by C. R. Jane
"What happened?" I demanded.
"Your ex happened," said Lexi with a glare.
I groaned internally. Selena was going to be one of the biggest mistakes that I had made in my very long life. But looking back, how could I have prepared for someone like Eva? I couldn't have even imagined someone so perfect existing in the world, let alone that she would like me.
I took Eva's hand and pulled her towards me, smoothing the hair back from her face.
"I'm so sorry baby," I said quietly.
"It's not your fault," Eva said fervently. "Some people are just awful and nothing can change that."
Lexi must have decided it was time for her to leave, because she pulled Eva away from me to give her a big hug.
"Call me if you need anything," she demanded, her smile subdued.
Eva squeezed her in return, and Lexi walked away, not before giving me another evil glare of course. Eva started walking into her dorm, waiting by the door for me to catch up.
"Did you remember Mason's concert tonight?" I asked her since she hadn't said anything about it yet.
"Oh no!" she exclaimed.
She began to pat her shorts, looking for her phone in pockets she definitely didn't have in her tiny cheerleading shorts. I got momentarily sidetracked when I noticed how amazing her ass and legs looked in them. She looked up chagrined and started laughing, the stress of her practice seemingly out of her head.
"I forgot my phone today," she said still laughing. "I'm just not used to having one."
I kissed her on the top of her head as she unlocked her room door, and we walked inside. She walked to her phone and started scrolling through the messages that people had left. She blushed as she read through them. I involuntarily rolled my eyes, sure that most of the messages were from Beckham or Mason. I didn't ask about them though, which seemed to me to show pretty great restraint since most guys would freak out about their girlfriend getting texts from other guys. Girlfriend…I mused on the word. Technically I hadn't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but with the way I felt about her, it didn't seem strong enough of a word.
Eva set her phone down and went to the closet. She started rifling through the clothes that were hung up. I absentmindedly looked around her room, admiring how she had brightened up the place. I had never liked a lot of color in my home but I found myself wanting Eva to do this in my penthouse. Of course that vision also included Eva living at my penthouse with me, something that I was still set on making happen. I heard a door closing, and turned around. Evidently Eva had shut herself in the closet to change. I laughed.
"Everything okay in there?" I asked.
"Just changing," she said in a muffled tone.
"You know I could have just closed my eyes," I snickered.
"Uh huh," she said, like she doubted my eyes would stay closed.
This immediately made me start thinking of her naked…which made my body react accordingly. I don't think I would survive that if or when it happened. She already was perfection with clothes on…
My musings were cut off by her opening the closet door and stepping outside. She looked gorgeous as usual, wearing some kind of off the shoulder white blouse with a jean skirt.
"Ready to go?" I asked, checking my phone and seeing the concert was going to start soon.
"Yes!" she said excitedly.
I took her hand as we stepped outside of her room. I would never take for granted getting to touch her.
Shelton was waiting for us out in front of Eva's dorm. We got in the car and began to drive towards Metlife Stadium. Eva was quiet while we drove, and I could tell that she was thinking deeply about something. I signaled Shelton through the reflection in the rear-view mirror to put in his headphones so Eva and I could have a private conversation.
"Baby, something on your mind?" I asked gently.
She looked over to me and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
"You're being awfully wonderful about the fact that we're going to your friend's concert after I spent the weekend with him," she said quietly, a guilty look on her face. "We didn't talk about it this morning. I'm sure a part of you hates me right now. I don't know how you have even been able to be so sweet to me. I don't deserve it."
I knew I needed to choose my words carefully in response.
"I will admit that I was upset when I saw you and Mason on my tv screen, at the Grammys of all places. Especially after not hearing from you at all besides that first text the morning after you spent the night."
I laughed quietly and looked away.
"Maybe upset is an understatement. I felt betrayed honestly."
I looked back at her. Her gorgeous eyes were rapidly filling with tears.
"These past few weeks I've been falling in love with you, but this showed me that you obviously haven't been falling with me. It blew my mind that you could form a connection with them so quickly. It makes me feel like I've imagined the past few weeks."
She opened her mouth to say something, but I gently put my finger to her lips.
"Please, let me finish," I said. "The way I feel for you isn't going to fade, it's not something that I'm going to be able to forget or move on from. I've lived for so long that you would think it's been forever. But what that has taught me is that the way I feel for you is a once in existence kind of feeling. I know with every fiber of my being that you are the one for me. So I'll do whatever it takes. I'll be patient. I'll be supportive. I'll be there for you no matter what. I'm in for whatever you are willing to give me. I'm holding out for the end… even if it decimates my heart."
Eva grabbed my hand, and pushed it against her heart, momentarily distracting me with my hand's sudden proximity to her perfect breasts.
"Is it my turn yet?" she asked with a small, sad smile.
I nodded, feeling a foreign emotion clogging my throat.
"I feel so much for you that it terrifies me," she started. "I can't explain what happened with Mason and Beckham. I can only say that it's almost like there are three parts of me that can only be filled by each of you. The connection I feel with you all takes my breath away. It feels irreplaceable. I've been alone and repressed for so long that with everything that's happened in the past few weeks, it's taking me a minute…and maybe a few panic attacks…for my head to catch up to my heart. I know I don't deserve you, but please don't think I ever meant to hurt you, or that I don't care."
