Taylor's Tryst

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by Renee DeMarcus

  Taylor’s Tryst


  Renee DeMarcus

  Copyright © 2008, Renee DeMarcus

  Published September 2008


  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  Edgewater, Florida

  All rights reserved

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  For my husband

  Chapter One

  “Trust me, Tyanna, I can’t do it,” Taylor Anderson said with a sigh, twirling her straw around in her glass of water.

  “Whaddya mean, you can’t do it? What is there to it? You slap on some lubrication, turn it on, and you’re in business.”

  “God, Tyanna. See, that’s the difference between you and me. I can hardly talk about it, let alone do it. You could give motivational speeches on the subject.”

  “Motivational speeches on masturbation? Dang, that is too brilliant. I could, couldn’t I? Show women how to take charge of their own sensuality.” Tyanna held her cell phone up in her fist to represent the dildo. “Ladies, lube-up and quit waiting on your man for satisfaction.”

  Taylor giggled, nearly choking on the water she was swallowing. Where she was reserved, Tyanna was wildly outgoing. That was what she loved about her. Tyanna was everything Taylor wasn’t. She was forever trying to bring Taylor out of her shell. And Taylor wanted to come out. She just didn’t know how.

  This latest effort, where Tyanna had given her a vibrator and a lengthy lesson over their weekly lunch at a local deli, had gone the way of all of Tyanna’s other tutorials—Taylor was willing, but deep down she knew it just wasn’t her.

  “C’mon, you have to try again. Did you have a drink first?”

  “Two actually, and neither helped. I’ve never had an orgasm without a man, Tyanna, and even those were few and far between.” She tried to sound more lighthearted than she felt. The truth was, she’d only had two orgasms in her life and she was pretty sure they were flukes. “In fact, it’s been so long, I don’t even think I can remember how it felt.”

  “Aw, now that is just not acceptable. I told you, a girl has to know how to please herself. Listen, you are twenty-five, it is high time you managed an orgasm on your own. Hey, how about some dirty movies?” Tyanna picked up half of her corned beef double-decker sandwich and took a bite.

  Taylor rolled her eyes. “Ugh, no way. Seriously, that stuff just isn’t for me.”

  “Okay, then I am so setting you up with someone. Fast.” Tyanna flipped open her cell and began furiously clicking with her long, manicured nails, obviously scanning for a phone number. “You need a man to give you the big O? Man you will have. Tyanna will hook you up, girl.”



  “No way. Seriously, Tyanna. Blind dates are the worst.” Tyanna had a determined look. Taylor had seen that look before and knew it meant trouble. “Remember the last one? Robert? Three minutes into the date he pulled out his resume. His resume. Who does that? I actually thought he was under the impression he was on a job interview. It took me ten minutes to figure out that, no, he was just trying to impress me with his credentials.”

  Tyanna seemed to be ignoring her, so Taylor raised her voice. “Tyanna? No more lunatic dates. For real, Ty. Besides, I’m really okay on my own. I mean, sure, I would have loved for the vibrator thing to work, but maybe I was trying too hard. I’ll give it some time and try again.”

  “No, you won’t. I know you, girl. You are convinced you can’t do it, so you can’t. Even if you try, you won’t get off. You think you need a man, so you do.” Tyanna sat her cell phone down on the table by her plate and picked up a potato chip, popping it into her mouth whole and crunching loudly. “I’ve got it,” she managed between chomps. “I know the man for you. Brian.”

  “Brian? Who’s Brian?”

  “Dang, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before.” She popped in another chip and crunched. “He is so perfect.”

  * * * *

  Brian leafed through his latest case file. The usual nasty divorce—infidelity, accusations of stalking, violence, and of course, lies. Why people even bothered to get married, he’d never figure out. He checked the date of the first deposition scheduled in the case and realized it was tomorrow. Clicking on the schedule on his laptop, he saw the dates were different.

