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Jane Millionaire

Page 23

by Janice Lynn

  Reality. What a joke. The biggest joke of all was on him.

  Her eyes opened. Her gaze full of pain, regret, and one last glimmer of hope, she stared at him. “Regardless of how you consider this morning’s activities and the events that followed, I made love to you, Rob.”

  She reached for him, but he flinched away, unable to bear her touch.

  “Because I love you,” she finished in a breathy rush, as if her heart was really on the line.

  His gut knotted. She really knew how to hit below the belt. Somebody should give her an Oscar.

  “Pity for you if that’s true. You mean nothing to me.” He wished like hell he was telling the truth. Maybe they both should be nominated for best performances.

  She gasped, and all the stairwell’s already too thin and rose-tainted air vanished right along with that flicker of counterfeit hope in her eyes.

  Before he spat out any more lies, or worse, started believing hers, he turned from her sinfully expressive eyes falsely mirroring his own hollow ache.

  # # #

  “Who’d have seen all this happening?” Bachelor #6, Steve, asked as JP sank down beside him in the throne room.

  “Any good producer, I imagine.” JP dropped his head back against the pew, staring at the ornate ceiling.

  “This was all staged from the beginning?”

  JP snickered. “No. Not from the beginning. Just from the time several of the show’s key players got bitten by the love bug.”

  “Several?” Steve’s brow rose. “Who? Kensington and Jane are cozy, but both admitted to just being friends. And what about this new chick? Who’s she? The real princess?”

  “Yep. The genuine article.”

  “So Jane’s an imposter?”

  “Yep. She’s a wannabe actress who stepped in to fill Isabella’s shoes when the princess got cold feet and decided she wouldn’t do the role herself.”

  “And she and Kensington had a thing before the show?”

  JP straightened. “Sounded that way, didn’t it? I guess we’ll find out for sure when all this settles.”

  The blonde, Jane’s sister, came back into the room carrying broken pieces of porcelain. That was going to cost the network’s insurance company a major penny.

  She glanced around and spotted him and Steve. Flashing a smile that would make a blind man see, she walked toward them. He and Steve both sighed in appreciation of the way her hips swayed with each step.

  “I had a little accident in the hallway.” Her shoulders lifted as she made an oops expression. “What should I do with this?”

  “Just set it down here. I’ll have one of the crew take care of it later.” JP pointed to a spot on the pew.

  “Hey, I recognize that voice. You’re who called me and invited me here.” Her face screwed into a mock scowl. “Dude, did you set me up?”

  JP laughed. “Set you up?”

  “Jill seems to think we’re going to be in trouble for our little switcheroo, but you wouldn’t have sent for me if you were like upset, right?”

  Her lower lip pouted and her eyes flashed with flirtation. JP almost laughed. Had Jessie Davidson fulfilled her contract, JANE MILLIONAIRE would have been an entirely different show. Hell, she’d have had the men in such a heated rut, they’d have been at each other’s throats. And the glint in her feline eyes assured that she’d have enjoyed every second of their macho antics.

  “She’s with Rob?”

  Jessie shrugged. “The crazy man took off after Jilly broke this vase. Was it worth that much?”

  JP suspected the vase hadn’t had a thing to do with whatever put a fire under Rob’s shoes. More likely the boy had been stunned to discover Jane was an imposter. It wasn’t often something slipped past Rob. But then the boy hadn’t thought straight since he’d become twitter-pated when Jane had made her practice descent down the stairs.

  “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me?” Jessie’s eyelashes batted back and forth as she sized up Bachelor #6, Steve. She held out her hand. “I’m Jessie Davidson and I know who you are. You’ve been coming into my living room on a weekly basis. I think there’s still steam on my windows from your last visit.”

  A bedazzled Steve took Jessie’s hand, to shake it, JP imagined, but the sexy wench laced her fingers with his and tugged him closer.

  “You have really big,” a smile played on her painted lips. “Hands.”

  “Thank you.” Steve gulped. JP bet Steve had never been this hot under the collar during his military stints.

  As if Jessie had read his mind, she grinned. “Like, I’ve always been fascinated by Navy Seals. I bet by the time Uncle Sam is finished with you guys, your endurance is something to be marveled.”

  “Something like that.”

  “I’ve got some time to kill while I wait on Jilly. Wanna show me around the castle and tell me why Seals do it better?”

  JP shook his head as the two walked off, deep in conversation. Oh, yeah, had Jessie been Jane the show might have turned X-rated.

  Had Jill and Rob gotten together yet?

  The boy was going to owe him big time for setting this up. But just seeing the lad happy would be enough.

  And Isabella and Kensington. Jessie and Steve had looked pretty cozy, too. Hell, he was pretty good at this matchmaking stuff. Maybe he could pitch another reality show to the network. One where he played cupid.

  # # #

  “Let me get this straight.”

  Isabella sat with her hands folded in her lap as she watched Jeff pace across her room.

  “You brought me here so you could see me again. Yet, you don’t want to continue with our relationship.” He shot her an exasperated glower. “Not that I’d necessarily be willing, mind you. But why bring me here if all you wanted was to see me? Why not just return to Central America?”

