Verron: Birth of a Nation: Book One (Verron Series 1)

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Verron: Birth of a Nation: Book One (Verron Series 1) Page 23

by Douglas Varnell

  Tlase came out of the labs side door with a big smile over the excitement just outside her door. See saw Paul’s curious look and explained, “I remember how much you enjoyed that motorcycle of yours. I know these are not exactly the same, but when I saw them I thought of you. They are used by the field research scientists to go into places too small for the mobile lab. We often park the lab or leave it hovering above the trees or ravines and take these Mini Transports into those narrow passages.” Paul walked around one of the vehicles and took a closer look. It was about the size and shape of a jet-ski. The seat could easily hold two passengers or one passenger and light cargo. There were two small thruster exhausts exiting the rear. It was sort of like Goldwing mated with Seadoo. The camouflage paint scheme was ugly, but he could understand why a field researcher would want to be obscure in the wild. Paul couldn’t contain his curiosity and asked, “Lucy, what have we got here?” She immediately responded, “These vehicles are Remote Terrain Mini Transport Units, as Elder Tlase said, they were designed to go places too far to walk and too narrow for other transports. The vehicle is 2 foot 8 inches wide and 7 feet long. The weight is 340 pounds. There is a single antimatter micro-reactor and one combined propulsion drive and antigravity drive. It has a maximum operating speed of 350 mph and a maximum operating altitude of 10,000 feet.” Paul smiled, thinking of his Bonneville top speed of 98 mph and even his old RC-51 with a top speed of 170 mph. This thing was lighter and faster than any motorcycle he knew of, his curiosity got the better of him as he slung his leg across the machine. Before he could push the ignition switch, 99 hopped on the back with him. Tlase shrugged and said, “He’s been riding around with me pretty much all day out in the lower forests, I suppose he sees no reason why he shouldn’t ride with you.”

  Paul pushed the ignition switch and the 2-man vehicle began to hover in place just enough for the support skids to lose contact with the hanger surface. A computerized voice in the small control panel immediately announced, “Please fasten safety straps” and the vehicle remained stationary until both Paul and 99 were strapped to the seat with the belts that extended from under the seat frame. Paul was not too thrilled about being strapped to the seat of this thing, but didn’t complain. He checked out the rather simple controls and took off. Out through the hanger door and across the bay toward the Crystal River. He was traveling approximately 100 mph and decided to give the throttle a good twist and see what it could do. While it accelerated, he put it into a steep climb and ended up doing a loop-de-loop just like he could in his fighter, he followed it with a barrel-roll to the sound of screams from 99. He looked over his shoulder to a mouth full of grinning pointed teeth. He soon realized that this thing could accelerate, turn and stop like nothing he had ever ridden before. He now understood the need for safety straps. He and 99 found a small stream feeding into the river and turned to follow it. They were able to follow the narrow twisting stream just inches from the surface, as they sped along under the overhang of the trees above. Paul decided not to stay gone too long and found an opening in the canopy of trees and headed upward. He got his bearing and turned toward home. As he pulled back into the hanger he was exhilarated. His first comment when he dismounted was, “Does it come in red? I can think of a few million people on Earth who would love to get their hands on one of these.” He patted the seat, adding, “This baby re-defines the meaning of “Crotch Rocket.” He saw the puzzled look on Tlase and Zimuel’s face and said in unison with them, “It’s an Earth thing.” Ninety-nine didn’t want to get off the “Crotch Rocket”

