The Last Hucow In Space

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The Last Hucow In Space Page 3

by Julia B Delmont

  &ldqou;How dare you raise your voice to me?! I am Sultar, Captain of Spanker and the lone survivor from the planet Zultor! You will show me respect.&rdqou; Sultar was now on his feet, fists balled up on the table supporting himself. His eyes didn&rsqou;t look through Daisy now, they were on her and only her.

  Stop trying to get yourself killed Daisy, just play nice. This will all be over soon. There is hope out there, there&rsqou;s gotta be. This cannot be how life is.

  Daisy calmed herself down. Lowering her head, she looked down at the table. She knew if she continued this scene, it would end up worse for her and maybe even the crew if Sultar was going to stay in this mood.

  &ldqou;My apologies, Captain.&rdqou; Daisy said. Bringing her hands together, she stood still, keeping her eyes to the table, avoiding eye contact. Daisy despised herself in this moment, succumbing to him.

  &ldqou;See, that wasn&rsqou;t so hard now was it? Now… Regarding my seed and your purpose on this ship. Believe it or not, I was once a compassionate captain. Long, long ago and too prove that, I will show you a glimpse of that compassion.&rdqou; Sultar&rsqou;s face lightened up. His eyes were warm and inviting. &ldqou;Until your memory is back and full, we will take a break. I will not obligate you with the task of bearing my child today or the foreseeable future.&rdqou; Sultar took a deep breath and sat down.

  Holy shit! How did that happen? Is he for real? Pinch yourself Daisy, this has to be a dream!

  Daisy looked up to Sultar with hopeful eyes and a hesitant smile. &ldqou;Really? Is this a trick too?&rdqou; Her voice cracked from her being nervous, afraid this was a lie and she was in for it.

  &ldqou;Not a trick, nor a lie. You have my word.&rdqou; Sultar said compassionately. &ldqou;Go back to your room, I will have someone bring you breakfast soon.&rdqou; Sultar waved his hand forward, motioning Daisy to walk herself back to her room.

  With a smile on her face and trying to hide the hop in her step, Daisy quickly went back to her quarters.

  &ldqou;Captain, if I may, you are making a grave mistake. Every minute she is on this ship and she does not have your seed is another moment something could go wary!&rdqou; Haar said quickly and with a tone so deep, it felt as if he was talking down to Sultar.

  &ldqou;Watch your tongue, Haar. I know the possible outcomes and I am okay with that. I am positive she will come around.&rdqou;

  It was obvious Haar didn&rsqou;t believe his captain, neither did Nim. Both of the men walked out of the mess hall, leaving the Sultar by himself at the table.


  Where the hell is this ship!?

  It&rsqou;s been days since Ron Johnson set out to rescue the woman he saw on the radar. His hasty departure from the space port had negative effects on Longwood. He didn&rsqou;t have a chance to refuel completely, removing his ability to warp at light speed, making his journey to Spanker that much more painful.

  Captain Johnson had a lot of time on his hands during this journey and that spare time left his mind running in circles. Daydreaming for countless hours of what this human female looks like, feels like, and tastes like! How her breasts would feel in his hand.

  Stop it Ron, you&rsqou;re getting way ahead of yourself. She may not even like you! She could be the one human female in space that doesn&rsqou;t like human men.

  Even though he convinced himself of that, it didn&rsqou;t stop his cock from getting hard just thinking of her. Captain Ron was a man of will power and for days on end he has restrained himself from self pleasure. He was saving it for her, hoping she would accept it. He&rsqou;s dreamed of this day for years, to give his seed to a pure human!

  Not much longer, it can&rsqou;t be much longer.

  When you&rsqou;re alone in space, you find talking to yourself becomes normal, if not more common than when docked at a port. Ron didn&rsqou;t mind, it kept him busy and he was never too big on having a crew.

  As he rested back into his chair, the radar beeped. The first sound he&rsqou;s heard in days lit a fire under his ass, making him jump up to the panel.

  Staring at it with wide eyes, he was close. It was the ship he was looking for! Running one last scan, all the same information popped up. Sultar, his crew, the unidentified woman, and since he was closer he noticed they had an abundance of fuel. Ron just thought of the perfect idea.

  Since Captain Johnson flew the verse by himself, he had to fit his ship with features that would keep him safe. It&rsqou;s not easy fighting and flying at the same time with only person. With a flick of a button and a big smirk on his face, he activated his cloak shield.

  Speeding up, using every last ounce of fuel present, Ron flanked the ship and stopped right under it. His manic laughs were hard to keep down from the mischief he was about to cause. Setting the ship to stop after moving inches away from Spanker, Ron jumped from the cockpit and got his things ready, laughing all the way down the hall.