  How could she explain that her heart belonged to him, even if her obligations belonged to her people?

  “I am sorry. What I did was wrong. Forgive me.”

  “Forgive you? This isn’t a joke, Izzy. You’re talking about my giving up five weeks of my work because I thought I’d see you when I got here.”

  “Which you did.” She reminded.

  “For what purpose? To be told you’re a princess?”

  “Jeff, there is something I have to tell you.” How would he take her news? “I must marry.”

  “What?” He stopped walking and turned to her. “Are you proposing, Izzy?”

  She closed her eyes and swallowed the bitter taste duty left in her mouth. “No, I can not marry you. I must marry royalty and take my place as Queen of this country.”

  “Queen?” He sank next to her on the settee. “You’re going to be queen?”

  She nodded. “It is my destiny.”

  “Why were you at my hospital? What was your trip to Central America all about? And why under an alias?”

  “I believe in helping others. My country funded many charitable works before my father’s death. I wanted to do something beyond monetary. My father agreed under duress as long as I traveled with body guards.” She shrugged. “It was not as if I had not had them my entire life. Even while at university in the U.S., two body guards accompanied me to ever class incognito as students.”

  “Why as Izzy Strover?”

  She shrugged, knowing he could never understand the burden of constant surveillance and expectations. “I did not want to be treated differently than any other volunteer when I visited mission sites. Being a princess can bring undue attention. I wanted a chance to just be a woman.”

  His jaw tightened. “Is that what I was all about? Making you feel like a woman?”

  “I will always treasure the time we spent together.” She placed her hand over his. Her heart sped at the contact of his skin against hers. Goosebumps covered her skin. It had been so long since she had felt the heat of his touch.

  Jeff’s gaze dropped to their hands. “I don’t understand why I’m here.”

  “I had to know how I felt abou
t you.”

  His blue eyes searched hers. “And do you?”

  Heaven help her, she did. “My heart has belonged to you from the first time you kissed me.”

  “At the hospital.”

  “Yes.” Memories flooded Isabella.

  Jeff twined his fingers with hers. “You took my breath away, Izzy.”

  “As you did mine.” His musky scent tantalized her senses. She inhaled deeply, embracing the powerful way her body reacted to his male fragrance.

  “You are engaged?”

  “Soon.” She leaned closer, her gaze focused on his lips. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted much more than that. Which was wrong. They had no future. She would not use him to satisfy the ache within her chest.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” But she knew.

  “Like nothing has changed between us.”

  “Has it?”

  “You know it has.”

  “No. Everything is as it was. Only now you see more clearly who I am. Who I must be.”

  “A queen?”


  “What about the woman, Izzy? What is it she wants?”

  Isabella’s gaze lifted to his eyes. She had never seen a color so blue. Not even the seas could compete with the hues of his eyes. “She wants you,” she admitted honestly.

  His sharp intake popped through her mind, seconds before all thought disintegrated with the touch of his lips.

  “Izzy.” His breath was warm against her mouth as he stared at her, a slightly dazed look in his eyes.

  This was why she had insured she would see Jeff one last time. Because she had needed more memories of his touch to hold her through a lifetime of royal service.

  “Would you think me improper if I asked you to kiss me again?”

  “No more so than my kissing a woman who just told me she intended to marry another man.”

  She nodded, understanding the implications of his words.

  “Jeff, I want much more than a kiss. Knowing we have no future together beyond the present, I want you to choose to go on JANE MILLIONAIRE’s week in paradise. With me.”

  # # #

  “Where’s Jessie?” Jill asked JP. She’d expected to find Jessie waiting for her in the hallway. She should have known better. Jessie had never been one to wait around.

  Some of the crew milled around in the throne room. Jill’s gaze had immediately landed on where JP sat on one of the pews. He’d looked alone and she’d had the urge to wrap her arms around him. Not that the older man would appreciate her sentiments.

  “Your sister wasted no time in snagging a bachelor of her own.” JP patted the pew. “Have a seat.”

  Not surprised one bit, Jill collapsed onto the bench. “Steve?”

  “Yep. Last I heard they were discussing his endurance and she’d asked him to explain why Seals did it better.”

  “She didn’t.” Jill covered her face.

  “I’m afraid she did. But she looks like she can handle herself. Now, tell me why you’re not with my boy.”

  Jill peeked at him from between her fingers.

  “Don’t act like you have no idea what I’m talking about. Do you think I couldn’t see what was happening right in front of my eyes? I may be old, but I ain’t dead.”

  “He hates me.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.”

  “You didn’t see how he looked at me.”

  “I imagine he was a little upset about Jessie showing up. Personally, I thought it made a nice twist.”

  Something in his tone triggered suspicion.

  “You brought her here.”


  “Then you knew I was a fake.”

  “Not at first.”

  “When did you figure it out?”