  They finally convinced 99 to get off the “och oke”; the boy definitely had trouble with “t” and several other sounds. They were all starving since they had not packed a lunch. It was teamwork in the kitchen as they all pitched in. Tlase and Zimuel were overwhelmed with how well Paul could cook. He informed them that he had five ex-wives and not all of them could cook and those that did, usually arrived home from work later than he did, so he got in the habit of having dinner ready when they got home. He ran the show and the others cut up potatoes, opened cans, or retrieved ingredients. Paul hammered out some pork-loins to ¼ inch thick, rolled them in olive oil, dipped them in whipped eggs and breaded them with Italian bread crumbs and cooked them on low in real butter, till golden brown. He mashed red potatoes with the skins still on, and served up some snow peas. He made his secret honey-mustard sauce for the meat and fixed Mama-style sweet tea. He cheated on desert and served Marie Callenders-Lemon Meringue Pie. Tlase set four places at the table and 99 sort of used his fork and knife. At least he didn’t chew with his mouth open. Paul soon realized that he had been wasting his time clearing and cleaning the dishes, Lucy reminded him that there were thousands of drones in the complex that took care of that sort of thing. They each went back to their suites and agreed to meet again in an hour to workout.

  When Paul got to his suite he was too wired-up to relax and had a lot on his mind. He asked, Lucy, “Can you really access any computer?” Lucy answered “absolutely.” “Then I want you to do something for me; actually several things. I would never use the Elders money to take care of my family’s needs, but now I guess I’m richer than most people on Earth, so why should my family suffer while I’m away? First I want you to pay-off all the debt of my Mother and two brothers. Then I want you to deposit $200,000 into each of their bank accounts. I would like for them to know that I am alive and well, so e-mail or text them; I love you – Paul. Are there any of these things that you cannot do?” Lucy, answered, “I’ve already started; it will be done by 2700 hours Verron time. Will that be all?” Paul continued, “No, I’ve been completely out of the loop on anything that is happening on Earth. I’d like daily news updates from HLN, CNN, BBC, Sputnik, Arutz Sheva, and CNC, but I don’t want only what the state sponsored or biased media has to say. I want what only their top secret military and governmental agencies know. I want to know the truth about what’s going on back on Earth. Is that too much to ask; am I being unreasonable?” Lucy replied, “It is far better to know the truth than it is to act on a whim. I can and will get you everything you have asked for. It will be a lot of information. Should I sort through it and summarize or do you want it all.” Paul thought a moment and told her, “For now, I want it all. When I figure out what it is I want, then we can condense the information. I’ll review it each night before I go to bed.” He grinned, adding, “Maybe it will help me sleep.” With her usual, “As you wish” she began her chore.

  Paul worked out like a man obsessed, having to apologize a few times for being too rough with Zimuel and Tlase while practicing Jxansa Gha. He filled them in on what he had asked Lucy to do. They both agreed that he had done the right thing and were only surprised he had not done it earlier. When they finished over 3 hours of working out they went up to the kitchen and finished off the iced tea, the Lemon Meringue Pie and a large bowl of mixed tropical fruit they had put together earlier. While eating, Paul informed them, “I have wasted enough time flying around looking at this land. As much as I love to fly, the things I came to prepare for are best done on the ground. So, beginning tomorrow morning, I will be using a gateway or another form of dimensional travel to move to various parts of Verron. As much fun as it was to blow-up and throw rocks, I feel I will not only learn more about using my skills, but will also familiarize myself with the terrain and the creatures of Verron. There are thirty-six hours in a day. I plan to sleep 8 of them and spend the other 28 preparing myself to rule this future nation and lead my future military. I will use the evening hours to visit the shipyard and ship manufacturing plant, as well as the reactors and foundries. Before this year is up, I will be able to operate every vehicle, fly every spaceship, be an expert with every weapon, operate a reactor and a foundry, and beat the brakes off anyone with my use of The Power or Jxansa Gha skills. I need you Tlase, to keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t leave a rock unturned. I need to know every asset that is available to me and any improvements I can make to the things already on
Verron. Zimuel you’re the best friend I have and the only person whose opinion I trust without question, no offense Tlase, I need you to correct anything you see me do that is not done perfectly every time. I once had a very wise Kung Fu instructor over 40 years ago tell me, “Practice does not make perfect; only perfect practice makes perfect.” I don’t want to unlearn bad habits, I don’t have time to get it wrong, then correct it, I need to get it right the first time; any questions?”

