replaced by pumpkin ravioli with a Gorgonzola cream sauce and sage.

  “No, thank you,” Lavender said when a footman attempted to set a plate in front of him. “I will have a glass of that, please,” he said as the next footman arrived with the gewürztraminer. Cyril raised a brow at him.

  “Are you sure that’s smart?” He asked. Lavender winked at Cyril as he stuck his nose in his glass and took a deep sniff.

  “Gorgeous bouquet,” he noted then sat back and draped his arm over the back of Bradley’s chair as he drank. “I thought you had more faith in Alon and all of this,” Lavender said with a wave of his glass and chuckled as he sipped. “You and I both know I’m better on my worst day than your best man.”

  “You were but I wonder if age and the suburbs have slowed you down,” Cyril countered. Lavender made a bored sound as he set down his glass.

  “Yes, Cyril.” His hand rolled through the air encouragingly. “Tell everyone how dull I’ve become and how drab my life is because I live in the suburbs,” he said as if they were the fifth circle of the inferno. He stopped and squinted for a moment then gave his head a shake. “Whatever. Enjoy the thought if it amuses you,” he drawled then yawned. Lavender turned to his husband to whisper in his ear so Cyril gave Alon the slightest nod. Alon reached into his coat for his pistol and Lavender swiped a knife off the table and his arm whipped around. A second later, the knife lodged into the wall next to Alon’s ear and he froze but Lavender never took his eyes off his husband’s lips and hummed drowsily as he kissed his cheek.

  “Your men are good but I’ll take my chances.”

  “Perhaps you could take it upstairs,” Cyril suggested and Lavender made another bored sigh as he reclined.

  “And leave you on your own with them?” He teased as he waved around the room. Cyril enjoyed Alon’s irritation and bit back a smirk as his butler pulled the knife from the wall. Alon’s nostrils flared as his thumb traced the gash in the wallpaper but Cyril knew he’d have it repaired before he retired for the evening. Alon took every imperfection personally when it came to Blackhurst. From the tiniest scuff to the vaguest hint of a security breach, it was a personal affront if anything was out of order on Alon’s watch.

  “How’s that jaw, Lord Marston?” Cyril asked and Marston snorted.

  “I’ve been hit harder during foreplay,” he said then licked his lips lewdly at his husband. Agent Sloan grinned back at him over his wine and the poor footman Marston and Grim baited stiffened but held his post by the door. Alon would have words with him after all the guests were retired for the evening and the house was locked down. There was no doubt that Marston orchestrated the moment but the footman failed and would spend the rest of his career at Blackhurst guarding the kitchen gardens. Violations of protocol would not be tolerated and Cyril couldn’t have someone that malleable that close to him.

  “I don’t know what you’re up to but I’ll make your little digital exile feel like a pat on the head if you cause me the wrong kind of grief,” Cyril promised Marston. Farris cleared his throat softly and Cyril glanced to his right.

  “It’s the holidays,” he pointed out under his breath then slid a bite of ravioli into his mouth. He licked his lips as he chewed and Cyril was momentarily distracted by the glint of wicked lust in Farris’s eye. Cyril tugged his tie to loosen it and Lavender chuckled.

  “Getting warm, Cyril?” He asked. Cyril’s eyes tightened and he gave Lavender a dry look as he reached for his water.

  “Getting suicidal?”

  “Not yet but ask me again if we’re still here in a week,” Lavender replied.

  “I might check out sooner if I have to sit through too many more of these idiotic meals,” Grim said then chewed a large mouthful of grilled duck breast. “This is good but the portions are fucking ridiculous and it has to come on ten different plates,” he complained but aside from his appalling habit of throwing Cyril’s crystal glasses once he emptied them, he was otherwise well-behaved. Marston was on his best behavior as well and headed to the piano when they returned to the study.