  “Your personality is quite different from your sister’s. On her interview tapes, she was a total flirt. That’s one of the reasons I chose her. I wanted sparks to fly on JANE MILLIONAIRE. The more sensational, the better. Everything about Jessie screams sensational.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “At first, I thought you were just shy. Rob commented that comparing you to the woman on the tapes was like looking at a different woman. I had to agree and found myself watching Jessie’s interview once again. The resemblance is remarkable for you not to be twins, but she lacks your gracefulness and strength, but has a verve for life that is enchanting.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because Rob refused to see the truth when it was right before his eyes. All he could see was you. Since Mandy, he’s never let a woman close. With you, he was so busy focusing on all the other reasons why you two shouldn’t be together, he forgot to protect his heart.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes. He asked me to leave the castle. Just as soon as it can be arranged.”

  “Then he’s a fool.”

  “No, I deceived him. I admit I was wrong, but he deceived me, too.”

  “You mean Isabella?”

  She nodded, fighting to keep tears from falling.

  “He couldn’t tell you. To do so would have been betraying me. He may be as thickheaded as a Neanderthal, but the boy is loyal. I’d trust him with my life.”

  “Yes, he cares a great deal for you.”

  “As he does you.”

  “I thought he did, but I was wrong. When it comes down to it, Rob isn’t willing to risk getting hurt, again. He’d rather I have gone on that stupid honeymoon with Jeff than to have admitted he cares about me. I deserve better.”

  “Agreed. Give the boy some time. He’ll come around. Apparently you had a conversation with his foolish pride.”

  “No.” She shook her head, knowing she spoke the truth. She and Rob were finished. Too many things stood between them. Things like their backgrounds and financial status. His past and her desire for a real relationship rather than a clandestine one hidden from prying eyes. “Please help me to leave tonight. I don’t want to see him again.”

  “Now whose pride is talking?”

  “Not pride. Reality. My reality is that I’m a police officer who for a short while got to live out a fantasy. Rob’s a famous producer who got sucked into that fantasy. What we had would never last under the strains of the real world.”

  JP sighed. “You’re sure about this? Because once he’s had time to calm down and think about this, he’s going to realize your taking Jessie’s place isn’t the real issue.”

  “He already knows. And yes, I’m sure. Please help me go home.”

  “I’ll arrange for you to leave tonight. But first we have to record your comments on the show. If you’re sure this is what you want, I’ll set everything up.”

  She nodded. “I’m sure. I want to go home.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Do you have any idea of how fast you were driving?” Jill asked the grinning man in the gleaming red Porsche she’d just pulled over on the San Padres highway.

  “Why don’t you tell me, sugar.” The man’s gaze raked over her uniformed bosom, visibly undressing her before meeting her gaze again.

  What a jerk. “I’ll need to see your license, registration and prove of insurance, please.”

  “Baby, you can see anything you’d like.” He reached into his glove box, withdrew papers and handed them along with his already out license to her.

  She flicked her gaze over his information and had started to walk back to the patrol car where Dan was running the guy’s tags.

  “Hey, while you’re writing my ticket, do you mind autographing this?” He handed her a copy of a magazine with her smiling face on the cover.

  Not another one.

  She forced a smile, tight though it was, took the magazine, and resisted the urge to fling it into the ditch. She opened the door and slid into the front seat of the patrol car.

  “Ooooh,” she grunted in frustration.

  “What? Did he offer you a part in
a porn flick like the last guy we pulled over?” Dan grinned at her from his seat, enjoying this way too much.

  “No. This one just wants my autograph.” She rolled her eyes and handed Dan the guy’s information. “Here, you finish this. I think I’m going to be sick.”

  He took the papers, but didn’t start filling out the ticket. Instead, his expression grew serious. “You really should have taken Chief’s offer of a desk job until all this blows over.”

  Jill shot him an eat-crap-and-die look. “Not you, too.”

  “Hey, I’m on your side, but, honestly, knowing we’re being constantly followed by the press is getting a bit old. Did you read this week’s issue of the The Tattler? It has a spread on you and I claiming our love affair was why you didn’t chose that doctor dude.” Dan rolled his eyes. “My phone is ringing off the wall, and my girlfriend is threatening to dump me if something doesn’t give. She would have if you two weren’t getting along so well since you’ve come back. I think she actually feels sorry for you.”

  Dan’s girlfriend felt sorry for her. What a great testament to the state of her life. Jill sighed. Yeah, her life had been topsy-turvy during the almost two weeks she’d been back in California.

  Poor Dan. He didn’t deserve any of this three-ring circus act being forced upon him. Neither did she, for that matter. But try explaining that to the nuts purposely breaking the law to flash a camera in her face, attempting to get an interview with her, or to offer her the lead role in Jane Does Porn.

  She’d never expected her every move to continue to be scrutinized following her trip from the castle. The castle. She and Jessie had left a couple of hours following her conversation with JP.

  She’d fulfilled her duties by filming her comments on her role as Jane. She’d done so, although she couldn’t recite a word of what she’d said. The show had given Jeff the cash in addition to the week with Princess Jane--or Izzy as he’d known the woman when she’d volunteered incognito at his medical missionary. Seems Izzy had been responsible for Jeff’s personal invitation to appear on the show.

  Jeff had seemed happy when she’d said her goodbyes and exchanged addresses with him. She hoped things worked out for him. He really was a great guy.


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