Defying The Alliance: ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3)

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Defying The Alliance: ERUPTION (Novokin Alliance Invasion 3) Page 3

by Bobbi Ross

  But they took her too.

  Trex stood and stared at the empty space caused by the implosion. The rock solid muscles in his massive arms, broad back and enormous shoulders twitched and shook. He needed to cool. He focused his rage on the impending battle. In his mind’s eye he saw himself surrounded by a battalion of heavily armed Novokin soldiers. He was alone, defenseless, except for his loin cloth. He grinned at how much Caspia would appreciate that. Then he plunged into battle, tearing the enemy limb from limb.

  A strong hand laid itself on his shoulder. Reflexes on high alert he tensed and merely attacked. When he saw the defending hand was a light shade of green, he relaxed.

  Jaxx spoke softly. "Hey big guy. We found her, and we found him too."

  Chapter 7

  The normally spacious bridge felt cramped to Trex. With the entire crew in attendance, the air crackled with anticipation, their resolve palpable. They were a fine force and fiercely loyal to their captain, even in her absence.

  On the view screen were at least 45 open vidlinks. Some contained the talking heads of the captains of the vessels that surrounded the Razor. Others held entire crews of said vessels, all cramming themselves onto the screen. Ex-protectorate Captains and first officers, joined civilian captains and even some actual pirates that had found the penalties for breaking Protectorate law was much more conducive to continued breathing than life under the Novokin Alliance rule.

  Jaxx stood in front of the Razor's crew, addressing them and all the crews in attendance. He stood tall and proud, at least as much as his two full term bellies allowed him to. It was easy to see how the green Floturan had earned Caspia's respect and friendship. His voice imposing and at the same time commanding when he spoke. "We're now 46 ships strong, and that includes five Protectorate warbirds. Three of which we've liberated from Novokin shipyards."

  They hung on Caspia's first officer's every word as he discussed tactics that Trex had witnessed the Novokins resort to time and time again. Jaxx never missed a beat. He was every bit the captain she had intended him to be. The large golden warrior nodded to himself imperceptibly, believing Caspia would be proud.

  "...And finally, we will break the fleet up into light and heavy attack squadrons, with a warbird at the center of each contingent," Jaxx concluded to a deafening silence.

  One of the little heads on the screen decided to speak up. "Where is Captain Caspia?" Both Jaxx and Trex had expected the dreaded question.

  His green friend held his chin high up in the air when he answered, "Caspia's been captured."

  The captains went wild. Soon the screen was a cacophony of useless opinions, a swirl of little angry heads and confused comments. The incessant buzzing grated on his nerves and Trex began to fear he would need to step in when Jaxx dropped his head to his chest.

  "Enough." Jaxx's tone was low and completely ignored in favor of the chaos on the viewer.

  The green man pulled his shoulders back, standing to his full height, refusing to hide his situation from any of the captains in Caspia's fleet. He slammed an angry fist down on the stratagem console next to where he stood.

  "I said enough!" His voice made deeper by the impending pregnancy, his words boomed like thunder, reverberating through every ship.

  His voice may have stunned them, but it was his keen green glare that kept their continued attention. "We've been planning for this opportunity since day one. We built our strategy, and now thanks to Caspia’s sacrifice we have our target. Nothing’s changed, and before anyone gets any big ideas, suggesting that our mission may now be compromised, you better remember that my Captain did not yield once to the Alliance since the invasion three years ago. When most of the Protectorate laid their arms down and surrendered to the enemy force, cowering like Mynsic dogs, Captain Caspia Jones refused. Not once did she capitulate to the purple sheeteks. She fought tooth and vine to keep us safe with all her might. I vow to you today as every member of her crew would that Caspia Jones would die before she handed over a single one of you or the fleet's plans to the Novokins." His glare dripped with challenge.

  "We don't have the resources or the time to mount a rescue operation." A small blue captain from one of the freighters nervously tapped his fingers together.