  “I suppose it falls on me to liven things up, seeing as I’m the only one who’s ever attended a real house party,” he said and cracked his knuckles. His fingers danced over the keys and he was cocky and charming as he leaned toward the audience. “I learned very early that a title wasn’t enough. You had to be filthy rich or fiendishly entertaining to prove your worth. I was poor so I put all those tedious music lessons to use,” he explained then regaled them with an extremely inappropriate rendition of “Oh Holy Night” and “Here Comes Santa Claus.”

  “I’ll give it a shot,” Lavender said and his husband cheered excitedly as he nudged Sharp.

  “Drunk Lavender and he’s going to play the piano? This night is a total win for me, honestly,” Bradley said and saluted his husband with his beer. Lavender chuckled as he sipped from his martini glass.

  “Just wait until later,” he purred and winked at Bradley. Then Lavender humphed thoughtfully and tapped his chin as he studied the keys then nodded. “I’ve got just the thing,” he said and the notes were softer but almost melancholy as his fingers crawled over the keys. “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas...” He sang and Cyril was impressed by the rich smoothness of his voice. “Not like the ones he used to know.” Lavender cocked his head at Marston and sniffed suggestively. Ivanof bit down on his lips and there were several snorts from around the room. “Now Blink’s baubles glisten, and footmen listen, to hear footsteps in the snow. Oh, the snow...” He paused and rested his elbow on the piano so he could sip from his drink. “What’s the most disappointing thing a man can get on Christmas morning?” He asked and looked around. Several people shook their heads but West was game.

  “What’s the most disappointing thing a man can get?” West asked and Lavender flashed him a wide smile as he set down his martini glass.

  “A sweater. Especially when he was hoping for a screamer or a moaner,” he replied and Bradley rolled his eyes but there were loud whistles and a few claps. Lavender threw his husband a very loaded look as he returned to the melody. “Not that I’ve ever been disappointed... I said, I’m dreaming of going home for Christmas. With every dinner we survive. May our days be brief here and bright. And may all Marston’s Christmases be white. I said, I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. Not like the ones he used to know. Where Grim’s test tubes glisten, and he tries not to listen, to the many voices in his head.” The music stopped and Lavender reclined on his elbow again and took another drink. “You know, I remember lying in bed as a young man, waiting for Santa to come…” He shook his head as he set his glass down and returned to the keys. “But there was just an aw
kward silence as he got dressed and left,” he told them and there were swears and laughs as Lavender became smooth and dashing again. “Oh, I’m dreaming of a Lake Cliff Christmas. With every day we spend with Blink. May our days, may our days, may our days be brief here and bright. And may all Marston’s Christmases be white...” His voice trailed off as his fingers crawled to the end of the keys before he swung his legs around the bench. There was wild applause as he stood and Cyril tilted his head in salute.

  “Thank you for those very inspiring performances,” he said as Marston returned to the piano.

  “Not too bad for an impromptu piece. Wait until you see what Sharp and I have prepared. I think we should have all the kinks worked out by Christmas Eve,” he predicted then sobered as the mood in the room dropped.

  “We’re not spending Christmas Eve here,” Lavender vowed and cast Cyril a hard look. “I won’t be away from my son,” he added and Bradley nodded in agreement.

  “We’ve never missed Christmas morning as a family and we’re not about to now, over whatever this is,” he stated firmly and West and Sharp moved in to flank them.

  “There’s still a few days. We’ll get to the bottom of this and get home for Christmas Eve,” West said and his eyes pinned Cyril’s, as if he was in a position to make demands. But Cyril didn’t like the ratcheting up of the tension so he offered everyone a warm smile and waved airily.

  “It is my most fervent wish to see you out of my house and on your way home as soon as possible,” he informed everyone then gestured at Alon. “In fact, let’s have one last nightcap before we all retire,” he suggested. He was more than ready to call the evening to an end.

  Chapter 22

  “Have I told you how incredible you look in this?” Lavender asked and groaned as he lifted the back of Sage’s coat so he could admire his ass. The coat was cut so well and the grey brought out his eyes.

