by Gary Bates
Death on demand
Besides the awful tragedy of the Heaven’s Gate suicides, there have been similar episodes where many followers have been led astray, even to the point of death. This is a satanic strategy that ensures people never get to hear the truth before they die.
The “Order of the Solar Temple” is a murderous cult whose beliefs are most certainly based in “outer space.” Their object of worship was the star Sirius in the Orion constellation. Aleister Crowley also had a preoccupation with Sirius. He claimed to channel messages from a Sirian (“from Sirius”) named Lam, as well as a demonic alien being named Aiwass. UFO researcher Bill Alnor has also noticed that some of the more “out-and-out” devotees of black magic, witchcraft, and even Satanism, like Crowley, were interested in Sirius, and that most ET messages today come from this source. He writes:
Is this a coincidence or are there real, demonic forces at work helping to spark humankind’s interest in particular heavenly bodies?[35]
This is nothing new, of course. We have already seen the preoccupation with the heavenly bodies as recorded in the Old Testament, but Alnor notes that it is still occurring.
Founded by Luc Jouret (another leader who claimed he was Jesus Christ) and Joseph Di Mambro, the “Solar Temple” was a cult that had followers in many Western countries. The leaders often made references to the Bible, but as expected, the cult was steeped in New Age practices. Like many other UFO doomsday cults, they had apocalyptic overtones, believing that the earth would eventually be destroyed. It is reported that they were obsessed with the declining state of the planet, marred by the effects of pollution, violence, and immorality. This is astonishing because the group appeared to have no problem with participating in “sex magic” rituals with multiple partners in open acts of adultery. There was also an alleged misappropriation of funds, which may have been one of the catalysts that ultimately led to demise of the cult and its members.
During the middle of the 1990s, fragmentation and rivalry in the group ensued, which is not surprising when leaders determine truth to suit their own evil desires. Under the auspices of a ritual known as the “Christic fire,” cult members were shot, stabbed (including women, children, and babies), and suffocated; and their bodies were burned so they could undergo a spiritual transformation, depart this earth, and return home — to a planet orbiting Sirius. In Canada and Switzerland, 74 people were murdered or committed suicide in a period of 30 months. It seems incredible that they willingly followed their leader’s instructions without hesitation, whether performing unusual sex acts on demand or committing suicide. Were their members young, impressionable, and disillusioned teenagers who were vulnerable to authoritarian figures? No! The typical member was middle-aged and middle class, and included company directors, sales managers, a former mayor, and a former Olympic champion.
These people apparently sensed a spiritual void in their lives and looked for something to fill it. Unfortunately, they apparently never considered the possibility that their own sinful state had separated them from God, the real Heavenly Father — hence the void. The spiritual forces of the satanic realm take full advantage of this lack of understanding.
Followers of Jesus say they experience a new beginning that not only equips them for this life, but also for the next one. The deception of the space brothers brings only death — in this life and beyond. Jesus says:
If [the true] God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:42–44).
Why are people attracted to bizarre cultic ideas, and even more strangely, willing to act out these bizarre rituals even to death? For one thing, lies can be very powerful. When a lie is grand enough, it deceives on the basis that “it’s so farfetched, it must be true.” Another reason is that these cults often use biblical language, providing just enough familiar-sounding truth to make their ideas enticing.
UFO-believers aren’t the only reinterpreters
When much of the traditional church has questioned, abandoned, or reinterpreted the validity of its own divinely inspired book (leaving people with the impression that the Bible doesn’t literally mean what it says), then it is open to anyone’s interpretation.
The theory of evolution has caused many to discount the first book of the Bible (Genesis) as the real history of how the world came to be. On the issue of origins, there is much division in the church, leaving cults with an open playing field. If the church has failed to make a stand on its own origins, its own foundational teachings, and failed to counter the “prophets” who reinterpret the Bible, is it any wonder that people are drawn to cults where there is strong leadership? If the first book of the Bible has to be reinterpreted to fit reality, then what about the rest of the Bible? In other words, “Where does the truth begin in the Bible?” If it’s not all true, then the Christian’s whole belief system is founded on a lie.
Perhaps the popularity of cults is not surprising in a confused world where so many mainstream Christian churches don’t know what they believe any more. Jesus knew such a time would come. He said:
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people (Matt. 24:10–11, emphasis added).