  Tyanna. He’d only been with this firm for a month, but already he knew she was less than up to par as the company’s shared legal assistant.

  With only three attorneys in the firm, a shared assistant should be fine. But she had repeatedly mixed up his schedule and he had ended up looking like an ass in front of clients on more than one occasion. Enough. He’d hire his own assistant. Plus, Tyanna seemed a little on the fringe. She was always wearing unprofessional, long wrinkled skirts and her hair was so bushy, an afro-style just screaming for relaxer.

  Let the others have Tyanna and her screw-ups, he was trying to make a name for himself. An incompetent assistant did not fit in with the plan.

  Brian closed his schedule file and went in search of Tyanna to point out her mistake. Again. He found her at her desk, touching up her pink fingernail polish. “Tyanna, do you realize you listed the wrong date for the Hansen deposition in the file?” The harsh smell of acetone filled his nostrils.

  Tyanna looked up. “Huh? Hey, Brian. What deposition?” She went back to examining her nails.

  Brian let out an exasperated breath. “The Hansen deposition.” He enunciated each word clearly. “The paper file says it’s this week, my schedule says next week.”

  “Oh, shoot. Let me check my master schedule for you, hon, give me a sec.” Tyanna turned to her computer and began clicking away. “Yep, there it is. It’s next week, hon. Crisis averted.” She winked, as if she’d bailed him out of a problem he’d created. The woman was infuriating.

  “Listen, Tyanna, I’ve been meaning to talk to you—”

  Tyanna interrupted him before he could finish. “Whoa, we are so on the same wavelength today, hon, because I wanted to talk to you, too. See, I have this friend that is perfect for you.”

  Brian grimaced, somehow she managed to call him hon in nearly every sentence. Every day.

  Seeing his expression, Tyanna chastised, “Aw now, I see how you are. You’re thinking I’m playing matchmaker, aren’t you?” She pointed her finger at him as if he was being naughty.

  “No.” He took another polish-filled breath. “Actually, yes. I’m not interested in dating anyone. I wanted to talk to you about your work.”

  “My work?” Her eyes narrowed, and her wet fingernails froze in mid-air.

  “Yes, specifically these schedule mix-ups. They seem to keep occurring.” Brian nodded to the computer, more than a little put-off by how intimidating his incompetent assistant just became.

  “Oh, that.” She flipped her hands up, visibly relaxing. “Don’t worry, hon, it’ll straighten itself out. We’re still getting used to having you around and I guess it’ll just take some adjusting. No worries, Tyanna’s got your back. I will cross reference your files with my master schedule and the one on your laptop. No big thing.”

  “Well, that would be helpful. Are you sure this won’t happen again?” Maybe he’d been too quick to judge. He should give her another chance. Bringing in another assistant now would likely cause some tension in the office and be
more trouble than it was worth.

  “Now, about my friend—”

  This time Brian interrupted. “No thanks. I am not in the market for a relationship.”

  “Who said anything about a relationship?” Tyanna went back to polishing her nails. “Girlfriend just needs some sex.”

  “Excuse me?” He must not have heard her correctly. He glanced around the office to see who could have overheard.

  Tyanna laughed. “Aw now, don’t get shy on me. I know you’re a player. You have a rep. I know all about your little escapades from your last gig at Walters and Browning, so don’t bother denying.” She looked up from her nails and smiled at his speechless expression. “What, hon? You don’t think the assistants talk? Puh-leeze.”

  Wow, now this was a conversation he hadn’t expected when he’d stormed out of his office to inform her he was hiring her replacement. “Tyanna, this is interesting… but I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, for starters, this is a very inappropriate conversation for us to have in the workplace.”


  “Okay, see, now that is also in the inappropriate category.” He glanced around again, relieved to see the place was empty.

  “Bullshit again.” She put her nail polish down and looked at him intently. “Now my friend Taylor is as sweet as they come. She’s also funny and very independent.”


