Rancher Rescue

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Rancher Rescue Page 12

by Barb Han

  “Trust me,” was all he said.

  The look she gave him said she thought he’d snapped. Lost his mind. Her concern that this would make Kane kill Noah was written in the worry lines on her face. The thought crossed Caleb’s mind, too. He had to take the chance or they would all be dead. Besides, Kane would most likely bide his time. If he killed Noah too soon, he would lose all his leverage.

  Caleb squeezed her hand. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Too late. The officer was next to them in a beat. “Katherine Harper?”

  “Yes, sir,” Caleb said.

  Katherine’s bewildered expression must’ve robbed her of her ability to speak, too.

  “I believe we’re wanted for questioning.” Caleb glanced around.

  The men had disappeared.

  Caleb didn’t realize until that moment that he’d been holding his breath.

  * * *

  KATHERINE ALLOWED CALEB to lead her outside the police station. Being detained for the past twenty-four hours heightened her fatigue. “You didn’t say anything about Noah, did you?”

  “No. I didn’t figure you wanted me to. Thought about it, though.”

  “So did I. I actually expected to be arrested.”

  “That might come next. They’re still gathering and analyzing evidence. What did you tell them?”

  “That we didn’t do anything wrong. I explained exactly how it all happened back at my apartment. Said it must be some mistake. A random act of violence.”

  “So did I. The crime scene evidence should corroborate our story.”

  “There’s no way they’ll let Noah go if I involve the police. Kane will be furious at me for evading him at the drop for sure now. He warned me to come alone.”

  “Yes. But Noah will be alive and so will you.” Caleb’s forehead was etched with worry. Lines bracketed his mouth as he set Max down in a patch of grass.

  “You’re right. I probably haven’t seemed very appreciative. I hope you know how very grateful I am. None of this would have happened without you. Noah and I would probably both be dead by now.”

  He squeezed her hand reassuringly. He didn’t speak. His focus shifted from face to face as though he was evaluating threats.

  Katherine exhaled deeply.

  He wrapped his arms around her. She was flush with his chest before she could blink.

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It was stupid of us to walk into Kane’s trap. I thought, for a second, I might lose you. Turning ourselves in was a risk I had to take to get us out of there and keep us alive.”

  Panic came off his frame in palpable waves. Fear dilated his pupils. His dark brown eyes sliced through her pain. Her loneliness. Katherine didn’t realize how alone she’d been until Caleb. “I’m here. I’m not going away. Not unless you want me to.”

  “No. I don’t. I want you right here with me.”

  She felt comforted by his strong presence. One hand slipped up his shirt onto his chest, rubbing against his skin in the hope of calming him.

  She pressed her face against his cotton T-shirt before placing a kiss on his chest. “I’m right here.”

  He smiled. His fingers tangled in her hair, stroking it off her face.

  He splayed his hand on her bottom, lighting fires from deep inside her. He lowered his face to hers and kissed her. His lips skimmed across hers and lit nerve endings she didn’t know existed. Her body zinged to life, tantalized, pulsing volts of heat. A little piece of her heart wished he’d said forever.

  A car alarm sounded.

  He took a step back and scanned the parking lot, picking up Max. “I spoke to Matt.”

  Katherine tried to regain her mental balance because for a moment she got lost...lost in his gaze...lost in all that was Caleb. “What did he say?”

  “Apparently your sister was talking to the Feds. There’s a guy who seems legit. He’s offering witness protection to you.”

  “What about you?”

  Caleb shrugged. “Don’t need it.”

  “You would never leave TorJake, would you?”

  “It’s the only home I’ve ever known.”

  Katherine hadn’t felt home in so many years she couldn’t count. Except that lately, home felt a lot like wherever Caleb was. But that was ridiculous. They’d only just met. It took years of getting to know someone before a bond like that could be created. Running for her life, trying to beat bullets, defying death probably had toyed with her emotions. No doubt, she had feelings for Caleb. That couldn’t be denied. But the kinds of feelings that could last a lifetime? Real love? Wouldn’t he let her down like the others had?

  “Can’t say I know what you mean,” she lied. “How do we know this man can be trusted?”

  Caleb’s expression was weary. “I thought about that, too. I don’t know. It might be the best chance we have.”

  “What about Noah? What will they do for him?”

  “Good question. This guy said he was trying to help your sister before her accident. If they safely tuck you away, he can go after Noah.”

  “What do you think I should do?” Katherine turned the tables.

  His pupils dilated for a split second as the muscles in his jaw clenched. It was the look he got when he was holding back what he really wanted to say.

  “Whatever it takes to stay alive,” he said, deadpan.

  “So you think I should just turn myself in. Let the government handle this?” How could he say this to her? Hadn’t he just told her to stay with him? Why had his gaze suddenly cooled?

  “I didn’t say that. You have to make the decision for yourself. I tried to drop a hint to Matt of where we’d be. We won’t survive long without supplies and neither one of us knows how many of Kane’s men are out there. Matt didn’t get it.”