And in Matthew 7:15–20, Jesus tells us that nothing good can come from the deceivers among us:
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Sex and ETs — common bedfellows
A key to understanding the popularity of these alien beliefs is the shocking sexual element. It seems impossible to understand the abduction/UFO issue without addressing the sexual nature of so many encounters. But why do UFOlogists rarely discuss this topic in great detail? One reason is the apparent secondary nature of the sex. For example, as we mentioned in the previous chapter, abduction researcher and hypnotherapist David Jacobs believes that the ETs have no real interest in sex, and also that the sexual medical-like procedures are just a charade to hide the real purpose of their mission — the collection of human sperm and ova for the cultivation and growth of half-human/half-alien offspring. Some Christian researchers actually argue that this production of hybrids is happening at both a spiritual and physical level (based on the return of the nephilim that arose when the “sons of God” intermarried with the “daughters of men” in Genesis 6 of the Bible — see appendix). Some UFOlogists, and all UFO skeptics, would relegate such intergalactic sexual relations to the human psyche and even folklore. Writer Nigel Watson notes the neglect of this side of the story:
The early contactee literature provides a rich variety of such stories and, whatever their validity, it is a pity they have been largely neglected or ridiculed.[36]
Yet, I believe these early accounts offer some valuable clues about the often-sordid nature of such experiences. UFOlogist John Keel apparently visited college communities in Northeast America in the 1960s where several young women claimed aliens had raped them, and young men had had their semen extracted. Famous abductee Whitley Strieber describes being painfully sodomized, as do many others. Former Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, in his book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (1994), details the episodes of 13 abductees who have had their religious outlooks changed by virtue of their encounters — most of them involved sexual experiences. Of them, one lady called “Jerry” ha
s since become a prolific writer of New Age material, but more notably, the trauma she suffered causes her difficulty in distinguishing the difference between normal sex and being raped.[37]
Once again, I dispute the popular idea (propagated by the “ETs” themselves) that they are here to help us. If they are so interested in human welfare, why do they treat humans so terribly? After all of these years, don’t they know the deleterious effects that forced physical sex has upon human beings? (Whether this is really physically occurring or not is beside the point — the abductees believe that it is occurring and often exhibit symptoms as if it did occur). It is hard to avoid the conclusion that these spirits do know, and that one of the reasons they are using it is for psychological control and manipulation, and possibly their own gratification as well. Remember Donna Higbee’s earlier quote in which she and fellow researchers noticed how passive and controlled abductees became?
Many abductees have reported falling in love with, or being enamored with, their alien captors. In his later books, Whitley Strieber started to write in loving terms about his abductors. With any sexual contact there is a level of intimacy that transcends the right or wrong of the encounter. The emotions are even more powerful when the victim has been told they are special and have been chosen for a mission that could potentially save mankind — or when they shared this level of intimacy with a supposedly divine being. This is no different from the guru-like hold that many cult leaders, such as Joseph Smith (Mormons), Mohammed (Islam), Moses David (the Children of God cult), David Koresh (Branch Davidians/Waco tragedy), Jouret, Rael, and others have had over their many female followers. All of these religions, including Islam, and their charismatic leaders have advocated multiple sex partners — polygamy and/or having concubines. In the more extreme UFO cults, women and men are only too willing to satisfy the “needs” of their leaders, even to the extent and horror of offering their own children for such practices. Such is the power of control if one is deceived into thinking one is serving someone from God. We know that these leaders have left a trail of shattered lives and wrecked emotions — evidence in accordance with what Jesus said about the fruit of the devil.
In addition, it is likely that fallen angels would not be interested in sex for the same gratification or purpose that God originally ordained it — a loving human activity within the bounds of marriage and for reproductive purposes. They defile the human body, which was created by God and intended to be a temple for the Holy Spirit of God (1 Cor. 6:19).