  “But she is lonely and I know you are just the thing for her. You’re pretty fine for a brother and you got it goin’ on in the bedroom, from what I hear.”

  Brian couldn’t help but crack a smile at that one. “Gee, thanks, Tyanna. I think. I’m so glad you’ve decided to limit our conversation to only workplace-appropriate-topics. But I’ll pass on the friend. Don’t think I didn’t notice that when listing her many fine attributes, you left out attractive.”

  “Aw, I get how it is.” She leaned back in her chair. “Well, rest easy, because Taylor is super-hot.”

  Brian eyed the leather behind Tyanna’s head and the ergonomic armrests beneath her hands. Why did she have the nicest chair in the office? His was uncomfortable and kept squeaking. “Super-hot? That’s a pretty big statement.”

  “Uh-huh, and she is. Taylor is petite but still has some cushion in the right places. Blond hair, pretty green eyes, and she’s smart, too. She does Biomedical Research. ”

  “Smart, huh? Then why is she having her friend set up sex-dates for her?”

  “Who said she was? Hon, Taylor doesn’t know anything about this. And you will not be telling her either.” She was pointing her finger at him again. “She is as straight-laced as they come. That’s where you come in. I want you to show her how to let loose. You know, sexually.”

  “I cannot believe we are having this conversation.”

  “Believe it. Did I mention she has a really nice rack?”

  * * * *

  Taylor could not believe she had let Tyanna talk her into yet another blind date. And Tyanna had called three times today, encouraging her to let her wild side out, have a little fun, and stick the vibrator in her purse. As if.

  Of course, all of Tyanna’s suggestions had managed to make her a little horny—not what she wanted to be just now. She was working on a new project at work, analyzing research and compiling data on a new Alzheimer’s drug, and she needed to stay focused.

  Nothing ever came of these blind dates, so getting worked up sexually would just end in frustration anyway.

  Still, she wasn’t immune to the suggestions and she’d tried masturbating in the shower, without the vibrator, but no luck. As usual. So before leaving, she’d stuck a couple of condoms in her purse and ignored the voice in her head that was asking her why on earth she needed condoms when she was going out with a complete stranger. She’d continued to ignore the nagging voice, which sounded strangely like her mother, as she donned a dark plum bra and thong set. She was allowed to feel sensual, even if she was celibate.

  Taylor pulled her purse strap onto her shoulder and tried to discreetly adjust her skirt. It was too tight. Why had she worn this? The weather was scorching. She should have worn loose shorts.

  She glanced at her watch—he was ten minutes late—unless of course she just wasn’t seeing him. Meeting a blind date downtown, during The Taste of Cincinnati, might not have been the best plan. They’d agreed to meet at Tyanna’s favorite vendor, one surrounded by men in lederhosen.

  It was wall to wall people, hot, and smelled like burnt schnitzel, and Taylor was giving Brian about two more minutes.


  “Huh?” She spun around at the sound of her name and came face to face with a very attractive man, one that gave new meaning to the phrase tall, dark, and handsome.

  He smiled down at her. “Are you Taylor?”

  He was so handsome, his smile so perfect. She realized she was staring and he was beginning to look confused. Oh, right, attractive men made her stupid. Tyanna should have remembered that before she set this up.

  “Yes, sorry. I’m Taylor.” She stuck out her hand awkwardly. “You must be Brian.”

  He grinned. “Yes. Tyanna said you were pretty—I’d say that was an understatement.”

  It was a bright day and the sun was in his eyes. He was squinting slightly, but Taylor could still see his eyes were a warm, rich black, a color so dark it should be dull, but wasn’t.

  Taylor sensed the blush rising to her cheeks in a heated rush. She blushed easily, and not in a good way—in a red, splotchy, maybe-you’ve-been-bitten-by-something way.

  She felt a tug, and realized she was still shaking his hand.

