Sneak Peek
Shiny long white hair, scaly pearl white skin. One arm was robotic and the rest of her could pass for human if it weren&rsqou;t for the bright tone of her alien skin. Looking her up and down, Ron knew who she was. Her small thin frame, full breasts, ample cleavage displayed and the way she touched his shoulder while introducing herself. She was a lady of the night.
At that moment he was succumbed to her beauty, regardless of the price. For the price of her and the repairs to Longwood, Ron found himself broke, but thoroughly pleased.
The lady of the night, Amaria, took extra special care of Ron&rsqou;s johnson. She showed him things that his body had never experienced. Her robotic arm pleased his cock in ways and speeds that couldn&rsqou;t even have been imagined by him. Other parts of her were part cyborg as well, warm mechanical entrances that were aimed to please. This woman was his first glimpse at the universe around him.
The Last Hucow In Space
By Julia B Delmont
The Last Hucow In Space
Copyright ©2016 by Julia B Delmont.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either reside solely in the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental.
For information contact:
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Table of Contents
The Last Hucow In Space
Also By Julia B Delmont
About Julia B Delmont
Opening her eyes, she was met with an empty dark room filled with silence. Clueless about where she was, she anxiously looked around, finding nothing that would indicate where she was, not even a window. Her head felt groggy and blank. As if all memories she had before vanished completely. Panic quickly set in and her breathing picked up at a rapid pace. Where was she? Who was she?
Feeling around the locked tight pod, she felt nothing of importance. All edges were smooth and flat, no handles, no buttons. Waving her hand in front of her face she saw nothing. Reaching out she felt what she believed was the top of the capsule. Or was it the bottom? Could be the sides of her compartment, who knew. But she triggered something and the sound repeated loudly into her ears.
She winced at first, the beeps were loud and annoying to her tender ears. A faint blue light illuminated around her, she could barely see, but her eyes saw enough. Lying on her back, her legs were straight and narrow, barely any room to move them. She could see her pale white skin glow under the lights. Looking around further she saw her tight fitted outfit, gray with a thick white strip down each side from her chest down to her thighs.
Her mind was jumbled, memories started to slowly come back to her. Sunshine, fields of grass, glimmers of a house, fences stretched far across the farmland and in a flash, she came back to the pod. A dark bluish glow accompanied by silence surrounded her again.
With her eyes back on herself, she looked at her outfit. Her flat stomach was smooth as she ran her hand across the fabric. Moving up, she noticed her endowed chest. It was slowly coming back to her and she gave her breasts a gentle squeeze. A weird sensation formed inside her body as she felt her nipples erupt against her clothes.
Brushing her finger tips against them, she felt a sharp tingle sensation flow through her, all the way down her spine and settling between her legs. Her body quivered slightly as chills lit up against her skin. What was that? She asked herself. Her body started to warm up as she curiously felt every inch of herself.
Out of nowhere her tight gray outfit changed! She watched as her outfit had a robotic feel to it, circling away on her chest, exposing her enormous breasts. She gasped, witnessing part of her attire quickly vanishing! Leaving her large firm breasts exposed! They mezmerised her in every way. Touch, sight, and sensation.
Ignoring the obvious, the woman was over taken by lust. Her eyes couldn&rsqou;t move away from her chest. Placing her hands on them, she felt every curve and inch of her smooth skin. Touching the edge of her nipples sent those waves back through her body, filling her up with uncontrollable desire. A slight pinch against her nub and she noticed a stream of white liquid shoot out. It gave her an intense sensation of pleasure!
She stopped dead in her tracks, with her eyes wide open. The liquid landed on her hands as it fell back down. She brought her covered hand to her face, trying to smell it. Nothing. It felt warm against her skin. What in the world? Another question she didn&rsqou;t know the answer too.
With her hand inches away from her face, she instinctively licked it. Tasting the mysterious liquid, she pondered for a moment, savoring the sweetness of it. Then it came back to her, she remembered! It was milk, she could lactate and it was by choice! The images of the farmland, the house, and now the barn! She was a hucow! Daisy distinctively recalled she was a virgin too! The prized hucow virgin on her farm. These memories felt like they were from so long ago. The sensations she felt triggered all of her memories back at once. The most important thing to her right now was how she got here. Why wasn&rsqou;t she back home on the farm?
Before she could answer that, Daisy tried to recollect anything she could. Women back on Earth chose to be hucows and with a little help they were created from just a few hormone injections. A smile spread across her face, she was happy to remember at least one thing about herself. Concentrating harder, she dug deep within her mind to remember her name, or how she got there.
After several minutes, she couldn&rsqou;t remember anything, everything else was black and empty when she tried. She covered her face in anger. That&rsqou;s when she saw it! Moving her arms away, she saw the tattoo. It read &ldqou;Daisy Diamond&rdqou; in small fine print, that had a fluorescent glow under the lights of the capsule.
Daisy felt relieved. Slowly but surely, she was putting the pieces of her own puzzle together. She bounced her legs and arms gleefully in her confined capsule as celebration, positive that good things were to come.
