Alien Intrusion

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Alien Intrusion Page 31

by Gary Bates

  Then the accuser struck. He turned on God. By trying to win man’s allegiance (and the allegiance of the other angels), Lucifer thought he could usurp God’s throne and authority. This corrupted and destroyed the focus of God’s creation and that which, according to the Bible, God loves more than anything else — us. Lucifer uttered those infamous words that still resonate today:

  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Gen. 3:5, Authorized Version, emphasis added).

  In one sense, the first people did become like God in now knowing the difference between good and evil, but Lucifer lied to them. Genesis 3:4 says:

  “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.

  By getting man to rebel, he knew that Adam and his descendants would now be spiritually, and eternally, separated from God. For once sin had come upon them they could no longer be in the presence of a pure and holy God. Satan thought he could spite God and destroy His eternal purposes for mankind by telling people they could aspire to godhood — this is fundamentally the same message the space brothers deliver today.

  Most people assume that Lucifer took the form of, or perhaps indwelt, a snake or serpent. While this is entirely possible, if he appeared as a talking reptile, then why was Eve not more cautious? Some may argue that she was still innocent and had no experience of evil yet. But one would think a talking snake would have aroused her suspicion — none of the other animals are recorded as speaking. She wasn’t stupid — she was perfect in every way. Is it possible that Satan was not a typical serpent? Whatever form he took, it deceived Eve enough to lower her defenses, despite God’s warning. She was deceived, and it was the beginning of a long war of deception. The original Hebrew word for serpent in this passage comes from the root word nachash, which can mean to whisper a spell or to enchant. In addition, Lucifer literally means “light-bearer” or “shining one” (also “morning star”). Figuratively, the Bible also describes God as light, so is it possible that Eve was deceived by an entity appearing as a being of light? In 2 Corinthians 11:14, the apostle Paul warns that:

  … Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

  Right here at the beginning of creation we can see the counterfeit plan of God’s adversary coming into action. Adam and Eve were deceived, tricked or conned into believing a benevolent-appearing entity. These are exactly the same methods that the deceiving spirits, appearing as aliens, UFOs, space brothers — whatever you want to call them — employ today. They:

  • Use false appearances — Satan, an angel, was able to appear as something he wasn’t, possibly altering his form to do so. UFOs commonly manifest as objects of light.

  • Pretend to be the good guys — “I’m here to help you.”

  • Lie about human potential to reach godhood — using the classic yarn, “You shall be as gods.” But Satan didn’t warn Adam and Eve about the consequences of death and eternal separation.

  From the very beginning, humans have been lied to, have believed the lies, and are still accepting them today. As we shall see, these lies constitute the central theme of New Age ideology.

  God tells us of Satan’s planned coup in Isaiah 14:12–15.

  How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol [grave or hell], to the lowest depths of the Pit (New King James Version).

  We can understand, in some small way, the vanity and wickedness of Satan by comparing him to the evil earthly despots that history shows had similar visions of grandeur. When they know their days are numbered, it still doesn’t stop them. They embark on a crash-and-burn policy designed to take as many down with them as possible, to spite their enemies.

  Satan is not alone in this. Satan had some angelic followers. We cannot be sure of the number, but the Bible gives us indications that approximately one-third of the created angels were ejected from heaven and cast down to the earth (Rev. 12:4). They are also now roaming about the earth (Job 1:7). Their focus is now the eternal destruction of mankind through lies and deception designed to take our eyes off Jesus the true Creator and His plan of redemption for mankind. Quite simply, these evil angels, under the leadership of Satan, want to deceive and destroy as many human beings as they possibly can. Even when they appear to be our friends, they are the enemies of God.

  But Satan and his hordes of evil angels cannot win, according to the Bible. Jesus is their Creator, and thus He has authority over them. He says that their fate is already established:

  Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41).

  But more importantly, Christ says He loves and cares for those who are part of His family. His authority is absolute and He will protect them from the evil ones, so they do not need to fear the evil deceivers any more. Two-thirds of the heavenly host are still doing God’s bidding and directly engaging the enemy.

  Deceptive spirits

  According to the Bible, these evil spirits can influence the way some people think and act. They can even possess (indwell) humans. We find such a description in Luke 11:24–26:

  When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, “I will return to the house I left.” When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.

  This is similar to the pattern of repeated abductions where the victims have completely given themselves over to their abductors. In Mark 1:24–26, the Bible gives an account of a man afflicted by these evil spirits:

  “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are — the Holy One of God!”