  Let the blind date awkwardness begin. “Um, thank you.” God, this was a mistake. He was way too attractive. It would be a disaster. Time to bail. “Look, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have agreed to meet you. I’m just, well—”

  Taylor was interrupted by a man in lederhosen stepping between them. He was carrying a large tray of sliced strudel. She stepped back to allow him through.

  “We’ll take two of those.” Brian said, reaching into the pocket of his denim shorts for his wallet. He paid and grabbed two pastries on little paper doilies off the tray, handing one to Taylor.

  “Uh… thanks,” Taylor stuttered, accepting the dessert.

  “Let’s walk while we eat.”

  “Okay, sure.” They could walk towards the parking garage. Since she was leaving. This guy was way too much for her. Tyanna should have known better than to set her up with a man like this. He was out of her league.

  Shy, introverted Taylor did not do gorgeous, confident men. She should just ask out her boss, Scott Murphy. Shy, introverted PhD types like Scott were more her style—boring—but at least they’d have something in common and she wouldn’t break out in splotches.

  “So, you’re friends with Tyanna?” Brian popped the strudel into his mouth and crumbled the paper doily in his palm.

  “Yes.” Excruciating. Blind dates with good looking men were excruciating. “Well, actually I’m rethinking that friendship.”

  “Really, and why is that?”

  “She’s pushy and sets me up on blind dates. I’m sorry, Brian, you seem really nice, it’s just… This was a mistake.”

  Brian raised an eyebrow. “I take it this isn’t the first blind date Tyanna has set you up on?”

  “No, and please don’t take it personally. I’m just not the blind date type.”

  Brian chuckled and put his arm around her to steer her through the crowd. It felt like a protective gesture and Taylor shivered at the contact. Yep, he was definitely out of her league. She picked up her pace, intent upon walking to her car as quickly as possible.

  “Are you in a hurry?” His voice sounded amused.

  Taylor stopped abruptly, spotting a garbage can and tossing the melted remnants of her pastry in the trash. “No. Look, if you don’t mind, I think it’s best if we just end our date here. It was nice meeting you—I’m just sort of done with the dating
thing for now.” Taylor watched his amused expression fade into something else—disappointment? No, irritation. Oh, she did have a way with men, no doubt. “Yeah, well… Thanks for the pastry.” She turned and bolted into the crowd, refusing to look back.

  * * * *

  Brian could not concentrate.

  He’d tried losing himself in work all morning, reviewing current case files and preparing an argument for an upcoming court date, but it just wasn’t working. He’d finally given up, swiveled back and forth in his squeaky chair for awhile, and resorted to answering emails and surfing the net to pass the time.

  It was Taylor.

  He could not get her out of his head and kept replaying their brief encounter in his mind, each replay revealing more details about her—her shapely legs, her long blonde hair, the way her blouse gaped slightly at her breasts, revealing a hint of a dark purple bra beneath the white fabric.

  His overactive imagination had to be embellishing the details—no woman could be so instantly appealing to his senses.

  He had intended to meet her, have a short stroll through the Taste of Cincinnati restaurant booths, sample a few dishes, and part ways. He had only agreed to the blind date because Tyanna absolutely would not take no for an answer—that woman was pushy to the extreme. She should have been an attorney instead of an assistant.

  Now, as he replayed their brief time together again in his mind, he couldn’t stop thinking how adorable Taylor was. She was obviously intensely shy, the rampant red patches covering her fair skin evidencing the level of her social anxiety. It was strange. They’d hardly even conversed before she’d escaped into the crowd like a scared little rabbit. Why he should find her so appealing was a mystery.

  Brian had never gone for shy women in the past, never needed to put forth the effort it would require. Women came on to him frequently and he’d never lacked female companionship, especially after passing the Bar exam and joining a prestigious law firm. In fact, women were practically throwing themselves at him from the moment he set foot in the office, lured by the image of prestige and money—both nothing more than illusions created by his newly acquired position at an already established firm.


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