  “Yes!” Sage laughed as he spun and caught Lavender’s hands. He pulled Lavender into his arms and danced him down the hall. Lavender looked behind them to make sure they were still going in the right direction. He was a little dizzy and couldn’t feel his face. It was annoying and disorienting. “We’re just about there,” Sage said.

  “Thank goodness,” Lavender murmured. Sage laughed as Lavender tried to kiss him and they stumbled into the wall. “I’m going to ride you like a dirt bike!” He whispered.

  “Awesome!” Sage whispered back and kissed him before he turned Lavender and steered him with his shoulders. Lavender got the door and laughed as he tripped over the threshold.

  “Did you see that!” He gasped and pointed as he twisted out of his coat. Sage chuckled and kicked the door to their suite shut behind him.

  “Look at that! You have the coordination of a normal man!” He teased and tugged his tie loose as he followed Lavender into the bedroom.

  “Fuck! You’re so beautiful!” Lavender whimpered as he reached for Sage’s face.

  “You’re beautiful,” Sage said and made quick work of Lavender’s tie and the buttons on his shirt.

  “I would like to eat your ass,” Lavender informed Sage and he nodded and hummed knowingly.

  “That is how this usually starts. Especially if you’ve been drinking.”

  “And then I’d like to fuck you just enough to get you really hard so I can ride you until you dump every hot ounce of your cum inside of me,” he continued.

  “Sounds...” Sage cleared his throat and offered a strained hum as he nodded. “Sounds really hot. Let’s get you out of your pants, first.”

  “No. Let’s get you out of your pants,” Lavender argued and Sage gasped as the backs of his legs hit the bed and he was pushed.

  “Come here!” He laughed and gave Lavender’s trousers a tug. They caught on Lavender’s knees and he kicked out of them as he crawled after Sage. He tried to get to the pillows but Lavender grabbed him by the waist of his pants and cheered as he peeled them off Sage and tossed them over his shoulder. He dove for Sage’s ass and ripped his boxer briefs down. Lavender made a rapturous sound as he shoved his face between Sage’s asscheeks. “Jesus, Jeremy!” Sage giggled and tossed the lube at him but Lavender shook his head.

  “Not yet.” He pushed Sage’s thighs apart and held his cheeks open so he could lap greedily.

  “Fuck!” Sage gasped as he struggled out of his shirt. Lavender moaned loudly as he sucked at Sage’s puckered flesh. He tasted so sweet and clean and the sexiest cry slipped from Sage as he clutched at the bedding and rode Lavender’s tongue. “That’s so good!” He grabbed a handful of Lavender’s hair but they froze when they heard footsteps in the hall. They were fast and loud. Lavender rolled from the bed and dove at the dresser and he was pulling a gun from his holster as he ran through the suite’s sitting area.

  “Get the other gun and get on the closet floor!” Lavender ordered before he wrenched open the door and was ready as he ran into the hall. A dozen of Cyril’s footmen halted with their weapons drawn and Lavender held his hand up, signaling for them to wait as doors began to open in the hall.

  “What’s going on?” Lane asked as he joined Lavender. He had his gun aimed at the footmen and Lavender caught Paul out of the corner of his eye. He was waiting and trained on the footmen as well. The door to Lavender’s left opened and Reginald leaned out.

  “What’s going on?” His eyes were wide as he took in the sudden stand-off in the hall.

  “The window in your room cracked and set off the alarm. Did you break it?” Alon asked as the footmen parted to let him through.

  “Sorry! I snuck out for a smoke and it locked behind me so I had to...” He bit down on his lips and wrinkled his nose. “Sorry!”

  “Go back to your posts,” Alon said and the footmen quickly cleared out. He cut Reginald with a hard stare and raised his finger. “You break another window or set foot outside again and you won’t need to worry about snipers,” he warned before they all turned as Cyril stormed down the hall.