  Moments later he returned in a mechanics uniform, complete with a helmet and space suit. Sitting back down in the chair, he flipped some more buttons. Spanker&rsqou;s ship details were on the screen, showing electric and fuel levels. A few more adjustments and presses and an electronic pulse was sent out from his ship.

  In an instant the screen showed that Spanker&rsqou;s electricity went out. Ron fell over laughing, enjoying every second of the shenanigans he was causing and going to cause!


  &ldqou;You&rsqou;re sure about this? That she&rsqou;s going to come around?&rdqou; Weedly curiously asked Sultar.

  &ldqou;I believe so, yes.&rdqou; He responded.

  Weedly has been Sultar&rsqou;s closest friend since he left home. They both come from the same backgrounds and unfortunately both of them have lost their parents. Sultar could always confide in him and respected Weedly when he would offer advice.

  &ldqou;Then we&rsqou;ll just have to wait and…&rdqou; The cockpit and everything around went completely dark, leaving Weedly speechless.

  Leaning over to the controls, all lights were off, sensors, modules, and screens. Not even the backup generator was supplying power. They were essentially dead in space!

  &ldqou;What is it Weedly? Why are the generators not kicking in?&rdqou; Sultar quickly asked, his voice filled with authority.

  &ldqou;I… I don&rsqou;t know, Captain. Everything is gone, I can&rsqou;t turn it back on. I&rsqou;ll have to hope our distress call can work.&rdqou; His hands were flying all over the controls, trying to turn something, anything back on.

  &ldqou;Keep me updated, I&rsqou;m going to check on the rest of the ship.&rdqou; Sultar ordered.

  As Sultar walked out of the cockpit, Weedly rustled through some things looking for the distress beacon. Finally finding it, he opened the emergency shaft, after activating the beacon he dropped it through the narrow shaft, allowing it to float in space. He watched as the light blinked and pulsed out, hoping to reach a ship somewhere, anywhere near.

  Moments passed by and before he knew it there distress channel rang. Weedly quickly picked it up, practically startled out of his chair.

  &ldqou;Spanker reporting, Weedly speaking.&rdqou;

  &ldqou;This is MSP, Mechanical Starship Parts, we got your distress call. Need some help?&rdqou; A throaty deep voice asked.

  &ldqou;We do, yes! Our electronics have gone out, even our generators, we&rsqou;re dead out here. Any help you can provide would be great.&rdqou; Weedly said desperately.

  &ldqou;I&rsqou;m sure there&rsqou;s something I could provide. Looks like you&rsqou;re not too far from me, I&rsqou;ll be there in a minute. If you hear any banging, that&rsqou;s just me helping you out.&rdqou; The man hung up.

  &ldqou;Tha…&rdqou; Weedly stopped, hearing the receiver click, ending the call.

  A few hours later the banging started. Sultar and the rest of the crew came up to the cockpit, asking what all the commotion was. Weedly explained that the distress call was answered and that the banging is from the ship that&rsqou;s helping them.

  &ldqou;Did you get a name?&rdqou; Sultar asked.

ldqou;MSP? Mechanical Spaceship Parts. Must be an independent ship this far out away from the Federation. He hung up once they agreed to help, didn&rsqou;t get his name.&rdqou;

  &ldqou;Something doesn&rsqou;t feel right about this.&rdqou; Nim said in a rasp voice.

  The distress channel rang again, this time startling all four of the men in the cock pit.

  &ldqou;Spanker reporting, Weedly speaking.&rdqou;

  &ldqou;Yeah, you&rsqou;ve got some trouble out here with your ship. I don&rsqou;t think she&rsqou;s gonna be flying anytime soon. I might have some parts on my ship to help you, but I&rsqou;ll need some credits to cover the charge. They aren&rsqou;t exactly cheap.&rdqou; The man said.

  Sultar was furious, his brow lowered and he began to clench his fists. One thing he hated was being taken advantage of when it came to credits. He began to sense something wasn&rsqou;t right with all of this, since now money was involved.

  &ldqou;This is Sultar, captain of Spanker. Fix my ship with out using your parts. We&rsqou;re not paying a dime.&rdqou; He yelled into the intercom.

  &ldqou;No can do, Sultar. You&rsqou;ll need these parts. The coupler is all torn to shreds and some panels have been fried. With out those, your system won&rsqou;t have much protection when flying. Sure at a stand still you&rsqou;ll be fine, but will you be fine? Afraid not, captain.&rdqou; The mechanic said in a rather smart tone.