  Jaxx approached the view screen in what Trex sure recognized as an effort to seem more intimidating. His waddle may have nullified the effect a little. The Commander’s green eyes narrowed to daggers when he spoke. "You don't think I know this? You don't think Captain Jones knew it too when she made her decision? This was never a rescue operation. This is an assault on the murderer of the people of the Kalemta mining colony, on the sheetek who murdered our families on the steps of the once proud Protectorate Senate building. We do this in defiance of those who have invaded our galaxy, destroyed our homes and everything we’d built! Today we fight against the monsters who actively seek to enslave our collective peoples!"

  Jaxx was seething, and Trex did not believe his green friend would even be able to get another word out. Anya spotted this too. She stepped up next to her Commander, now Captain, and raised her fist to the sky.

  "We do this today because it's right – we do this to free the Protectorate!" She bellowed.

  "Free the Protectorate! Free the Protectorate!" echoed captains and crews alike on all forty six ships.

  Except for Trex, who merely nodded his head in approval, bowing to the cry of his own personal war.

  Jaxx penguin-walked to his place in front of the captain’s chair before speaking, "Ensign, how long before we’re in a position to engage the enemy?"

  The young man pivoted to look at his Commander, now the acting Captain of the Protectorate Warbird Razor. "Were almost at the twenty minute mark Sir, er Captain," he corrected.

  “It’s okay Ensign. Caspia Jones is still the captain of the Razor as long as she lives, and as far as I’m concerned she’s alive and kicking some Novokin ass somewhere, right now.”

  The ensign dropped his eyes to the floor and nodded in agreement.

  Jaxx tried to situate himself into Caspia’s chair, his two large pod sacks making it difficult to maneuver into the diminutive chair. He sighed, then gathered himself up and addressed the fleet ships. "Captains, break off into your assigned groups. Be prepared to attack the second we drop out of hyperspace."

  One by one each captain saluted and their image flickered off the screen. Captain Jaxx turned to Lieutenant Cobbs at communications. "Keep all channels open Lieutenant. Monitor fleet transmissions as well as all Novokin signals. I don't want anybody being squeezed off or outgunned," he ordered.

  "Yes Captain," the Lieutenant answered, his skilled hands already responding to the command.

  They engaged the hyperdrive, and space began to bend around them. Jaxx stood defiantly in front of the far too small captain’s chair. A large puddle of water began to collect around his feet.

  "Jaxx," Trex called out. "My friend, you are raining."

  Jaxx narrowed his eyes quizzically at Trex, still holding tight from his performance. He then craned his head down toward the floor.

  "Oh skeck," he cried out, "my waters broke."

  Chapter 8

  As the latest acting Captain of the Warbird Razor in as many days, Trex should have taken his rightful place in the center of the bridge. Regardless of the extreme effort it would take to wedge himself into his beloved’s tiny chair, he simply could not bring himself to even be near it without her there. Doing so would be too much like giving up. Even just looking at the empty space gnawed at his soul.

  Captain Jaxx had been taken to the Arboretum, where he would hopefully give birth to two healthy babies today. He’d asked Trex to stand in for him. At first the large golden warrior from another galaxy declined, fervently asserting that Anya would make a better choice as she was rightfully the next ranking officer and has been a citizen of the United Worlds Protectorate. True to her passion, the half Duskanite-half Terran argued her expertise would be needed to keep the ship together during t
he majority of the forthcoming battle. So with a heavy heart, Trex agreed to step in.

  There had been no contention from Caspia's crew. They were more than pleased to follow this alien who they all knew was well-versed in the tactics, strengths and weaknesses of the dreaded Novokin Alliance. One they knew hated the Alliance as much as them.

  It had been expected that he address the fleet. "While I am not Protectorate, I share your disdain for the Novokin Alliance, and your hate for their actions. I was there for the destruction of the Kalemta people in the mining colony. I understand some of you were there for the destruction of the Ansailian Moon, several days before that.” An angry squawk came from a small blue captain on one of the freighter ships. “I also witnessed the aftermath on my own world. My friends and family, my species destroyed in the same way. Today we hit back. No more cowering, no more running. Today will be the day that turns the tide. Let this day be known as the true Protectorate Independence Day."