Her pod once filled with a blue glow changed suddenly to a deep flashing red. Loud beeps attacked Daisy from all angles inside the pod. A display appeared above her face with big red letters flashing &ldqou;Incoming!&rdqou;, over and over.
Sitting in his pod, Captain Ron Johnson was going through artifacts from his family&rsqou;s past. Shuffling from page to page, reading how life was back on Earth centuries ago. The pages were stiff and fragile, scrapping against his forefingers with each turn. Ron tried his best to lay them down flat, avoiding any chance of them bending or breaking.
Reading about his ancestors, he realized just how much different life was for him. Traveling months at a time in space, going from job to job, finding any possible work. Some jobs were meaningful, helpful even… But for some, they were down right illegal. Stuff the authorities would definitely frown upon.
If they knew the things he had done to make ends meet, Captain Johnson wouldn&rsqou;t see another star for a hundred years. Transporting contraband, supplies for the space militia, housing space whores, and even selling them in the direst of situations. Just thinking back on these jobs would send a cold chill down his spine with a faint quiver. Ron surely enjoyed his more honest jobs, those were the ones that kept him flying happy.
Helping the da
msels in distress, savings small colonies by providing supplies stolen from bandits the day before. Captain Ron surely enjoyed saving the women. The pleasure he received after each one he saved came in all delights. Stacks of wealth which was rare, constant flow of drinks, a soft warm bed to sleep in, or sometimes the bed accompanied by them!
They loved to be saved by him too and they surely showed it! His tall physique, rock hard biceps, stone chiseled body. They practically melted by looking at him and definitely covered their panties with their wetness when he picked them up, fleeing from danger to a more quieter location. Most importantly the women loved him being human. The federation tried to save as many humans as possible, more females than males, saying it was vital for the galaxy.
But many years ago, the federation was attacked violently by the militia. The target was the priceless core of the incubation chambers. The casualties were higher than ever, most if not all of the humans, male and female were lost. Luckily, Ron Johnson was born out of incubation a few years prior, being able to live a life in space, for as long as he could survive.
Women in space were not your normal humans, those were exceptionally rare! These women came in all shapes and sizes, colors too! In fact, it was harder and harder each day to find a female human after the incubation-pocalypse. Everyone evolved or manufactured themselves to be part alien, or a hundred percent robotic. Captain Johnson had a few partial humans in his time, but not enough to fight the craving for a perfect one! Soft skin, long curly hair, and a chest so smooth his tongue would slide effortlessly across their bosom.
That&rsqou;s what he yearned for, more than anything. Ron had to adjust his aroused crotch from just thinking about it.
Inside of a large ship, a small man stood at the controls. Looking at the screen he observed the pod they had just found. For weeks they&rsqou;ve been looking for it. With a grin plastered all over his disfigured face he used the intercom to call his captain, Sultar.
&ldqou;Captain, Sir. We&rsqou;ve found the capsule. It&rsqou;s her.&rdqou; Weedly said excitedly.
&ldqou;Are you positive, Weedly? This is the fourth one we&rsqou;ve found today and you have said the same thing over and over.&rdqou; Sultar asked with a hint of annoyance.
&ldqou;Positive, Sir. The hull shows the proper tag number from the papers we received. H-001, it&rsqou;s a match!&rdqou;
&ldqou;I&rsqou;ll be right there, don&rsqou;t do anything until I arrive.&rdqou;
Moments later, Sultar the most fierce ship captain in the verse entered the cock pit. Built like a space tank and taller than any person or thing. His chiseled muscles hid underneath his uniform. To the touch he felt rock hard, all over. In the space pubs, the women of the night would always melt after brushing up against him. They were drawn to him! A captain with few words, a dominant glare, and a deep blue tone of his skin made it hard to avoid his presence.
He came from a successful family of businessmen, off of the planet Zultore. When he was young, Zultore was thriving in beautiful landscapes and rich opportunities for people of work, or even shady tactics. His father Beltar, owned the highest of skyscrapers, with an endless production of goods and services. His mother Nolta, decorated the buildings they owned, receiving compliments from all the people who visited from every corner to see her work!
Over twenty years ago, when he first started traveling through space, a disaster crippled Zultore and left it desolate. Millions of innocent habitants suffered casualties, including Sultar&rsqou;s parents and the rest of his family. Sultar became angry with himself and took it out on anyone and everyone. The merciful captain he once was no longer existed. What stood in the cockpit now was a power hungry alpha alien ship captain. He took what he wanted with no questions or regrets.
&ldqou;Zoom in on the hull.&rdqou; Sultar demanded.
Looking over the pod&rsqou;s details and confirmed with the papers, he shook his head in agreement.
&ldqou;Scan the pod for life, Weedly.&rdqou; He ordered.
&ldqou;The scan came back positive for life, Sir.&rdqou;
&ldqou;If you are who they say you are… We&rsqou;re going to have some fun!&rdqou; Sultar whispered underneath his breath as he stared at the screen.
&ldqou;Excuse me, Sir?&rdqou; Weedly asked.
&ldqou;Nothing. Overtake it and bring it in. I&rsqou;ll wait in the bay for her arrival.&rdqou; He ordered before leaving quickly.
