by Rami Yudovin
Chapter 53. The Prince
The Stranger has remembered the prophetical text of the manuscript that supposedly had been written a few years before the life of the Prince. “A man of perfect age. Two braids on his head, on the right and on the left side. His beard is thick, touched by white frost, the look from his deep eye-pits pierces deep into hearts, his bronze forehead is low but wide. The shoulders of a smith, but his back is round from our sins, his fingers are long and a ring of inheritance covers his finger.”
He meditated, “The signs suit the image of the Prince. Looks like the author saw him and that’s why he gave such a detailed description. But it’s not wise to rely on these signs now. It’s not too hard to grow long hair and beard. Besides, there are lots of people with long fingers and wide foreheads. I need to reject all the stereotypes, even the most authoritative once. God’s plan doesn’t fit any theories, conceptions or interpretations of men. Dogmas limit thoughts, preventing their development… The Hermit met with the ancient evil, the Enemy, the servant of the Adversary, who has made it his goal to harm any truth that