  Cheers exploded from every ship. He knew his words had resonated with their hearts.

  Secretly he also believed that the words of his new friend Jaxx had softened them to a change in command once more. Of course he hoped that his significant input on military strategy regarding the Alliance’s response deployments to their impending attack and his vast experience as an Othmarvian general would have earned their respect. He hoped the information he shared regarding Novokin ship functions and tactics from the time he spent on their ships as a slave would help them survive.

  Trex ordered the viewer closed, allowing each ship a moment to gather their thoughts and steel their courage before dropping out of hyperspace. In under five minutes the assault would begin.

  Trex stepped away from the auxiliary console he had adopted during his time aboard the Razor, and smirked at the indentations his hands had left on the plastisteel mounting that surrounded it. He felt that familiar blood boil and the world began to hyper focus for him.

  A mere month ago he would've been elated to be leading such a contingent of fine ships and crews against the Novokin Alliance. However, his mission now was more...complicated. First and foremost he had been charged with the honor of keeping her crew alive. His second objective, one that only Commander Jaxx and Chief Engineer Anya were privy to, was to get himself aboard Asmot's ship, find Caspia and if she was still alive – No! The plastisteel whined and cracked under his hands. He couldn't think like that! The last time they were together he was so near to confessing to her. To telling her the truth. His fist shook with rage. Maybe if he had just told her, she would not have left. Anyone on the ship catching a glimpse of his face would see the fierce scowl of a battle-hardened warrior. Only Trex knew the anger was aimed at himself.

  He would find his little Captain, and bring her home, if it was the last thing he ever did.

  Chapter 9

  "Keep firing!"

  Super heated plasma beams cut through the air where I stood seconds before. Finishing my roll across the corridor I ended up behind the protruding column of a bulkhead. Taking aim at the unguarded pelvic region of the Novokin guards that were firing upon us I let a volley of plasma fly from my twin pistols. You’d think that an all male army would have at some point, taken time out of conquering the universe to add protective gear to that overly sensitive area down below. Oh well, these two wouldn't be making any little Novokins anytime soon.

  I chanced a glance over at Commander Marco and Julie. The two moved in perfect synchronicity, like a veteran, seasoned team. Her spotting the targets with him laying down nonstop fire from his plasma cannon. Funny, never in a million years did I think I'd be rooting for a Novokin. To my surprise a figure emerged not ten metlars in front of me from a small side corridor. Nearly as fast he disintegrated to little more than a bad memory.

  I looked over at my partners in crime. Marco was grinning from ear to ear and Julie thrust both of her thumbs into the air. What a funny girl. She might have deluded herself into believing she was from another galaxy, and with that wild red hair I couldn't fault her for believing in her own fantasy, but she had more than proven her worth.

  While moving down the corridor, she used those big knives of hers to destroy every door panel we came across depriving the Alliance of the chance to outflank us. Smart girl. Crazy, but smart. The two darted over to my position and we all ducked into a small corridor.

  "How far?" I addressed Commander Marco.

  "There are only three more cross ways before we reach cargo bay two." He pointed down the main hallway.

  I gripped his arm before he took off. "How far to the bridge?"

  "Captain that would be suicide," he admonished.

  I saw the concern in his eyes and I shook my head. There was no point in discussing the matter. My mind was made up. "How far to the bridge Commander?"

  "Captain," Julie pleaded, "you have to come with us. We can escape. What you’re attempting is suicide."

  I leveled my gaze at Commander Marco. His mouth tightened. I held my gaze until he nodded ever so slightly. He raised an arm, pointing over to the far left. "That's the stairways there. Two levels up. But Captain, there are no doors on the bridge. It's an open plan. The entire upper floor is the bridge and three pairs of patrols guard every level," the commander warned in earnest.

  That's no good, I needed a distraction. Come on Caspia, think! A small itch in my arm made me smile. "Marco, how long will it take for you guys to power up your ship and get to a safe distance?"