  “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

  Notice how these spirits recognized Jesus and obeyed Him. This pained shriek is also reminiscent of Bill D.’s abduction in the last chapter when he described that the application of Jesus’ name somehow hurt the entities that were trying to abduct him. Similar stories have been reported elsewhere.

  In Mark 5:1–15, Jesus encountered a disturbed man who would even mutilate himself. When Jesus ordered the spirits (demons) to leave the man, they recognized Jesus as “the Son of the most high God,” and confessed their name to be “Legion … for we are many” (verse 9). When they left the man they entered a herd of pigs and destroyed them by running them over a cliff.

  New Age author Whitley Strieber’s increasing contacts with spirit beings masquerading as aliens leaves us in no doubt about the progressive nature of the deception that enveloped him. In Strieber’s first book, Communion, he describes his first encounters with the visitors (only recalled through hypnosis). In Transformation the visitors started to teach him deeper things that he linked with the spiritual realm, although he recalls that they were always vague about their point of origin.[6]Because of his New Age beliefs, Strieber refused to believe that the beings were those as described in biblical terms. He wrote:

  So far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me. And why should it have been? We were beyond such things. We were a group of atheists and agnostics, far too sophisticated to be concerned with such archaic ideas as demons and angels.[7]

  However, and true to New Age form, Strieber started to connect his visitors to all the religions of the world:

  Whatever the visitors are, I suspect that they have been responsible for much
paranormal phenomena, ranging from the appearance of gods, angels, fairies, ghosts, and miraculous beings to the landing of UFOs in the backyards of America. It may be that what happened to Mohammed in his cave and to Christ in Egypt, to Buddha in his youth and to all our great prophets and seers, was an exalted version of the same humble experience that causes a flying saucer to traverse the sky or a visitor to appear in a bedroom or light to fill a circle of friends.[8] [Note that the boy Christ was taken to Egypt short-term by his earthly father, but there is no biblical record of Christ receiving any divine instructions while there.]

  Strieber and his visitors are advocating a new religion, and one that he hopes will unite all of humanity. But from the titles of his following books, it becomes apparent how deeply he fell into the occult phenomenon of “alien” worship. After Transformation, there came Breakthrough (1995), The Secret School: Preparations for Contact (1997), and Evenings with Demons (1997).

  It has been said that Strieber is one of many people who have been increasingly deceived to a point where they have become continually possessed by spirits — in similar fashion to the biblical occurrences mentioned earlier. In true counterfeit fashion, demonic possession has even been given a New Age technological facelift. They are now called “walk-ins.” This is the belief that a more evolved or “ascended” alien form has literally taken over a human being. (See later in this chapter.)

  Power over life and death

  If we take the Bible at face value, Jesus had, and still has, authority over these powerful lying spirits. How? Because the Bible claims He is the Creator of the universe and therefore the Creator of these beings as well.

  There is abundant historical evidence that Jesus walked this earth as a man. Many UFO believers agree with this. They also like the teachings of Jesus because He showed a better way to live in accord with the “benevolent” teachings of the “space brothers.” However, many of them would dismiss His express command for humans to follow Him, and they would reject the Bible’s claim that He is the Creator God who became man with the express purpose of becoming mankind’s Savior. (The next chapter will examine the Bible’s description of the way to know Christ as Savior.) Jesus also promised the Holy Spirit as a “helper” (John 14:16, 26; 15:26). The Holy Spirit indwells, lives with, and helps the believer — He does not take over, in the manner of a demonic (alien) possession (walk-in).

  The consistent big picture of the Bible repeats that Jesus sacrificially chose to lay down His heavenly glory to become a man in order that we might believe in God. Since it was a choice, then at anytime He could have changed His mind. When He was being arrested, just before His crucifixion, His disciples tried to forcibly prevent His arrest, and Jesus said:

  Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? (Matt. 26:53 — at that time, a Roman legion was about 6,000 men.)

  Christ explained (and at other times showed) that He could use his power immediately at any time. The evidence of the halting of abductions by calling on His name indicates that He is indeed still alive and powerful. The death and resurrection of Christ is the focal point of Christianity, and is also a well-documented and historical fact. Because He rose from the dead, it adds credence to the claim that He is the Creator and thus has power over life and death.

  Many UFO believers would suggest Christ rose from the dead via extraterrestrial technology. But the Bible says He was disfigured more than any man (Isa. 52:14). He was beaten, bruised, speared, flogged, and lay dead for three days. Some sort of resuscitation is one thing, but to restore an unimaginably broken, torn, and bruised body is another. If Jesus was a UFOnaut who could foretell the future, why did He let himself undergo such torture? What could possibly be the point of this demonstration, unless He was willingly paying the penalty for mankind’s sins, as the Bible says?

