The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

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The Politician - A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Page 4

by Connie Black

  I run my fingers around the edge of her panties, and then slip them underneath, parting her wet lips. My cock was pulsating furiously inside my pants, begging to be unleashed. Its so hard I’m afraid it will break if I don’t take them off.

  Just as I inserted two fingers inside her she sits up and puts her hands on my shoulders.

  “Kyle, I’m sorry. This isn’t appropriate. I’ll lose my job if we continue with his.”

  Reluctantly, I pulled my hand away.

  “OK Diana. But you know I’m going to fuck you. It’s just a matter of time.”

  She covered her ears with her hands and shook her head. “No, we’re not going to happen. I’m calling Janet tomorrow and telling her to assign someone else to this job. Preferably a man.”

  That sounded like music to my ears.

  “Well then, if you’re not going to be covering me anymore…”

  She shook her head again and pulled her jeans back on.

  “Dinner was great Mr. Swanson. I learned a lot about you.”

  “Are you going to write that column?”

  “Yes, and I’ll text you when its up.”

  She walked out the door looking pissed and a bit confused. I didn’t give a fuck though. She was proving to be a challenge, and if there’s one thing I enjoy it’s a challenge. Despite the talk I knew she’d be back, and I began thinking about how far I’d get next time.

  Chapter 6 – Diana

  I had enough info to write up a column about Kyle. I decided to focus less on his policy ideas, which everyone knew anyway, and speculate about what was driving him to run for Senate. I finished my title and hit the submit button.


  A few hours later I get a call from my boss Janet. She wants to meet and discuss. So I drive to meet her in a coffee shop in Newport where we often get breakfast.

  “Sorry I’m late again, drank too much last night,” I say as I slide into the booth.

  “No problem,” Janet says, eyeing me furiously. “Well I went over your column. I have to say its very interesting and unexpected. We’re going to let it publish but the editorial board was a bit concerned.”

  “Why? It seems pretty harmless.”

  “Well Diana, I have to say I found your conjectures very interesting, but remember we specified this was about reporting, not editorializing. This goes beyond just reporting the facts, you’ve put your own interpretations in here with quite a bit of speculation.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah but you know I’m right, right? The man has a domineering father complex. He’s trying to prove his manhood – to his deceased father. That explains everything. His pushy attitude, the demeaning way he talks about women, why he insists on remaining as CEO of five different companies, and why he’s running for Senate.”

  “So you think his trash talk about women is to please his father?”

  “No not at all. Everything I’ve read about his father, as far as people knew his father was a completely decent man. The complete opposite of Kyle in this one regard. Or maybe in all ways they were opposites.”

  Janet sighed. “Well that’s an interesting theory. I can see the ridiculous way he drives himself, I mean what kind of idiot would continue on as CEO of five different companies?”

  “Janet, I have my doubts. I think he is focused on Zylent and he’s nothing more than a figurehead at the other companies. He keeps himself listed as CEO for the public perception that he is some kind of demigod.”

  “I think you’re onto something Diana. You know that reading over your column, its going to put a lot of doubt in people’s minds about his fitness for office. After the Trump phenomenon most journalists are backing off from trying to have direct influence on a political race, unless its clear that they are writing an editorial. ”

  “Yeah I know. But I have something important to tell you.”

  I took a big drink of coffee and sat back, eying Janet tentatively.

  “Go on,” she said.

  “Janet, I’m asking you to move me off this case. I can’t see Swanson anymore, be around him or talk to him. This is my first and only column on Swanson, and that’s one of the reasons I let all my feelings out.”

  “Diana, is he really that hard to be around?”

  I laughed. “Well he is that, he’s domineering, rude, cocky to a fault. Sexual harassment is his default way of interacting with women.”

  Janet folded her arms across her chest, cupping her large breasts. “And what else? We hired you because you were known as a hard nosed reporter. You can’t let the way he talks drive you off the job.”

  I sighed and glanced down at my coffee cup. “Janet, there’s more to it. I feel a massive physical attraction to him and last night I let him touch me. I even let him,”

  “You what?” Janet said incredulously. “Diana, that’s a major breach of ethics!”

  “Yes Janet I know. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever let happen, or did, as a reporter. I let my guard down, we had some wine and got relaxed while having dinner together. That’s why I need to quit. If I stay on this job he’ll be fucking me before too long.”

  Her face scowled. I think she was more upset with me than she was with Swanson, if she was upset with him at all. For a good minute she wouldn’t look at me or say a word.