My heart clenched a little. I noticed that she hadn't said she loved me back in her speech. But hopefully it would come. I didn't know much about her past besides the fact that she was an orphan who must have had a sheltered upbringing by her different reactions to things and her somewhat obliviousness to the attention that followed her wherever she went.
Mason had sent me a text last night that Eva had told Beckham some pretty messed up shit about what she had been through growing up. Hopefully with time, my love for her could heal her, and those broken, empty spaces inside of her could be put back together and fulfilled by just me.
We pulled into the parking lot of the stadium and Shelton started to drive towards the side entrance where the VIP guests could enter. I had the overwhelming urge to demand that he turn around and head back to Eva's dorm. Normally I enjoyed Mason's concerts, and from time to time I would even join the band for some songs. However, knowing that every love song Mason sang, and every lustful glance he gave towards the crowd would be intended for Eva…not to mention all the energy he would be feeding off of Eva…was more than I felt like I could take.
I decided I was going to ask her if it was alright if I just dropped her off by herself. Maybe I could fake sickness or something. She probably didn't know that angels didn't get sick right? Just as I opened my mouth, she reached over, squeezed my hand, and flashed me a smile that took my breath away. I changed my mind in that moment about leaving. Seeing her with Mason would be torture, but her bran
d of torture was addictive.
I got out of the car and went around to open Eva's door before Shelton could get there. He laughed at me and I couldn't help but give him a grin in return. I knew I was a love-struck fool and I didn't care. Eva was bouncing slightly as she stood next to me. I assumed she was excited to see Mason, and again I couldn't help but feel a mix of jealousy mixed with despair rise up inside of me.
I had to choke it down so that I could return the sweet smile she gave me as we walked into the stadium entrance. Both feelings roared back when we got backstage, and Mason came jogging over. I took a step forward to rip Eva away from him when he had the nerve to kiss her in front of me. Shelton had come in with us and grabbed my arm just in time to prevent me from knocking him out. Mason pulled back and gave me a wink over Eva's shoulder as he finished hugging her. I was realizing that my best friend was a grade A asshole.
Eva at least had the decency to look embarrassed when Mason finally let her go. She was blushing and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I took her hand and pulled her further from Mason.
"We're excited to see you tonight," I told Mason, emphasizing the "we're" part of the sentence and hopefully getting it in his head that we were a couple.
Mason still had a stupid smirk on his face, and I had to take a deep breath and release it to get control of my annoyance. I had to keep reminding myself that Mason had to finish three more months of his tour while I got to see Eva everyday. That would give me enough time to solidify my bond with her, and for her feelings towards Mason to fade. That thought put a smile on my face and I was able to enjoy the atmosphere back stage as we walked to where the rest of the band was.
Eva waved to Lane who was already lighting up, as was his usual routine before the show. The guy was super talented, but a total head-case when it came to stage fright. Getting high was the only thing that seemed to calm him down enough to perform. Unfortunately he used it all the time now, and I couldn't remember when he wasn't high. Still he was a chill guy and a good member of the band.
We followed Mason to a side table that was full of food and drinks. Mason whispered something in Eva's ear, and she blushed again. I decided I needed a second away from Mason, and decided to go for a little walk.
I had just left the main room when a familiar face appeared. Courtney Rayne, Mason's ex-girlfriend, was lurking in the hallway, seeming to be gearing herself up to go see Mason. She was dressed about as provocative as I had seen her. She was wearing a black mini-skirt that was so short that I was pretty sure I could see the bottom of her ass poking out from underneath. She had on a corset top whose only functionality seemed to be to cover her nipples. Red lipstick and a wild ponytail completed her look. I smirked at her. Courtney was annoying as fuck, but tonight…tonight she was my favorite person.
"Hey Court," I said to her. She looked over at me and put on what I guessed she thought was a seductive smile. I could see the underlying nervousness however. Courtney had always known that I didn't like her.
"Damon, so good to see you darling," she cooed, using the high pitched affected voice that had always made me feel sorry for Mason.
It actually sounded British, a fact made all the more annoying since I knew that Courtney Rayne, aka Twilla Smith, was born in a little town in Arkansas.
"Did you come to see Mason?" I asked innocently.
She began to play nervously with the bottom strands of her ponytail.
"You know me, just trying to be the supportive girlfriend before he leaves for Europe and I don't get to see him for awhile."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Was she that delusional that she would think Mason wouldn't have mentioned to me that he had broken up with her, or that I wouldn't have noticed that someone besides herself was on his arm at the Grammys? Hmmm, how to play this.
"I'm sure Mason will be excited to see you," I told her, waving her in.
I smirked to myself as she went in the room. I'm sure Eva wasn't aware that Mason had broken up with his girlfriend the night that he met her.