As mentioned in the previous chapter, researchers have found similarities of a sexual nature between the ancient stories of fairies, elves, and demons, and the modern abduction scenario. Since we have already established that real, physical ETs could not reasonably be the perpetrators behind abductions, the simplest alternative is that fallen angels are the ones responsible for these modern manifestations, as well as these ancient sexual happenings. Watson writes:
In the past, hundreds of men and women confessed (not always under torture) to sexual intercourse with demons. Some shapeshifting demons were said to lie with a man (as a succubus) to obtain sperm and then (as an incubus) impregnate a woman with it. Ufologists, in particular, have been aware of the structural similarities between accounts of fairy and alien encounters.[38]
The succubus and incubus encounters are well known throughout history as the acts of demons. This was a long time before science fiction and the possibility of advanced alien technology invaded our psyche. Bishop St. Augustine of Hippo (died a.d. 430), who founded the church in Southern England, wrote:
It is a widespread opinion, confirmed by direct or indirect testimony of trustworthy persons, that the Sylvans and Fauns, commonly called Incubi, have often tormented women, solicited and obtained intercourse with them. There are even Demons, which are called Duses [i.e., lutins] by the Gauls, who are quite frequently using such impure practices: this is vouched for by so numerous and so high authorities that it would be impudent to deny it.[39]
Throughout the Middle Ages, the idea of fallen angels co-habiting with human beings was a common view (covered in detail in the appendix). Even though theologians of the day argued about the “mechanics” of such a union, these acts were forbidden by the church and often resulted in excommunication.[40]
The shapeshifting qualities of these “ancient rapists” are also similar to those of UFOs and aliens. Some aliens have been described as changing into “beings of light,” giving, once again, the illusion of a divine encounter.
The Bible describes Satan as a counterfeiter (2 Thess. 2:9). He twists and inverts everything that God has ordained for his own glory. Satanists wear Christian crosses upside down. They take communion in mocking similarity to the practice of Christians. But whereas the Christian tradition uses wine and bread to symbolize the blood and body of the crucified Christ, Satanists will use real blood and real flesh, sometimes from the bodies of aborted fetuses. In the instances of Crowley and the practices of the cults — inspired by satanic deception — it is well known that perverted rites, sexual practices, and orgies form part of worship rituals in occult circles. Such activities fall outside the boundaries of normal loving relationships, and leave a trail of anger, jealousy, and low self-esteem — the fruit of which is more human carnage by way of emotional (and sometimes physical) damage.
But why use sex? Let’s be very frank. Humans are sexual creatures. In fact, psychologists recognize the sex drive as possibly the most powerful of all natural physical human drives. In an inappropriate environment, sex can have an addictive quality about it. For many people, it is one of their greatest weaknesses, and many find it difficult to escape once they have entered the promiscuous lifestyle. It is no secret that sexually abused people often mistakenly feel that their only sense of self-worth can come in the form of the next sexual encounter, which, in turn, only leaves them feeling more hollow and degraded. People addicted to pornography find it similarly difficult to escape this sexual trap. Many victims of abductions have also fallen into this web. Sexual abuse victims often have feelings of being used and unworthy, and unfortunately many reach out for comfort and reassurance to the very ones who triggered the emotional collapse — their abusers/abductors — hence the ability to control.
I am therefore postulating that the space brothers’ sexual agenda has nothing to do with breeding programs. It is primarily a tool to manipulate and control humans. The descriptions of alien/human hybrids, incubatoriums, and nurseries aboard flying saucers are elaborate illusions to cover this to make the abuse somehow more palatable to the victim. (Many researchers believe that the sexual “experiences-in-common” of so many different abductees is the strongest evidence that advanced extraterrestrial beings are visiting the earth. So a secondary purpose of the whole hybridization charade by these deceptive entities might well be to reinforce this whole ET notion.)
Critics will no doubt regard this theory as being too simplistic. Some researchers do accept that certain details of these encounters — like the video screens and the messages they propagate — are part of pretence. But they think that the purpose of the charade is to hide a real hybridization program and somehow to make it more acceptable.
But how can this be so, when these masquerading fallen angels have always been “up front” in telling abductees about the breeding program? It is no secret, and it is part of the effort to make themselves appear to be a more evolved and advanced species.
If these are the same demons that have had encounters with humans throughout the ages, then the sexual/medical pretense would seem to be a charade to cover up the connection between their “alien agenda” and the destructive demonic sexual rites in the historical record. Remember that these are the same beings who have apparently gone to great lengths to manufacture the illusions of arriving in spacecraft to cover up who they really are (whether they do this through hallucinogenic suggestion, manipulation of energy, or whatever).
Consider this evidence against the claim of a breeding program:
if the aliens have been breeding hybrid offspring for countless millennia, where are their offspring now? Of the explanations offered, a plausible one has yet to emerge.
People seem to be looking everywhere for answers about UFOs and abductions — everywhere except the Scriptures. These say that Satan wants to destroy human lives and keep mankind from the knowledge of the true God:
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things [including fallen angels] rather than the Creator — who is forever praised. Amen. Furthermore, since they did not think it worth while to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done (Romans 1:20–28).