  “Where can we go? The police aren’t looking for us right now. But Kane’s men won’t let up.”

  “I still think the ranch is the best place. There’s a spot no one checks on the far side of the property.”

  “Then I want to go with you.”

  “Does that mean you won’t turn yourself over to federal protection?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “No. And it’s not up for discussion right now.”

  “I told Matt to talk to Leann’s boss to see if Kane visited the coffee shop.”

  “Good idea.” As she turned to walk away, she could feel Caleb’s presence right behind her. She was tempted to lean back against his chest and allow him to wrap his arms around her. She didn’t.

  Whatever Leann had gotten involved with had to have been by accident. No way had her sister known this Kane person. She didn’t get involved with known criminals or men with this kind of influence. Leann could keep a secret but she wouldn’t drag herself and Noah into a mess like this. “She must’ve seen something horrible to cause all this.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. She was a witness to a crime. It’s the only reason she’d be offered federal protection that I know of,” he said quietly. “We need to make contact with the marshal to figure out what exactly.”

  Relief and vindication washed over Katherine. The emotions were followed by a deep sense of sadness.

  Caleb stroked Max’s fur. “I recognized one of the men earlier from photographs in the newspaper at the police station. He was definitely one of Kane’s entourage.”

  “They’ll keep coming until they find us, won’t they?”

  “I believe so.”

  Tears stung her eyes. What kind of horrible man had her nephew? And yet, Noah had sounded okay on the phone. “Think they picked up his medicine?”

  “He’s of no value dead. They kill him and you’ll go into witness protection. They might have found out Leann was considering the program.”

  “Do you thin
k they killed her? And they had to get to her before she disappeared with the evidence?” A chill raced up Katherine’s arms. “Why not kill me and Noah, too?”

  He shrugged. “They think you have evidence. Two sisters and a little boy dead in a short time would sound alarms.”

  “I just can’t figure out why she didn’t go right in. Why would she wait?” A beat passed. “For Noah, I guess. She didn’t want him to have that life. Kane must not have known about him before.”

  “Or she didn’t think he did.”

  Reality dawned on her. “Leann was planning to leave him with me before she disappeared. She wanted to make sure he was safe. I’ll bet she was ready to turn herself in.”

  “She must’ve figured they wouldn’t connect the two of you. But why?”

  “Leann changed her name when she left all those years ago, so we had different last names. It was her way of cutting all ties.” She paused. “Still want to go to your ranch?”


  “Then let’s go.”

  “First, we need to change your appearance,” Caleb said solemnly, tugging on his hat.

  “Good idea. I almost didn’t recognize you when you showed up. Max gave you away.” She scratched him behind the ears, grateful the police hadn’t taken him from her as she recognized the area as their original hiding spot.

  “The ball cap. Small changes can make a big difference.” He pulled a scarf from the bag of supplies.

  She covered most of her hair and tied a knot in the back to hold the material in place. “How’s this?”

  He tucked a stray strand inside the fabric. “I wouldn’t say better. You’d be beautiful no matter what you wore. This is different. Different is good. We want different.”

  His touch connected her to the memory of his hands on her before. His urgency. Ecstasy. She had no doubt those big hands could bring her pleasures she’d never known.

  She ignored the sensitized shivers skittering across her nerves. “A man like Kane won’t give up easily, will he?” She lowered her gaze.

  He lifted her chin until she was looking him in the eye again. “Don’t be sorry for any of this. I’m not. You didn’t ask for this any more than Noah did. I’m sure your parents would be proud of you right now. You’re risking your life to save your sister’s boy. There’s no shame in that.”

  “Except I feel like a coward.”

  His rich brown gaze trained on her. “Then you don’t see what I do.”

  “Then what am I?”

  “Strong. Brave. Intelligent.”

  She felt a blush crawl up her neck to her cheeks. “You make me sound like so much more than I feel right now.”

  “Sometimes the brain plays tricks on us. We don’t have to buy into it. That’s our choice.”

  She looked him dead in the eye. “You think we’ll be safe at your ranch?”

  He nodded. “For a while anyway.”

  Katherine was certain they’d be caught.

  If not by Kane’s men, then eventually by the Feds. The government wouldn’t give a free pass to fugitives. Murderers. If Kane had his way, that would be the label put on them by everyone. Police. Reporters. Citizens. Anyone and everyone.

  Strangers would be afraid of them.

  Her life was shattered. There’d be no going back.

  A new identity didn’t sound like a bad idea. She doubted she’d have a job left to go back to when all this was said and done anyway. Would her friends and boss believe she’d had nothing to do with the murder of her landlady?

  Friends? That was a joke. Katherine kept to herself most of the time. She worked and read and kept people at a distance, didn’t she?

  Except for her cowboy.

  How could he push her toward the program? Didn’t that mean they’d never see each other again?

  Her lip quivered, but she ignored it. “I’m tired of running scared. They always seem a step ahead of me anyway.”

  A mischievous twinkle intensified his gold-brown eyes. “Are you saying what I think you are?”