  There is a great risk for anyone who overlooks this cosmic act of Christ and dismisses the Bible’s claims. Those who impose a “UFO view” on the Bible must reinterpret Bible verses or take them in isolation to fit their view. This approach creates irreconcilable differences with other Bible verses, and violates the big picture of the Bible, which clearly lays out, from the very first book to the last book, God’s plan to redeem mankind through the sacrifice of His son, thus restoring paradise lost. Anyone who believes in, or has contact with, UFOs or aliens does not need to be deceived any longer.

  The very words of Christ declare:

  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

  Since He is a holy and sinless God, He cannot lie. Unlike Jesus’ adversaries, who are known liars, Christians claim that He has never lied. Even non-Christians generally regard Him as an example of moral flawlessness. He said of himself:

  I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).

  Despite the claims of the so-called space brothers that they are the gods, or have come from the kingdom of God, Jesus says there is no other way to God the Father except through believing in Him. What better method can the lying spirits employ to serve their ends than to teach the world that it is mistaken about Jesus, or that Christianity is one of only many ways to the kingdom of God? Numbers 23:19 and Titus 1:2 say that God does not and cannot lie. If Jesus failed to tell the truth about one single thing, then His claim to be God would be invalid because He would be a liar. In contrast, the record shows that our so-called alien saviors have lied repeatedly.

  We are now going to look at the not-so-subtle deceptions that are being employed to keep people away from the Creator God.

  Pseudo-biblical beliefs

  Although the majority of the population, including the UFO skeptics, believe that there is extraterrestrial life somewhere in the universe (shown by poll results mentioned earlier), a good number of them think that people who claim to be in touch with ETs are crackpots. They do not even consider the possibility that these UFO-believers are being deceived by powerful spirit beings. However, the world suddenly realized the serious and dangerous nature of such beliefs when, in March 1997, 39 members of a UFO-believing group committed suicide.

  The suicides were an act of devotion in a cult known as Heaven’s Gate. Their leader, Marshall Applewhite, claimed to be an incarnation of Jesus Christ after being told that he was specially chosen. In the months prior to their suicides, the cult had been warning of impending Armageddon (a climactic global “last days” battle) on the earth. Applewhite was “graciously” providing advance notice and offering a last chance for salvation. Where was this salvation coming from? He believed that it was coming from a flying saucer that was trailing the Hale-Bopp comet, and that it was coming to redeem their souls and take them to the kingdom of heaven. The cult even produced advertising posters claiming to know “the only way out of this corrupt world,” suggesting that their physical bodies were merely containers for their souls[9] and that they would be transformed into angel-like or ethereal bodies just like their ET saviors. Applewhite’s answer was to commit suicide, thus leaving his earthly container behind. Claiming to be Christ, he said he had already done this nearly 2,000 years ago. Tragically, it is likely that Applewhite had a serious case of the “walk-ins.” “Devotion unto death” demonstrates the tragic depth of his deception.

  They believed that man’s next stage of evolution was a spiritual one — not a physical one — calling it “Evolutionary Level above Human” (the Kingdom of Heaven), i.e., to become like “gods.” They even believed that the higher beings, regarded as space aliens, had previously and deliberately crashed spacecraft in staged events, and left their discarded bodies for the government and military to find. Apparently these crashes occurred in the 1940s and are obvious references to the non-events known as the Roswell incident and the “crashes at Corona.”

  Heaven’s Gate’s beliefs are riddled with pseudo-biblical references that reinterpret the intended meanings of the biblical text. The most significant teaching
is that Christ is not the Son of God but an interstellar being who ascended to the next level. This is the most common view of Christ among the UFO/New Age lobby. Jesus is lumped in with all the so-called “great teachers” of history — Buddha, Mohammed, and so on.

  This is also a prominent view held by a New Age couple, Brad and Sherry Steiger, who, between them, have probably written more books on UFOs than anyone else. Sherry Steiger is a former student of the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, who started to delve deeper into the UFO phenomenon and even worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Like a Martini cocktail, she blends many biblical events with a “UFO twist and a dash of von Däniken.” She believes, for example, that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a nuclear blast at the hands of the angelic visitors. Like Whitley Strieber, she also claims that these angelic UFOnauts are embedded in our history and in many of the ancient religions of the world, saying:


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