  Her face snapped toward me. “Diana I’ve been familiar with your work for a really long time, and if it wasn’t so high quality I’d jump across the table right now and strangle you. First lets be clear about one thing. Swanson bears no responsibility for this. It’s all on you. You’re the professional here, the journalist representing California’s biggest media organization representing the Democratic Socialists. If a man tries touching you on the job then you’re responsible for reporting it and not allowing it to continue. I can’t believe you were drinking wine with him. He isn’t your friend, Diana. He is the subject of your job.”

  “I know Janet, I know I let you down. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in my career. That’s why I need to quit.”

  Janet couldn’t look at me and the angry expression in her face wouldn’t dissipate.

  “I don’t know if we can do that Diana. I have everyone on staff assigned to cover people that need to be covered all the way up to the election. Most of them have done detailed research on their subjects, moving people around now, I just can’t see it. We’d lose all their research, it would be like starting over just as the election season begins heating up.”

  “I see your point, but you know I’m a fast learner.”

  She smirked. “Fast learner indeed. What did Swanson teach you in the bedroom.”

  “Well we haven’t been in the bedroom yet.”

  “YET? What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well there is a big chemistry between us. It can’t be denied. If I stay on the job how do I get him to back off?”

  Janet’s tone became forceful.

  “Diana, are you a teenager? This is the kind of whining I’d expect from a student intern. And it’s the kind of behavior I’d expect from a student intern.”

  I chuckled. “Well he kind of makes me feel like a teenager. He’s hard to resist. You gotta admit he’s pretty sexy.”

  “I can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, Diana! This is not the kind of professional attitude I expect out of my reporters.”

  Janet took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

  “Diana I’ve lost my appetite. If you were anyone else on my staff I’d fire you right now. Your Pulitzer prize might be the only thing keeping me from doing it.”

  I looked down at my coffee again. Janet’s normally playful personality wasn’t exactly coming to the surface.

  “OK Diana, here’s the deal. You can quit if you want to, but that means you leave the Democracy Action Network. If you want to stay, you have to cover Swanson. But there are going to be some ground rules.”

  “OK,” I murmured.

  “I can’t believe I have to h
ave this conversation with you, as if I am your mother! Well the first thing we need to get straight is no drinking allowed. You absolutely can’t consume alcohol with Swanson or around Swanson. The second thing is you’re not to meet him in private again, ever. I am going to assign you to the regular reporter pool that trails him around. Maybe you can meet someone there who can help with your libido.”

  I felt ashamed. Janet and I had been friends for a long time, and she always admired my work. Now she was looking at me like I was some kind of trashy teenager. I’d lost all her respect. She thinks I can’t control myself and maybe she’s right. There is a desire in my body that can’t be satisfied.

  “Well Diana, make your choice. You can either move on, or you can accept my conditions.”

  “Yes Janet, I will accept your conditions.” I hung my head.

  “One more thing – as I said before no editorializing. You’re in this role strictly as a reporter. I’ll let this one publish but from now on no more speculating on what makes Swanson tick.”

  I agreed to everything Janet said, then she tossed a twenty on the table and walked out without saying goodbye. My carelessness had ruined our friendship, and my reputation as a reporter. Before this happened she was giving me a free reign, now she’d put me under tight control. I sat there hoping that Janet wouldn’t tell anyone else what had happened. Everyone else at the network would notice that Janet was keeping close tabs on me. They could probably see how…Kyle and I looked at each other.

  I sat there looking out the window wondering if Kyle was worth it. The truth is he made me feel alive. I got lost in a fantasy of him taking care of me, the powerful billionaire who would take over the U.S. Senate. I wouldn’t need a job, I could stay home and take care of our children. Leave it to people like Janet to sit around stressed out about everything all the time.

  As I saw Janet drive off in her silver Mercedes I snapped out of it.

  I knew I had to keep Kyle away from me from now on. The challenge would be in getting him to back off. I didn’t want to hurt him. But I couldn’t let this continue.

  Chapter 7 – Kyle

  It was only 7 AM and my phone is buzzing nonstop. I pick up and its my campaign manager, James Daniels.

  “Kyle, have you check the DAN website? That Bates bitch wrote a doozy about you.”

  “No, I haven’t seen it. Its only seven in the morning. I’m going over the Zylent quarterlies for the board meeting.”

  “Kyle, you’ve got to read it. She spends half the piece talking about your childhood. This woman is trouble.”

  I thought about our time two nights ago. The only trouble I was having was getting my cock deep inside her. But I knew it would get there eventually.

  “Oh come on, you can’t expect DAN to give me good press. Who cares what they say anyway.”

  “No Kyle, she deconstructed you. It was a psychoanalytic piece. The woman is setting you up to look like you’re unfit for office.”