  &ldqou;We&rsqou;ll discuss this face to face. Board my ship. Now!&rdqou; Sultar demanded loudly.


  Waking up from a nap, Daisy noticed the lights were all out. Something must have happened when she was sleeping. Looking out of her room she saw a few flashlights bobbing up and down.

  &ldqou;What&rsqou;s going on?&rdqou; Daisy asked.

  The flashlights stopped and turned towards her. The lights shining on her face, causing her to squint her eyes.

  How many times am I going to be blinded?

  &ldqou;Stay in your room. We&rsqou;ve got some electrical issues.&rdqou; Haar said.

  &ldqou;Are we safe?&rdqou; She asked in a worried tone, letting her captors feel that she was in need even though it was all a ploy.

  &ldqou;We&rsqou;re fine. Go on and lay down, we&rsqou;ll protect you.&rdqou; Nim said in his most manly voice.

  Taking his flashlight, Nim shined it on her chest, and trailing it down her whole body, eying every inch of her smooth skin.

  &ldqou;How about you fix the lights and then maybe, I&rsqou;ll reward you?&rdqou; Daisy winked at Nim while running her hands up her stomach and to her chest, softly grabbing her dairy breasts before exposing one, showing Nim her erect nipple, dripping with milk.

  &ldqou;Come on, we&rsqou;ve got to meet the mechanic.&rdqou; Haar barked.

  &ldqou;I&rsqou;ll be back for my reward soon!&rdqou; Nim said excitedly as him and Haar ran off to the cargo bay.

  Seconds later and the flashlights dancing on the steel ground vanished. Footsteps from Haar and Nim were distant and soft, barely noticeable. Daisy knew the coast was clear.

  &ldqou;It won&rsqou;t be long until they realize you&rsqou;re not showing up at the cargo bay.&rdqou; Daisy&rsqou;s voice was smart and quick witted as she turned around. She happily walked back into her room looking for the man she spoke too. Darkness made it difficult to see who or what he was.

  Ron stepped out from the corner, his presence still unseen in the vast darkness of the ship. &ldqou;Then lets make our getaway quick and painless. Here, take this,&rdqou; Ron handing her an extra suit and a helmet with a small oxygen tank connected to it. &ldqou;It will keep you alive for the short journey outside.

  Daisy grunted and moaned annoyingly as she used all her might to pull up the space suit over her clothes. Her hucow curves were not meant for this suit. &ldqou;I can hardly breath in this.&rdqou;

  &ldqou;Good thing you have the oxygen tank.&rdqou; Ron quickly said as he took her hand before climbing out through the vent in her room.

  Ron&rsqou;s touch against her skin gave Daisy a sensational chill. The feel of his skin against hers, she knew that he wasn&rsqou;t alien. She didn&rsqou;t have time to think on it, climbing her way up to the vent, Ron&rsqou;s strong arms pulling her up effortlessly. The quickness in which he pulled her up sent more feelings through her body.

  My heart flutters for this man in darkness. His strength, the way he smells, and the way his skin feels against mine. I&rsqou;m getting all hot and bothered by him. Oh how I wish a glimmer from a star, or some light somewhere would show me my hero.

  Ron stopped quickly in the vent, Daisy unaware, running right into his backside. Her head bounced off his tight firm ass. She could feel her face flourish in red.

  &ldqou;Oops, sorry.&rdqou; Daisy said while giggling softly.

  &ldqou;Sssh,&rdqou; Ron quickly replied. &ldqou;I can hear the crew.&rdqou; He whispered.

  &ldqou;I don&rsqou;t think he&rsqou;s coming boss.&rdqou; Nim said.

  &ldqou;Yeah.&rdqou; Haar added.

  &ldqou;You don&rsqou;t think I know that?&rdqou; Sultar screamed, his voice filling every inch of the ship. &ldqou;Weedly!&rdqou; He added before stomping off.

  &ldqou;Boss, wait for us!&rdqou; Haar yelled.

  &ldqou;We don&rsqou;t have much time, let&rsqou;s hurry. The space hatch is up through here.&rdqou; Ron mentioned before pulling on Daisy, accidentally brushing against her full chest.

  Back in the cockpit, Sultar came crashing in, knocking over tools and all sorts of stuff. The crash of it against the metal floor snapped Weedly out of a deep sleep.

  &ldqou;Has the mechanic called? Or were you too busy sleeping to notice?&rdqou; Sultar questioned Weedly angrily.

  &ldqou;I, I&rsqou;m not,&rdqou; Weedly wiped the sleep from his eyes. &ldqou;No sir, they didn&rsqou;t.&rdqou; He said.