&ldqou;Spaceport Control, this is Captain Ron Johnson of Longwood requesting docking.&rdqou;
&ldqou;Captain Johnson, please confirm your reason for stay.&rdqou;
&ldqou;Supplies and some R&R, I&rsqou;ll be needing a room too.&rdqou; Ron let go of the intercom, sitting farther back into his seat.
&ldqou;Captain Ron Johnson of Longwood, you&rsqou;re free to dock. We&rsqou;ll take over your controls from here.&rdqou;
With his arms crossed behind his head he observed transport into the station. Hundreds of these were spread out far across the verse. Thankfully they were there, since the planets were so far and few in between, travel would be close to near impossible with out a place to refuel and get some drinks.
This transport in particular had some special memories for the captain. His first stay ever on a spaceport was the first day he flew Longwood. On his way to Nuball for a job he had to dock for unexpected repairs. While waiting for his ship to be ready, Ron spent most of the day at the pub. Drink after drink was served as he waited for the repairs to finish. It felt like he spent is whole life in there. Barely drunk, despite the amount of empty glasses around him, a woman walked up to his side.
Shiny long white hair, scaly pearl white skin. One arm was robotic and the rest of her could pass for human if it weren&rsqou;t for the bright tone of her alien skin. Looking her up and down, Ron knew who she was. Her small thin frame, full breasts, ample cleavage displayed and the way she touched his shoulder while introducing herself. She was a lady of the night.
At that moment he was succumbed to her beauty, regardless of the price. For the price of her and the repairs to Longwood, Ron found himself broke, but thoroughly pleased.
The lady of the night, Amaria, took extra special care of Ron&rsqou;s johnson. She showed him things that his body had never experienced. Her robotic arm pleased his cock in ways and speeds that couldn&rsqou;t even have been imagined by him. Other parts of her were part cyborg as well, warm mechanical entrances that were aimed to please. This woman was his first glimpse at the universe around him.
A loud thud echoed around his ears as the ship docked into the transport. The status screen displayed docked, making it safe for him to disembark onto the platform. The station was extremely busy, most likely for the new year.
Ron made it to the pub where he spent his first day here, this time there was no lady of the night. His good friend Topper was manning the bar, making drinks, one after another. Within a second he noticed Ron and signaled for him to come over. Topper never missed a thing, standing over eight feet tall.
&ldqou;Ron my good man, long time no see!&rdqou; Topper said with excitement.
&ldqou;Topper, good to see you again.&rdqou;
&ldqou;Having the usual?&rdqou;
&ldqou;You know it. How&rsqou;s business?&rdqou;
&ldqou;Tomorrows the new year, you know how business is.&rdqou; Topper gave a sly smile while handing him his beer.
&ldqou;Yeah, yeah, I know.&rdqou;
&ldqou;Say, you on a job right now? I might know of some work for you.&rdqou;
&ldqou;I&rsqou;m listening.&rdqou; Ron took a swig.
&ldqou;There&rsqou;s a missing pod that needs to be found quickly.&rdqou; Topper whispered while kneeling down behind the bar.
&ldqou;I&rsqou;m almost scared to ask who needs it found.&rdqou;
&ldqou;The federation.&rdqou; Topper&rsqou;s eyes moved from side to side, making sure no one was listening to them.
&ldqou;Of course. What&rsqou;s in this pod, any idea?&rdqou;
&ldqou;No idea, but I think
it&rsqou;s rare. Valuable.&rdqou;
&ldqou;Obviously.&rdqou; Ron rolled his eyes as he answered sarcastically. &ldqou;How much are they paying?&rdqou;
&ldqou;In the dead of space, get out of here! No way!&rdqou;
&ldqou;Quiet down.&rdqou; Topper hushed Ron, while looking around the bar once again.
&ldqou;Is it one of the counsel&rsqou;s bastard alien children?&rdqou; Ron laughed.
&ldqou;Here&rsqou;s the details in case you want to take it. Don&rsqou;t tell anyone where you got them.&rdqou; Handing Ron the paper, Topper walked away to tend to the bar.
Unfolding the paper, it read H-001 / 10th Sector; A-70-10
Unsure of the first part, Ron knew the latter were coordinates. He promptly finished his drink before heading to his room to get an early start on the day.
Laying partially covered in her pod still with her milky breasts exposed, Daisy sensed something was pulling her in. She couldn&rsqou;t feel it, but she felt it with her breasts jiggling softly. The darkness still surrounded her with only the hint of red from the flashing screen. Incoming was the word that flickered in front of her eyes.
Daisy&rsqou;s breathing became heavy and deep paired with fast beats of her panicked heart. In a swift motion, she felt her outfit close, covering her dairy filled breasts.
A large bang and the capsule came to a complete stop. Daisy heard mumbling outside of her pod, but it was too soft and low for her to make out the words. The panicked inside of her rose at a faster pace. Her lungs felt that air escaping from her, leaving her breathless, as she began to gasp for oxygen.
Just as she was going to pass out, light filled her eyes and blinded her. Covering her face with her arms, she heard lustful comments from above.
&ldqou;Get a load of those tits!&rdqou; A crewman said.
The Last Hucow In Space Page 1