I gave the situation a few minutes, and then walked back into the room. The energy in the room was fraught with tension. Mason was gesturing angrily at Courtney who was in tears. Eva had walked over to Lane, watching Mason and Courtney out of the corner of her eye, distress written across her face. I was an asshole to ever give Eva pain, but I needed any advantage I could get on Mason and Beckham. Mason hadn't had an issue with throwing me under the bus by mentioning Selena. I didn't mind returning the favor.
Eva saw me and walked over to me quickly.
"Maybe we should go," she said worriedly.
"What's going on?" I asked, hating myself a little bit.
Eva's eyes got a little glossy.
"I think Mason has a girlfriend," she said sadly.
Before I could say anything the stage manager came running into the room.
"The crowd is going crazy. You've made them wait long enough. Any longer and I'm holding you in violation of your contract," he warned sternly, motioning the band to follow him.
Mason said something to Courtney and then started to walk our way.
"Mason, dude, come on," yelled Kevin, the band's manager.
Mason held up a finger and continued towards us, glaring at me the whole time. I was struggling to hide my smile, obviously not doing a great job of it since Mason looked ready to kill me.
"Eva, are you okay?" Mason asked questioningly.
"Let's just talk about this after the concert, ok?" she answered stiffly.
I was proud of my girl for having some backbone.
"Promise we will talk," he said. "It's not what you're thinking."
She nodded and Mason sighed, before kissing her cheek and walking after the band. I grabbed Eva's hand and gave it a kiss before leading her out to the side of the stage so we could watch the show. Annoyed as I was at Mason, the Riot was a damn good show and it was hard to pass up an opportunity to watch Mason perform.
I could tell Mason was out of sorts from the Courtney debacle as he strummed the first chords of his set. My mind momentarily went blank however as soon as the first notes of Mason's melodic voice hit my ears. Incubi had various traits, but one that was the most envied was their gift of song. Within the few that held that gift, I had never heard anyone as extraordinary as Mason.
There was nothing that quite stirred up the array of feelings that incubi loved to feed off of better than singing. I had been listening to Mason's voice for thousands of years, and still was affected by it. In the past I would have been getting ready to grab one of the groupies, or several, and head off somewhere nearby so I could hear the music during my extra-curricular activites for the night. Tonight, being so near to Eva, was almost more than I could take. I was so aroused that I was in pain. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
Eva didn't seem to notice my frenzied state; she couldn't take her eyes off of Mason. She was glowing brighter than I had ever seen her, and her hair seemed to be slightly swirling around her head despite the fact that there wasn't a hint of breeze in the air. Mason has said she wasn't a succubus, but it seemed like she was gaining energy through the music. I didn't know what other creatures could do that. Mason started a song that she must have known because she started to sing softly under her breath.
Walking the halls at school today, I had heard many of the students gossiping about Mason's trip to Covet with Eva last weekend, and how they sang a duet together. I had heard it was an amazing experience for everyone who was lucky enough to hear it. However, my mind couldn't have comprehended just how amazing of an experience it really was.
Eva's voice was so beautiful that it tortured my soul. Whatever remnants of my heart that had still been longing for the paradise that I had lost so long ago, those remnants burned up, and finally left me in peace. My feelings for Eva seeped into every crack and cranny of my heart, until every inch was filled up with
nothing but her.
Despite how soft she was singing, the unknown magic that she possessed must have been floating through the air because many of the people nearby were turning away from Mason to look at her. She sang on, oblivious to their stares, as was usual for Eva. Even Mason was sneaking glances at her. I could hear a waver in his voice as Eva distracted him.
I reached out to get Eva's attention when all of a sudden the light she was radiating grew even brighter. I could feel heat pulsing off of her. Mason looked over concerned and motioned for me to do something before people noticed that the light coming off of Eva wasn't caused by the bright stage lights.
Chapter 15
"Sing me a song my darling," my sweet mother wheezed out. My mother, who was so powerful that the world kneeled at her command, could do nothing to rid herself of the plague that had been swiftly taking over her body for weeks. It had started as complaints of being tired, a symptom that had seemed to be soothed by afternoon naps and the healer's herbal tea concoction in the morning. While that kind of tiredness itself was unheard of from a being as powerful as my mother, in what seemed like the blink of an eye her symptoms had escalated until she was bedridden, so weak she needed to be spoon fed.
My gorgeous mother, a being possessing so much beauty that anyone who saw her was rendered momentarily speechless, had aged in a matter of weeks. We were immortal beings. We didn't age. But my mother's beautiful, golden hair was now liberally streaked with silver. Her perfect golden skin had turned a mottled grey color and was marred by spots, wrinkles crinkling around her eyes. I had to hide my tears frequently, not because I didn't think my mother was still beautiful, to me she would always be the most gorgeous being I had ever seen, but because it was soul shattering to see the spirit that had left my mother.
"Of course mother," I whispered, although I didn't know how I would be able to choke out any words to help ease her suffering. Mother had always said that the stars had burst into song at my birth, ensuring that I would always have the most stunning voice in the land. I had always loved to sing, but lately, when I needed it the most, my voice had been failing me. My grief was beginning to consume me.