  Zimuel and Tlase looked at each other and finally Tlase spoke for both of them, “Paul, you may not yet, but I promise you that you will one day trust me as much as my husband. But, I need to know, have you always been this driven?” Paul thought a moment and answered, “Tlase, you are second only to Zimuel on those I trust and consider friends. And your question is a reasonable one. All my life I wanted to be really good at something. In my efforts, I managed to become better than most simply from my obsessive determination to succeed and be better than others. I’ve always been very competitive. However, what I lacked was actual physical or mental abilities to do those things. It took me until I was 50 years old to figure out that I wasn’t a failure, I was just me. God finally showed me that it is not my responsibility to be better than someone else, only to be the very best me He created me to be. Now I have an opportunity to have all the mental and physical abilities to go along with my overwhelming desire to make a difference. It’s funny, but here I am worth trillions of dollars and all that matters is that I please my Father and that I somehow make a difference. It is my greatest desire to serve, not be served.” Paul paused a moment and knew that what he had just said was the very foundation of who he was and what God wanted him to be. “If you’ll excuse me, it’s almost time for the news. Either of you want to join me?” Zimuel accepted the offer and followed Paul back to his suite. Tlase had made plans to spend some time with 99 and see if she could do a little speech therapy.

  The monitor was already on when Paul and Zimuel walked into the room. Lucy greeted Paul with, “I apologize, but I did take the liberty of editing out the nonessential news items. I did not believe you would be concerned with whom Justin Bieber was dating or the hot dress Rihanna wore to the Grammy’s. But it was interesting to know that Iraq and Somalia were the two most dangerous countries on Earth and the United States made the top 10. I also eliminated weather and public interest stories.” Paul indicated his approval and the news began with Robin Meade of HLN and continued for the next 2 hours with Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Israeli news. By the time the news was finished both Paul and Zimuel were thankful they did not live on Earth and Paul was trying to figure out how he could eliminate those same problems from happening when he began to populate Verron. Then Lucy began to share secret information about the status of terrorist groups around the globe, plans for military aggression by China, Russia, North Korea and Venezuela. Lucy had intercepted and encrypted satellite communications by the CIA, NSA, Interpol, Russian FSB and Israeli Mossad, and even had deciphered messages from terrorist organizations that were still being worked on by other national security agencies.

  Zimuel and Paul paid close attention to locations of the most wanted terrorist, of proposed terrorist strikes, plans by China to control a larger portion of ocean off their shores, overlapping existing international waters. The list went on and on of hostage takings and suspected hostage locations, there were even some deciphered messages from a couple of drug cartels. Paul realized that Earth had no secrets from Lucy. Paul and Zimuel sat silently for a few minutes when the final flow of information cleared the screen. Finally it was Zimuel who spoke, telling Paul, “I now see where your sense of urgency and desire to make a difference is generated. The Xhondarian Nation has been at peace and without violence for so long it is easy for us to forget just what it is like for other worlds. I will help you get prepared for whatever actions you decide take. But it can’t be fixed all at once and it can’t be changed by you alone.” Paul nodded his agreement and simple said, “Thanks, I’ll see you in the morning.” After a quick shower, he sat on the sofa and practiced his guitar and sang for another hour, having missed his one source of relaxation since arriving on Verron. Soon, he lay down on his bed with his head too full of thoughts to relax. He prayed for a while, read his Bible and just before he fell asleep he asked, “Lucy, tomorrow night would you please reverse the order and end with Robin Meade. At least then the last thing I see before bed will be pleasant.” When Lucy didn’t answer, he added, “I can’t help it, I have a thing for Robin Meade.”