  "Ten minutes if the way’s clear, more if there is resistance," he frowned.

  That would be perfect. I addressed them both, "Well then, maybe you should –. Where the prak is Julie?"

  Marco's eyes went wide as two full moons. He frantically whipped his head around. I peered past the corner of the corridor just in time to watch Julie kick one of the writhing guards in his head. She spied us and waved.

  "Oh hey guys. Just help me get off his uniform." Right then I would've sworn some unforeseen sun gleamed off her smile.

  Clever girl. Now they wouldn't even have to fight. They could walk in the docking bay like they owned the place. We helped her strip the now unconscious guard and she donned the over sized uniform.

  Marco pointed to another one of the fallen Alliance soldiers that littered the floor. "Your turn Captain," he offered.

  I shook my head, attempting to flatten the folds of my stained and wrinkled captain’s jacket. "No, I've given up too much to wear this uniform, I'm not gonna hide now."

  Julie lunged at me, encircling my neck like a Haklierian yeti. Her tears were hot on my neck as she managed to squeak out, "Thank you Captain, for saving me – and making me part of your crew."

  I hugged her back and tussled her hair like I did my sister's when she was young and used to wake from a night-terror. "It's Caspia," I whispered softly into her ear, "and you're not just crew, you're family."

  This set her off even more, and I waved to Marco for help because at this point she was choking the life out of me.

  An explosion of green plasma lit up the corridor. Can these sheeteks not give a girl a minute? Julie's head slammed into my shoulder and Marco's howl chilled the blood in my veins. She went slack in my arms and I fell to the ground with her, the weight of the Novokin armor she borrowed had added a good fifty kilomounds to her lightly muscled frame.

  "Julie!" I shook her until she winced. I pried the smoking helmet off of her head as fast as I could, praying to the Goddess not to take her from me.

  "Ouch, did anyone get the license plate of that car?," she slurred.

  What the prak is a car? She's melk shy of a Voxin. My own hot tears streamed down my cheeks. Holding her, I realized nothing could make me happier at the moment than knowing she was alive. Apparently the armor she stole took the brunt of the blast, dissipating the energy of the plasma but not the force of the impact.

  "Good thing it hit me in the head," she giggled through a weak smile.

  "Good for all of us," I replied, gesturing over to Marco. "
It may have knocked some sense into your girl."

  My highly humorous quip received no response. It gave me reason for concern. Glancing past the rubble our confrontation had created, I spotted Marco wielding the plasma cannon with one arm. He fired down the left corridor leading to the bridge’s stairway. Deep violet stained the torn uniform sleeve of his other arm. It hung dead at his side. The ceiling above me exploded with green fire. Prak, more company.

  Hidden by the dust, a shrill voice cackled from deep in the corridor, "What's wrong Caspia? If you're feeling lonely you can always come down here and have some quality time with your real family." That last bit was punctuated by several streams of plasma staining the wall beside us black.

  I grabbed both sides of Julie's face to focus her attention on me. "Take Marco and get the prak out of here." That was as subtle a command as I could make. She nodded but I held her face steady. "And for prak’s sake girl, put the helmet on."

  I laid down covering fire as she and Marco scrambled past the opening and made a beeline for the docking bay, pretending to be retreating Novokin soldiers. Satisfied they were finally out of sight and danger, I stopped firing to let my pistols cool down.

  Anyway, it looked like I had a family reunion to attend.

  Chapter 10

  "What's wrong sis? Why don't you come down here and we can hug it out." Maarie's eerie laughter echoed down the corridor.

  The impact from multiple plasma beams stained the piece of wall I was trapped behind. My not so dead sister and the Novokin Alliance guards she aligned herself with had me pinned down. They were alternating a suppressive fire pattern and closing in on my position.

  "What's wrong Cass," her high pitched voice carried over the plasma burst, "don't have daddy around to tell you how good you're doing? How fantastic you are at playing rebel?" The angle of the last shot told me they were getting closer. Skeck, I had to stall.


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