  “What the hell is going on?” He demanded as he tugged the belt around his robe tight. Lavender threw a hand at Reginald in disgust as he turned and Lane’s head swung up and he squinted at the ceiling.

  “Merry Christmas to us all!” Reginald sang as he leaned against his door. Aiden’s neck stretched as he leaned out of his and Lane’s room and Hawk, Denver and Wilder were grinning at Lavender like dickheads. Ezra and Toly had the decency to avert their eyes but Toly was blushing.

  “Meh.” Elliot shrugged as he turned and headed back to Cyril’s wing. Lavender’s jaw fell as he looked down at himself. The front of his boxer briefs was tented and one of the legs was hitched up around an asscheek.

  “Meh?” Lavender asked as he pulled it down.

  “Ahem,” Sage said and he was waiting with a robe when Lavender turned.

  “Whatever,” Lavender grumbled as he grabbed it, storming past him and into their room.

  “I wasn’t disappointed,” Casper declared loudly before Sage shut the door.

  “I don’t think anyone was,” he chuckled as he followed.

  “Except Elliot,” Lavender noted but Sage grinned as he tossed his robe at an armchair.

  “I think that was more about you and Cyril,” he said and Lavender stopped.

  “You heard about that?” He smiled brightly as he turned. “It was absolutely nothing and nothing happened and I didn’t want you to think it was anything because it was absolutely nothing,” he insisted quickly.

  “I know,” Sage stated and shushed Lavender as he kissed him.

  “Farris told me Cyril considered it briefly and mentioned it in passing,” he said and Lavender pushed out a relieved breath.

  “He said something about how I’d be his ideal husband because my half of the dressing room would be nicer than his. He really appreciates my tailor,” he said but Sage shook his head.

  “I don’t think that’s all he appreciates.”

  “I don’t care,” Lavender said and captured Sage’s lips as he backed him onto
the bed. He was demanding and urgent and fingered Sage until he was frantic. Lavender coated his shaft with lube then fell forward and slid home.

  “That’s it, Jeremy! Harder!” Sage whispered. He curled around Lavender and pulled at his hair and was insatiable. Sage taunted and teased until Lavender was mindless and shaking. “Do you want to ride this?” Sage asked as he tugged at his length, getting it slick and ready and Lavender swore as he crashed into his lips. Lavender pulled out and climbed over him and yelped as Sage’s fingers pushed into his hole and reached deep. Sage found his prostate and ground hard as his other hand tightened around Lavender’s cock. He kneaded with his fingertips as he pulled at Lavender’s shaft and he shattered as his cum spilled over Sage’s fingers. “That’s it!” Sage said then coated his hard-on with Lavender’s cum before he pulled him onto it. Sage locked Lavender’s ass against his groin as he bucked off the bed and Lavender saw stars. His head fell back as he sobbed Sage’s name and Lavender felt like his bones had melted and turned into honey. “Jeremy!” Sage screamed and a rush of heat flooded Lavender’s core. “See? Not meh at all,” he wheezed once he could speak and Lavender yawned and hummed contentedly.

  “As long as you’re still impressed.”

  Chapter 23

  “Agent Sloan’s instincts were sound. The CIA’s been hiding something from us for months,” Alon said. Reginald’s eyes tightened but he took a long drag from his joint and strolled past the orchids as if he was bored and moping. He ran his hand through his hair and scrubbed thoughtfully before using his thumb to adjust the earpiece. “Marston’s set up a hotspot in the conservatory but I can’t see what he’s doing.”

  Reginald snorted in disgust and went to check his sad little Frankenlaptop amongst the lilies and the philodendron. There was nothing to see because Reginald didn’t dare do more than piggyback off of the house with what little he could grab from Toly and spy on him. He didn’t have the bandwidth or power to do much and couldn’t risk Toly detecting more than a smartphone coming from that side of the house. But Reginald was grabbing bits and pieces of Blink and Alon’s exchanges and had an idea of how much ground Toly was making.


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