  Chapter 10

  Paul got up the next morning with an entirely different perspective. After reviewing the news and security agencies data, he knew he needed to do something and soon. He realized that the problems on Earth were so massive, that there was no way he could make a dent in them. After a lot of thought and prayer, he decided that he would choose his battles carefully and focus his efforts on one problem at a time. Even as a professional salesman his motto had been, “Plan your work then, work your plan.” He knew he couldn’t be in more than one place at a time so he would concentrate on each problem individually, solve it then move on to the next problem. He reviewed portions of the news and confidential information and decided that the most prevalent challenge facing the people of Earth was the spread of radical Islam and terrorism. Virtually every nation was being touched by terroristic activity, either directly or indirectly, thousands of lives had been lost and millions of people were suffering. The dilemma of exactly how to deal the problem was the most publicized and politicized topic of most major Earth governments. Paul kept asking himself, “What exactly can I do by myself to make an impact on the situation?” He didn’t have an answer right now, but promised himself that he would soon, but first he must learn everything he could about just what he is capable of. He left his suite for his morning run more motivated than ever to do something worthwhile with his new found talents.

  The morning freestyle run was even faster paced and daring than the day before; most of the time Paul was leading with 99 close behind. Zimuel held his own and was doing far better than the day before, he was always in sight. Paul did cheat once or twice and used his telekinetic abilities to leap across a span or two, but was surprised to see 99 right on his heels. The little goat-monkey was absolutely incredible. Zimuel soon realized what Paul had done and did a little cheating himself. On the return run 99 showed his true competitive spirit and took off like a scalded dog. He was 100 feet ahead, before Paul or Zimuel even realized he was gone. Although Paul didn’t lessen his workout, he did let 99 have his moment of glory. He was waiting with Tlase when they approached the kitchen door. Paul had never seen such an ugly grin; a face only a mother could love. The four scarfed down some scrambled Kinfu eggs, some Jimmy Dean sausage, buttered English muffins with blackberry preserves and a bowl of mixed strawberries and bananas. While the droids cleaned up the kitchen, Tlase and 99 left for their exploration and search for some new raw materials needed for a formula she had found. Paul and Zimuel had Lucy create a hologram globe of Verron. Paul selected a continent to the south of the equator and Lucy then created a 3-D terrain map of the entire continent. Zimuel pointed out an area of jungle covered with ridges and valleys of lush forests and Lucy zoomed in even more to map out a 3-D area of about 50 square miles. Paul was blown away by her capabilities. The detail was amazing, right down to the rock formations and vegetation. He looked at Zimuel, asked Lucy for the coordinates and in a blink of an eye both Zimuel and Paul were standing on a 1500 foot ridge overlooking a tropical paradise below.

  Paul spoke, “Big boulder on the north side of the creek,” and made a psychokinetic jump to the huge rock. In a blink of an eye he was standing on the boulder and waving at Zimuel. While he still was waving at Zimuel on top of the ridge, he appeared beside him. While standing on the boulder by the creek Zimuel told Paul, “Good place to work on elemental control.” He then made a ball of water 4 feet in diameter rise and form out of the slow moving creek. Paul did the same and th
en threw the ball harmlessly into a stand of trees 50 feet away. Next Zimuel drew another ball from the creek and as Paul watched, he explained, “A ball of water is harmless. However, it can be condensed into an extremely solid object.” As he watched, Zimuel’s water ball grew smaller and denser. He hurled the ball toward that same stand of trees and a tree three feet wide was snapped in two by the impact. Paul followed suit and did the same. He then had an inspiration from seeing water spouts while fishing with his friend Bill off the coast of Florida. He focused on the surface of the water and in a moment it began to swirl in a clockwise direction, it continued to swirl faster and faster as it began to rise in a funnel above the creeks surface. The funnel had risen to a height of 30 feet and was at least 12 feet wide when Paul sent it in the direction of the stand of trees. It seemed to increase in wind velocity as it got closer to the trees. The results were devastating. When the whirlwind of water hit the stand of trees, limbs and broken tree trunks went flying in every direction. The one already broken tree was hurled a hundred yards. When the torrent of wind and water subsided, not a tree was left standing. Zimuel smiled and shook his head, “The student teaches the teacher.”


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