  &ldqou;Then call him!&rdqou; Sultar slammed his fists down on the control deck.

  &ldqou;Okay, okay.&rdqou; Weedly picked up the intercom. &ldqou;MSP, do you read me? Over.&rdqou; Lowering the intercom, Weedly gave it a minute for a response. &ldqou;MSP, do you read me? This is Weedly from Spanker. Over.&rdqou; Another minute passed and both Weedly and Sultar were annoyed.

  &ldqou;Spanker, this is MSP, we read you loud and clear.&rdqou; The man responded, out of breath.

  Sultar ripped the intercom out of Weedly&rsqou;s hand. &ldqou;MSP, this is Sultar, the captain. Where were you? We need this ship up and running.&rdqou;

  &ldqou;Oh, my apologies, Captain Sultar. I went ahead and fixed your ship. Was just about to update you, no need for payment. Count this one free of charge.&rdqou;

  &ldqou;There are no lights, the engines are off, no generators. It doesn&rsqou;t looked fixed to me!&rdqou; Sultar screamed.

  As Sultar stood there screaming in the intercom, breathing heavily from his anger, the ship purred back to life. Lights trickled from the far end of the ship to the cockpit bringing light back to a disgruntled crew. The engines roared while the control panel lit up like a Christmas tree.

  &ldqou;I would assume by your silence that your ship has come back on? You&rsqou;re welcome.&rdqou; The man hung up the call.

  Both crewmen came running inside the cockpit. &ldqou;Captain, there&rsqou;s a problem!&rdqou; They both yelled in unison.

  &ldqou;What is it?&rdqou; Sultar turned around scowling at them. &ldqou;I&rsqou;m not in the mood right now.&rdqou;

  Nim and Haar looked nervously at each other before speaking.

  &ldqou;Get on with it!&rdqou; Sultar yelled.

  &ldqou;Daisy, the hucow, she&rsqou;s gone!!&rdqou; Nim said loudly out of anxiousness.

  &ldqou;WHAT?!&rdqou; Sultar&rsqou;s eyes were wide open, his fists clenched so much that his veins were popping out of his forearms.

  His anger consumed him and he started trashing the whole cockpit. Knocking over shelves, punching metal cabinets and the walls! After what seemed to be thirty minutes of his destruction, Sultar was found on the floor, panting from his lack of breath, knuckles bloody, and his eyes staring out into space, cold as night.

  &ldqou;Find me that mechanic.&rd
qou; He demanded in a calm authoritative tone.

  &ldqou;That might be hard, Sir. It looks like our fuel is low. I swore we had a full tank before the outage. I might be able to get us to port.&rdqou; Weedly&rsqou;s tone was defeated and tired.

  &ldqou;I&rsqou;m going to kill that mechanic.&rdqou; Sultar exclaimed.


  Both Captain Ron and Daisy sat in his cockpit laughing hysterically.

  &ldqou;So let me get this straight. You cloaked your ship, parked underneath them, dressed as a mechanic, shut down their system and made them believe you were going to fix it?&rdqou; Daisy asked.

  &ldqou;Yup.&rdqou; Ron said with a smirk on his face.

  &ldqou;Only to rescue me while also taking almost all of their fuel in the process when their system was down?&rdqou; Daisy added while laughing.

  &ldqou;That&rsqou;s right.&rdqou; Ron bursts into laughter with Daisy joining him.

  While in deep laughter, Daisy casually brushes her hand against Ron&rsqou;s shoulder. Her heart skips a beat from it.

  I&rsqou;m so nervous around this man and rightfully so. His eyes, his smile, and my god, his body. He&rsqou;s everything my captors weren&rsqou;t.

  Daisy could feel herself falling for him instantly. Their chemistry and the way she was lost in his eyes whenever they looked at each other. She felt her outfit vanish from the feelings her body had for him, luckily she still had on her spacesuit to save her the embarrassment.

  &ldqou;Look at me being disrespectful. I&rsqou;m not use to having company on my ship. If you want, there&rsqou;s a shower and full bath you can get yourself comfortable. I&rsqou;m sure the stay on that ship wasn&rsqou;t the least bit of fun.&rdqou; Ron gestured.

  &ldqou;Thank you.&rdqou; Daisy smiled as she went down the hall to the bath.

  While Daisy was away showering herself, Ron stayed in the cockpit navigating the ship through several sectors to distance themselves from Sultar. Once they reached a safe destination, Ron set the ship on auto pilot and started to read his family&rsqou;s journal. An hour must have passed by when Daisy reappeared next to him. This time instead of the space suit, she wore only a towel, her outfit missing as well, her arousal keeping it at bay.


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