  “I’m ready to fight back.”

  Caleb’s face brightened with anticipation. His eyes glittered an incredible shade of brown. “It’s risky.”

  Risky didn’t cover the half of it to Katherine. And yet, waiting, not knowing what would happen next, giving the other guys all the advantage wasn’t an option, either. She’d been letting Kane and his men hold the cards for too long. Time to take control. “I know.”

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. I’m not sure what the plan is yet. Just that we need one.”

  “Then let’s give ’em hell.”

  He got a sexy spark in his eye when he was being bad. How could someone become so special to her in such a short time span?

  She couldn’t imagine doing any of this without Caleb. Her cowboy protector...friend...lover?

  Chapter Ten

  Caleb needed transportation. Walking around outside exposed wasn’t good, especially after Katherine’s fall. Her ankle was swelling again. Kane’s men would be all over the place now that they’d managed to get away from them. He was half surprised no one had waited outside the police station earlier. Could he get Katherine out of the city safely before Kane figured out they’d been released?

  Even though they’d been questioned and released, being identified by a random person could put them both in danger. Especially if one of Kane’s men was around. Attracting attention wasn’t good.

  He located the nicest restaurant in the area; intently watched where the valet parked cars. He scanned the parking garage for witnesses. A family stepped out of the elevator. He froze. A stab of guilt hit him. He didn’t like the idea of taking someone else’s property, but there was no other choice. Steal or die.

  When the valet parked an SUV with the windows blacked out, he waited for the family to unload their minivan and the valet to jog out of sight.

  Caleb figured the owner would be in the restaurant for a good hour. That should give them enough time to get out of the city before anyone knew the sport utility was missing. He could ditch the SUV in a field or alley outside of Allen. If he could get that far, he’d be close enough to get home on foot. The less walking the better for Katherine. Even with a modest amount of pain reliever, she had to be hurting.

  He put on a pair of sterile gloves and felt the back tire on the driver’s side. Jackpot. The keys were there. A trick he’d learned back in the day before he’d gone on the straight and narrow.

  The ignition caught and he drove the SUV to pick up Katherine and Max a minute later.

  “I don’t want to know where you got this, do I?” She slid into the passenger seat next to him.

  “Probably not.”

  “Then I won’t ask.” She smiled. Her violet eyes darkened, reflecting her exhaustion. She was putting up a brave front. He could see the fear lurking behind her facade.

  He merged the SUV into traffic a few moments later, disappearing onto Highway 75. “Why don’t you put the seat back and rest?”

  She eyed him warily. “How did you find this so easily?”

  There was no use lying to her. “I have a record. Got into trouble as a kid. Had reasons to know how to lift a car quickly.” He looked at her more intently, needing to know if his admission bothered her. “I did all that stuff a long time ago. I would never do it now. Hank helped me straighten up.”

  She didn’t blink. “Seems like he also taught you some useful skills for staying alive.”

  “Any decent man would help a woman in this situation.”

  “Am I just any woman?”

  Was she?

  He wanted to continue to compare her to Cissy, the others, needing something to tamp down the out-of-control reactio
n his body was having. “I never said that.”

  “Never mind. You’ve been my knight in shining armor. Which falls into the ‘any decent man’ category.” Her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  He wanted to be more to her than “any decent man.” But he couldn’t ignore the realities. Katherine was a woman in trouble. Cissy had been in dire straits when she’d showed up at his door, too. She’d cried and begged him to help. He would’ve done anything to save that little girl of hers. Cissy hadn’t needed to grovel. And yet, she’d begged to stay at the ranch. Said Savannah loved it out there. When he’d arranged all the doctor visits and taken over her medical care, Cissy had become even more attached.

  She’d played a good hand. Turned on the tears when he hadn’t immediately returned the sentiment.

  Caleb had been convinced her feelings were real. Even though he’d believed getting involved would be a bad idea, she’d eventually worn him down. One thing was certain, he’d do it all again if it meant saving Savannah.

  Did he have a deep-down need to save women?

  He figured a shrink would have a field day with his psyche. They’d probably say he rescued women because he hadn’t been able to save his mom. They’d be right about the last part. Caleb hadn’t been able to stop the bastard who’d fathered him from hurting his mother. If Caleb had been older...gotten his bare hands around that man’s neck... Caleb would have ripped the guy’s head off.

  He’d been too young. Too weak. The old man was bigger. Stronger.

  Caleb saw too much of the jerk in himself when he looked into the mirror. Let the bastard show his face now. Why did they have to look so much alike?

  He couldn’t go back and change what made him the man he was today any more than he could stop himself from doing what he thought was right.

  Katherine’s delicate hand on his arm redirected his attention.

  Caleb couldn’t ignore the bolt of heat shooting through him from where she touched. She stirred emotions he’d sworn not to feel again. And yet, how could he stop himself?

  Cissy hadn’t been gone long. She’d left a hole. Was he trying to fill it with Katherine?

  “Where’d you go just now?”


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