  After the other night I found this hard to believe, and thought James was high. Probably reading too much into it.

  “Well look, I’ll check it out before I go to the board meeting.” I hung up and pulled out my laptop and logged into the website.

  Diana’s column was the first thing that popped up, on the left side of the screen. There is a big headline in all caps.


  But it was the sub-headline that really caught my attention:

  Childhood trauma from overbearing parents drives insecurity

  I couldn’t believe what I saw and became livid! Here I get intimate with her and she publishes this trash!

  For the first time in my life I felt used by a woman, rather than the other way around. My phone was buzzing again. It was James.


  “Sorry to bother you again, Kyle. The Los Angeles Times picked up the story, and they’re running it on their front page.”

  I dropped the phone on the floor. This woman had used me, taken me for a complete fool. I went back to the laptop and read the entire thing, to see what kind of juicy details she would leak out.

  Well at least there wasn’t anything about our encounter. I hadn’t fucked her but I certainly crossed boundaries.

  She could destroy me – writing about what happened at the restaurant. And that recorder –she might have recorded the entire encounter.

  She had set me up.

  The phone buzzes again. It’s my wife.

  “Hey babe. What’s up?”

  “Kyle, did you see what they wrote about you in the Times?”

  “Yeah I know. It’s bad. This is going to end it for me.”

  “I don’t know about that. I mean I agree its bad but I don’t think its campaign ending. I have to ask how did this woman find out so much about you?”

  I hesitated to answer. Angela always seemed to sense when I’d fucked someone else. We had an “open marriage” but we both got jealous when we actually acted on it. I couldn’t stand the thought of someone else dicking my wife, but it was a trade I had to make. My cock was hungry and couldn’t be satisfied by just one woman.

  “She came to my office for a scheduled interview, but I was pressed for time since I had a prep meeting for the release of the new J-9 chip. So I scheduled dinner with her, and after a couple of glasses of wine I revealed too much information.”

  “Oh? What else did you reveal?

  “Nothing Angela. She’s a reporter. That wouldn’t be appropriate.”

  “HA! I know you Kyle Swanson. If a woman is going to let you get your dick wet, you can’t resist. I’ve seen this Diana Bates, she’s a knock out.”

  “Yeah she’s good looking, but the Senate is my goal. Nothing is going to stop me, not even a woman.”

  Angela began speaking in that low whispery voice, the one that makes my cock heat. “Kyle, when are you coming home? You haven’t been here in over a month.”

  It was tempting. But I couldn’t deal with Angela right now.

  “I know babe, but things are crazy right now. I’m still going to work everyday and trying to run for the Senate at the same time. That means 18 hour days, seven days a week.”

  “Oh Kyle, always such the driver. You’ve turned the companies around, all of them made more than a billion in profits last year. Don’t you think your father is satisfied?”

  I hated it when she brought up dad. I knew I could never please him. The only way to please dad would be to win the Senate seat he dreamed of having.

  “Angela, don’t bring up dad.”

  “Kyle you need to deal with this. You can’t spend the rest of your life trying to please your dead father! You’ve made the companies successful and he’s be proud of you. He is proud of you. Its time to scale back, otherwise you’re going to kill yourself.”

  “I know you’re right Angela, but you know what a control freak I am.”

  “Put the companies in a trust. You can have Gilbert and Nelson run them from now on. They are both stellar executives. Let them take the c-suite.”

  I sighed. She was right but I couldn’t let go of anything. That’s one reason Angela and I were still married. Besides our nine year old daughter that is.

  “I’ll think about it Angela, OK?”

  “OK Darling. You’ll be a lot better off if you do what I say. The Senate is your real goal. We have enough money.”

  “OK Angela, OK. I said I’d think about it. Tell Emily I love her.”

  “I don’t think so Kyle. You need to tell her, in person. She’s only nine years old and you’ve been away for 5 weeks. When are you coming home?”

  “I don’t know, I’ll see. We have the debate coming up on the 10th, maybe after that I can take a few days off. And you’re right I need to detach from the business. I can’t do both and I must have that Senate seat.”

  “Well now, that’s some common sense talking, Kyle. I’m going to let you go. See you after the debate. Love you babe.”

  I hung up without saying anything more. I led a complicated life. It helped keep my parents voices out of my head if I stayed busy. And my arrangement with Angela worked. We’d be divorced otherwise. At least Emily still had a dad, even if I didn’t see her very often.

  It was amazing I’d been able to keep my marriage out of the press. Angela agreed to put out a story that we were separated if it ever came out. Angela lived on my ranch by Santa Barbara.


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